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<br /> � 'Proceede')In oonnectlon with condemnatlon or other taklnp of Iha Property or part thereof,or t�r conveyancs In Ilau of caidemnalion. `r
<br /> � :� Lcnder efiatl be enpUed at Ite optlon to commence,appeerin end proaecut�In Ite own name eny eclbn nr proceedlnpe.and ehell aleo �
<br /> � be antitted to mekn eny compromise or tettbment In wnnectlon wtth euch teking or damega,In the�vant any ponion of th�Property la
<br /> �� eo t�ken a dama9ed. Lsndar�hsil hevs lhs option In Ib eote and ebealute discretlon,to apply all such procsed�, aHer deductinp
<br /> � r thereirom all costs end�xpsnse�Incurred by It In conneclbn wNh euch Proceede,upon eny Indebtadnss�s�cured hersby�nd In euch
<br />- �� order�e Lender mey determins,or to apply eli such Proceede,eRer wch deductlona,to the resloratbn ot the Propsrty upon auch oon-
<br /> ' ' dlt{an�a�Lender mey d�tsrtnine.My �ppAcatton of Proasd�lo �ndsbtedneu�hsil not extend or poutpone th�due date of�ny p�y-
<br /> ' mente under the Note,or cure any defauit thereunder or herounder.My unepplled tunda shell be peld to Truslor. i
<br /> �. B,p��fonnanc�by L.�nd�a Upon the oocurronce of an Evenl ot Dofault haroundor,or If an�nct Is Mken or leflel proceeding �_"
<br /> ��,� oornm�nced wh�h materially aifscts Lender�Intsrert In Ihe Propsrty,Lende may In Ite own di�cretion.but wltf►►out oblfatlon to do eo,
<br /> and wNhout notice te or demend upon Truitor end wlthout roleolnq T�u�tor irom eny obll��tlon,do�ny�ct whlch 7rustor has spreed _
<br /> ,,�,,, but f�lled to do and m�y etto do any other�ct It desrm necessery to protect the eecu�ily hereoL Tn�stor thaN,knmedlately upon
<br /> ,� demmd thsrefor by Lendsr,pey to Lsnder ell co�ts anA�xpen�es incu►red and suma expsnded by Lender In oonnactlon with 1M sxsr-
<br /> dse by Lender of the foro�oln�tiphte,together with Interoat thereon et lhe default rate provkied ln tl�e Note,whlch�haN be added to
<br /> � �� the Indebtedneas securod heroby.Lendsr�hall not Incur�ny IlabHity beceuae of anythinp It meiy do a omlt to do hereund�r.
<br /> 9.Hwrdous Mabrl�U•Trustor�hall keep lhe Propedy In canpli�nce with aq epplicebN law�,adin�and repulatbn� -
<br /> '� � rsl�tfnp b Industri�l hypbns or environmentel protection(oolkctfvely ro(errad to heroin e:'Envlronmental L�wa").Tnnlor �h�ll kesp
<br /> �. the propeAy hee trom eM substences deemed to be hazardout or toxlo under any Envfra�msntel Lewa(eolbcdvsy►roTerted to heroin
<br /> � ea'H�zerdout Materiala').Truator heroby warrenta and repreaente to Lender the�t there ere no Hazardous Mate�fata on o�under the
<br /> r�. .. . Property.Ttustor hereby agrees to indemnliy and hold hermlaaa Lender,its directors,oflicers,employeea end egente,end any succea•
<br /> eora to Lenders interost,from and agalnat any and ell dalms,dsmagea,lossea and Ilabilitlea arlsinp In connectbn wtth the prosence�
<br /> - use,dispoasl or transpo}t oi any Hazerdous Materiaia on,under, irom or a b ou t l he P r a p e r l y.THE FOREOOING WJIFZRIWTIES MID
<br /> " �'�� � 10.Asstanm�nt ot R�nb.Trusto►heroby assiflns tu lender.and y�anb Lander u fecu�ity Interest In,pll presmt.futun�nd
<br />' � eRer erisk�p ronts,�ssues end pro8te of the PropeKy;p�nvlded that Trustor shail,unUl the occurten�e ot en Event of DetauR,hereunder,
<br />- . _ . haye the ripht W oollsct and rotain euch ront�,tesuea and�uona es cney become aue end payab�e.Upon the occurrence of en Fvent d
<br />'J. '' Qe(auft,Lorider rt►qy►,elther in pereon or by agent,with a without bHnging eny action or procxeding. or by e re�xlver ipPdntad 6y a
<br />�.�„''� oouK and witlwut repard to 1hs edeQuscY o1 its�ecudtY,enter upon and teke poaeesslan oi the Properiy,or any paR the►eoP,fn its own
<br /> ,�K •. nams or tn the name oi the Truatee,and do any ect�which R deems neceaaary or desin�bb to preaervs the valus. merlcstabiUty or
