. ,
<br /> .•d � .
<br /> - ��r' - .. . ., tiF�'%�—
<br /> . ... _ ;i,��ti'• .. � " � _:i,. , _ — _ '�rt r.-...
<br /> ..M;b..., . •s , . . .i.. M�"b"bl?�iR�.:i•�r: �I.,. . . i . . �� �-!r:'.`T�, �
<br /> .. • ._......__.___.��....�.111i�..._.s_`. ...�_ _- . .._ __ .,�. ._...-._..�
<br /> ' �. •:1•l •1 Vrf-_'�.�..�' '-y . _ .,,�.�n� ' ___„""
<br />� _�t
<br />�t4M"�,��•'� .
<br /> ��:v,YA :�,. ,
<br /> �y .
<br /> . '�} ���� ���y��� �;Y
<br /> j.� ' �t iq opdoa w�d witt►�ut prlor nodca ot d+eouad th�ll luve tlse d�ht u� doclRm ttie lndebtectuea acured hy tbe _
<br /> _ _..,� Seawity Iatcument� imerpxdve of tUo m�tur,lq c�Ltn speclflc�In thc Nate or nota iecured byAw Secudty latwmed� --
<br /> .,> tmmali�tely due and pay�bta. Tnutee• 11Q�f1 Pl'qC[1t�aQp a it oI�n atftdavlt d�aed by Lenckr �etdaQ fonh facu M
<br /> .,,�.�.
<br /> showla� a �eF�ult by Borrower unAcr tLl� pr�8aph, �e �uthoriud w �ccepc +u tn�e u�1 con�loaive dl fircu sad K,
<br /> ;,y;�;•,,,; et�tomena therela. �nd to act theredn hemsnder.
<br /> 29.'I1�e ,L ot IYe Bre�oe. Tia�e b ot ttie e:ecnco (n ttw Aerform�e of e�ch provi�loa af t61s Secudty
<br /> °"`�� IneWmeat.
<br /> 30. Witrer ol StMale ot Ijmiutlo■r. '!�e pleAdini of the wtute of timitatlone a+a defeme to eafot�aaent of
<br /> - �*� this Sacurity Iaanunent. or any and dl obli�sidone roferced w henein or�ecured beceby.b htceby waivud W the fullat
<br /> # extent permlKed by l�w. __
<br /> � 31. l�tadiec�tioa. 'lbie Securtty InsWoasot mty be modlaod or�meaded ody by�a s�reement in wrltt�nQ d�aod
<br /> . .. by Borrowa and L.eeder. of thi� Securlty I�tiuroen+t �re for
<br /> ec
<br />._�,!,;�w�:- 32. ('.aptio+r. 'Ibe crptlon �nd headin��u tLe be�inoinj of each D�r+�c�ph ravi�lon ai tW� Securlty
<br /> ..;.! , the comede�e of nknace only �nd wjll not be ueod In tlre 1nte�Dret�tion oi �nY P
<br />',L7= ' IDRtt11MCII�. � �f.SCCIU��jI�LtfNLiCL� f11�1 bG
<br />-"=�_�� 33. CaMtnctioa o[t�o Sa�it7 ta�un�t- Botrower sad Leader a�roe
<br /> _,";.:'.,'�= inteepreted In A fai�r�equ�l� and�uirtl nua�r as to e�ch of d�e pe�da�a�l in the eveat oimy�met�u[ty hereln.ao -
<br />'°;�:�_.
<br />�`-'�..�� infecrac�e t�U be dr�wn�ain�t t put�by mooa of documeat Pnp�rad�n.
<br /> -,�•��. �t_ v�liea u�ed in thL Sxudty Intiument, �11 mean�vltbwt
<br /> - ��'{r:+, �. � l�� w�w a �Q�tr
<br /> limitsdoa by zason of emuover�don. Ia ttr3�Savrity In�umeK, wheo�►a We context eo nequln+. the m�il1x
<br /> �.=�;.y�� �e�er i�luda the femWa andlor neuter. �od the dn�ul�r nnmber i�Wda We plural.
