�;.�._„ -...R.�.,.�.,W.�......q._-,-
<br /> ..r. . .�.,. ' �!•a.5�:�'. . � ..l:�J.i";, �.
<br /> . . �� .... ;�'. _ ! ,�_ i�iut�;��_-x�.
<br /> . .� , [.�..ti�r .�- �n,,.r.a, � Ty fmm,�L•,.,�..... - - . _. _ . .
<br /> �' e �.U_i:'l1:mYwx�•�,�J;�.t-:7F. —__��_ -__..--.
<br />. ��~itJ� ����• � �
<br /> 7. Proteotion ot L�nd�r'a Rlphb In th� Proptrly. M eorrow.r aw �o p«iorm ►n. cow^+�^a �^d "o"M'N"n
<br /> . aontain�d In thi�S�curkY Instrum�nt�or►h�n M�MpEI Prx�dr►0 th�t may�IOnNb�nty�fNat Und�f� riphts h tM PropwtY(tuah u
<br /> a procMdhp M bu�kruptcy�Probaa�ror oond�mnuton a torlNtun a ta snloro��w�a n�+�rib%���o. nKy Iralud.F�Y�
<br /> whttwK �t n�cnwry to proaot th�v�lw o1 th�Prop«4y �nd Und�Iy rqhb In tIN Prop�Ry. --
<br /> any wms Naund by� Wn whbh h�s prlorMy o+rK th M S�ou r k y Imtrun'Nni,a pp1u1n9 in ooue,paY„0 ��on�bN Rttom�ys Na�nd! __
<br /> �r►tKhp on th�Prop�ty ta mak�np�M�. AMhouph I.�ndM nMY���1���fhM puAp�ph 7, Und�r doK not htw to do so.
<br /> My �m�wnt� dNburs�d by L.«td�r undM thN p�r�p�yPh 7 �haA WoWr» �ddNtOnd d�b�of aarov�w Naund by this &�aurR/.�. —
<br /> Instrumw►t. Unlas Borrov+K tnd L�nda �OrN lo o1hK IKnN ol WtYn�^�� N�M �+nN �MI bw Inbnat kom th� d�a ot�
<br /> dkbun�nmt�t tM Noq�nM Nd �haM b�paYrbM�wNh hMrMl,upon nolla fran l.�ndM lo Vxrowrr r�qwslYW WY�G
<br /> d. Nlort,y�q� In�unno�. N UndM►�Aufr�d rt�Orlp�p�MW�k1o�u •00ndNI0n 01 nMkY►9 tl� lo�n NOUnd by this 8�cwlh►..�p
<br /> incfrumant� Qorrov�C� she�M pRy the pranbm� nqut�d to rrMlnfAM ►M ma1p�Q�h�ur�n0� In IM�ot. N. kr �ny naon� th� mortpr0��„J1 �
<br /> Msuruic�oovK� nq��d by LMid�► MIptM a oMN�W W h MNOt, tlortowrr �h�d p�y fM gxx�tilunu r�qulred to abtah covereDe—�+
<br /> subiuntl�Ny�quMnMnt to tM moRp�p�Nwnnc�P���b� ���t�oost wb�MnlW�r uquhr�llnl ta th�oott to BortowK of th�
<br /> mortWiG� In:unnc� prwlou�y h Nhat�kum �n �A�l� matpW� Intunr�PD�� b� L�ndM. tl tubttanti�My �QukaMnt mortWp�
<br /> insuranao cowr� I� not Id by�8 owe wh�n th�htu tnna oowrAO��a o�to atin Mlwt. l.�nh d�r wIN acc�pt us���d
<br /> Inannc�Pnmbm b�ki0 W
<br /> r�tah thaa paym�nt� as a bss rK�w b IMu o� mo�t�� �tu��• �os�narw p�f►rn�r►t� ^rY no Ion4K b� ►�Wk�d, at t •
<br /> optbn of I.Mid�r, k moRpq�hsuana oowr�tp� (in tt�� ��� �nd lor th�p�rbd lhtt llndK raWY�a� Prov� by �^ 1n°ur� _
<br /> ePProvrd by UndM W�h b�oorr� wtll�bM �nd k obNYNd. 8orrowM �MN p�y th� P�� �k�d to maint�fn mortWOe
<br /> k►surnnc� In �M�at. a to Drovid� � bH rN�� unlN th� nquYMMnt fAt maApsW Ntur�nC� �nd1 In 1c0ortMno� w�th �nY �wdttan
<br /> apro�nMnt bMw«n Borrow�r ond Und�r or�PPIb1�bM kw.
<br /> 9. In�paotion. �.nd.r or �• .p�ne may m.ic• rw•on�w �na� upon ana h�p�o�wns a en�P�op�rty. UndK shail p1w
<br /> eonow�r noNc��t th�tlm�of or prb►to m ImMotbn sp�oW�^0�s�M ewM lor«����'
<br />. 10. Cond�mn��lOD. Tho P���ih�f P op�Ay.or far o wYsno�„n M�u of oo�nd�rm�tbn,ur hMrbY a�tlptNd�nd th�1 b�
<br /> condwnnatlan ar o!!nr takh0 0l�ny�rt .-..
