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<br /> •pppCNd��)�n connwc;l{on WItt9 Carsdemnotton ar other takln(�of the Pr�perty or part tttiereoi,a ior ccmve �11I{ib I�I�C11 NI WIIYQI��IMMV�I.
<br /> L�nder sh�N b��npU�d d Ite apllon la commence,eppear In end proaecute In its own narne any actlon or pruceadinps,and shaY olso
<br /> tw enAtled tn meke any compromlfte or uettiement in cannectlon with such taking or damape.In tha event eny poRlon oi lhe prop�A�le —
<br /> so taken or d�ma�ed, l.ander rliell have lhe optton In Its sole and ebsoluta discretlon, to apply e�l such proceeds, efter dsductir►p
<br /> theraUom NI co�t��nd�xprna�Incurrod by il fn connoctbn with auch Proceeda,upon any Indebtedneas socured hereby end In such
<br /> aniwr Ns LsntNr mry dN�rmin�,o►W apply dl such Procaede,after such deductions,ta the restoretion of the Property upon auch caorr
<br /> dlllon�a�L�rxNr may d�t�rmin�• MY �ppltcat�on of Proceed�ta indebtednass shalt not ezlend or postpone the due dato of any pay�
<br /> mente urx�►lhe Not�,a cur��ny defuult theraunder or hereunder.Any unapplled tunds shall be paid to Tnastor.
<br /> g, p�rlorm�nc�by L�ntMr.Upon the occurtence of an Event oi Dafautt hereundor,or If anp a�t Is taken or lepel proceedinp
<br /> commenced whlch materl�lly affacb l.ender's Intereat In the Property,Lender may in ita own discreUon,hut wilhout oblipaUon to do ao,
<br /> pnd wilhout nollc�to or d�m�nd upon�'ru�tor and without releas(ng T�uator froro any obtigaticn,do any uct whlch 7ni�tar h�s egre�d �_
<br /> hut 1�i1ed(c cb �nd mey�I�o da�ny olher ect It deema nacassary to protect the secudty hereof.Trustor shall,Immedlately upon
<br /> demand lherefor by lmder,p�y to lsnder all coete and expenaes Incunod end sums expended by Lender In connection wllh the ex�ea
<br /> G�e by LsncNr oi th�fonpolnp ri�hla�topsthsr with Interest thereon at tti�default rate provided ir��the Nate,which shali be added to
<br /> ths Indsbtedneu sscured h�aby. Lender�hall not Incur eny Ilabillty because ot anything it may do or omlt to do hereunder.
<br /> 9.Hasardous Mau�lab. Tn�ttar shdl keep the Property in compllance with all appl�.cable iaws, oMinanr,es end ropuletlom
<br /> rolatinp b Iraiu�tAsl hYel�ns or�nvkonm�nul qrotection(co�iecUvely referred to hereln es'Environmentel Lews').Tniatar ahaW ksep
<br /> ths property frss iram�k wb�unw�o�am�d to be hezardous or toxio under any Envlronmerytal Laws(coitectivety refened to herein
<br /> e�"Haxardow Mate�ls').Tru�tor henby w�rr�nb end represents to Lender that there are no HazaMoua Matedala on or ur�r tM
<br /> Property.Trustor Mroby apree�to Indemnify and hold hermleas Lender,its dfrectors,o�icere, employeea end agents,end ony suxea
<br /> sora to Lendsrs Intsrost,hom end�pain�t any and ell clalms,damages,�osses and IlabillUes arlsing in connectlan with the pro�ence,
<br /> use,dlapaal or lramport of any H�zardous Materiais on, under,from or ebout the Propony. THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES AND
<br /> 10.Mslpn�Mnt of R�nts.Tn,�stor hsrrby a�slUrts to Lender,and grzmtss Lander a sscudty interest tn,all pre�snt,futuro and
<br /> aRer erisinp nnb,Isauss�nd protih oi fh�Pn�peKy;provided that Trustor shell,unUl tFe accuRence oi an Event of DefeuR,haroix�der,
<br /> have the ripht to collect and rotaln wch rents,iesuea end prollts es they become due end peyehla. Upun the occurtence of en Event o►
<br /> Qefault, Lender may,sither In penon or by epent,with or without bringing any actlon or proceedi�g,or by a recoiver appolnted by e
