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<br /> pwymenu mi4y no lon�er be nequired. at the option of Lender,if mort���a iaeur�nce covera�e(i�►the�mount�nd for tbe pedod
<br /> `� thst Leader raquire�)pmvIded by�n Luurer appmved by Leador��ain becon�availablo and i�obtained. Bortower�hall pty
<br /> the promtuo�required to mRtnWn mort��e iaaunnce ln effxt.or to provIde a low raerve,uaNl the raluiremwt for wort�o
<br /> � L�sunnce end�in accordance wltb�qy wdttea a�reement between Sorrower md Lender or�pplicable l�w.
<br /> 9.Inpecdoa. I.ender or ib t�ent nuv mdco reaoozuble eatrla upoa aad inipeotton�of the Property.Lender�h�ll�{ive
<br /> _= Bomower nodce at We dme of or pdor W�n Inspectton�peciPyIng reaaonable c�we for the lnspectioa.
<br />== 10.Condaanntlon. The proceede of�ay aw�rd or al�lm for d�msya, direct or con�equ�enHd� in connxNon wlth any
<br /> - condemiutioa or other Wdng of any part of the Property.or for convey�ace in He�u of condamwHon�am henby�wlgned u�
<br />.— �h�ll be paid w Y.ender. �
<br /> — In the eveat of a total tddaQ of the Property,the proceede siuU be appUed w the�uw securad by thie SacurIty Yn�trument�1
<br /> � wbdhor or aot thea dtu� wlth any exce+� pld to Borrower.In the evcat of a pRrtta talcin�of the Property ia whieh tLe fatt
<br /> marleet vdue of We Ptoperty immedtately before the ta{dng i�eqwl to or gmator th�n the aaauat of the sume�eeue+ed by thi��
<br /> Security In�teument immadi�toly before the tddn��unless Borrower�ad L,eader othenvl�e aaree in wrItin�, the nunr�ocured byC
<br /> - thit Securlty Instrumeat �hall ba reduced by the amount of the proceed�multipHed by the foAowin� fncdon: (a) tbe total�
<br /> __ �mouat of tho sum�aecured immedlate�y 6afore the taking, divided by(b)the fai;market value of the Pt+cperty irnmediataly _
<br /> beforo the hkln�. Aqy bal�aee s1�11 be paid w Bonower. In the evwt of a partid WWcinII of the Pe+operty in wbieh tho fitr �
<br />— matic�t value of the Property immadlately before tho takin�ie lea�th�a the amount of tha�um+�ecund immediatoly befare the �
<br />"� talde�,ua1eW Borcower and Lend,er otharwlee agroe in wrltfng or ualeae �pplicabla 1Rw othorwise provlda,the pmceeds e6a11
<br /> be�pplied to the etuns eecured by this Securlty Inettum�at whethar or aot the sum�are thoa due.
<br />-- If tha Property ie ab�ndoned by Borrower,or if,�fter notica by Lender co Borrowar that the copdemnor offers to m�lce an
<br /> �wud or�ettle a claim for duaa�a� Borrower ftile to reapond to Leader wlt6ia 30 dsys�tter Wa date the notice 9��Ivea�
<br /> I.eader i�wthorized to coAect wd�pply the procaedi.�t ite option,either to re�toradon or rquir of the Propedy or to the ntm�
<br /> _ �ecurod by tht�Sxurity In�tiuwent,wbathor or not then due.
<br /> Unlew Lmder and Bomower otherwire a�roe ia wrItin�, �nY �pPlicatloa of proceaL to prinoipal �ull not e�cta�d o:
<br /> po�tpone tbe dne date of the moatWy ptymsnta nfernd w in p�rs�rsplu 1�nd 2 or ch�n�e the unount of�ueh paymeaq.
<br /> 17,�uw��y.r Ni�t Rde�ed;Fn�bmramx By Leader Not a Wd�er.Bxtaa�toa of the time for payment or modificativn
<br /> of�mordutloa of the rum��eeured by U�t�Secudty Initrument�nnted by Leader to any nuxa�wr In intee+at of Bormwee�bRll
<br /> not opernte w relaue the IiabIDty of the ori�Inal Borrower or Boerowar'�ruceaan In jnte�+at. Lender�11 not bs e+equind to
<br /> c�mmeo�e proceedie���ln�t�oy niccaaor in interat or retiu�e w extaod tlme for p�ymeiat ar othee�vl�s modlf�r aoaottirsdon
<br /> of t6e � recurod by tLi� Secudty Iau�vment by rawn of�ay den�ad m�de by tbe orlrla�l Borwwer or Bore�ow�r'�
<br /> a�ccaMOn in(ataro�t.My forbe�nwca by Leader in exeroi�ia��ny dtTat or remedy aull not ba a wdver of or pe+eclade the
<br /> exerci�e ot�ay rijht or romedy.
