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<br /> , . � _
<br /> �.- , - --
<br /> �a„ •.r.,:...._. ----�—
<br /> � IYMl.n...
<br /> �,M Nrwkxd�P 11�I�d�tfbrOn�AS esc�uAd Ay thN[�sal c�t Tn�t not k�,ludirq aume�Manced f�pro���M�F,�xNy�d�is lDs�d cft
<br /> 'rnMl,�xa�ad Ih�wipin�prk�pN�mcwnl ti�lad Mroln,or i 2�Q L000.00 _,whlchsvsr la�roa�tsr.
<br /> 1 e.MI.o.M�n.o�N lM+ovl.��+..
<br /> , (�)rorr+Mr�r Me11l�ww�d.�Kt�mbn o4 dw tirrN tor p�yrr�t a tnodiflcatian oi�mortization o1 the wm�s�curad by tlds
<br /> C�cj d 7rw1 pr�nled by LendK ta any�uoa�wr in Inurnit of Borrower shell nat operete W retease,In eny menner, tha IlabUl-
<br /> fy W E�oripk►�1&xrawr �nd Qarrow�Ps suCa�w»In Int�ntl. Lsnder ehall not be rsqulned to commence proceedfnps
<br /> �rl wch�uoa�sa or ntuw In�xt�nd NrtM ta p�yrr�t a oth�wl�s modlry �mortlzetba of tha�ume secun�d by thls�
<br /> QMd d Tn»I by nrson of�ny tNn�d�m�d�e by th�orlpinu Barows►md eonowsr'i ducceroae In Intereet.
<br /> (b)i,�ndN's���,WNlwut Nfa�lnp th�IlabNfly of Mny otl�r p�non IIaWs tor th�payment o1 eny obllpoNon hernln men-
<br /> t1�orMd,�nd wlkwul�fl�ctlnq th�W�n or ch�rp�W tM�DMd of Trutt upon�nY Pation of Ms PropeRy not then a thentafore
<br /> r�lo�d�wcurlry for Ih�tuH�mount of�N unp�ld obllpaGau,LenQer mey,from time to tlme and without nc�tk�e(f)releaes
<br /> •ny p�r�un�p N�pl�,(p)�xbnd tf�m�Writy a�K�r�ny of the tertns ot eny euch oblpeUona,iiN)prent other Indupencee.(hr)
<br /> ��ar naonwy, ar awM Oo b�nN�d or noonvsy�d�t�ny Um��t Land�e'�opUon eny paroel� pafian or all oi ths
<br /> pm�rty,(v)I�k�a n�Nw��ny oth�lr or�ddl�on�l s�curity for�ny oblipatbn heroin menGoned,or(vq make compositlons a
<br /> altwr�r��b wlth dN�lrn�n rri�tbn tF�rab.
<br /> (a)No�,Nnw by L��tdM No!�WN�.Ili�r Mrb�arorx�by Lsrxbr In�xerdsinp any ripht or romedy heretmder,or oth-
<br /> +�twi�MkwO�d by eµ�pNt�bl�N�w,�M not b�y wshror of or procluds ths exercNe of eny euch rlpht or remedy.Theµrocuro-
<br /> m�M al In�urMtw or Mt� ynNnt of WaM or othar Ihnt or cha�+p�s by Under�heY not be a waiver or Lender�Hght to�ccska
<br /> ,�I+INr m�xlly dthM�1rwr��c�und by Ihl�W W oi 7ru�t
<br /> (d)Nu�or��ttd Awi�t�bundi Jttlnt end A�wrN I.I�Wlityi C�ptlon�.The oovenenh and spnssmsnte bereln con-
<br /> Wr�f�iw�N bind�Nxt IM rfphb hK�und�r�II Inun to, fM rs�psctNr�wa�sran and au�ns of Lender s�d Truetor.All
<br /> �own�nM w+d�pn�nwnts d 1'n»br�h�M b��olnl�nd�wnl.The c+�ptlom�nd hstdlnps oi ths pareprapta of this Deod of
<br /> 1'rtaN�n lor oonvw►I�r►aony�nd�n not b M u�ed to Int�rpnt or defln�the provlslorn hsreof.
<br /> (�N�+iwt/br Notknn,�'M pri11N h�nby nqwtt thal�copy of any notbe oi del�ult hereunder and a copY ol any notk�e
<br /> d hr►s�xKf�br �rrNod b��ch p�wty to thl�D«d of Tru�t�t tM�ddnss�et forth nbov�In the msnner prsscribsd by
<br /> �Iww.E�pt la�ny Mh�r ndla nquind und�►applk�bb I+iw to be piwn in enother manner,any ratice providerllor
<br /> i�i�tiii.q...1 W Trurt sN�N W�lry maNlnq auch notfce by cardAad maU addreusd to Nw ather paRbc,at tha oddre�8�at
<br /> kxri N�ow.My no1k�provld�d for In thl�DMd of Trust�N bs sffecUw upon msulnp In the msnner dsslpnated herein.If
<br /> Tnnbr N mon th�n an�p��on�ndlo�roM to Iho Mddna�wt fath�bovs tlull be notbe to all su�h pareon*,
<br /> ( NNp�oqsn.I.�rxi�r m�y mMk�w c�uN to b�m�de naon�bl��ntrlsi upon and InspecUorn oi the Property, provfded
<br /> thM��twlrr bhMN qw 7ru�tor nWky prbr to ony su�In�p�ctlon�p�cliyinp n�son�bN cauee therefor roleted to Lender�intsr-
<br /> wt M1 the F�roQ�Hy,
<br /> (p)Rnaonw�y�.U�on{�ym�nt oi NI sum�Ncund by thi�Osed of Tnnt,Lender ehell roqueat Trustee ta r000nvey ths
<br /> Prc�ty�nd�hN�urnncl�r fhl�DMC)of Trutt�nd dl not��evld�nclnp Indebtsdnsss eecursd by thls Dsed aT Yrust to
<br /> Tn�Nw, Trt� N►�It noonwy th�F'ro�Ay,witlwut wamnty�nd wiltaut ch�rps to the p�rsor�or persone lepally enUtled
<br /> If�iNo.YniMOr�h�N 4a�Y aN oo�b o!noord�tbn�N�ny.