<br />-"�"`� �' 35. ndeb�r�ese+t. To tt�e extent pemnided bytpplic�ble La.Bonawer atWl nimbune Ttwta �nd Leader for
<br /> •'..Y!_
<br /> K°T_. . �ny�ad all c�oals� faa atid expemes abicb sither msy iavr,acPend or eaa�tn ln the exocudon of tLe tnut
<br /> `;,:,-,- -�� beramder ar ia the perfotm�a�x of any�ct required or pemiitted her�u�er or by 1aa ar ln e�r3ry or otbes�vl�e+ridu�
<br /> �-,:;;� out of or In connocdoa witlh this Seauity Inavment+ tbe Note, �ny othes note eecured by thiu Saairlty I�uuantat
<br /> -°-,=-: or�ay othet in�ument e�cauted by Bato�rtt in conna;don wtd►�Nooe or Sx�ty Inqrtm►ent. To the p�kat
<br /> `��.j'�� miitted by �ppliciblc l�w�Boirawrr �hall pay to Ttustee and 1.euder their fea ia conoecdon wlth 1Yuqx �d
<br /> ��-{� � �;�� �,� �.�erviceA u�isin¢ out of or in oonnecdon wlth thia Socurlty Ioet�ument. the Note. �aY
<br /> ot6er note recured by tlil9 Savdty r*�••,,�.="- or�ny other ins�ume� a�ecuted by Borrower in oonneadon wim�e
<br /> �-=;� Note or Saurlty In�c►uneat.
<br /> j=::s� 36. Claic�l Baar. In the eveot Leader u any time discuvas d�t t6e Nooe�any otber note saured by ILL Secndty
<br /> -- Instnunent, tbe SecudtY Insuument+ or my ot6u doa�meat or insuument executed in oonoxdon alth dtie Secu�ily
<br /> - In�uvmed, tLe Note or my other mte eecuted by this Secvrlty In�m�t comin �n arnr tbat au camed b�a
<br /> va��� clalcal m�lae�calcuLdon ea+ur,cam�tcr malfaacdon. Pr�tin�emor or aimllar amc.Boauwa ajroea�vpon aoQce
<br /> fram Lenda. ro reaucaUe any docvaseote tt�t an�Y��O°�u�owa ttu�t are�,dic+ectly indirxtly ca�ed by
<br /> � Le�ier wllll mt be liable w Bon+nwer fa aay dama8�+
<br /> _-_ any such aras.
<br /> -- 37. Lat.SWea�De�tc�e�a ldah'Lood Sewrii7lu�t�m�eat �d O�er pocaniaior. Intbe Cver�t oithe ba.tEeR
<br /> - or destrucdon of the NoDe. �aq othet note sxored by thia Socurlty 1ns�uon�at. the Socadty Inqnm�nt or�ny odier
<br /> --- do�vmente or ln�enb e�cxutod in eonraecfloa wlth tbe Saauity Inat�umait. Note or notw (collac�vdY.the '1a�a
<br /> ------ Documenb'), vpon Borrowu'a ra:eipt of an indemnificsdon acxuoed ia fiva of Bo�mwer by Irackx. a,in the �vent
<br /> . .. of the mudl;don of wy of the Laan Doam�eats, upon 1�der�e s�ureader W Boauwa ot tbe mutllated Lan
<br /> ---— Dac�meN� Homuwar aluil ezxWe �od delivx W Le�1er r�L�n Docwnent in fomn and canLeot idwdcil to�wd to
<br /> eetve�s s repl�cament of,tLe lat. soolea, dtmoYai,or muliLted Loan Documeot and such nplaa�nt �il btvo
<br />- - � •- the a�me fora in efToct a�tbe 1oix, stdw4 des�royed, or mutiLted Loaa Docaaoem� �nd msq be tratod fa all
<br />---� P+►rpos�s u the orl�intl ooPY of svch Lan Dociw�e�. to Lenckx dn raw of�e
<br /> - - 38. Ao�■eat ot Re�ts. As addidonal sec+�tity hen+�uder, liorrowa hereby a�aigoa
<br /> — pmpertY.aith or wlthout tal�in8 Poee�s�on of the Pmpeatq. Hoaower e�ll bave tbe ri�lu W oolkct iod nttin the
<br /> ---- rcds of tLe Pmperty�ts they become Que wd p�yu�le provlded Lender L�s mt exacised its dg2W to nquite immed4Ge
<br /> �-...0-- p�yment ln full of tLe sums aec.vred by this Sxvdtq IusWiuent �nd Borrower L�a mt sb�ndoned tlye Prnpaty.
