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<br /> ,� .. hlf� �a�ei. .. , � .r�saa,j57��':`.
<br /> � . L= - r� • ' :'yr� �r;'rr;� _-- --.,.�_�.
<br /> �„r.�.._.r•e ,��c�a_,�. _
<br /> � garrowws sauaw account und�r th�Nd�r�l RMI Ettab BMtNnl�nt PrOCwlurN AOt of 1974 a��mM1Wd Irom tYM t0 tYM, 12 U.B.C.
<br /> 2601 M aq. ('i�b'PA•).unlKS rnothK ww lh�t�ppMM to th�Fund�Nt�a N�f�r amount. II to.Undu m�y,at�ny tlm�.colNo!�nd
<br /> hold Fund�iri N �mount not to�xcMd th�Is�s�r Wnount. L�ndK m�y Ktim�u tM�mount ot 11ind� dw on th�bask of ourtw�t dN�
<br /> �nd n�son�bY�stkrnt�s of w�ndltuns o1 NWr�Escrow It�m�a othwwis�h Roaordan.s wNh appllc�bM I�w.
<br /> Th� Fund� shaN b� h�id In an In�FMutlon whow d�potkl �n h�und by a Nd�nl �p�r�ay,hsWm�nqNry, or�ntUy (Inolu0lq
<br /> I.�nd�. N I.�dn M woh �n Intlkutbn) a h �nY FtdKal Honw Lo�n B�nk. I.�nd�r sh�M�pp1y th� Fund�W p�Y th�E�orow M�riN.�
<br /> und�r rtKy oot chepo Bartowa for holdinp u►d appyM►p tM Fund�, �nnwly �mtM�O N��row a000unh a wrNyYq tM E�arow�
<br /> Ibms,unlNS Und�r p�y�9a►ovr�►InMn�t ne tM Fundt�nd�NwbM kw pKmlb I.�ndu to m�k�suoh •ohup�. Howsyw. Undr
<br /> may rnquW BoRAwrr to p�y s ons�tMns olwp�la�n hdp�ndmt nal Nqb fax nPa11n0 sNV�o�us�d by l�nd�r In oonMOtbn wAh Q
<br /> ihb tou��unMa applbabM law pmvld�s othKwlN►. U�I:� an ipr�rrant ta mado ar a�tpdccbb Iaw requMs htoreet ta►ke piid, L�n�iu� �
<br /> �h�M not b� rquind to p�y Borrow�r u�y fnNn�t a wnNW on th�Fund�. BorcowK�nd I.mdK may W►M M wrltMO�howwv,th�
<br /> ht�r�st �h1�19 6� p�ld on lh� Funds. L�nds► th�N plw to BoROw�►, wRhou! oherp�, m �nnwl�acounthp of t!N Fundr, showYq�
<br /> cndk�md d�bils to Ih�Fund�and th�purpo�lor whbh Moh d�bk to tM Fund�wat rtwid�. Th� Funds w pNdp�d a�ddAlo�
<br /> \
<br /> a�aurity ta aa�ums Nound by tha S�curky Insfrum�nt.
<br /> If th�F�nds hNd by I.mdK�ocNd th��rtwunt�p�mkhd to b�hNd by�ppMo�bM I�w,I.w►du s1uM �ccount to Barow�r tor tM
<br /> �xc�as Fur�d�h accord�no� with th�aquYwn�nt� of�ppfbabM kw. it th�amount ot th� Fund�h�ld by L�ndK at any tMn�R nol
<br /> suffleNnt to pr�th�Esorow It�mti wh�n dw,I.meNr maY so notly Borrow�r In wrkin0��nd� „�uoh eaw Barow�r sh�M pay to t,�ndi►
<br /> th�runount Mnss�ry to m�k�uP th� dNbMnoy.BorrowK ah�M m�k�up tM d�floUncy h no mon thn twNw monthy payrtMnts.1t
<br /> Lmd��ioM dkontion.
<br /> Upon payrt�nt In fuN of aN sum�qaund by thk Srou►Ity ki�trum�nt,L�ndK�htN prompty:Mund to BoROw�r Rny Fundt hNd by
<br /> l.«tdor. If, undK pu�0�sph 21,LMtdN sh�N aoqulr�ot��II tIN PropMty,1.«tdlr,prbr to tM�Cqukltlon or IaM Of tll�PropKty,shll
<br /> �ppy�ny Fund� h�ld by UndK at tM tim�of soquMkbn or ala u a cndk�ptintt tfw tumt tacund by thk 8�curNy Insbum�nG
<br /> 3. Ap/�IICa410D Ot Pay11'1lDb. UnMst appNCWM kw provkf�s othNwk�,�A p�ym�nls r�caN+d OY La�dx undor ptrapapht
<br /> 1 u�d 2�bsl b� �ppM�d: Mst,to �ny pnpaymmt alw�� dw und�r th�Not�;s�aond,to �rnounb pY�M und�r pwpnph x Mtd
<br /> to ht�rsst dw;tourth,to prhop�l dur,�nd Mst,t0 my kt�ohupa dw undM th�Not�.