<br /> , 12. SuooaNOn wd A�Band3 Jolat and S�.weral LlabWtyi Co�a�. '[he covau�aa�od �p+eem�ab oi t6l•
<br /> � Wecurity In�tiumeat aull bind�t�d beaeftt the �uccaion u�d aMipu oi L�ender �ad Borrower, w�bject to da provl�iao�of
<br /> parqr�ph 17. Botrower•� coveoanb �nd yroemenu �ll be joint�nd �evenl. Aay Borrower wdw co-�lpu tW� 9eautiry
<br /> = L�ttumeet but doa not e�cecute the Note: (�) 1�co-�i�alaj t6i�Seeudty IntWment ody w moet�e� �nt�nd oonvay th�t
<br /> Bortower•�iaterat Ia the Preperty uadee the temu of eW�Security InKeumenti(b)i�not penoo�UY��i+�b P�Y the wuu�
<br /> �ecurod by thi�SeeurIty Ia�trumenti and(e)�e+ee�thu L�ender and u�y offier Barower may ay+ee W eateod,modlfy.foehar oe
<br /> � m�iee way aeoommodatlooi wlth re�ard to tbe temu oi thi�Sxudty Inthument or the Nate wtthout t6at Bosro�ver's 000Mnt.
<br /> g 13.Lo�a Char�e�.If the taa�ecund by thi�Secudey Iamument i�rubject to�law wLich�eb maximum lam cbarja,
<br /> � �nd that lsw is }inally intetpceted a tlut the intarest or other lwn ehu�a eollxted or to be colleeeed in 0000ection with the
<br /> lo�c exoeed the permitted UmiU� thaa:(a) �qy�ueh Iwn ehRr�e�htll be redueed by the�mount neeanaty ta reduce the ch�r�o
<br /> . to�he pannttted limit;�ad(b)my�umr alrardy collxted from Bon+owar which exceeded permtued limtts wW bd nitMded to
<br /> Borcower. I,encler may choo�e W mvice thl� rettwd by reduciuY the psincipal owed uadar the Noto or by mdcjn�a dlnct
<br /> - paymaot W Bomower. If a reflmd raduca psincipal, We reducdon wIll be te�ated u a patitl prqxyment withoat �ny
<br /> prepayment cLar�a under We Note.
<br /> 14.NWkq.Any notiee w Borrower provIdod for in tlil�Saurity In�teumeut dWl be gtven by deliverins it or by m�iltn�
<br />__ it by Rnt clw m�il unlee�applic�blo l+�w nquira uee of�nother method.'!he noNce elull 6e directed to the Pc+opecty Addrar
<br /> = or my otha�addra�Borrowar daign�tes by notice to Leader. Any rr:oHce W Leader�tWl be�iven by fiM cbw m�il W
<br />�:::� Leadar'��ddrow�tated herein or u►y otl�er addreas Lender do�i�asta by aotice to Borcower. My nodce provIded for in thi�
<br />- Security Imhumeat sh�ll be deemed to h�va boen�iven to Borcower or Leader whon�tven a�provlded In tbi�para�nph.
<br /> ��,, iS.Go�erninR Law; Se�aabillly. Thi� Sec: ity Iruhumeat �hall bo �ovemed by federal l�w wd tbe !�w oft6e
<br />- jurl�dicdon in whtch the Property ts loeated. In We eveat th�t any pmvieton ot elawe of tbi�SecurIty Inittument or tbe Note
<br /> conflicb wIth appUcable law�eucb conflict ihall not�ffxt other provi�ton�of tLi�Securlty Inetcumeat or We Note which eaa be
<br /> g'aven effxt wIthout the confltctln�provI�toa. To thio ead the pmvi�ion�of t}il�Security Inst:umeat aad tha Note are da:lared -
<br /> to be�evenble.
<br /> � 16.Borrower's Copy.Borrower ohall be�tvan one conformed copy of the Note and of thl�Securlty Initcumeat.
<br /> " so irso
<br /> �e s11(NEI ro:�:�.oi LT044 15 69 �i4p1 e FO'"� -
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