<br /> _-�� 39. I�id�t�a A��6 I�adePs Rig�. 1f enwcbment or expintion af�ppiic�ble Iswehas the eff�ct of rendaing
<br /> '�'��� anY Provision of tl�e Note or thia Security ��tcument unwfonable acoozdiq� w ite tecros�Lender,�t im optioa.msY
<br /> �`--�:�y immodiste payment ia l�ilil1 of al amos sa,vred by this Savdty Iosanmenc ud msy iavo�ce anq:tasedles
<br /> _ ,�,.•;:�:.. . p�imitted by ptragnWi 21 of tbis Sa�rlcy lar.t�ument.
<br /> -� .:'J;`•�v�
<br /> •�_:.•..;n�X:.�r � If t1111 bOI�S C�ItC10l�, thE fO110WT0g p�l1el�l '��8�$I�O� t0 by BOIi�O�NGt:
<br /> {�. ��L'i-00�.'y ��y��r• AS sll �UDl�1E� fOI T.C�I t0 IIli�(C t�1E lOiri �EC11LG� >fy tb0
<br /> � Security Ia�tn�ment, Bocrower lus repres�nted W Lenler tLat tLe Prnperty wjll be occopied by Bomowa aIthin d:ty
<br />_ ' ' (6p) daye folloyving cecordatlon of the Secunty Imtcument �nd d�cin8 tLo tvMelve (12)month pezlod immedluely
<br /> ' �nowin8,�aaon of the Security I�stevmeat as Bornower'a prIm�uy ratdeaoe. sorrow� .�now� (_)mac
<br /> ,�, .� Lender would mt h�ve�eed w m�l�oe o'�e loan evldenced by We Note or aotes saa�red by this Secnrlty Iffiuvmeat
<br /> :e.s._ n.,,,�.... ...... .w c.,t,�mvKr..00cunieti. md (b) tlut the iutetrst r�te eCt focth a►tLe faoe of Ihe Note tad
<br />-- .,,�-- - �-- ,,...,. ...,,,�.., ..�- -- -- -- - - .
<br /> other teims of the loan wen ddern�I�d �t r�ult of Borrow�er'a reprcseab�don thit ti►e Property wwld be oa�r-
<br /> .�,",�• occupial. Bornnwer fu�ther �cimowledges th�t, among Mher tWnQe (i) pu�h�seie of loan4 (includt�g �encies,
<br />� � associndoac �d corpondoaa cnated by tLe tederal�nd state govermnnte for the purcl�sse of loane) typleally require
<br /> . tLat propacties saudn8 loins acquired by a►ch pumhrse�s
<br /> be ow�r�ccuplod. tnd will n�Ct for pucrbase low»for
<br /> : which seataty Properties ue aot owar�oceupied. (ii) 1.ender's abiliry to sell a loan or m interest in a lwn (which
<br /> it otten does ia she ordinuy course oE buusiness) will d�enby be impiired where a seswitY PropertY is mt oa�r-
<br /> occup;ed, (iii) the dsts involved and �be cos�of holdjng and !�;��5:-*�-� a loui ue often higher in the cax of t
<br /> loan ia which the axurlty PropertY is rot awner�oocupied� t�l (iv)if aad wWen Lev�lee m�kes a loan on tl�e sscurity
<br /> of non-o�mer occupied propertY, Leuder typtc�lly makes such a lan on temns diffennt from those of Iwaa s�ecured
<br /> 1�/\SKA Altl[ li�o[iA1L1 aBV• 0�J9A � /,
<br /> oa�..� s�n...r'.c�o�w►�aa Pagc 6 ot 7 /
<br /> Borrower InidaL+ �� .—
<br /> nuuor.os ORIGINAL -
<br />