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<br /> w,�� � � �6.Borrawer'e Copy. Borrowcr sfiall be given ona conformrd copy of tho Nola and ef this Securiry InswmcnG
<br /> 17.TrAneter o�the I'ro�erty or a Beaefkl�l Interast In Borrower. If all or any part of tho Property or eny intcragt In it�S
<br /> ,fY� sold or transfcnrd(ar if e bene�ciel intcrest in Borrowcr is sald ur vensfecred and Borrowcr Is not a nawralperson)wlthout
<br /> Lcndex's pdor wdttcn consent,Lcnder may�at its opdon,rcquira Imme�ate payment ln full of all sums sccured by this SecurlcY
<br /> •-�°� InstnuncnG However,this opdon shall nat be exercised by Lenda if oxercise is prohibItod by federal law av of the data of this
<br /> - Security InetrumenG
<br /> -;.�aa If L.ender exercjs�,w this opdon.I.cndes shull give Botrower nodce of acceleration.'Iha nati¢a shaU provldu a periad of not less
<br /> �'�� than 30 days fram the date the nadco is delivered or mailed wlthin which Borrowcr must pay all sums secured by this Securlty
<br />- �;`�,� InstrumenG If Borrower tnils W paY these sums prior to tha oxpiradon of this periad�Le�►cier may invoko any remcdics permitted
<br /> �===� �' by thls Sxurlty Instivment without fuzther notice or demand on Borrower.
<br />_-=.?�.m� 18.Horro�rer's Rtght to Retnstata If Borrowar mata ccrtain condidons, Horrower shall have the dght W have
<br /> � enfo�cament of this Securlty Insmunent dlscondnuod et any time pdor to the earller of: (a) 5 days (or such other pertod es
<br /> apPllcable law may specit9 for reins�ent)before sala of the�ropeity pursuant to any Power of sale conteined in this Securlty
<br /> --- Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing ihis Se�w�ity InstrumenG'Ihoso condi8ons are that Borrowu:(a) ya Leadu all
<br /> - —� suma which then would be due under this Sccurlty Instrument end the Nate ag if ao acceleradoa had occ�(b)c�res any _
<br /> default of eny other covenenta or egreunents: (c)paYs all exPanses inc►ured in enforcing thia Secorlty Inswment,including.but
<br /> not limiud to.rea4oneblo ettomeys'fees:and(a)takes such acdon as Lender miy reasonably require W assure that the llen of this
<br /> �'""�'r` Securlty Instrument, I.ender's rlgh`c in the ProPertY and Horrawer's obligetlon to pay the sums secured by this Securlty
<br /> � Insuument shaU condnue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Securlty Instrument and the o�gy idnonhae c�as�e o
<br />___-�—� hereby shall nmain fully effective as lf no acccleratIon had accurred.Howevu,ihis dght to reinstate shell not 1
<br />--=- acceleration undu paragraph 17. interest in the Note (wgethu with this Socurity
<br /> 19.Sak of Notei Clunge ot I.aan Servicer. The Note or a partixl
<br /> -= Instrument)may be sold one or more dmes without prior nodce w Borrower.A sale may result in a change in tha endty(knor�m
<br /> --= as the"Loat►Seiv[cer") that collects monthlY PaYments due under the Note and this SecurIty InsuumenG There also may bo ono or
<br /> more cha�►ges of the Lc�an Servicer urmeleted W a ssle of the Nota. If ihere is e chan8e of tha Loan Sesvicer,Bomnwcr wlll be
<br />_yY�� glven wrItten nodc�of tha chenge in accordance wlthparag�aph 14 above andappllcablc law.'I�a nodce will steta the neme and
<br /> eddress of the now Loan Servicer and the address to w- hich paymer►ts should be made.TUe nodce will alsa coetaii►anY othu
<br />_"` - Infotmafloa raitsit�3 b;spglicabl�laev.
