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<br /> , � S.Huard or prqperty Ituunnce. Borrowu shaU keep tho improvcmcnta now existing or hereafter crccted on th fl� _-
<br /> ' '`•� insured against loss by firo. luzerds included within ttie term "eatended wvecage" and any aher haztuds�including =_
<br /> • flooding,for whkh Lender re�uires insurance.'This it►sarnnce shn11 b�maintainul in the amounts and for the pedods that 1�endu �
<br /> .•,:� � requires.'!be insurance carrierprovlding�he insurance at�U bo chosen by Borrowu subject tv Lendu's approval which ahaU not
<br /> be unrea9onably withheld. If Borrower f�ils W maintein covuago descdbed abovo, Lender may, at Lendu's opcion, obtain
<br /> coverage W protect I.ender's rlghts in the Property In accordance wlth paagraph 7.
<br />%,, Al1 ineorance policks and renewals ahall be accaptabk to I.cnder and shaU lncluda a stenderd mQrtgage clauso.l,cndu shnfl
<br />�� �y have the dght to hold the policies and renewals.If Lendu tequires.Borrower shall promptly give to Lendu a�1 receipts of paid
<br /> -� � premiums and renewel nodces.In tl�a avent of loss,Borrower shell give prompt nodce to the insurance carrier and Lender.L,eader _
<br /> may makc proof of loss if not made prompdy by Bortowa.
<br />- "� Unless Lcndu and Bornowu otherwlx agrea in wrldng.insurance pracads sh�ll be applled w restoradon a repair of the
<br /> �. property damaged,if the reswration or repair is economicaUy feaslbla aad Lendu's socurlty is not lessened if the restoration or
<br />_ � repnir is not economiceUy fea�ibk or Lendu's securlty would bo lessened,tho fnsuranca pmcxds shall ba appllal to the sums
<br /> -,' '��' °� socured by this Securlry Instrumen� whethu or not ttkn due� wi�h any oacess Paid w Borrowa. If Borrowu abandone the _
<br />_'�;;::"'..,� Propcity,or does not answer within 30 days a nodce �om Lender that tho insurance cacriu ha4 offered to aettle s cleim.then
<br /> Lender may collect the L�surnnce procade.l,ender m�y use the pcoceeds to repeir or resWre tha P[aperty ar to pay sums eocured �
<br />:`'<�;'°�:';.� by this Securiry Ins�umetu,whether or not then duo.'R�o 30-day pedod wW begin whea thu nodce Is given.
<br /> ° ' Unless Lendu and Borrowar otherwise agree in wridng�enY ePPlk�On of procoeds to prtncipat sheU not axtend 4r postpone
<br /> �°:�.�•.; ' tha due date of tha monthlY payments mfe:red to in paragr+�phs 1 and 2 or change the amonnt of the payments.If w�der P�B�Ph
<br />�.:�.,, „�.,
<br /> 21 the Pmperty Is ecquiir.d by I,ender,Borrower's right to any insuranca polieies and procxds resuldng from dam�ge to tho
<br /> '`� Propeity prlor to the acquisidon ahaU pass w Lendu to the extcnt of the swns secured by this Security Instrument immedlately
<br />�,';'..,.,f pdoc to the acquisttion.
<br /> �f;�:'�a�.. 6.Occupaney,Preservatbn,Mnintenanoe and Protectk�a ot the Property: Borrowu's Lonn Appikatbni I.ea�e6oldr.
<br /> SA'�. ,:.
<br />...<)�.,.��_ Bo�rower shall occupy�establlsh�end use the Propaty�s Bomower's princlpal resideACe wlthin siaty days aftex the wcecutbn o
<br /> ��� �'•= this Securtty Instrumu►t and shall conti�►ue to occupy the Y�oputY as Borrowu's principal resicknce for et least ono year afta the
<br />-�k��. ;; date of occupancy. wiless Ler�da othawfse agras in wrtdng,which consent shall not be unrea4onably wlthheld, or unkss
<br />='=:,:.����� exunuadn8 eireumst�ee.4 ea�ist winci�are bayonci Borrowrri'n u}i�:,l.sarra�7x�alt not��lsu�.dsms;s or img�r rh�pr�n�ercy, .
<br /> 0
<br />_s',�:�.,�, � IIotroaer shall be in default if en forfeidua action or
<br />_ L � allow tha Praperty to deterlaste,or commit wasta on the Proputy. Y
<br /> R-' •���''. procooding�whathu clvll or crta►ina1.is begun thet in undu�s Bood faith judgment coutd nsult in forfetuuo of tho Propr,rty or
<br /> T�;t;"��.�'�..,� otha�wiee mater3ally impair tUe lkn creat�ed by�hia Security Inst�ument or I.e n d e r's soc u r lty i n t�s�B o r r owa ma y cure such a
<br />_�"�T.:i_5.'...
