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<br /> �.�
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<br /> �,c�r .
<br /> I�FM�, .,.��"' '.,_ �. ..�.�....'..,. .. . � . _, r. , � _ ,.:i,..:�t•.hA�s,F -`-.."`'x�...-� , ..--f-_..,.a.—.
<br /> pq��wKSiv.t. ..r+
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<br /> . �
<br />_ .14ti � � ,
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<br /> �'I��v�a�� ��
<br /> If ve LendaT ws�tten mtice of tny imesdQ�doa, cLim,dem�nd, 1Awa�dt or olher scdoa _.
<br /> Borrower ehill PromI�lY �1 Im�ol t!►e wd wy Hwsdow Sub�twce o:
<br /> `' by�ny Qoy�mmenu�l ar n�Lary ���Y or pdv�ue puty �i ��' W --
<br /> ��'K'• `� Snvlcoameaqil Lw of which Borcower h�t actu�l knowled�o, If Bo:cower leuas. or ie nodfial by tx►y Sovemmenul
<br /> or regul�w:Y authorlty, t�t any reawvv or ott►er reaveditdon of wy H�ardow S�b�W�ce �ffxdn� the PmanY 1e � _
<br /> . . • pxe�aary, Borrowes shsU promY�tlY take all nece�w+rY reu�lial s�ctlons la accordnnse v+ith Bmimnmenvl Law. � _
<br /> Boirower e�ll be solely nsponeible for�rbsll lndanntfY. deknd aad hold h�aleae I.ander, ita dltecton� o�cen� �
<br /> .�w5, employoes� ittorneys. �ents, andi their rtspective successon tnd�ed�w,from and�Ydn�t�nY a�aU eLimi�damnd�, —
<br />��� a�usea of acdon, lo�e,d�auQe� coct ({ucludinQ �ctu�1 attomey�' fea wd court co�tt tad coea of�ny requlral or
<br />'. --- �tY rep�� cle�wup or detoaiflcadon of tha PmpertY �rd t1� P��on and imPlanentntion of aay closun� -
<br /> - ,�-fi or other roqaired Pl�w). exponrGS wd litbility dirxtlY or indireetly�siny ix►t of
<br /> tb�tement. conteimnent� teiaedW
<br /> or atuibutable W (s) the we. Benradoa swraQe, nlea�e� threatened ��• d�',�rge� di�osal� abitea�ent or _
<br /> . pn�ence oi Hwcdflut S�betances on,under or about the PmpoctY. lb) tLe t�u�sp°rt w or froou t6e PropertY of my
<br /> Hua�rdow Subctmcea� (c)t1u violulon of any Hwrdoas Subswice�Lw,u�d (d)anY H�wrdous Subtnace� cLim�.
<br /> °� As uaed in thle par�nph 20,'Hwrdc�us Sbbstwcea' an tljoee snbaau►aa deYwed�s toxic or tnucdau subRt�nces
<br /> �.:',;� byBm�im�l La�nd tho followlnQ�ub�t�acec: �+uoline�kemeea, other fLmmable or to:ic P�,nd rndlw�cdve
<br />.�"��+•:" toxie pesdeidea wd hecbieida� voLdle aolveaqt� materi�l� contaiain� +�bestoe or fomwldehqde.
