..'� .. . :
<br /> � � , "„ ��,����. -
<br /> li�yn,. +.�r.{-..;�.,;,��;�.,,-=_:=-' - — =;-
<br /> . a� Ifrt.. - ' .✓.���' '.�N:��Y•n�. .�ri.... - � __ . ._ ._'___.. ..
<br /> L � :ML� �MIIMIIMyq�ay,..,.�.,....,�ow.,a«aiCl!t'� _.. . .. . R..��.
<br /> � ��.�i-,�. ... . � r:.v�
<br /> ' ',.. .� , --';�+..
<br /> 4*
<br /> � ��-iv��o,��
<br /> ��=
<br /> ' � lic�don of pmceeds to prirw9pal aba11 aot extead
<br /> Uulas Lcndet wd Borrower othenvlse �ra ln wrldn��u►Y sPP 1 acd 2 or c�e the �a�aum of tl►e .
<br />` �� , or pacepone tbe duo dtta af the mopthlY P�Y�� rcfecred to in p�r��caP� liciea �nd _
<br /> . .,� P�Ymente. If under par��pt► 21 tUe PropertY i��� by I.eader� Boaower'e�W►I.ende�w tbe��e of the sums
<br /> procads resultin� frwu dama�o to the PropertY Pdor w the rc9�idoa siuU P�ss
<br /> sec�ucd by tW�Savdty Itutiument imasediitely pdor to the acQuWdou. �such in�ru�ca ie not
<br /> on the Property ' '"
<br /> � �''��' If Barmwer oMaias �ny other h�wrd iasur��e or Rny other insun�e�losa piYee thereunder wd(ii)be subJect _
<br /> . ��,�i ���lly r e q u i r o d by L e�e r� t h e n e u c h i n s u r a n c e s h a l l(t)n�m o
<br /> � to tLe Pmvlslom oY tW�P��h aod Pm�ectios ot tLe PmQat7r ����� Lo�a Appi�o�; 1�.
<br /> s� 6, Praavadon. 1��i�°°� tLe PmpertY, aUow the Pmpartl' w deterlorate, or commit w�ste on the
<br /> - Aormwer si�nU not destmy� dema8e or imp�ir whether civil or crimin�1, is 6e�un that
<br /> m �
<br /> F, Propesty. Borrower aball be in d�fnult if nny forfeipue �cdoa or procadin��or atberwise m�uri�Uy imP�ir th� uen :--
<br /> in Len�der's good hith jud�aent could nxult in forfeiture of t6e PmnertY ,.
<br /> ,',` crpted by thie Seciutty Insuume� or Lender's savrlty inc�rest. Bormwer miy cure such n def�ult �nd reinsute, as
<br /> � 18,b cwsinY tLe acdon or proceodin� to be disoaissed wlth a iv1�n8 t��. la L.ender's Sood filth �°
<br />- provided in prraanPh Y or otLer mateii�l imp�irment of the lien _
<br /> . dete�miwdon, Precludea fo:felwre of the Boirower's interest in the PmpertY _
<br />� ' ' crated by thir SecurltY Instcument or Lender'e secudtY interest.