<br /> Lsr���� C�Cods a�i�wrfly InEen�it In oM Axqr�rsyi,eqtuipm�nt,end�dhe�r�r�yl�
<br /> wed k�aortrMCpon wIM�Ih�nN MtMr or ktiprownwnb loc�bd Ih�twn��nd not othen�vlae declared or deented to bs r part of
<br /> rh..�..1..e.r...nr.r1 Iw.hu.'�h►.instnun.nf ah�ll!�eonafn�d aa�SscudN Mreemen!under seld Code,and fhe Lender
<br /> MwN Mw�11 Ih�rlphtr�nd rNt�dlN W�Ncund party undK wid Cad�In addkbn to the riphts and romedb� cro�t�d under
<br /> �nd�000nl�d if�4�ndn purw�nt Eo d�OMd ol Truik provid�d that Lendsre riphts end romedles undsr thh parepraph shall
<br /> t�ar�M�l�liw wNh,�nd In�o w�y�IknNNUon on,L�►dK'�rlphb�nd rortwd(es under eny othsr secu�ily sproement sipbd by
<br /> I�ottow�r or Tru�lot,
<br /> (�)LNnr�1 lneun�kAnaw.TrwEor h�nby w�mnt��nd npns�nh th�t thers u no defauk undor ths provNbrn of any
<br /> �,dMtf d ku�l,N+�a purr.h�w oonlr�ct dwcriWrp�11 or er�p��t ot the Prcpsrty�a athsr cont►ect� in�tnxrbnt or
<br /> MM�N oo�MMlk�01 N�n or�nounlbtM�w p�l��t NI or�ny p�rt t�t tM P�op��tll(���Y�"Liens').�xlstinnp ae M ths
<br /> d�M af Ntls ONd d Tn�1,1�r�d thN Mey�nd MI�ulrtinp U�ra nmNn unmodllMd�xospt�s df�clo�ed to L�ncMr In Trustors wrk
<br /> l�n dMolo�ure M Wn���nd�+►cumbru�u� provid�d for A�nln.Trwtor shatl timely pertorm sll ot Tru�ta's obtip�doni,
<br /> :��:,,y��::��:N�:t'�:.:�'•si�:u i��:i�y:t1�:q:wiitli�w�i fuiuii Lki�o�eiwii N�w�µ�oy iwwani b�onaidre�opiss
<br /> w�www
<br /> of w eoMo�M o1 d�tiit Nnt In ax�otlon wkh�ny and.0•xlstkp or�uwn Ll�rn�and shall not wilfwwut Lend�'9 piiorwritten
<br /> oo�,..n�In.ny m.nn�modiy u,. a o►.Mow.ny Max..av.nc..und�r�ny•xf.nnp o►ruaKe Nen..
<br /> U)��M ra�w. •atNrwis�rwwk�d by I�w.wrrM p�ld b UndK h�rw,nd�r�Nick�dk�0 wittwut umfhtbn
<br /> paym�rk�ol pindyN Mw! NtMn�t�kw�x�procNd�� Cond�mn�tbn pr�cs�de�nd r�nb�nd proMt.st�ell be�ppNsd by
<br /> L�rW�b ttw wnoiw�t�dur�nd orNrp Irom Tnnbor w�d 6arow�r In wch ordsr a Lender In 1!e�aots dhcrelbn desms dwk
<br /> �.
<br /> (k)Nvw�NNr,N�pro�Nibn W!hN QMd of TnMt ooMNcfs wMh�ppNc�bh Iwv or fs d�darod InvaNd or otl�erwise unen-
<br /> brorMMr,woh nur�fMo1 a kwMldlly NwN�wt sfhc;t tIN ulf�p���bra of thh DMd cf Trurt or ttw Nob wtAch an b�yfwn
<br /> NMut wllho��llfM aonflk,�Wip provlWon,wid b tNl��td th� of tl�DMd W Tnnt�nd tM Nah�rs dedand to b�t ssv-
<br /> K�N.
<br /> (I)TMn�.Thw Mnns'T�,Nlor'�nd"llarow���F�N k�clurM both tfnpul�r�nd plutal,�nd when ths Truator�nd Bar►owsr�ro
<br /> IM s�nw p�1M1(�l�M�frttrw M u�d M►qtM DNd W Tnut�hrM b�I�N.
<br /> (m)f�lvol'MI�N 1.11w.r►�ww a rn��a.powm.d by a�.i,�w�a a�su��WNsbraeka.
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br /> T�uebr he�exncylad d�M�!d Tn,Nt�w alltw d�ls wrfttsn alw+ie.
<br /> �
<br /> . � � .... _---"-�`�-���-�- �� . �
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<br /> �., ,��� .�.,,.
<br /> ._-�..,.-_........,._ ...__..� Tru�Aw-_�_.... ��..»,,..-,........._, Trustor �
<br />