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<br /> S. ��p�d or Praperl����'�e• a�►rr cluaul�witl inelhe't rm�rext�ulcd cov age i�m�d uny I��I er'haanrdn`Gi uluding
<br /> pr��Crty insurcd ugnlust lus+by fire, hazarda in
<br /> rl�xls
<br /> rovidin tha insurnncc shaU bc chuscn by q��rrawci,v��ll���cr`i nycrac �l.endcr'e
<br /> nM„i,or n�rna. fnr wL•icB L.e�xlcr rcquirc�in5uruacc.'1'hie Insurnncc eht►11 bc muintnLud il�a�anu�unte+nnd nr t io{►e
<br /> tl�n1 Le�Kfer requlres.The insurnnce carrtt p
<br /> . rt In uccnrduncc wi�h p�uagrnph 7.
<br /> wbich shall nat be unrcnsonably witlibcld. If R��rrowcr fails tc� mnintniu covcrngc cscr xc � r
<br /> option.obtnin cover�ge to protect L,eixler a right�In U��pr�lx Y
<br /> All insuronce poUcie.s aixl ranewals ahall be a I���'��T°r yui�cg.lDnr51Iw'eriRhnll�promptly givc�tarl.cixler nll rcce r�r of
<br /> shzdl have the right ta holJ the policie.g anJ renewala
<br /> id remiums and renewal notices.ln Uie e��n►of�n�'a�r nwcr.S��nll give prc�mpt noltce to l��a����°�p�o�4i�"�p fep�}Q{the
<br /> pA h Ited to�cat
<br /> LcnJer may muke prooF of loss if not madc prampt Y. Y
<br /> Unless Lendcr and Borrower otherwlse agrcc in writing,insiu's+ucc proceeds sliall bc npP lied to the sums
<br /> rt damaged,if tha restoration or repair is ecn�w�»�WUUiJ beilcl5 ei edLtlie ii�urance pro���1�F�n11 a�_rp��AbApdnns,tbe
<br /> Propc y
<br /> rcpnir is i�ot ceonamically feusible or I.encler e secut y
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument.wlnther or �iot then Jue� wiQ�any exccss paiJ to Borrower. �r`o ray �u���s
<br /> �� or do�a nat answer withi��30 Jaya n nutice n����u e lhe procecdsi t ur�PAir orrrestore tl e Prapc�y iVe�c'Q'����then
<br /> Prope Y�
<br /> L,eixler msy collect the i�uurance praceeds• Le�tder Y �i�µ,i��begin when thc not c g
<br /> Itcntion of proccala to principal shall noA ment�. lf
<br /> r,ecureel by this Security I��strument,whether or not then due.Tlie 30• ay pe
<br /> Unless l.ender and Borrower otherwlsC agrcc in wri�ing, IIny nPP
<br /> ��pmx the due date�of the nron►h�Y P�Y�»����$ �eferral to in puragrnpl�s l anJ 2 or chnnge tl►e amount oi tlio p y
<br /> po this Security Instruuxnt
<br /> under arngroph 21 the Properly is acquired by 1i..eide`SSB�a��Jcrsto U�e extent of tlie ums seeu�by pr�d4�ulting rom
<br /> � dor to the acquisition s p
<br /> damaga to the Properiy p Borrower'�I.oan ApPlicution;I.esu�ehol�ls.
<br /> imnxdiately prior to tlie acquisitimi.
<br /> 6.���p�p�y� p��servut►on,Maintens►nce and ProtecUon o[tlie Yroperty;
<br /> est�blish.a�x�use the PropertY es Borrowe�'s principal restdencc wiU�in afxty Jnys nftcr the executlon of
<br /> Borrower shxll occupy. the Pro rty as Borrower's principei residence for at least one Year aRer
<br /> thfs Securiry I�utru�rnnt and el�all continue to occupy � damage or impalr the
<br /> the dnte of occupancy. unless l..ender otherwi�sce��rrower'sgco itrol.ceorrowerASl�allt ot d�fn defa Itti[any,forfeiluce
<br /> extenualing circumstances eaist whtch nre y gorrower shall be
<br /> o Q�a thnt ln Lendcr's�ood faith judgment couW result in forfciwrc uC the
<br /> QsQ�,,,,�Y. ��oW�hG P�opeTty to deteriorate.or commit waste on the rope Y•
<br /> action or procading, whether civii or cii�inal. L L�o+.