<br />='-��'" ° ��pry o{q�property,or any pert theroof or intersat Ihereln,or to inaeess the Incane therofrom o►p►otec!the��►heroof�d� -
<br /> �• � ' with or wiQwut takkip P���a to mekroep�ymenL lo Lender.l er�ler mey ePPly ronts,i sus�er�id proffb�I oosSs and�sxPMs
<br />= dw and unp�id�by noti►yinp
<br /> ,Y ' ss oI aperatbn end coNsction indudinp ettomey�tees,to eny f�debtednesa securod hereby,all In such arder as Lender m�y►deter-
<br />�.' ,.. ,
<br />_,:.,.,,�--- mts�a.Tlte sn!!�tfn.upon end IaWnn Qoseessbn M the Propaty.fhe collectlon ot such ronts�tasuec end proSits�rnd ths spplidtloo
<br />�� , .�..,;, fhereof es eforoseld ahell not curo ot wahre any detauft a nolice oi deteult herounder or u�vail�aro eny ect done in ree�.��se i�such
<br /> `' de{auh or purauant to such nodce ot de(ault and,notwllhstendinp the contlnuancs In poasesslon of the propedy or the cdleclbn�
<br /> .ti•-.. ` :��/
<br />�:;_:��,,;,� �;; recetpt and eppitcation of rents,iaeuea or proflte,Trustee and Lande�ehall be enHtlsd to exerdae every�ight provided ta in anY ot tM
<br />--��<•,�' ' � Loa��n�Wrtisnts er by law upon occunence oi eny Event of Oefeult,includlnp without Amitatlon tho�ight to exerc�ee the pawer o1 eak.
<br />��;.a•�,�:�• ;�
<br /> �' '�':��:' FuN►sr.LerMer's�hb and remedlea under this para9roph sNit be cumulaUve with,and In no way e Ilmitation on,Lender'a dghts and
<br />;�-'�.::; :, ;, Lender,Truatee and the recelver ehell be Ilable to
<br />�.,,•,�.�,.: ,r::,: remedbe unQer any esslpnment of basea and rents reoorded agalnst the Property.
<br />;•%-:�_:,�.� � account only for thoae ronte aatualiy receNed.
<br />=_,;��,; - 11.Ev�nb oi D�hult.The toltowing sheli oonatAute en Event of Detault under this Deed oi Trus�
<br /> - • �``'� � (a)Failuro to{►sy any inatellment oi{xindpal a i�tereat or an,y other eum securod heroby when due;
<br />�_"�;;:'-.,�„ (b)A broach of or detault under any provielan contelned In lhe Note,this Oeed of T�uat,any of the Loen InsWments,or eny
<br /> '=:�;T`,�;�'�' other iteri or encumbrance upon tha Property: _
<br />-=� '�y �,Y�• (c)A wdt ot execuUon or attachment or e�y etmiler process ahall be entered epafnst Trustor wh�h sh3N become e iien on
<br /> -_- the property or any portlon thereoi or interost thxetn;
<br /> °w-='=�'��� (d)There ahall be flled by or egelnat Truator a Borrower en action under eny present or iuturo tederal.etete a other statute,
<br /> - .�.-.
<br /> --=3.�:��.:�; I�,y or npulayon rNnUnp to b�nkruptay,tmolvency or other roibt far debtors;or thero shall bs eppointKl any M+ueMe,rooeiver a
<br />- _._;��.>;t :
<br /> _�,,_�r ry,,x Nqutdatrx ot Trustor or Borrower or of ell or eny part oi Ihe Property,or the ronte,laauee or profits theroof,a Truttor or
<br />�'-,�,.,..,. ehall make any general aaalpnment for the Ix�nefit ot aeditore;
<br /> - .��: (e)The sele.tranafer,{eaae,asslgnment. oonveyenoe or further encumbrenoe oi ell a eny pa►t oT a any Interost in the
<br />�`-'""`� propertyr,either vdunte�lly or imolunterily,witFaut the expreaa wRtten conaent ot Lender,provided lhat Truetor ihaH be pemat-
<br /> ��°�'•�Y�'''�' ted to execute e lease ot the Property that doea not wntetn en opUon to purchase and the term oi wh{ch doea not exceed one
<br /> _,
<br />;A_�...�.�_ year,
<br />- -;,.�.�,;-.,. •, (fl f►bendonment of the Propedyt or
<br />}"-"-"`"' '�•-�` ' (p)If Truator is not an IndlvWual,the laauance, eeb.trenster,assignment,oonveyance or sncumbrence of moro lhen(Ha
<br /> -��'*? .� oorporallon)a tutal oi percent oi Ib Issued end outstendtng stodc. a(ii e partne�ahip)a W1el ot p�
<br />=� -.���° •� cent oi pertne�ahip Interoats,or pi a limited ilab�ty company)e totei oi p�rcent ottha Amited IIsWlity oompe�
<br /> ` ny Intereats or vodnp�hta during the perlad thls Deed oT Trust rematns a Ilen on the property.
