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<br />. � �� �U�Q��D �---
<br /> �::
<br /> - � COVBNAN'I'S. Bormwer wad I.eoder covat�wc ��Y�� f��'Borrower sbaU P�I�Y P�Y whsn due the ;;�
<br /> '��' 1. Pa�at o[P�i�dpv�od Ic�t;PnpaY� nt u�d l�te cl�uuga due und�r tbe Note. �=.=
<br /> . � Prixt�l of�nd iaterat on the det+t evldencod by the Note �nd tnY P�Y�
<br /> ° licable Lw oc to a wrlttea wtiver b ixnder, Bomnwer ets�ll
<br /> AR..:': �RI 2. P�dt fcx Ta�ra ad L■otu�ae. Sabjxt w �PP y ,-`-
<br /> p�y to Lender on du day motuhlY P�ri��us tte due under the Note� vnlil the Note ii ptid In�ull�a � ('Fuvds") r
<br /> n
<br />- : , � tor,(a)yearly tua aod aa�n�e which m�y�ttdn tp�riodty over tWe Securlty Instcumeat as n lten on the Property: � �
<br /> or renta oa ProperiY. If any: (e) Y�Y haracd or Fropert�' i�u�
<br /> ,,'t� (b)Yeprly 1e�uehold paYment� ��� if�ayt(�) Y�ly mortQ�ge lnturaace Praaium:. if wY�and (�wY _-
<br /> . � premiumt: (d) Ydrly Aoud inaumca P ent of
<br /> aume p�yable by Borrower w Lender� in�cconLnce wlth tl►e proNldom of p�r�raph 8�ia li�u ot tlm P�Y�
<br /> - - mort�aQe insurance premiumie. 'Ibese Items an called"Bscmw Ite�na.' Leader may,at�ny dme�callat s�nd bold Punds
<br /> rem
<br /> in u� wnaunt not to exceed ttre n�xirnwu �monnt a lender for a feder�IlY reuted moct�a�e lwa may �quirc for
<br /> _. Boaower'a escrow sccount nad�r the�ederal Real Bst�te Settlaneat Pmcedures Act of 1974�s amended from ti�eme _
<br /> } to dme� 12 U.S.C.g 26t11�.("RSSPA'),unleso another Lw tlut �ppliea W the Puads sets �t lesset amount. If
<br /> - . �� ma u �n time, coAect twd hold Funds In�n amou� not W exceed the leaser �mount. Lender msy
<br /> so,I.ender Y, Y
<br /> � esdmaue the � of Punds due on tha Msis of current dub� and re�aomble eatim�tes of expeatitnres of tun
<br /> °1� licabla kw.
<br /> •.� .. � � Esaow Items or otheewlae in�ccorQurce wlth aPP u are inwrod by a federal�YencY�Inatcwnent�lity� os entlty
<br /> s,,-:;,.;4br�. 'lfie Pund�stutl be Leld in aa in�dtudon a2wee dalwsi
<br />--=�`.��'``:�` (incl u d i n g T.e n d e r. i f L e n d e r !s sah m insdtudon) ot ia u►y Federd Haae Lotn B�nlc.��nt�htll m�u11y u�t Y z�B
<br />"'�•.�..�';' to Pny ttue Sscsow Items. Lendec �y mt cbu�e Boirnwer for Loldin� asd ApP Y� -
<br /> ''�.µ�'�-`; the B�cmw Itema�unle�a I.endet IxYs Bomoa�er intecest on tbe Fuuds uid�pplictble
<br />��.,.�:y'.�, . tLe escrow�cewnt, or vcclfSrla� Bormwer to pty a o�tla�+a cbuQe for�n
<br />,� .�; .. !aw peanite Lender to m�loe su�ch a diaarge. However,Lender mny��
<br />-�.> . x� eeivice usod by Lender in con�cdoa with thie loan, ualeas �PPlicxble law
<br /> ,�_:,,-�'. indepe�ent t�eal �sttte nx tepucnn4 Len�tt ah�fl ttot be
<br /> ` �`:• ''•; provides othera►ise. Unlesa m �� is made or�pplicable Isw�ins latereu w be p�iA.