<br /> -`_-���° m�te�isls. As ueetl in thii Pu�gr�Ph 20�"Bavlro��anW Lw'mauu fedaRl Lwa�ad Lwe of the jurlxlicdon whae
<br />-��'��'".::� the Pmpeity Is locatted dut relua to halth, akty or eavlrmm�ental protactioa. _ _
<br /> '°�'- Raediea, Lender stWl �Ive nudce w Borrower prlor W acceler�doa followln� Homowrr's
<br /> '�j�.:: 21. Aooda�tioa: I��meat (MU mt Prlor to �ceeleradoa under Pu+g�'+�I� 17
<br />- ,:•. _: bresch of�ny oovenu�t or�� ia this SavdtY
<br />'_:�;,.,,..-° adietwl�e)• 'Ibe mtice stull epeclfY:(+) tLe deLnit:(b)the acdon required w cute tl�e
<br /> _--,��. unleaa�pplic�bu l�w pca�vlda by which the deLult mutt be
<br /> '-��._�': defiultc (c)a dite. mt lae thta 30 dsy�fcom the d�te tLe notice is�ivea w in tLe mtla may rault ia acceler�doa
<br /> _;�_t�,� aued;�nd(d) t6�t fxilnre w cure the defiwlt oa or beforo tLe date opesified
<br /> .. ;�,_ of ttie sumi eecured by thit Securlty Instrnaaent �nd e�le of tLe PropertY• T6e nodoe s1n11 furtLer lnfoma Bosow�er
<br /> mi
<br />=`==;sta��1 of the rl�ht to reinstate �iter�ler�don and the rl�ht W bdng�caut acdon to�eaect tbe non�ict�oee of a de t
<br /> ^--=��:�1 or aay defen�e of Hotrower w�cceleradon �nd e�le. If tLe defiult i�not curod oa or before the dato q�ecifiod ln the
<br /> _ _�.`�:��� nodce� L.rader �t ite apdoa m�y rc4uln immedLte P�Y�a in full of�ll enw �ted by ihfs Secudty Insuument
<br /> �rhnn� fuaher dmsa� �nd au►y invoke the power of eale wd�ny otLer remed[a permit0od by�pplicable Lw. L,ender
<br /> =-��=•., t hulino huc
<br /> _- sh�il be endtled w collaet pll expenses incurnd in p�ua�in� tbe r�modics pN�Ide3�i�i:p�r°-�"sF� 2��-�------_
<br /> _-_°`�-��;ifi'� not limiced to,ra�omble auomeYe' feea�ud costa of dde evlda�ce.
<br /> --,, ud in which�ny ptct of the
<br />_,=�,����
<br /> If the powa of Qale it imolred.Tm�tx �Il rxord s aot�ce of defiutt in ach �Y ble Lw w Boaower uid
<br /> -.�5;���;
<br /> �-.,r,r.� Pmpaty L loc�tal aad�11 mail copiea of ench nodce in tLe maaner ptacrlbed bY�PP
<br /> --�� to ttre other pe:ana preaaibed bY�PA�ctble ]sw. Aiter the dme requ�rod bY�PPiic�ible l�w,Tivatee�11�ive public
<br /> _- ------ mda af tale W the penuns �ad la the manner Pne�ibed bY�PP�Ie 1aw. Tnuoee� wlthout dan�od on Borrower.
<br /> ----- e�ll xA the Pmpe�tY u P+�blk auction w tLa hi�hat bidda u tLe tlme and pL�e and under the �emo� �d��
<br /> � in tLe mtice of sale ln o� or more pamel� �ad in any orda Tiurdee ddernaioa. 1Yusta m��PatPo
<br /> �;�� or any patcel af tba PmpertY bY Publle�nnou�+nent at the time and pl�ce of any pc�evloosly echedule� ale. L,ender
<br /> --__°_= or i4 desf�e m�Y Pu�� ��y ��y eile. �tee'e deod conveyltl� fhe
<br /> _--- Upon raxipt of payme� of the pdcG bld,'I�scee sl�ll deliva to t h a p u r c h a�e r
<br /> `_� ,:,,� propertY. The rocitaL in tLe Tiustce's deed�11.be prlms fide evidence of tLe tcuth of the stttementi made therein.
<br /> 1Yustee slull�PP1Y�P�s of tLe ale in the followiu�ocder: (a)to�11 coeta tnd expea4et af exere�eini�P��
<br /> of s�le.wd the aale�i�u�i�,adthout limiadon, the PaYn�en�of tLe Tnutee'e fas actu�lly incurred, �ad raeon�ble
<br /> suornys' fea�ixmnitoed by Lw;(b)W all sums eocured by thie Sav�it�'Instcume°�% aad(�)any exceas W the pereon
<br /> or person� 1ep11Y edltled w it. I Lender �hall request T:uatee
<br /> ---= 22. lieoo�e7a000• UPon P�Yment of all sum�eecured by tWs SecurIty u�e�t.