<br /> Borrower eiWl,u Borrower's own expcnse• �►Pl� in And defe� aay�cdon or procecdtn� P�uPo� to affect `
<br /> rdon tbereof ar Bormwer'� tide thareto, ths v�ltdity ur �.iorlty �'etie lle.� c�-�ted b��thle
<br /> • the PropertY or �ay po Imtzument o� the
<br /> � ScxutitY Instn�a�nt� or the rl�hts or powcrs of Levder or Trustee wlth nspxt to tbie Sxurity In4Kument, for
<br /> n
<br /> property. All causea of�cdon of Borcoacr. whether Accnud befon or tfter the dnte of the S� ia whole or in
<br /> � • d�umge or in�}ury w cho PmpertY or tay Piut thereof, or in connection with�y�by L,ender. or iu cannecdoa
<br /> . p�rt by the pmceeds af ttro Note or my other �� �'��or�cd n uisla�in tort or cona�ct and cau�ea of
<br />_, � with or�� p�rtY ot�ny p�rt tixreaf, � o to I.encler,and tLe Pmceeds thetoof
<br /> ;� xcdoa for fn�d or conce�iment of s m�terLl fact,sn,�nfmm etll iu eapenees, i�ludia��as�nable sttor�Ys' feea�
<br /> x
<br /> s�aU be Pdd diratlY to L,euder who,nfter doducdn� � or W any defdenc�► undar che SewrltY
<br /> ' ` �y Apply such pmcade a the snms secuiod by tl�e SecurltY elect. L.ender msy,tt ite
<br /> � Inqniment or miy nletse �ny monies so received by it or ury P� �nof, �e Lecder msy en
<br /> ----- fa 3t�u�a n*� any acdon or Dmceedin� w enfocce �ny such ewse of�edon�
<br />- , opflon,�ppeir in wd Pii�uW W exe�a�te wch futther �ssi�ents +w��Y
<br /> ss�
<br />_ � �ay cuonpraniee or eettlement tLereof. Horrower �a ��om and iu Lender ebill reqxs�
<br /> +�m,•,*+�s��a Aa fcom dwe to t�m�e may be n�ss�cy to effectwte Nhe foreYolu�P
<br /> u
<br /> , =,:a':': � tfoe lwn �pplic�don pmces�� Stve mateii�UY fi�lu or
<br /> .. ,� Bomowar sb�ll also be in defiult if Bonower. � arlth�ny mtterttl inform�doa) in
<br />_`�f;'�;;,:':; in�ccur�ce infomudon or sq�tementa w Lender (or failed w pravlde T.emer ,
<br />,�r:..-�.t,::• but not Wnited ta�rePnseau►8ons co�aair� Bormwer�
<br /> ,,,,.r�,;;...�c conoecdon wlth the lan evldenced bY nstdence. If tl�s SecurltY In�rument is on s leaebold,Borroacr�11 comP1Y
<br />�_�:�_;,{..� �►P�y af the PmpertY �+Dtincipal fee dtle to the PropertY, the laadiold u►d tLe fee dtle ttWl
<br />---°""';�;,�?`o-..�:�:. � wldt all the pmv�Ciom of the lwe.If Bottower acqu�rea
<br /> �';A,�+':�;,x not merge unle,ai Lrender � �O � ia the Pmpaty If Botmever Lils W pecfomt tLe coveaintt �nd ��
<br />=„ y,,,�,.," 7. Pmle�tioa of Iread�c't Rigtis ��y��q�y�Lenckx't rlghts ia the
<br /> a�� J� � ia thie Secudty Instnument� or tl�ere is a le��, for co�t�on or forfeiture ar to en�orce Lwi or
<br /> �"_ �-�� p�y (�uch �s • proceedl� in ba�ilnuP�Y• P '
<br />-=°_'�°���'J reQulsdons)� tben Lemer may do nnd p�Y for wlutever i��►�P�� � value ot tho ProPertY a�LRnckr�
<br />-' �'� � Landsr's scdona msy i�lude psYlnB�nY��ecured by a lien which hu prlority o�ver this
<br /> `:'-'`�*°.'�u--.^ rl�ttb in d�e PmpartY• + oa tLe PmpectY W m�1re repaire•
<br />'"'��� �� �ppeuing in coutt,P�►Y�8�mble �ttorneyt foe�wd ena'jn8
<br /> -���': � � � �ty 7,Levder does not Lsve W do eo.
<br /> ��,��;;c Although Liender voty tatt�e �cdoa u�r thie Pa'AScap� 7�11 becomue addtdon�l debt of Borrower aocared by
<br />��. ta
<br />�'b..^ _ � disbursed by Lender under tbis pu�B�
<br /> �Y i°�0�'� to other oeima of payment� theee �mounts s]WI beu
<br />'`�:-�.��:.' this Securit7► � Unless Borrower �nd I.ender �ee
<br />_;.,�.;�� nt st the Nate r�te in effect froon time to time wd s�11 be ptyable,wlth interat.