<br />- � 12.R�rtwdt�a;AcaNradon Upon Mhu�.In Ihe event ot any Event ot Default Lender may,without notice excspt as roquired
<br />= by law,dedare all Indebtedneaa eecured heroby to be due end peyable and the seme ehall thereupon become due and payabls wlUr
<br /> - out eny proaentment,demand,protsst or notics oi any kind.fiereatter Lender mey:
<br /> (a)Demand that Tniatee exerdae the P01NER OF SALE prented herein,and Trustee ehall thereefter cause Truatur'e inter-
<br /> ast In the PropeAy b be sdd end the proceeda lo be dtstributed,all In the manner provided In the Nebraake TNat Deeds Act;
<br />-� }� (b) Exerciee eny and all riehts provided tor tn any oi the Loan Inetrumenta or by law upon occurrence ot eny Event of
<br /> Defeult;and
<br />_ �. (c)Commence an action to torec�ose this Deed of Trust as e mortgepe,appotnt e recelver,or speciQcaYy enforce any ot the
<br /> cove�ants hereoi.
<br /> No remedy hereln conferred upon or resenred to Truatee or Lender ie intended to be exdusiva of any other remedy herein,in the�oan
<br />' ;,�• ' � InsWmenb or by law provtded or permitted,but each ahell 6e cumulaUve,ehall be in eddition tu every other remedy p(ven Ixireunder,
<br /> In the Loan InsWmenta or now or hereaRer exlsUny al lew a In equtty ar by stetute,and may be exerclsed concurte�Uy,(ndependenUy
<br /> ---- -=,.
<br /> - - _ �."'o.:,,,....::,..,.
<br /> ^^ � . 13.TrustN.The T�ustee may reaign at eny Ume wllhout cause,end Londer may at eny dme ana wicnou�ceuae eppvini e auo-
<br /> oeaecx or aubstitute Trustee.Truatee ehall not be Iiabb to eny perty,Includl without Ilmltation Lander,Bortower,Truator or eny pur-
<br /> chessr oi the I�rope�ty.for any bss or demaQe uniess due to reckless or wIIHu�misconduct,and ehc+ll not be r�qulred to teke any ectbn
<br /> In oonnectbn with the entorcement of thta Deed of Truat uNesa Indemnitied,in wdtinp,for eli costs,companaeUon or expenaea wNch
<br /> mey pe ensoctated th�rewith.In eddition,Tru�tee may become a purchaser et any aale of tha Properly Qudiclal a undef the power of
<br /> - �` eale yrented hereln);postpone the eale of all or anY portion of tha Property,es provided!�y�aw;or aeli the Property as a whole,or In
<br /> separete parcels or bte at TNStee's discretton.
<br /> 14.F��nd Exp�ns�s.ln the event Trustee sella Ihe Property by exerclee ot power ot eale,Tn�atee shall be enGlbd to apply
<br /> - any na�e proceeda tlrat to payment of all ooste ond expensos oi exerclsing power ot eate,Includlnp all Truatee's feea,end Lenders and
<br /> Tn�stee's attomey's tees, actuatly Incurred to exta�t permltled by epplicable law.In the event Borrower or Truetor exerc�aes any dphR
<br /> �asulo f Truator'e def u�t,includinp without mitatton all Tru tee�s and ettomey's fees,to�ths extent psrtnftte�d by eppllcaWe law�es
<br /> ' 16. Futun Adv�nc�s.Upon roquest oi Bomower,Lender mey,et fts optlon, make eddlllonal end tuturo advencea and read-
<br /> . vanoevto Borrower.3uch edvances end roadvances,with Interest thareon,shali be secu►ed by lhla Deed oi TnuL/It no time shaU lhe
<br /> _ �
<br /> _ _
<br />