<br /> ._ -�:::'•_"° to raomay tLe PmpertY and s�ll sumnder tbi�s Secudty Instnsment. tLe Noto and aU otLer �tes �ocured by this
<br /> ----- -- Saauity I�atcum�nt to Tmstee. 1Yusta shatl rxoavey dye Propert�'aitbo+�R wanantY w the Pe�'eon a pacso� IeB+uY
<br />-�---�^°ti�� enddal thercto. Stich parson or pereons siWl paY all foiwardlt� fas imposed bY u�+ �O�'�i►� ��
<br /> __�� ._��- by Ttuscoe. �nd all�oeta rel�dns w the record�don of the reconveyance of this Secority Iastnm�at.
<br />-�-��,--.��� 23. Subrdavle 1YaMee. I.ender maY, froo4 ti�sme w dma, bY ia�mn�t in wiidn�. subsdtute a s�ccaseor or
<br /> .._'����'�'■ suce�sots to my Ttusta wmed in tLe Securlty Insaument oc�ctinB t6ereunda. Surh inctcuanent shsll be e:ecuted
<br /> _ -.-�:��:_, or couatia wLen the Pmpe�tY
<br /> :*�� ind wckmwlod�ed by Le�ier �wd ra;orded In the office of the ieootder of tLe countY
<br /> .r�=�:`��.` is sitw�ted �nd sh�ll be co�lustve pmof of the proper eubstitudon of such wccea�or Tiusta or Tiustxs. Sbch
<br /> ,�:4:.,,�,K..� , r TYusta. succeed w�11 its d�le,esnoe,
<br /> :,�;. socces.gor Tsuatx or T�u s t a s s h�i l,w l t L o u t conve ywoe 6rom the prodeas.�o
<br />- -- righte.powers�ad dudes. The pmcatura heretn pmvidod fo����of bo�lYnsta o t�ay suoxseor�Tcuctee
<br /> `=� � . � provisioav for suhstitudon peimiaed by 1aw. The malan8
<br /> . � is hereby waived by Borrower.
<br /> _:. � ?,4. Reque�t fae Not�oes. Borrower roquests ttwt coPies of the �otioes of defAUlt And sale be sent oo Bomower's
<br /> iddress which is the PmnertY Addre�•
<br />- .' : ��; 2S. St�o�eeat of�bliptioa Pa. Lender may collect a fee eqw1. W tLe m�xlmum amount �s may from time to
<br /> Y. dme be�llowed by Lw for liunishin8�aY statament of obligation, be�8ciarp's st�tement. bene8ciacy's dem�id or any
<br /> �.�3 _ _ ��•r �errment reaacdina the condidon of or baL�e owing under tLe Note ar axured by this Sxurlty Ia�cument•
<br /> - �_---
<br /> �-- _-�_� _...� s.. .�,.
<br /> ��- --- --... _ _ - -
<br /> •r�"`- .,� 26. �iE lddrit R�IC. 'ILe Note conhins Pmvtston4 wni�n provi� wi au,aw�.o .�... .�.....,�... ... .__.
<br /> � interast rate �nd monRhlY MY�nta. 'Ibese grovisions u+e Iasttvn►ent shall be bdeemed to hnve•bcen offset or w be
<br /> ` 27. Ot�t. No indebtalness secured by this Savdty
<br /> � offset or compensaced by all or part of aay cl�im.cxuse of acdon.cau�ercl�im or crossclaim, wLether liquidated or
<br /> � unl3quidited� which Borrower (or.subject w ptragraph 17 of this Securiry Iasuument. u►y succescor to Bonower) now
<br /> �� 1 or hereafter may luve or miy claim to have�gainst L.e�ler.
<br /> 28. Mia�pC+e��tat� �ad Nu�c3o�aus. Borrower 1�msde cert�tn. wcitten repnsentadoaS and disclasures in
<br /> uMer to induce L.ender to maloe ths lan evideaoal by tLe Note or mtea �,vhich this Security Inctcument sxures.aad
<br /> . � in the event that Bocrower has made any mtterid mimPresentsdon ot fiilcd W disclose any mueri�l fict,Lender,
<br /> `� � p�ASRA A�1Q lot0(iAl� �flV• �'n }+�go 5 ot 7
<br /> Dae,� a�,�.ra t�oo�Wsua Borrower Inkitv -- —
<br />�
<br /> �
<br /> � ORIGINAL
<br /> � Htwarr.os . - �--�� •_:�.riir+�'t •��.,,aS:�;i�•u.:�..
<br />