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<br /> � of Trust is oa a unit ln a candomintum or a planned unit davelopment,Borrower ahall perfotm atl af Bonowea's
<br /> obligaUona undar the decluaUon or covenants creating or govarning the condominium or planned unit development, _
<br /> ths by-laws and raguladons of tbo condominivai or planned unit development,and oonstltuont documeats.
<br /> 7. p���I,e�►s Si�OC�ur[t�r, If Bonower fAils to perforna tho covenents and agreements conta[ned in thls
<br /> Deed of Trusb or if any actian or praoecding is eommencxd v�hich maurtally affects Lon�burse 6uch aums,includtng
<br /> chen Lender,at Lender's opUoa,upon nattoa to Bonowar,may make such appearances.
<br /> reasonable attorn�ys'tees. aad t4ke such action as 1e necessary ta pratect Lender's inceres� Ti 1.ender required �t,�
<br />- tqottgaga insuranct as a condition oY meking Ute loan secured by ttus Deed af'IYust�BormWer sheil pay the premiums y e=
<br /> requirod to matntain auch insurenc�in o�ect ui►til.such dme as the requirement for such insurance tarn�inates in 1
<br />' accordance witli Borruwer's�nd i,ender's writua ageemeat or ap�p�ca�e�la�wterest thereon,at the Note rnte,shAll ��
<br /> pay amounts disbursed by Iander pwnsuant to this paragaP
<br />- become additional indebtedaes.g of Bonowot secured by Wis Deed of Tn�s� Unl�ss Bc�n°�r���nder agcee o �
<br />� other terms of payment,such amow►ts shaU be PaYable upon notice fxom Leader�o�n�� a�p�he eu�itder. --�-�
<br /> thereo£ Nothing contained ia this paragraph 7 shall requir�Lcnder to incur any expo Y
<br /> 8. In�pection. Lender raay mak�or cause to be ma4e rea.sonable entries upon and ins�b e�use th�or
<br /> pravIded that Lender shall give Bosower notIcc prior to any such inspectian specifyin8
<br /> related to Lender's interest in the Properiy. �
<br /> 9. Condemnatbn. 'I7��PI°cex�s af any awatd or claim for damages,direct or cansequential,in oonnection with
<br /> aay condemnacion or other takiag of the Property�or part thereo�or for conveyaace ia lieu of caademuation,are
<br /> hcreby asslgned and ahall be paid to Lender�subf ect to tha tarms of any�ortgago�deed ot uust or othec securiry
<br /> agreement with a lien which has priority over this Deed of'YYos�
<br /> la ��i � �� g���gy L�ader Not i q►aiMer. Fatension oP tbe time for payment or
<br /> modificatioa of ataorti7atioa of the sums secnred by Wls Deed of Trust grnutcd by Lender to a�successor in interest _
<br /> of Borrower shall not operata to release, ia any manner• the ltability of the original Borrawer and Boaower's
<br /> snccessors in Interes� Lender shall not be requtred to commence procecding�e8ainst such suoas.gor or retuse to
<br />— e�tead time for payment or otheiwLse modify astortization of the sums se.cund bY this Deed of Tcust by reason of any
<br /> demand mada by the origtnal Burrower and Aanower's succesaors i�►intcres� AnY forbearana by Lender in exetetsing
<br /> any dght or remedy hereunder,or otherwLse afForded by applicable law, shall not be a waiver of or preclude the
<br /> exercise ot any aucb righc or remedy. .�e�����d 8graments henin
<br /> iL Stitooe�ota�d Aa�l�Hoand:Jolnt and Sev�al LJtbiligr Ooii�aen•
<br /> contained shAU bind,and We dghts hereunder shall inura ta. the respective suooessors and assrm�wer s6a11 ba oint
<br /> Bonower,sub�ect to tbe provtsbns oi paraBraPt►io herw£ wIi�c�ts aad agssemr.uss flt�--- .. � ,
<br /> and scweral. Any Bunawer who co-sigas tWs Deed of Trust,but does not acecute the Note,(a)is co•sigaiag tthie Deed
<br /> of'lYust only to grant aad cnnvry that Bonower's inurest in tho Proparty to Ttusta under the terma of this Deed of
<br /> Trust,(b)is not personally iiable on the Nou or uader this Deed of Trust,and(c)agras tbat Lendar and any other
<br /> Borrower hereunder mry agrce to axtend,modity,forbsar,or make sny other axommodatlons with regard to ttte terms
<br /> ot tt�Dood of Trust or tLe Note aviWout that Bonower's oonsent and withaut releasing tt►ac Borrower or moditying
<br /> this Deed of Trust as to t�t BonowePs inurest in the Properry. notioo
<br /> 12, Notloa Pxoept for any aotia xe�quired under appHcable law to be gtven in another manner,(a)u►y
<br /> w Borrow�er pravidod for in thls Aeed of Trusc sha11 be given by dcflvering it or by mailing such aotica by artlged
<br /> mail addr�ssed to Borrower at the Property Address or at such ather address as Borrawer n�►Y designate by notia to
<br /> Lender as provided herein,and(b)any notice to Lender shall be glven by certifled mail to Lender's address stated
<br /> herein or to such other eddras as Leader may designau by nodoo w Borrower as provlded herain. Any notioe
<br /> provlded for in thia Deod of Trust shall be deemed to t►ave been givea to Borrovver or Lenderwhea g[ven in the
<br /> manner designatcd herein.