<br /> 4. ChifQeii LIfOt. BortowK thaM p�y aN tax�s� ��rtwnb� otw��. M�t�nd tripo�kton� altrbuhbM to th� PrcP�M
<br /> whbh rtMy a111h prbrlly owr thi�.B�CUdtY InsWrtwnf� md MtNhold paYmMib or qround rM►b�If 1ny. BOrrOw�t�hUN pay N1M1
<br /> obNpatiom tn Ihr m1nr�provkNd h panpnph 2.o/Y not p�id in t1u1t mrnnM�Bortowrr thtl WY Gl�m on th'N dinCtb to th�PMtOn
<br /> ow�d paym�nG narow�r�haN prompty fumRh to I.�ndK�M noticrt of�mountt to M ptid und�r thM pMnOnPh. M BarowK nrkK
<br /> th�N MY�� d��N�BotrovrK sh�N promptb fvmkh M L�ndM nc�tt wldM�ohp th�WY�a.
<br /> Borrowrr�haN promply dMoharp��ny INn whbh hu prbrRy owr thf�SrcurUy bstrwrwnt unlNS 9aroww:p)�p'MS In wrlt�'�0�
<br /> �n.wm�t a tn.oe��an ..ound ay tn.wn h�mM►n.r�w a�.nd«;N)oaw..a„000a �n a�.wn by,a dM�na�
<br /> apalnit rntaroMn�►t of ttw N�n h, Npal ptocMdhW wh�h h IM I.md��opMion op�nM to pnywit tM�nfac�nNnt of tM Mn;or(a)
<br /> Y�CUfM*Of11 G1� h01tl�f Of th� NMI a11 aptNrtNn�saii"siibiwy i� i.wiZ:. :ubCi�:i:2:SQ t!q �! 24(!_v�"!!!�!;' !flaM�ry�nl. M I.�nd1t
<br /> d�brmlr� th�t anY pvt of tM P�opKty 4 subj�ot to� Nrn whloh may atbh priorky owr lhls Srcurry InsErum�►t.I.md�►m�Y W�'�
<br /> Baro�w�r a �dic�id�ntllyhp tM Mrn. earow�►sh�N ati�y th� pm or nk�on��r moro ot th� aod�m�t toRh abow wUhin 10 dry�
<br /> of fh�pNh�d notk�.
<br /> 6. Hwrd or Properly Insur�nce. earowu �hd ke� thr ImpiowrtNnts now «�rcrp « n.n�� �nai.a on uM
<br /> propwty InsuW �Whst bas by Iln� hwrds halud�d wkhb th� O�nm '�nd�d oovw���nd �nr otl� M�rda� Mak�dkp Ilood�a
<br /> MoodiW�lor whbh I.�nda nquirf+ Mswmc�. Thk inwrana sMY b� m�Mt�tNd N thi �rtwunta �nd br tiw p�lod� that L�nd�r
<br /> nq�ins, Th11n=urmc�oartiK pro+rtdhp tM Insunnc��haN b1� ohos�n by Barowwr wbJ�ot to llndlfs �pprowl whbh th�N not b�
<br /> unnason�by wkhhNd. if Borrow�r hNt to mahUin Cowr� dMCrb�d �bow�L�nd�►may� �t L�nd�s optlon, obt�1M ouvwp�lo
<br /> ptoNot Und�G �qhiG L�tho Ptopzrtyr In aCeerdSnCe wkh penlQ�gh 7.
<br /> AM htumc�poNoM�md nn�waN shsN bi�cc;�t�bM to L.�ndK�nd thaN Nowd�a ttmd�rd maq�0�olwa. LmdK�h1N h�w
<br /> �n. rrpnc co no�d tM ��sws�+d ►.n�w-�:,. i� i..nd�nqu►w� BortowK thaN prompty plw to L1ndK wr ao�pa a wid prm+r,n+.
<br /> and nn�wal noticN. In tM rwnt of bsf, BarowK�haM pF� prompt notla to th� inwnno� c�rrf�r�nd I.�ndK. I.�nd�r nMY mY�
<br /> proof of bs11�ot rt�d�promOty by Borroww.