<br /> pald to L.�ndor.
<br /> In th�went of a to41 Wciny of th� PropMty, tM proa�Mdt sh�N bi �ppM�d l0 th� wms Mourud by MN �owNll Mfau�► �
<br /> whothar or not than du�,wkh any�xca� W� �a Borroww. In th�wMit of�p�Ayl hklnq M fh�Piap�tY ti �bh th�NY nwk�t
<br /> valua of th� Prop�Ay ImnwdYt�N b�fon tt» UkY�O k �I lo a On�M► thm th� Wnounl of tM w�n� Ma+nd by thk 8�curit!►
<br /> Inspum�nt YnnwdfatNy bMon th� WcinG� unNat BorrowK�nd I.�ndM othKwW �p►N h wAhq�Ih� win� ��Nind b�r !hM 8�oudlY
<br /> InsWrrNnt �haN b� nduc�d by th� amount ot tM prooNds muklpM�d by lFN toNowhp lnolbnt I�� �•���.My b�W�
<br /> Nourod YmHdytelY bNoro tM talcho� dNid�d by(b)tM ht rtNirkN wlw of tM PrW�MtY �M�Y
<br /> �haM b� p�W to Barow�r. In th�w�n1 of� pMla�fdckW of tM ProP�t! h�bh Ih�trY makM wW o�!M►�op�y ��
<br />- bNon tM WcYW is Mss lhan th�limount ot tM wm� Mou��� ����N�d� O tl1� wrtn M01M�d b�f�MM 8�ourih�
<br /> �yrN In wrkhp or unlat eppNc�bM I�w oth�rwlN Provld�s� P��
<br /> Imuum«►t whMh�►or not►h�tunn an thm dw.
<br /> = !!!Ae?roa�rcy!a.b�ndaNd by BarowK, a M,�M►notb�by L�ndK ta Bon'owK that UM aand�mna oMn lo m�k�r+a�d°f
<br /> sNtw a ol�tn tor dart�W�� eorcow�r hr�to n�pond to I,.�ncNr wRnn 3o day�aiwr i�:��:i:.:sui�= p�s.��!w y.u�hafe.d
<br /> to aoM�ot and�DPN th�procwdt,at ks optlon,Nthu to n�tontbn or nP�k ol tM Prop�ty or W th�1u� ��by���Y
<br /> Instrum�nt,whNhK or not tlHn dW.
<br /> Unlest L�ndK�nd Borrower athuwl�a�pm in wrkihn`p�/ �nd�2 a obMq�tM�rtaunt ol woh�p�Y�Nt�nd ot po�tporM Mwl
<br /> dW d�t�of ttN monthy P�ymM1b rMMnd t0 in P�9nP
<br /> 11. Borrow�r Not R�I��d: Forl»�rana� By��nd�r Not� W�IvK. �can�ia+ a �n. +�. �or o•r++«� °'
<br /> modMicatbn of unortitatlon o1 tM surtn aaund by thk S�cu�Ay Intbum�+�t prinNd by I.�nd1r to 1ny �uxwtor M hlMrtt M�a►ow�r
<br /> shaM not op�raa to nNuo th�IMbwtY of th�orlDiml Barovwr o�Borrow��tuooK�aa In InNrMt. t�ndM�MN nol b�nquind to
<br /> oortrnN�c�P��w�InGs�paM�t mY suco�asor h Inbntt a nfua to abnd Itn�la paYnwM a o1h�wW�+od�M�at�^ W tM
<br /> sum� s�cund by thfs S�aurky Instrummt by nasOn of �ny dMnmd mttS� by th� oAQtwi doMOwM aK OOnOww� WOOMioh b
<br /> IntKat. My Iorb�uanc�by L�ndK h�ownokMp any ripht or�y ofwq ri�t�:a wa�ot cr Prec!�the�!!re�••M�ny rlght or
<br /> �12.Succes�on�nd A�slQna Bo�und; Joint arid Sw�r�l I.I�bility; C�IOn�►s. fl+� oo�«w�a �'a
<br /> �a�n�nts of thl� S�curk1r Insaum�nt ahaM bMd �nd b�nMk tM woo�son �nd u+lp�n of UnWr�nd sa►OwM� wbMot b tM
<br /> provfsbn�of pvapnph/7. Bortow�f�aownaeb�nd�prMrtMnto th�N b��ol�t�nd�sl �nY�wrow�w�O����N ac�+�h
<br /> Insbummt but doM not �cuu tM Nob: (a) M ctrslpninp thk B�CUrN1� In�MunMr►t ony lo maq�pti (M�+ � �^� �
<br /> soROwrr�intK.se In tn.Prop�rty undK tn.urms of ehM s�curit�►In�trunNnr,(b)M not p«ron+N�obM1�Md a onY Mw��rd
<br /> by thls S�cu►Ityr InsWm�nt;�nd (o) �p�ws tMt I.�ndK�nd my otMr Barow+r rrKy � � �a �aN� �� a��
<br /> �ccommod�tlons wNh rp�rd to tKms o}thM S�ourky IntWmN�t a tM Nol�wkhout Ihat tlOtrOVVw�GoeNM�
<br /> 13.Lwn Charq��. II th� btn s�ound by thM �ourlly InslninNnt k wbl�ot to t kw whbA Nb � � o��'
<br /> md ttu�t law k fln�y Marpnad�o th�t th� ht�t or othK lom oh�s aoMobd or to b�oON�oMd In 00�0� '� ��
<br /> �occ»d th� D���d Wnks.th�nc(�)�nY suoh Ioan oho�p�s thaN b� nduo�d by tM�mount ��o�swY l0 ndia�tM Ofw'�b tM
<br /> p�mktod Ilmk;�nd(b)my wms aMwdy ao�oNd kom BorrowK whbh aoNd�d pMmMO�d ink�ww a�+nd.d a�arowK� I.MtdK
<br /> may ohoot� to m�k� thk nfund by nducinp th� pnc�lpd ow�d undM th�Notv or by m�kMq� bY'1ot D�f�! t0 dOrrOwM. M�
<br /> ' nlund nduca P��I,ch�nduotion wNl b� trKt�d a�WRk�PnP�Y�t wkhout my pnpUY�t ohwp undM th�NoN.