<br /> �Cr�t fm�the d�te of disburseme
<br />��� upon nodce fmm I.ender to Hotrower nquest� P�Y�� as t oondidon of m�idfl8 th�e Ian eecured by this
<br />----�.- :�� 8. Mcnt�e Ida�aaoe• If Lender reqaired moct8+�8e ia�'� � ia effect.If.for
<br /> -- �;N Sxurity 1nst�um,ent, Bonow�er sball PiY�P�umt raluind W nnAintain� W be in effect,Borrower elull PnY
<br />—.�:�,°:°�� re�son, the mortgage insurwce coveraBe s'equired bY�r � nvloualy in effect,�t
<br />_.. �,�.1,. 1°y vtl.ent w the �mort�+�e insut�noe P
<br /> ,.-;�..�r.-.r�T; � premiums roquiiod to obt�a �'��+�Se substantiallY equi ��y in effect,fram in atternate
<br /> - -�'.o.�
<br /> - s cost substantiallY equ�valwt to tbe coet w Boaower of tLe�ent mortB+�S p
<br /> •` rrnred by Lender. If substandallY W e ins�raua covertQe ia not avdLble,
<br />;�.. . . mortgage ins�uer �pp w one-twelRh of the yarly mort�e insurmce pnm�um beia8
<br />' Borrower sball PxY w Lender e�ch month a sum equ�1 or oe�.god w be in effect. Lender will�ccxgt.ux ud rebdn
<br /> � paici by Borrower when tLe insuraace covernge lapsal �y no longer be required, u
<br /> . �• the.ge pa�ents as a losa resecve in 1i�u of mortgage insuranoe. Loss reseive P�Y��
<br /> the opdon of Lender,if mortgage iacunwce covers�8�(in the amwn�t and for tho perlod thit Lenckr�aquire�) P�1�
<br /> mvad by L.ender agatn becomes AvaiLtble avd is obtained. Borcower s1W1 paY tl�e Premirana taNired
<br /> ' � by an ins�rer aPP ll
<br /> nt for mortgage insutance
<br /> to �intaia mortgage ia�uu�ce in effxt�or w pmvlde a loss rtserve,undl tha requ�reme
<br /> : � ends in acconlaace wlth aay wrltua agc�eement betwan Borrower aid I.eackr or tppllcable 1Rw.
<br /> L,e�e� or its agent may m�loe reasonable entiies upon and ias�ecdoag of th� Property. La�er
<br /> -� 9• � casot�able ctu�e for the inspcedon.
<br /> �,., •'-- -. s_ a...�..�nr nrinr fn att�dOII SpOC�Y�B ,...
<br /> �- �.-• __,_ Sh�ll g1VC!lOimWat n[ruw �► w. ....�....._ s- -- -
<br /> ha �
<br /> . ; 10. Caodemnrtioo. '!h�P� of any�wacd or claim for d�ao�8es.dira�t or consequwt�l� in wnn�bon w��
<br /> . �y rAnd�n�don or other tAldflB of my pu� of the Pmp�rtY. or for comeyance in lleu of coad�n�don, ue hetrbY
<br /> - asslgned and shall be paid to L.enider. Lender mAy aPPly�use or nlease the condea�naHon pmcacls in the s�nu
<br />_ mauner as provided in paraSraph S hereof wtth aespect to iasursaoe Pt�ocee�s.
<br /> If tUe Property is abu�cloned by Borrower.or if,aftcr notia by Lender w Borrower tt�nt tt�e co�lemnor offere to
<br /> make an awud or seale a claim for dsumages, 8o�roa+el � ������ e� � �oradon or repa�r of
<br /> - nodx is given.Lender is authorized to collxt and�PIasaucnent. whether or aot then due.
<br /> the PrupertY or to the sums secured by tLis Security
<br /> _ 1
<br /> � N�'� ��� �•�� page 3 of 7 �
<br /> em� �"��0`��*10j°�9'�� Bocrowet Initials � 1.— —
<br /> '� I
<br /> � ORIGINAL
<br /> Nlv►WT.OS �
<br />