<br /> 13. (3aMaains Ia�r Sa��!►• The state and loc�l laws appllcable to ttda Deed of Tivat shaU ba the lawa of
<br /> aMaa
<br /> the f urtsdiction in which the Property is located. The foregoing sentena shall not limit the�pplicabWty o!Fede
<br /> lew to this Dood of TYus� In the avent that any provisinn or clause of this Dad of TYust ar the Nnta oanflicts wlth
<br /> applicablo law,such wnfitct eha11 not a�ect other pmvinions of this Deed of Tcust or the Nota ahich can be g[ven
<br /> efiect w[thout the wnAicting provision,and to tbis snd the provisions oi tlds De�d oi'IYust snd thc Nota are doclared
<br /> to be scverabla Aa used heroin,'oosts",'expcnses"end"ettorneys'fees'includa aU sums to tt►c eaccent not prohibtted
<br /> by applicable law or limiud herein.
<br /> 14. Botc�'�Oopy. Borr�ov�'er shaU be furnished a wnformed oopy of tha Note and of thts Deed of Truat at tho
<br /> time of exavtion or after reaordation hereoL
<br /> � �S, geh�bilit�on I�n A�eemea� Bonower shall fu1S11 all of Bonower's obDg�tions under any home
<br /> rehabilItation.improvemeat,repair,or other loan agreement which Bom►wer enters into wtth Lender. Lender,at
<br /> L�snder's optton*may requinc Borrower to execute aad deliver to Lender,in a farm aoccptable to Lendcr,an assi�rnment
<br /> of any rights,claims or defenscs which Bonower may have against parties who supply Iabor,matertals or seiviocs in
<br />_ counection with improvements made to the Pcoparty.
<br /> 16, TYamfer o[the Pmperty or s BeneBaW Inteteat in Borr�er If all dr any part of We Property or any interest
<br /> � in It ls sold or trsasfcrred(or if a beneflclal interest Ia Borrower is sold or uansfcrccd�nd Borrower Ls not a natural
<br /> person)wlthout Lender'a prbor wriitea wnsent,Londer may,at tts option,requim immodiaro paYment in tull of all
<br /> � sums sccured by this Deed ot Trust. However�this optdon shall not be pcercis�d by I.ender if�cerctse is pro6ibitod
<br />'�� by Fedetal law as of the date of this Deed of TrusG
<br />�'.� If Leader exercises thfs option�Lender shall give Bonower notice of aooeleration. Tha notice shall pravtde a
<br /> � _ �----.._ .._._.L��,..i..�ia/Il��IVOTAfI nr�nailed within w11iT.h HOttOWCi MUSt p8y Sll
<br /> -_ �'.1(0(I OI IIOI ICSS lABR JI/ W�D uvut utv vaw.aav u...+.......�«.---- -- ---
<br /> �',; sums sccured by this Deed of TrusL If Borrower tatis to pay theso sums prtor to the expiratioa of this perlod,I.ender
<br /> Y� may icivokc any remedies permitted by this lleed of Trust w�ithout further notice or demand on Bonower.
<br /> �.
<br /> �
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