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�, <br /> 'ro. ,�,.;:.�'w�,ur�,a�rs��r.:�x.., <br /> `r. ' '„*��^�r1��!!��?s�,..�,•.�,� ;Z-� . - r;�i,� _ _ _,:�ro,i - - <br /> _�.._ __._ ._ .. <br /> � --— - - - — — <br /> � NON•UNIFORM COVENAN'T3. Borrov�'ac and Y.ender iluther ooveaant and agree es follows: - <br /> l�, AooeiersUt�;ILea�ndks. Except as provided!n pruagraph 16 hereot,upon Borrower's breach of aay cavenant <br /> or sgreameat af Bonower in tbis Deed of Tcust,tncluding Bonowet's failure to pay,by the end ot 30 calendar ciAya <br /> after they ate due,any suaas secured by this De�ed ot TYust,Lender pdor to taooletaUon shnll g{ve natice to Bortower <br /> as provided in paragreph 12 hereof sp�c[tying:(1) tho breach;(2)the bctlon requirod to cura such breach;�3�a date, <br /> not less thon 20 days from the dato the nntioe i�mailed to Borrrnver,by which such breacb must be cvred;and(4)tbat;� <br /> tailure to cure such breach on ar beforo the data apaiQod in the notice may result!n aoceleratioa of tha sums secured,:� <br /> by this Dcod of TYust and sslo of the Property. 'I�e notloe slu�il furthar intorm 7iorrawer of the rlgut to[cinstate aftcr � � <br /> accelerxtton and ttee rlght to bring a oaurt acdoa to sissert the noaexlsteaa of a datault or aay other defousa of_.. <br /> Bonower to acxcleration and sale. If the breach is not cured on or before tho date apeclfled in the notioe,Lender�G <br /> at Lender's opdon,msy decUire all of tha eums Recured by this Dced of'fr�st to bo itqmedlately duo and payable� <br /> wlthout further demand and may invoka We pc�wer of sale aad any othcr remedtes permitted by applicable law. Lander ,� <br /> shall be entitled to oollect�11 reasoaable costa and arpenses Incurtad ia pursuiug the remedies provlded in this�. <br /> paragraph 17,lacluding,but aot Iimited to,reaaonable attorneys'foes. <br /> It the power of satc is invoked,'IYustee shaii record a aotice of default in cach oaunty in which the Property or <br /> some part thereof is located and shaU matl oopies ot such notioe in tha manaer prescdbed by appllcable law to <br /> Horrower and to the other persons prescribed by applicable law. After the lapse oi such Wne as may be required by <br /> applicabla law,Trusta shall g�va public notice of salo to the persons and ia the mauner prascrlbed by appHcable law <br /> Trustea�without damand on Aotrower.shall sell tha Propeny at public auctioa to We highest biddor at tha time and <br /> place and under the terms designaud in the notice oi sale ia one or mom parcxls and in such order as Trustee may <br /> determina Ttustee tnay gostpone sale of aU or any parcxl of the Pmpeny by public anaouncemene ac the time and <br /> place of aay pr�wiously schcduled salc. I.ender or Lendes's desigaQe msy putchase the Property at any sale. <br /> Upon receipt of paymeat of the price bid,Trustee shall deliver to che purchaser Trustee',s deed oonveyln8 the <br /> Propeny sold The recltaL4ln the Trustee's deed shall ba prur►a facie e.wldence of the uuth of the stauments made <br /> thereia Truste+e sheU apply thc procceds of the sale in tbe foAowing arder: (a)to all rcasonable oosts and expenses <br /> of the sale�includin�but not limited to�7Yustee•s fees actuaUy incurred of not more tban 5.0 Q 0 %of <br /> the gtoss sale prloe�rwaonable attomeys'fees and oosts of dtle aWdenoe;(b)to all swns secured by tWs Deal of Trust; <br /> and (c)the�xc�ss,if any, to the pe�on or persons Iegally entitled therew. <br /> f.a 8on+�e�a Ri�t w Rdawta Notwithstandlag I�ender's aaxleration of tho sums secuted Dy this Deed af <br /> Trust,due w Borrower's brwch,Borrawer ahall t►ave the righc to hava scy prooeedings begua by Londer to enforoe <br /> this Deed nf TYust dLscontinued at any timo prlor to the earlter ta oocur of(i)tha Hhh day before aala of the Propeny <br /> purswnt