<br />=_�•'�?�'t°'�: default end ninatate��provldod in paragraph 18.by causing the ection or procoeding w ba dismiased wlth a ruling ttwt, iin
<br /> "`'"�`-"�' L�endcx+e g�od faith dctaminuion,procludes forfetwn of the Bortciwer's lntr,rest in tha Propaty or otha rtu�terfal iu►pairnxnt of
<br /> -�. Yf.'1,
<br /> i'��-�•� the liea creatod by this SocurIty lnstrmncnt ar Lender's socurlty inteses�Borrower shall aiso be in default if Barowa�during tha
<br /> �:---`�-'�4 l�n Appllcation proce,�s,gave mua�ally ftlx or i�wccwate informatbn or stetements to Lender(or failed w provida LenAer with
<br />-.r-`�`� sa; !aai..�a! �tfocrn�rtQn� in onnne�etkm with the loan evide�ced by tho Nou. iacluding�but not limited co� repc�seatatbne –
<br />�:-=�4=�` concemin6 Botrowu's occup�utcy of ide propcxty es a princlPal reside,�co.If this Security InsC�ument is on a ka9eJwid.Borrowu
<br />--=-- ehall comply with all tha provisions of the 1a�se.If Barowu ecquires fao dtle to the Propaty,thu Iea9ehoW nnd tha fee dNe ehall
<br /> - --= na mage unku Lender�grow w the merga in wridng.
<br /> � 7.Protectbn ot Lendu'a Rt�hb in tbe Property.If Boaower fails to perform the covenants and a�oeme�ts conte�ned in
<br />---� ----�— th�s Security Inawment, or them is a kgal pmcoeding that may significandy effect Lenda's rlghta in the Propaty(auch as e
<br />------_-- pcocoedl�g in b�nluuptcy,pcobato.for condemnatbn a forfeitura or to enforcc lawa or reguWions).dkn Lendu msy do aed PsY
<br /> -- for wlWeva Lv neces�acy w protoct tho valua of the Fropaty and I.cada's rights in the Property.L.ender'a acdon�msy includa
<br />";�..'�'�� MYing�ny aums xcurod by a lien which has priairy over this Socurlty Instrument, uppwrin8 in couK, PaY�nB ra�o�abb
<br /> .�`"".,w= atoocneya' fas and a►taing on thc+Property W nwice ropaira. Although I.e,�tda may take nction nnder thi9 paragraph 7,L�xkr
<br />_-��'�� does not havc w do ao.
<br /> °'°`'``='�`_'� Any amoun�d9sburaed by Lendu undu this paragraph 7 shall become additiunal debt of Bortower secured by thia Sxurlry
<br /> �°� Inst:umen�Unless Bomowa and Lender agroe to c�hu tums of payment,these amounts shall besr inurest from the date of
<br />��,.�
<br />�,,;_�"� disbursement at ttie Nobe rate and shall be payable.with intaest�upon nodce from Lcndu to Borrower roquestin8 PaY��
<br />---,�- `��:: a.Mort`a�e Ineuntnce. If Lender roquiral moeBaBe insurana as a condiaon of making the loan aecurod by thie Sxurlty
<br />-.aa�;T��-:
<br />_°_�,._5��.�-:.•, Instnunen� Borrowa shall pay tho prGnium�roqufrod to maintain tha mortgage insuranca in effa:G If�for any rea.9on� the
<br />�,`:,�•r.;»�• mortgege 9nsurance coverage requind by L�der lapses or ceases to be in effect,Bocrowa ehall pay th�pr�erniuma nqWred w
<br />�: � ':-'�.'� olxttL�covuage subsWntially equivelent w the mortgage insw�ence pravtonsly in effect,at a wst subs�ntially oquivaknt to the
<br />_.;�. .._.....
<br /> y,. , , cost to Borrowu of tha mortgage insuranoe previou�ly in effoct,from an alumata mortgaga insurer approved by I.enda. If
<br /> substar►dally eq�ivalent mortgage insuranee coveraBe is not available,Borcower shall pay to i.ender each month a sum equal w
<br />- � one-twclFth of the yeuly mo�tgrge insurance premium being paW by Bo�wer when the insurence coveraga lepsod or ceaved to
<br />= be in effecG Lender will accept,usa and retain these payments as a loss m.save in Heu of mortgago ixtsurence. Loss r�aerve
<br /> - Form 10Z� Y/�0
<br /> �•!R(NE)�o��z1.o� Pap�3ote �nluat�: --- _
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