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<br /> portion of the Trast Property. Tnistor ahall not,without the prior consent of Beneflclary�terminate, `�
<br /> cancel ar accept the surrender of�or suffer or permit the temunation,cuncelladon or surrender of such
<br /> lease�except upon the expiration of the terrn ttiereof,or materlally modify or alter�or suffer or permit
<br /> the material modification or alteratton of such lease.�T for��n r�ent(159b)or�more oftthe net
<br /> into any lease for a tenm in excess of �4 y P�
<br /> rentable area of the Trust Property withou i pdo�5�' en consent of Beneficiary.
<br /> VE �
<br /> 10. Payment oi Premiva�.Tiustor shall pay all premiums upon any life insurance policy
<br /> which may be held by Beneficiary as additional securlty f�r thG debt herein rofemed to.
<br /> i l. Fees for Intornr►ttoa. Trustor suall pay Bauf�ciary,w the extent permitted by law,
<br /> a reasor�able fee�as determined by BeneficIary,for provlding to Tcustor or a third party a statcment
<br /> conceming t6e obligations secured by this Deed of Trust or any other lnformation nequested by Trustor
<br /> '. or the third party.
<br /> 12. Security Agreeraen�
<br /> (s) Cirant of Security Interest• V�'ith respect to any portion of the Trust Property which
<br /> ' constitutes personal property or fixtures govemed by tt�e Uniform Commercial Code
<br /> � of the State where the Tnist Property is located(th�"Code"�,this Deed of Trust shall
<br /> ? constitute a security agreernent betwan Tmstor as Debtor and�3eneficiary as Scc=wr.�
<br /> � Parry,and'fruston c�reby gracits to Beneficiary a security interest in such portion of the
<br /> Trust Property. Cumulative c�f all other r�ghta of Beneficiary hereundtr�Beneficiary
<br /> : shall have all of the r�ghts conferred upon secured parties by the Code. Trustor shall
<br /> ' execute and deliver to Beneficiary all financing statements that may ftom time to time
<br /> be required by Beneficiary to establish and raaintain the validity and priority of the
<br /> ; security interest of Beneficiary,or any modification thenof,and shall bear all costs and
<br /> expenses of any searches nasonably required by Bcneficiary.
<br /> �'� (b) Rights of Beneficiary. Beneftciary may exercise any or sU of the remedies of a�ecured
<br /> "t, party available to It under the Code with respect to such property,and it is expressly
<br /> agreed that if,upon default,Beneficiary shall procad to dispose of such property in
<br /> - � accordance with the pmvislons of the Code.ten(10)days written notice by Beneficiary
<br /> ' - to Trustor shall be deemed to be reasonable notice undar any provlsion of the Code
<br /> �` � requiring such notice;provfded,however�that B�nefleiary may�at its option,disp�se
<br /> � � of such property in accordance with Beneficlary's rights and remedies with nspect to
<br /> the r�al property pursuant to tln pmvisions of this Deed of Trust,in lieu of proceeding
<br /> � under the Code.
<br /> ' (c) Change in Trustor's Name.Trustor shall give advance notice in wridng to Beneficiary .
<br /> of any progased change in Tmstor's name,Identity,or corporate structure and sh�11 .
<br /> � execute and deliver to Benefic:�.ary,prior to or coneumntly with the occunence of any
<br /> --. ' Uad of'ItusG NstEnment ot RenG+.Secucity A6roemau and FBcturo A g(N6•9N7)
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