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<br /> "{ , , October .�s 97 .by�nd.maw�j
<br />'•, =f'�'���:�, THIS DEED OF TRUST,Is mads a�of th�_ 7;d�Y� G,(�
<br /> ,,: �
<br /> M �'".:i theTNator, Ronald L. a er and Bett L. W� er husband a►nd wife �
<br /> _.:_ :r„r
<br />,';��A.:' '� 1204 W Aivi sion� (}rand I s].and� NE (heroln��usto�',whether ons or moro),
<br />_P;��-, whos�n�ailinp�ddr�u h
<br />-::;���t�=:.�: . Hank o f Don�.ph�n _
<br />-�:��t�;�� m.T��u•�. — NE 66632
<br /> • �,r•�; P.O. Box 270� Do�iphanr �t�.M,-T,ustesy..nd
<br /> , wlwse r►1�IIIn��ddre�s h
<br /> ;'�s�' � Hanlc of Doniphsn
<br /> �''-;'• •: tl�e Bensffd�ry�
<br />_� ., :,.,
<br /> _•�`���.� ��,,,,w„��„�� P.O. Box 270 Doni h�n NE 66�32 l►+�'�«�'1•
<br /> ,,-.:r'..
<br /> � � FOR W1W/18LE CONSIDERATION,Indudl�Lender's sxtenalon of crodit Id�ndAed hs�eln to Ron�ld L. W�Briel"
<br /> •_.;:.;: .
<br /> �::., .t• . .
<br /> ;,�;��.t,_ (herstn Borrowsr. wt�sthsr one or moro)and ths trust Mroin cn�ted�tlt�roai�►t
<br /> :,�=r�._. Tnntor henby Irrovoc',�bly Gnnb�transhr�, oaw�ya�nd assipn�to Trustes,IN TRUS7,WITH
<br /> -::��`� or v�►�a, h�,.�y.d�now�saoea.
<br /> -,=�,+�•,�:^� pUVVEi�oF sN.E.ior the bensni and�iw:u��t L-ss�r�ar.dss en��,l+�����•nd eond�uons r,erstnart.r.et forth�en.rs.�
<br />--��..'�� p�perly dNalbsd�s tallows:
<br /> -�:=,rz.-,�;� 9ee Legal Deacriptions Attached as Exhibit A
<br /> -Y�,�,,
<br /> -_,�_��
<br />_�_�a:;;mf�o� Topeti�wilh aH bulidinps,Imp►ovemente.fUcturo�.atroeb��Ibye�Pateapewal�a.s�am�nb�dphts.P����PP��^0Oi
<br /> - bcated U��or tn�nywis�PsA��nkq thersto,�nd ths ronb,iasus��nd pniAb�rovsn1ons�nd r�rt�sM�de►s ilNraf.md wch pK
<br /> .,-,}�:,_-,�� ����y��y aq�ched a the�mprovements eo as to conatitute e flxture,tnciudinp,but not Nmfted to,heatl�p�nd oudMq�qul�
<br />----.r�: � msnt;�nd lo�sl��with Ut�hotnseta�d or msrital�rotl t�bs a pan ot the el estete�i c;ured by tM Ne�d tl�b� Dsed a�
<br /> _=�r�� �D reptaoernsMe snd addtUons theretu�h her�b9
<br /> � _Yr:aw aM ottt�torspoMp beMD roferrsd to herstn n the'PropatY. ` ��pr or cxedit p��
<br /> - _.��-� meM datsd�t0 ber 2 lc�! psymsnt a1 ths P��p°hsviny a�msntudty dste�P�1�1 1� .
<br /> --=�.�.� 141�000.00 .��y��all moditicatbns,extsmlons�d rorwwaa
<br /> y=,z�+s,� In the otiDin�l pdndWl amount of 5' —
<br /> :.���"--•� tl�erooi or tt�sroto and aRy end all futuro edv�noes and rsedvances to BorrwNer(a any of tl�emof othsr surrn�dvr�ced bY L«�d�r b
<br /> _=���'� M one a rtwrs Prom�asaf►notss or ctsdft aproert�ents(hsroln cellsd'fVots�;(b)ths P�yms�
<br /> _.u:�•�� _ proted ths sscudty oi the Note;(c)the Performance ot sU oovenanb and a�ro�msnto of Trustor set Mrth hersin:a�d(d)�II Prswnt�nd
<br />--=°°._�:. , futuro indebtednesn end oWigations oi Bonower(or eny W them ii moro 1h�n one)b Lende�whether d(rod,k�dlrsa,°b�°��°°r�°"tl�-
<br />..=i:�i� r. '.-.