<br /> ul in arngrnph 18�bY causing tlio action or procecdinB't�op di[t�issed�h��edai
<br /> Property ar oUxrwise nwterially impAir the Ila�cret►cal bY tl�is Sccurity lnstrument or t.axicr s se..'urF:Y�sit£�a�.B°rrower m
<br /> cure Ruch a default and reinstate.ns p�avid ���udes forfeiture of tlie Dorrower's interest in P�
<br /> thut, in Letxler�s Bo�d faitli determination. p
<br /> � ainnent of the lien created by tl�is Sxurity Instnu�neially fnlse or•inaccura`t in[o mattan oratatements t Letx1�(a�fnilai
<br /> in p lication process. Sove
<br /> Bunower,during the loan app
<br /> to rovtde L.e�der witi�any materisl Informatton)in connection witl��1ie 1O��nci ial�estclen e�I N��is�Secu ity Insbrument is on a
<br /> P
<br /> tn. representntions co��aming Borrower's occupancy of tlic Property ns a p' p
<br /> iwld, Borrower sha�� �o»>P�Y �'i��� n11 ����provisions of the Ieuse. lf Borrower acqulres Cce title to tlie Propccty. ���
<br /> Iwse
<br /> ��au��old and the fce tttte snall not nxrge unless Lender agrces to the mcrser fn writ ng.
<br /> 7,protection of Lender's K�Bhts�n A��pCOlKrty.If Bon•uwer fails to perfonn thc covennnts and agrccmenls contained in
<br /> this Security lnslcu►nent. or there is a legal proceedin8 tlmt may signiRcuntly affect l.ender'�riglits in the ProNerty (such as a
<br /> rabute, fnr condemnation or Coriciture or to enforce luws or regulations), thc����d�s A tio u�maY
<br /> proceeJing tn bnnkruptcy.P to �otect the vnlue of the Property and L.ender's rights in d�e Pr°PenY'�in in cou�t. paying
<br /> pay for whatever is necessary p� � �f�n W��tcli has priori�y over tliis Security instrunknt. nppea S
<br /> include paying any sums secw'ed by
<br /> . ble attorneys' [ees and entering on the ProperiY to make repairs. Although L.euder mny take action m�der this pA bSrthia
<br /> reasor.a
<br /> -. 7�Lender does not have to do so. ���der uncler thic paragrnpl�7 shall became ndditional debt of Borrowcr secu Y
<br /> Any amounts disbutsecl bY � ment,tlicse umounts ahall bcat interest froin tlu
<br /> a �ble, with intaest, upon �iotice 1'rom Lender to Bonower rcyuesting
<br /> • Security lnsuument• at'�e Nole ateaand sl aal begp y�o other lcrms�f p.y
<br /> date of disburaement
<br /> payme��t.
<br /> 8.Mortgage insarunce.lF Lender reu„��ui�a"�p�n�uin uin 1 e �o gingc�i�i urnnce in�c[Cect lf ufor nny,reason,�tl e
<br /> U�strunxnt. Bo�rower sl�all paY the Premi q
<br /> uired by Lender lapses or ccases ta bc in cFfect.Dorrower shull puY the premiums requited to
<br /> mortgege insurence co�erege rc,c1
<br /> obtain rnyareBe substent�a��Y Wuivalent�oCe��reviously insefCecte [roni an`Itern to�nortgage insurer npprlovcd bYn,LenJcr` I[
<br /> cost to B6rrower oF tlie►nortgnge insurn p
<br /> e insurance coveroge is not availnble,Barrower shall pnY co Lender�cli month n sum W►�a to
<br /> substominily equivalent mortgng
<br /> one-twel(tlt of the yenrly mortgnge insuraetain tlusc paY��cnts�s a l Bs�reserve iue lieue of Unor guge i su n►�ice. Losscreserve
<br /> -- be tn cffect.I.aix�er will nccept,use nnd r porm 3o2e 9190
<br />— P.oe a ai a
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