<br /> �':�� ' r�ired to pay Borrower any iaterest or wrnings on the Funda.Homnwer and I.eader may Agtee in wildu�,howevu,
<br />=�°r�.°• tlut irucrat sl�ll be p�tid on tLe Fums. Lender s1wU glveto Bormwer,wlthout cbu�e.�tn�mm�l nccound� of tbe
<br />�►'�,:�;ir� p�e,shoarjnY credlte wd deblte to the Funde xod tLe pu�pox for which each d�bit ta the Fuads w�s aude. The
<br />-' ,:.?:"" for�11 suma eavred by tbb Sxurlty Insaument.
<br />',":;�:.�. Func1.9 aa+e plal�ed it�ddldonal sccurity
<br /> ::`�'.''��` If the Pu�s held by Lender eaaed tLe �mounte Pecmitted to be hld by appUc�ble law,Lender alull�ccaant to
<br /> y-,i�, . Bomoaer for tLe a�cess Punds in ucoz+d�nx with tLe�of�PPlic�ble Lw.If the unwnt of the Pundi held
<br /> ,.,K
<br />=�z'Y.�',!:� �,- .� .m�wUea �e,Lemer mtY e0�fY Borrnxrr 1a wrldng,
<br />�,�,; � by L.e�ter u any�ime is no�e�a,f�c��t ��y t2x E,...r�.. I� ���tl�a defldency. Borro�rer�hatl msioe
<br />:�i,'��a� w aud. in suc]t cyise Botrowa eball pwY to Lendet the�monnt mcessuY
<br /> �, u I,�adec's eole diecredon.
<br />�='M,.;s.?.` vp tLe deAcienoy in no mon tlun twelve monthly PsY�ent�+
<br />^ ia full of all ainu secured bY tbis Socurlty Inau�ment+ u� �11 P�P�Y nfuad W Somnwer
<br />_.,:��,li�;..a vP�n P�Y� or eell tt►e ProperiY. under� Pdo: ta tLe
<br />°.�"^'�,'.°�:`'� pny punda held by Lender. If,unda Pu�B� �1��beld�Lender xt the dme of acquisition os etle�s a credit
<br /> .�u,�v_�-m
<br />�==�,:x�--- a�istdon or sala af the PmpenY.shall app1Y�Y
<br /> --,r•"�� ,�nsc the s�ma e«�urea uy tLi,Saurtty Instcu��.
<br /> -=�-.-�'.�'� 3, Applica8oa of Paymrslt. Unless Appllctble Lw provlda otberR►lee� sll MY�se�t� r�ved by L.eades tmder
<br /> -�=--,--`.��-:,� pua�plu 1 and 2 sball be applied in the following ordc:r. iLet,tv �uY pieWYment ��;�od ]ut,�Nlate
<br />�.'�;L'��_� sxond, W�mounta psy�ble under P�B�Ph Z+third� to lntenst Gaet fouith� w PrindP�1
<br /> `-�_-._'�- .'�. c3�rges due uMer the Note.
<br />— 4. (�r�e� I�at. Bormwer ahall perfomi all of Bornower'�obligation� under wy mort��ge. doed of tcust or
<br />--�.��� o�har sa�urity agceemeM with t lien wbich h�s priorlty over tLis Saauity In�ume� includinY Bomower�e cavenido
<br />��+�,� to m�ke payme�ots when d�e. Any defiult by Bomoara under my euch mortQ+�e� dad of tnut ar otha �curlty
<br />- •--.�-�r� t�ceement shall be t defiutt wide=dus Secudty Insaument aad the Note. Bomower elull p�Y or c�w�e to be pdd�11
<br /> � rues,wssesamenta wd wLer clurgd�fins�nd imposidons att�Ibuqble to tLe PropertY which msy�a►in a pdorlty over
<br />=� or rente,if any. Bormaer e�ll p�Y thae ob1�8�fono ln tLe
<br />_�::�:: thls SecudtY IneGrument� a�d leasel►old pt►ymeme Si'��
<br /> m�rmer pravlded in Par�ph 2,or,if not patd ia tt�rt m�nner,Socrower ah�ll psY them oa time directlq to the pereon
<br /> me
<br />�._.�z�3* uwed paymyent. Borrower ehall pm�P�Y �� w Lcnder �11 mdcee of wwunts W be pald unde=thie p�r�Brspli.