<br /> UnMts Unde md Barow�r otMrwiN�M wrltinp�Mw�a P►oc�t ehaN b��ppN�d to�loratbn or npdr of th�propwly
<br /> dmwp�d, If tl� nttontion a�Wr k�conomic�b Na�bM md i.md�i �ourkl►k not Na�d. M th�nstontion or n�palr Is not
<br /> �conort�CabY hasb� a I.�ndws wcwMY wauW b� iM��n�d� th� bsur� Proo�aMiN b� �OPMb to th�wna Nou�d br Ihi�
<br /> Sreurky Ir�:rurtwnb wh�th�r a noe th�n dw� wkh �ny waa�s pud to BorrowM. M Borrow+►�b�ndons tM Peopwty� a do�s not
<br /> answK wlthM 30 days a notk� Aom UndM tMt th� htunnw cartMr ha aM�nW to sNtl� �ol�M►� Mm I.mdK�tMy ooMot tlN
<br /> hsurnw� P���. L�nOw may us� tM P►oc�d� to nWt a n�ton th� P�op�rty a to P�Y� Nound DY Ihk 8�ourl�►
<br /> Inttnxmnt. wh�tMr or not tMn dw.Th�9ad�y D�ww�M whm th�noNa I�plwn.
<br /> UnWs Und�r md Barow�►oth�wW �prM In wrkinp��ny �pplic�tbn of prooMd�to prY�optl 1haM nOt McMnd or pottpa�th�
<br /> dw dab ot th� monthy paynNnb rM�rr�d to h pv�pnphs 1 and 2 a ohu�p�th� rnax�t W th� qym�nts• M undM pwOr�ph At
<br /> tM PropKty N acqulnd by Und�,Bortow��ripht to�r1y IntunnC�pONCiM�nd procMd�rl�uNMQ kom d�rt�t0 th�PrOpMty pbr
<br /> to th� �oqukkion thaM p�ss to Und�r to tM �oct�nt of th� wms tacund by thk S�cwity Insbum�nt Y►rr»dytNy p�lor to th�
<br /> �cquMRbn_
<br /> 8. Ocoup�ncy� PreservsUon� Malntemnoe �nd Protectton of the Praperty; Borrow�r'� L,an
<br /> Apptioetion; Le�eh0ldi. Borrow�r sh�N occupy, �sUbllsh,�nd ua tM PropMty as Barowar�prt�olpd n�kNnc�wkhh �kty
<br /> - d�ys aRx tM ax�cutbn of thb S�curky Inatrument and sh�N oontMw to occupy th� Fropwty as Barovrwt prY�op�l nNdK�cv fa�t
<br /> Nast on� yw aRK th� dab ot occupu�oy, unN�s LrndK otMrwla �pr� H wrkinp, whbh conwnt fhaN not b� unne�oMby
<br /> wkhhNd,or unNts ext�nuatinp efroum�WCn akt whbh w b�yond 8ortow�fs aontroL Barow�r sh�N not dMtroy,dun�p� a h�ir
<br /> th�Praperty,�Ibw�M Prop�ty to drtKbnt�,or commk waia on th�Propaty. Borrow�r�haM a In dNwk M�ny kMkun�otbn or
<br /> prpce�dY�p,whethK civY or crlmintl,la bpun that h Undws paod hkh Judpm�nt oould nsuR In brwlun of tM Rropaty or oth�rwiN
<br /> rturrrhW inntir tM IMn arNt�d by tha S�ourky Inttrummt or I.�ndws aCUrlty Int�n�4 Bortaw�r m�Y aun wah • dMwk nd
<br /> rNntt�b, �s provid�d h panpnPh 18,by oaushp th�Ratlon or procNdiny to b�dbmltad wkh a Nhy tn�t,h ��na�r�pooai iun
<br /> d�t�rtnln�ttqi, pnoluda toMkun of tM Borrovwrs ht�rKt In th� Propwty or otMr m�hrl�l IrtpaYm�nt ot th� Mm craad by bla
<br />.�� Saourily IntYUnwnt or Und�s s�ourlty In4�n�t. BorrowK shaN ako b� In d�huk M Bortovrsr,durYp tM lom �pplfcatbn proals.
<br /> ' qsw m�t�lUy hiw or Inaccunt� IntomKtbn or �tat�mmb to Undrr (or hM�d to provldY L�nd�r wkh my mat�l htarrtytion)in
<br /> � conn�otbn wkh th� ban�+ridmc�d by th� Ncb,Inoludhp,but not Hmk�d to,npntM►ktbm concMnlnO Borrow�r's ocC�D�Y o��
<br /> Pro�ty af i prhoip�l rKid�nc�. It thk S�curky ImWmmt b on Y Ntt�hold, Barow�r �hsN compy wRh �II th�provRbnf of th�
<br /> � kat�. II Barow�r soquins 1M tMM to th� PropKty, lh� iNNhOb �nd tM IN tkM th�N nOt mup�un6Ni tM Undw �pnM to Hw
<br /> merpK h wrllnp. Ferm aott Mw
<br /> ;I FtOIID.LMa(10�7) Pq�P o1 6
<br />.1
<br /> 67Y
<br />