<br /> ,�►��-�� gent and whsther erisln0 by note,euarenty,overdreft or otherwiae•The Note,thb Desd oi Tniat end eny�nd sN othef dxuments t
<br /> —``=;1�� aecure tha Note or otherwiae executod tn connectbn therewith, IncludinD without Ifmitation Auerenteos,security s9rsemenb�nd
<br />-- ��� esalgnmenb ot leaaea and renb,ehall be roferrod to heroin as ths'Loen InsWments'.
<br /> —^�-:,":� Truttor wvenants and aprees with Lender aa idlowa:
<br /> :,�"?'.�"�A'_':� 1. Poynwnt ot Ind�bt�dn�ss.Alt indebtedneaa aecurod heroby ehall be paid vrhen due.
<br /> �• -: �• • 2, Tttl�.Trustor�a the owner ot the Property,has the�ipht and authorily to convsy ths PropeAy,and warrenb that ths Ilen cnat
<br /> r' � � Lender bayforo sxecution oithis Deed of Trus�end tha exfecuidon end dsl erybot thl�s Deed of Tru tNdoss�vlo4ite�ny oonba�t or
<br /> other oblipett�on to whbh Tniator la subJect.
<br /> n
<br /> 3.7su��,AssKSm�nb.To pay betore delinquency elt taxes,spec:lal asaeasmenL�and all other cAarpss�p�k►tt fhs
<br /> , �� now or heteaRer levted.
<br /> 4.Insuranca.To keep the Property Insur"ed agelnat damage by flro,hazaMa Included withln the tetm"extsnded o�xeps"��nd
<br /> '• such other hazerds as Lender may requ�re, in ernounte end with compantea eccepteble to Lander,neming Lende�ea an additionel
<br /> ; named inaured,v�ith loss payable to the Lender. In csse oi loss under such policiea,lhe Lender is authorized to adJust,oolbct and
<br /> compromiae.all Gafma thereunder and ehatl heve tha optlon oi epplyln�all or part of the inaurence proceeda(Ij to any Indsbtsdness
<br /> . � secured hereby and ln auch order aa Lender may detertnlne,(11)to the Truata to be used tor the repeir or restoradon ot the Properly or
<br /> •��s" (II�for any other purpoas or oGJect eatisiactory to Lender without affecGnp the Ilen of th{s Deed of Trust for the NII amount sscurod
<br /> heroby beforo euch poyment evar took place.Any epplk�tbns of prooeeds to Indebtedne�ss shall not extend or postpof�e the due dats
<br /> — ..�.fs.�u Hwa�uvlar ev Mretltld8f.
<br /> .....-- . - ,-. _ _— . .. "''' _'�.�Y.
<br /> _ _ of enY PaY
<br /> � m�IjS UnOE�UI�ry�tll N 4VI0 Otl�w��vn v.w��..--' -' ""'
<br /> 6.Esarow.Upon written demand by Lender,Truator ahell pay to Lender,in euch manner ea Lender may dea�pnete�
<br /> sums tn gnable Lender to pay as they become duinsurence re utrod h re'under,aind�(Il�the prem umano eany mortpa�ye ensu�rance
<br /> lhe Property,(�q tha premiume on the proporty
<br /> requlrod by Lender. in ood condltbn end repafr.shell
<br /> 8. Malnt�n�nc�� R�psin and Complimc�with Laws. Truator shell keep the Property g
<br /> prompHy ropair,or repiace eny improvement which may be damaped or destroyed;ahall not oommlt or permlt any waste or deterbre-
<br /> tian of Ihe Propeny:shall not remove,demotlah or subatantlally alter any of the Improvements on the Property;ehaM not comm{t,suffer
<br /> � che�rpe at Truatora�cos end expe se aU�lien%ncumb n'oe e d charg a�levlel d, mposed 9or�accessed ag I�na�e ropertypo�r any
<br /> part thereoi.
<br /> 7.Emin�nt Domaln.Lender ta hereby aaaipned all compenaeUon,awarda, damages and other paymente or re��ef(heaeinaRer
<br /> Nec�si n+o�r+wal nn ena
<br /> i o�t�►�w+a com�wwr�ur w e�a�••«rr.►��w
<br />