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<br /> '--- -y.v'.�.±td11[L�_.1LBT...4r�m.a�.=— �'��w-�i�—'.�`".T.�i'�mY_lfr�=6/..'iT�:Ri'�"-r.1:.'S'.a'^5Y•'2''.iaei.--_--_'
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<br /> .- _ � YfW�f�iWYta'�1f.f fYYG11Wl�L.�.uii.W..:�..r. _._ - .--.-
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<br /> 9?� ������bcd,ut ilic optiun of l.�:ndcr,If �no�����t;�l��surunce cuvcrngc(in Utie�unouut aud for Qu perial �
<br /> puymeiUs mny n o� I
<br /> �I�at l.ender reyuirc9)provldcJ�y a��tt�sn'orinsurn cc,i�effcrt!�rr unprcrvide a loss�rese Ive'u it I tl�curequir ment far m r�g�8
<br /> lhe prem{wna ra�ulrcd ta n�nininin ro g B licablc law.
<br /> iusuruuce e�x1e in accardunce with nny wrltten ngrccinent Ixtwcen U�rrowcr and Lender or app _
<br /> 9. Inspccllnn. l.ctxler nr it�aKeat mny's�cc ionQSpacifYli g�tc��nble c uso�for tl►e i��pection r����rly. l.cncler aliall give —
<br /> Ilu�mwcr no�lcc ni�he il�uc nf ur prlor tn nn p
<br /> I0� 4�mdcuunUl+►n. '1'hc prcxee�ar nf thc Prnperty,or�furrcoirveyi►ce�in iUcu of co�xlcmnutian, fl C�C'CCVy iaR51�111.'tI BIl<I
<br /> couQemnation or othcr taking oP m�Y p
<br /> shn11 bo pnid W L�cndcr. �iecl to the sums Recured hy tl�is Sccurity lnstrument.
<br /> In thc ovcnt uf A tatnl l�iking af U+c Pro�xrty,the prcxced�shnll bo app
<br /> � whcll�cr ur nat lhcn due, with��ny cxce.ts Par re tl�ic�king is'cyunl ta�•Brente�rcl nnttl e n�unt of thcesumsnsecuraltby Upis
<br /> markct value of tl�c{'ro{�e�ry imnxdinle�Y b�
<br /> Security lus�ranknt imnx�liulllbo raducocl by `U►e etiwungaf'tlecprocced�'�dnultipliediby�g�ollowinggfracUoun�(a) the lut l -
<br /> Ihis Sccurily Instronxnt sli
<br /> amount of thc auiti�a sccural immaliately 6efore the laking,Jividecl by (b) the fair market value of Utie Propeny in►med�ately
<br /> before the tuking. Any baisncc shall bi �f f�r B artaking isnless tl�nn��ll�e nmount o'f tl e`sunu tsecuPal f mnalia ely befon��ir
<br /> morket value oi tha Property imnxcliute y
<br /> tnking.unless iiorrower a�xl L.�ndert4�Securite lis ti'ume t wl eEil ec ar not tlu au��lareA t en due.fu rrovida9.�he procads shs��
<br /> " be npplicd to ll►e sums secured by lh Y --.
<br /> • IF tlw Property is�bundancd by�B�r(Wcr fa Is�tot rGnpo��d t yL-����r Wi►hi�� 30 dayeAafter thc dntc thc fno ce is givcn.
<br /> awanl or settle a cldim far B
<br /> l,endcr is autliorixcd to collect atxl�pply t6c ptoceals,ac its option,cithe�to restoratlon ar repatr of U�e Property or ta �e sums
<br /> secured by this Security[ustrument. wl�etlur or not ll►en due. �i����n of prc�ceecla to principal shatl noe exteixl or
<br /> Untess Laxier and Borro�yer o►I�erwise agrce in w�iting, muy aPP
<br /> postpone the due dnt�oi�Rel�wxd;For�ra�Ay k�,�er Not a�Walver.Batension of the ti��mc for paymc c or��malilication
<br /> ll. l�orrowcr No
<br /> � of amurtizat�on of the�suma secured b'`c af�s��ti�tt�aWCr�or�Bor�a wrbs success�rs in inter�t�.Leixler shall not berrrequ ied t
<br /> � not operate to retease tl�e Ilabllity of t 8
<br /> i CO1n���p��i��85�g�ji�s���curitvcieistniment�by renson uoP eny dc and made by'tlie�origi a Ba�rowerf or Borrowera _
<br /> # oi iiie sun�s xcurcd b, ili.s _. .