<br /> 14. Nottae�. My notic�to Barovr�r provW�d �or h thk S�ourky In1Wm�t sl►�N b� �1a1n by dMMr�rMW k 0�by maNUO k by
<br /> - first oMsf r►uA unMss �ppNetbN kw r�quins ut� of �noth�r rr�Mhod. Th�notlC� �h�M b dlnebd lo tM Prop�ty Addns� o► �nY
<br /> ' othK addn�t BorrowK do�lpnates by notic�to LendK. My not�� to Lendlr thtN W pM�n by fY'�t oln� m�M to Ltnd1l�11ddr'N�
<br /> stated hK�ln or �ny othe►�ddnss Und�r drtqn�tK by not��to BorrowK. My not��aovid�d tor h thN 9�ourihi M�IrunNnt ah�l
<br />_:=� ye ds�rnW to haw bMn y�nn to Borrowa or L�ndlr wh�n 9Nm af D�ovld�d h thw p�r�prlph.
<br />-_± 16. �OVQ�flIf1Q L.aW; Severability. ThN 3�aurNy ImtrumM►t thtN W poverthd by pd1��l i�w �nd IM Ilw ol IM
<br /> = Jurisdbtbn In whbh th�P�op�rty la bol�tad• In th��wnt thtt any provNbn or o�uN Of thM S�curiry Instrunf�nt o�IM NoM oq►OMDb
<br />--= wRh �ppibabM law, suah conHbt sh�N not aM�ot othK provkbnf of thM &ourNy InsUummt a th�Nob whloh oAn b�plwn MlrCt
<br /> wkhout th�contNOthp prbvNbn. To thb�nd th�provkbns of lhM S�ourky Inshum�nt�nd th� NoN w wo�na�o a..wner,
<br />�� 18. Borrowar'�Copy. BorrowK shdl M pFron on�oonlom�d aoDY of th�NoN�nd of thN S�owity In�tn�rtwn��
<br /> - �� rranst�� ef tha ProDeKV 01' �BeD�flelai Inter�st In eorrow�r. II aM a �n� Wut of th� ProP�rtY a �ny
<br /> -p; Intaront h.k b a01d or V�ntt�rnd (ar M a bmMickl hhnat In BorrowK Is�Old or tnr►st«n0 mo eorroww w ovi i�:�r-��.r
<br /> �, wkhout la�dars prbr wrkt�n oonsaet,L�nd�r meY,at k�optlon, nqu�n Irtw�d�U WY�t ti NI of il sum�Nound by IhM Wew�y
<br /> InsWma�t. Howwrer,this optbn sh�Y not t►x aKOb�d by L.�nd�r M�ocMOk�k prohbN�d by Mdlral Yw ��ol tM d�M of tAl1 BIO�MMY
<br /> Inatrum�nt.
<br /> ,.�v� If LondK exerol��s thls optbn,Land�r �haH piw 8orrowK notic� of icaNntlon. TM nolb� IhaM provld�� pKbd of not N11
<br /> than 30 days kom th�date th�not�� b dWwnd or m��Nd W4hh whiah Ih� Borrow+r mu�t p�y d sum� uound by thN �hM
<br /> InstrurtMnt. If BartowK faAs to pay th�s��umt prbr to th��xpintbn of thM p�rbd,Undlr may hvok��1nY�M�Md�M R�� N �
<br /> Seourky InsWma�t wMhout turthK notb�or d�n�nd on Bortow�r.
<br /> • P�p�0 0l 6
<br /> Ft02Y.LM0(t0/01)
<br /> 679
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