<br /> 20.Harardous Subatances. Bairowu shelt not causa or permit the presenco. use. disposal, swraBe. or nIr�+sG uf e,zy
<br /> Hazardous Substenccs on or in the Property.Borrower shall not do,nor allow anyone else to do,anythinB effecdn8 thc ProP�Y
<br /> that is in vtoladon of any Envlronmentel Law.1T►e proceding two sentenc,�s s1ia11 not apply to�e presea�normal residential uses
<br /> -�-_= Property of small quandtks of Ha7�rdous Substances that ere generally rocoRnized to be apP P�
<br /> -- and to maintena��ca of thoProperty.
<br /> Borrower shaU promptly givo L.cnder wduen nodce of any investigation, claim, demand. lawsuit or othu acdon bp any
<br /> - govemmenml or regulatory�ency or private paccy involving tha Propucy and er►y Hazardous Substance or fiavironmenW Law
<br /> ' of which Borrower has ec knowledge.If Borcower leams,or ia nodfied by any goveinmental or ngulatory sulhorlty,that any
<br /> � removal or othu remedladon of aay Hezardous Substsnce affecdag the Prape�ty is necessazy.Bomnwu shall promptly tak�e 811
<br /> neces.gary remedial acdons in eccordance with Envlranmental Law.
<br /> ps usod in this pangraph 20, "I�Iezerdoua Substances" are those substances deflned es toxic or harardous substances by
<br /> Hnvironmental Law end the Collowing substances: gasoliae. kerosene. other flammable or toxle petrokam pr�oducts, to�cic
<br /> pestkldes and habicidcs,voladle soivcnts,materials containing asbesws or formaldehydc,end radioactive materfaLv As nsed in
<br /> _� this paragraph 20, "Envlronmental Law" means federel laws a��d laws of the jurLsdicdun whene the Prope�ty is located that mlace
<br /> ,; w health,safety or environmental pcotoctlon.
<br /> � NON•UNIFORM COVBNANfS.Borrowcrand Lender further covenent und agr�ee as fopowa:
<br /> 21.Accekratbn; Rnnedtea.Leader ehaU give notice to Borrower prbr to accekration foltowing Borrower's breach ot
<br /> any coven�nt or AgttllRtA� I� thie Security Instrument (but not prior to occekration under pan�p6 17 unkss
<br /> -��- `- • s�pplica6k law provida otherw6e).T6e notke abaU epeci(q: (a)the detault;(b)the actbn required M cure the detauB�(c)
<br /> — a d�te,pot lese than 30 days thom the date the nodce L�given to Borrower�by w6ich t6e default muat be curedi+�d(d)
<br /> - th�t Gtilure to cure the detpWt on or before the date specitied[n t6s notke may result in accekratba ot the sums eecured
<br /> by thi�Security Instrument und sak ot the Property.The notke aball turther(nform Borrowe�ot the right to refnstate
<br /> aner wccekrAtion ond the rig6t ta briag a rnwrt AMbn to�ssert the non-exi�tenoe ot w default or any uthe�det�nae of
<br /> Borrower to accekratfon and snle.B the detault i�not cured on or betore the date apecitied In the notke�Lend�r�At ib
<br /> — option�mxy requ�re immedi�te ps�yment in fuli ot aU auma secured by t6ta Security Instrument without further demand
<br /> _�-� and may invoke the power ot aok And eny other remedks permttted by pPPlicaUl��aW Lender shall be entitkd to coilect
<br />,:;:�",'�`�'''�'�� pp expenses incurred fe pursuing t6t remedte�provWed in this para�'Aph 21�including,but not limited to,reasonabk
<br />'�:s� attorneya'tees�nd cosb ot titk evidence.
<br />��'��� : It t6e power ot sak t�Invoked, Trustee s6aU record a notice of defnult in each couaty in whkh uny pArt of 4he
<br />`'"s"-`�'' Property is lacated and ahall mnil rnpta o!euch notke in the wAener prescribed by ppplkabk law to Bonnwer pnd to the
<br /> , other personat prescribed by applicable law.Atter the time required by ppplicabk law,Trustce shall give public notice ot
<br /> sale to the persona end in the monner prescribed by applicabk 4tw.Tn�stee,wit6out demAnd on Borrower,ehall aeU the
<br /> . Property at public auction to t6e 6i�hest btdder at the ttme And place and ueder the terms desigeated in the nodce ot sak
<br /> __�-.�a Form 304! 0l00
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