to the power of ssk oontainod ia thLs Deea or'nust or(nj enuy of a judgmeai enio�uig tui�D�t of Tt�t <br /> if: (a) Bocrower paya Lender all aums which would be then due under this Deed of Trust and tha Nou had n� <br /> acceleratioa occurced;(b) Borcower eures all breaches of any other aovenanta or agraments of Borrow�er contained <br /> in this Dad of Trast; (c) Bonowsr pays aU rtasonable expeases incurred by Y.ender and Trusuo In�nfordag the <br /> oovenants and agraments oi BorrovMer oontaiaed in thia Deed of Tnut and ia enforcing Lender's and Trustee's <br /> remodies as provIded in pangraph 17 hcrw�includ{ng,but not limited to,reasonabie attomeys'fus;and(d)Borrower <br /> qkes sach action as Laudcr may reasonably requira to essure tlut the lien of thia Dood of Trust,Lender's inurest in <br /> the Property rnd Borrower's obligation to pay tho sums securod by this Dooa of Trust shall wntinue unintpaired. <br /> Upon auch piyment and cure by Borrower,this Deed of TYust and the ob8gations secured hereby shaU remain ta full <br /> forcx and e�ect as i�na aooclerauon h�d occurrcd <br /> 19 Md�seat ol Rat� Appotatmeat of R�ooei�er L�a�da in P�o�erioe.As additional securlty hanundcr, <br /> Bonow�er henby aasigns to Lender the rants oi the Property.pmvidod that Borrower shall,prior to aooelentioa under <br /> paragaph 17 horeof or abandonmaat of the Property�have the right to coUoct and ratain such rents as th�y b000me <br /> duo aud payabla <br /> Upon aooelecation uad�r paragaph 17 hereof or abandonment of the person,by agent or by <br /> Judidally appolntcd reaivtr shall be endtled to evter upon,take possessioa of and manage the Property and to oolle�t <br /> the nnts of the Pmperty including those p�st dua Ail rents collected by Lcnder or che receiver st►aall be appIIed 8rst <br /> to payment o[tbe oosts of maaxgement ot the Property and callectlon oi rents,including,but not limited to.reoeivePs <br /> foes�promtums on reccivor's bonds and reaso�ubla anomcys'fecs�and then to the aums securcd by thia Dcocl oi'IYusL <br /> Lender And tha reoa[ver sh�ll ba liable to a000unt nNy for thoso tonts actwlly reaivod. <br /> 20� R�eooaVey�oo, Upoa payment of all sums secured by this Deed of Truat,Lendar sha11 request Trostee to <br /> rwonvey the Property aad shall surrcnder this Doed of 1Yust sad all notes evidencing indebtexinese sea�red isy this <br /> Doed of Trust to Trustee. Trustaa shall reoonvey tho Property without w�rrtnty and without chargo to the peraon or <br /> peraons legally entlded thereto. Such pecsoa or pereons ahall pay siU oosts of reoordation,if any. <br /> Zl. Sobtttnto'ho�tea L.ender's option,may from time to time removo Trustee and appoint a sucoessor <br /> trustoe to any'iYustec appointed bereunder by an instrument reoorded in the county in which this Deed of TYust is <br /> reoorded. Without oonveyance of tl�e Pmpeny,the sucoessor tnutee shall succeed to all the tit10.poW�r and duties <br /> oonferrcd upon the Trustee herein and by applipble law. <br /> 22. R�oquat foc NoHoes. Borrower requests thac copies of the notice of defeult and notice of sale be sent to <br /> � Borrower's nddrGSS which is the Properry Address. <br /> REQUF.41'FQR NOTICB OF DBFAULT <br /> AND PbRSQA6UYtII UNDER SUPERIOR <br /> MOR'P(3ACi�S OR DBEDS OF'1RUST <br />-i Borrower attd Lender request the holder of any mongage,deed of tnPSt or other encumbrance with a lien which <br />-� hus priority over this Decd of'lYust to give Nodce to I..ender,at Lender's address set forth on page one of this Deed <br />:•� of Trust,of any default under tha snperior encumbraace and of any sale or other foreclosure action. <br /> _, <br /> NBBRA�KA�3ECOND MORTdAC3S-II80-I'NMAIPHI11dC lJiil[�OttM tt�11tf1htF3Nf i''urn 3d78 <br /> no�w�x syK.�i��eoo�•w»u Page 4 of 5 <br /> s <br /> .� <br /> I ---— ------ --- __ - -- - <br />