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<br /> TUGETHER WITk1 ail the(mProvemcnts now on c�reafter erecced on the PmP�nY�and dl euenxnu,appurtenances,and
<br /> fixtures now or hereafter a put of the property. All replacement� And ndditioas shall also be covered by thia Sc;cudh' L
<br /> � Instnuneat. All of the fongotng is nfcrced to in this Sxnr[tY inatnunent as the "ProP�n7'•�
<br /> SQRROWER COVBNANTS that Bur�we�re cumbereds eacePef forecncumbrances of rcco d�Bormw�""�h�t g�t�
<br /> canvey the PropertY end that the Prope Y
<br /> defend generally the title to the Propeny against all claicns and demands,sub�xt to any eacumbrances ot record.
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines unlforca covenaata for national use and non-uniform covenanta with llmited
<br /> vadations by judsdicdon ta constitute a uniform sccuriry instrument cc+vedn�f�ows��
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower u�d I.�nder cov�et and I.s4e C�lur�a. Boreowar SGall Pr'°mPUy p�►y `"hen due the
<br /> i, pl�yment ot Principr�and Iaterest; �pAYm r a �neat sind late charges due under the Note.
<br /> principal of and iaterest oa the debt evidenced by the Notei�d an la CP t���tten waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay to
<br /> 2.Fbada[or Taxes And Insurance. Subject to aPP
<br /> i,eader oa the dny uwnthlY PaY���due under the Note.untU the Nou is paid in fuU�a aum("F�iy i°easehol psYaaenta
<br /> and�sse�sments which inay attain prturitY over t6is Security u►strument a.s a lttn oa the PropectY�(b)Y
<br /> or ground nats on the PcopertY,if eny;(e)Yearly hazard or property Insurw�cc premiums:(d?Y�ly flood iasur�nce premlums.
<br /> if sums pay�ble by Borrowar to Latder, in accordance with
<br /> if any:(e)Year1Y mortgage insurance pnmiums� any;aad(�s�►Y
<br /> the provtsions of paragrAph 8,ia lieu of the payment of mortgage insurana pn��.T��items aae called'Esct°w Items."
<br /> I.eader rnxy. at any time. wllxt And b�rcowers escrow acco�uat�under the�federal Real �te�SenlameatdProcodwres Ac�of
<br /> nlated mongage loan may requin lies to the Funds
<br /> 1914�s amended from ti�to time, 12 U.S.C.Secdon 26(11 et seq.('RESPA").unless another law thac apP
<br /> sets a lesset amouat. If��dof Fauads du on the�basia of cutrentddat�and reasonable estimates of eapeaditures uf�futun
<br /> Lender m�y estimete ttie licablc law.
<br /> Fscrow Icems or otherwtse in accordeace w��h°PP or eadty
<br /> The Funds ahall be beld in an insdtu[ion whose dcpos{ts are isisured by a federal agency,in i�F�to pay�e
<br /> , ��Z��gLn�Lender.if L.epder i�such an instltudoa)or in any Federal H�����*, annually anulY�B the escmw account,or
<br /> Escrow Iums.I.ender may nut charge Barrower ior i�oiding iu,d�} 8 licable law mnits L�nder to maice such
<br />— vuifying the Escrow Items,unless L.ender pays Borrower interest on the Fuads and app a � aervice
<br /> a charge.However.Lender may n9uire Bo�rower to pay a oae-time charge for an Independ�nt real�s�e��° is made or
<br /> uud by Lender in connecdoa wtth tlds loan. unless applicable law provides otherwise. Ualeas sa aigra
<br /> applicable law requlres interest to be paid,L,ender shall not be nquiral to pay Borrower any interest or eataln$s on tYie Fut�ds•
<br /> Borrower and Lender may agrx in wrlting.however.thnt tntenst shall be p�ld oa the FmMs.L�ender eha118ivf �h eWSCh
<br /> wiWout ehuge� ut swwal axoundng of the Funds, showin�eredita and far all swns aecucod bY this Socu�itY�n°�°t.
<br /> debit ro the Funda wa�caade.The Funds are pledged as add�donal security 1��ble law. Lenda shal acawat to Borrower
<br /> If the Funds held by I�eader�acad the amouncs perniitted licab eelaw.yIf the awount of the Eunds held by Lrender at aay
<br /> for the excas F�ds ia accordance with the requirementa of app so aotify Borrower in wrldag,aad�in such c�se Horcower
<br /> tim�e is not auffictent to p�y t�e Escrow Items when due.I.ei►der inay
<br /> shall pay to Lender ihe amount necessa�Y to make up the defictency. Borrower shaU make np the deBcteACy in no more thwn
<br /> twelve monthlY PzY��•ac�1°�r's sole discretloa. n�nd �o Borrower any
<br /> Upoa payuknt ia full of all aums secured by this Secu�ry ��nt, I.ender sball Pro�°!to the�c9uisition or s�le
<br /> Fuads hdd by Lender.If.under paragtaPh 21�Lender shall acquire or sell the PropertY. I.ende, P
<br /> of the Pcopetcl►.s�ll�Pply any Funds hdd by Lender at the time of acquisitton or�le a�a credit�g�inst the aums�ecured bY
<br /> this Secudt}►Insttument. lirable law provides otheiwise,all paYments rocx�v°dby Lender uada Pu°8�
<br /> 3,Appitcitton ot PMymente.Unless aPP tble under PanSr+Ph 2�
<br /> t �tid 2 thall b�tpplfed:flrst. co any ptaPBYmes��charges due und:r ttu Nae; second. to amounce Pai'
<br /> third,to lnterest due;fourth,to principal due;and last,co aay late cb.erga due under the Note.
<br /> 4.C6uipi Liens.Bormwer shall pay all taxcs.assessments�cb�rges,finea and imposidons attribu�le�wer shF�P�Y
<br /> w�� m�y attain priorlty over this Secnrity Insuument. aad leasehold paymenta or grouad reats� if uiy�m on tiu►�diroctly
<br /> these obliguions ia the matu�er provided in paragraPh 2.or if not pdd in tUat maaner.Bomnwer sh�ll piy
<br /> to ttho peraon owod payment.Bo�ircea�Bomower shell pmtinpuy fumisbtotLendar rea Pu evide�inB�p�Ymen��.
<br /> If Borrower makes these payme Y
<br /> Botrower sha11 promptly dlscharge any lten which has prlority ovcr this�1Q o���)��i gW�faith��
<br /> writing to the payuaent of the obligation secuced by the lien ia a manna acaP rate to prevent the
<br /> by. or defeads against �nforcement of the lien in, legal pmceedinga which in the L�ender's opinion ope
<br /> enforcement of the llen;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an aBcexun�gta bts��o a Iten whichsmay attai P���Y over
<br />± �{s�urity insnvment. If L.ender deterniines that any part of the PmpartY j
<br /> � thts Socurity Instrument.1.eader may give Borrower a notice identifyia8 the li�n. Borrower shall satlsfy the lien or take one or
<br /> e=, more of the acttons aet forth above withia 10 days of the giving of notix. ��� 9�
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