<br /> �tsly sl�s!! s�o�k+r a waiver of or preclude t e
<br /> successora in intercst. Any forbeurance bY 1-�ixlef in execciaing any rigi�t o� �a
<br /> � exercise of any right or ren�iy•
<br /> Co-signers. 71ie covenants ind ogreements af th a
<br /> � 12. Successoi's nnd Assigns Buund; Joint and Scvcral 4tabUity;
<br /> Security instrument shall bind nixl bene�<<a��a��ntssstiull�be joint�a d seviernl.Any Bo rowerswl�o co signs thia isSecurity
<br /> � pnragrepl� l7. Borrower's cove��unts and g rant�nd convey th�t
<br /> � lnstnumnt but does not eaecute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Instrunxnt only to mor,tB�B�� 8
<br /> � Iiorrower's interest in the Propercy under the ternu of thia Sceurity Instrument; (b)ia not peraonally obligatod to pay die sums
<br /> i sa:ural by this Securhy lnstrument a d�to tl egerms�of this SecuTi Y inst unkrt or tl e Note witho�ut that tBocrowu af cof��r or
<br /> = muke any�ccommaduttons with reg
<br /> � 13.I.oan Charg�.I[tretcd ao tl�atrhebi terest oruotli r'laan c�ar6esa i ceted or o be�cohioctod in connxtion with the
<br /> � m�d that law is finally interp to redua the chuge
<br /> � loan excad the permitteJ Ihuita, then: (a) nny such loan dinrge shall bc roduced by the a�nount nece.ss�►�'Y
<br /> . to tlx permittal limit;auJ(b)any„�ke;��efund by reduci g�the pri�cipal�owed u�lerrthe��Notenar by'makinguaadicect
<br /> Bo�rower. I..euJer may cl�oose ta
<br /> �. �uyment to Borrower. If a rcfu�xl raluces principal. the rcduct[on will be trwted as a partlal prepayuxnt witbout any
<br /> prepayment charge under lhe Notc. _
<br /> ; 14.Notices.Any notice tojBbla law equires use of anotl er�n�etl cxiStThe noQ aaRhallBbe directecl'to th Property Addross
<br /> a it by(irat ciASS mnil unless appl
<br /> or any othcr uJdress Borrower d�nB�Q�her address L.ender designates byti o tcc to'Borrow���' A Yii otice providal for�inithla
<br /> � Leixicr's ndJress stuted herein o y
<br /> , Sc�urity instruui in'S�I n�`v; Sev,erabilily.�Th�nSccur ty Instrun ent rsl AI lebc govcrinod by Pfaleral�Iawl�and tl e�aw oi'lhe
<br /> 15.Govcrn g
<br />— jurisdiction in wl�ich ��l��n��cl cont�lict s iz►1� n'ot Ffect athc p�is ons of I is Securi►y inst u ne t�or tlte Note�1 icli cun be
<br />= conflicts wiih applicable .
<br /> given effect without the crniQicting provtston.To tids en d t he pr o v t s i o n s o f t h is S e c u r l t y I n s t r u inent and tht Note wre decla
<br />� t�be severable.
<br /> a � 16.Borrower's Copy.Borrower shall be given one confonne d cnpy o f t he N o t e a n d u f t h i s Securtt y Instrufor�mt3oze slso
<br /> � �
<br />�--� PnB�1 ot 6 .
<br /> ��
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