<br /> _,_�,,,� II Homowar m�kes t�ese l�yme� dtrectly. Borrower stwll Pmml�lY furn�� W L�eaider receipts avide�in$ the
<br />�1,�:�:-��
<br /> ---`- P�Y��� or Le:+e�ttet e:+ected oa
<br />-.....�..�_.__�� S. H�acd a Propail I�o�ao�e. Borrower s}�Til keep the Improvementa ma sxjstin8 +ec
<br />�:�nr�:::�� � Pmperty insured aB+inst loss by fin,h�rds i�luded withia�he tem4 'e:te�led covera8e' and any other h�xards,
<br /> —���� Including floods or floodin8. fot aSlcL Lendec requires i�sun�nce. Thia insuruice sh�ll be m�int�imd in t6e amouats
<br /> " ��:�:�'� ond for the perlods that L�ende� �utn�• The imvra»ce c�suricr provlding tbe lnsurmce s]Wl be cl�sen bl Bomower
<br />;�i<>.;,,..-T r�
<br />- �,b�xc w t,enaer�s�� �tcn�u n�c t��on�iy wtr�ia.If Bormwer f�ils W maiNain ��
<br />- � .., �bove. I.ender may�at Letder'�opdon,obtain cwer�ge w protect L.ender'e rlghts in tLe Pmperty '
<br /> � paragtaplt T.
<br /> All inbvcance polleies and r�nwAls shsll be accepmble to Lencler aod s1W1 include a stanGu�d mortg�ge clause.
<br /> '. J.endcr ahaU hAVe the rlght to hold the pollcies �nd nnewals. If I.,ender requirea. Barrowez sh�ll PcamptlY �ivc to
<br /> �, •� ��' Lender all rec�lpte of psid premiums �nd nuewal mdces. In tbe event of loss.Bormwer ahxll glve pmmpt noda to
<br />_ ' �' the insuraace curier and Lender. L.ender may make proof of loss ii mt m�de Prom�tlY bY Borrower.
<br />- ' + Unless Le�1er wd Borrower aheiwise ngra in wrldng.tny insurmce Procads s1W1 be applied flrst to reiminurse
<br /> � Le�er for coste And e�cpeuSes iucurced in connecdon vv�th uMaining any such iu4ur�nce proceeds��nd then,at Lender's
<br />� ' � ontion. in bvch order aad prapoldon u it may detem�ine in ite sole and stbsoluu diecredon, md ngudless of tny
<br /> -- - _��_ n____:._ r_.._...._... ..,A.A....n�,w th.e ch�e.
<br /> - � - � impairment of securltY or lack ttutevf: (i)to tue s�s secotod 'or.,•�+ �.�••••� ••tl•••-�...-� -- _ -- -- ---•
<br /> � �ad to such components thereof �v L.�rrler°�ay determ�`�e in its sole ond absolute disccredon; and/or (ii)w Bomower
<br /> . to pay the costs and expeases of nxessary n�ai� or resroradoa of the Property to a conlidon satisfictory to Lender.
<br /> If Borrower stb�ndons the PropertY� or does not answer within 30 days a mdce fcom.Lender tLat the ins�uu�c.a carrler
<br />- has offered to seule s clairn� Lender rment of�so�udty o�r 1�a k tt►eroaeds. L.ender�Y, ����or nestore lthe
<br /> - disccedow and ngudless of wy iu�p�t
<br /> properry or to piy thc sums secured by thiis Socudry Instiumenc, whether ar not then due. 'Ihe 30iI�y pcdod wlll
<br /> begin when the nodce is given.
<br /> .. �
<br /> � ���� �•�n Page 2 of 7
<br />- " om� a�,�o.rr.c�oo�a.o-iw Horcower Inidab — - -
<br /> ' ORIGINI�lL
<br /> HWbT.US __ .....-_ -_ .. . .
<br /> , . ....,.. .�',�.�..�..w��ei��r..----
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