<br /> court md wlMout rsg�rd lo th��d�quacy o(Its Escudty�enter upon end take possesslon oNhe Property,or any part theroof,in ib own
<br /> name or In the name ot the Trusbe, end da eny ecte which it deAms necessary or deslreble to preserve the value,maricetsbWty a
<br /> nnhbflity oi ths Pmpsrty,w a►y Wrt thsnoi ar Intersst thereln,or to Increase the incoma Nerefrom or protect the seourit�►hdreof e�d,
<br /> with or without taklnp po�esssbn d the Frop�Rfh we for er olherwise collect the ra�ts,teaues end profita ihereof,Mcludtny tl�e pwl
<br /> duA ond unp�id,by notifyln�t�nant�to mAke p�yment�to Lender.tender may apply rents,Issues end proflta,less oosts and expenr
<br /> e� of operouon�n�i co1l�cHon Inciudinp attomey's feas,to eny Indebtednesa secured hereby.all in such order as Lencbr may dster•
<br /> mirn.The ent�rinp uPcn�nd takirp po��sstlon of lhe Property,lhe coliection of such nnts,hsues and proflts,and ths eppNr,ation
<br /> therooi se aforouild�hsll not cure or waive eny default or notice of default hereunder o�Inveildote any aot da�e In re�por►�e b sud►
<br /> dotauli ar�csr�•u»n!t�=sch s!0!!CS^f�w(ai�lt�ncf,notwithatandlnn the continuance In posseseion of the property or the oolbction,
<br /> recelpt and�ppllcatlon of ronu,lawes or pro6b,Trustee ei�d Ldnder shall be enUded to ozerclee every right provide0 tor�n eny ot the
<br /> Loan ImVum�nta or by lew upon occumncs ot�ny Evmt ot Defeult,Includiny without IlmiteGon the rlght to ex�rciae the pow��of saN.
<br /> FuAhsr,Lsnder's riphts and rem�dl��undsr this paproph�hall be cumulaUve with.and h no way a limitetion on,Lender'�ri�snd
<br /> romedie�und�r any�salpnrtwnt of Na�sf�nd ronta raoordad ayalnat lhe Property. Lender,TNStee and the receiver ehall bs Il�ble b
<br /> nawunt only for thoss rsnt�actualty roalwd.
<br /> 11.Ewnb of ONeult.The tollowlnp ehall cor►sNluta en Evant of Def�ult under this Deed of Tn�sr
<br /> (s)Fsiluro W psy any Irut�llment oi princlpal or InUrest or any oth+�sum secu�ed hereby when due;
<br /> (b)A breach oi or default under any provi�bn canG�inud In the Note,thle Oead of TNet, eny of the Loen Ir►strum�is,or�ny
<br /> othor i{an ar ancumbrsn�uF�n ths Pte�±ri;:
<br /> (a)A wNt of exscuUon or attechment�any elmller process shall be entered agatnst Truetor whtch ehaN beccxrb a Msn on
<br /> tha Property or any portion lhereof or inters�t theroln;
<br /> (d)Tlwro shali be�led by or epalnat Trustor a Borrower en ection under any present or future tederal,stete or other etatute,
<br /> law ar repulatbn rN�Urp to bankruptcy,InsoN�noy or oth�r r�INt for debton:or thero shell be eppointsd any trutEe�,r�aivsr or
<br /> Ilquidator of Tn�ator or Bc�rroww or of oll or any part of th�Praparty,ot the renW,issuea a protite thereoi,or Tnutor or Barr�wK
<br /> shall make any aenenl es�lpnm�nt for ths beneflt of cnditora;
<br /> (e)The eals.tranafer,baae,sssipnment, oonwy�nw or funher encumbrence o�ell or eny pert of or any intoro�t In the
<br /> Property,elther volunt�rily or tmroluntarily,wlthout th�expraas wrNten co�sent oT lender,provided that Trustor shell be psn�t-
<br /> ted to execute a lease of the propeRy that do��not conuln an opNon to purcheae end the term of which does not exceed ane
<br /> year,
<br /> (Q Abandonment of the Propsrty;or
<br /> (g)If Truator la not an Individual,ths lisuanc�, e�l�,tr�nsf�r,aalqnment,conveyence or encumbrence oi more then (H a
<br /> oorporatlon)e totel oi ps��cent of la luued md oubte�ding etodc, a(if e parMerehlp)a total W per•
<br /> cent ot partnership Intered.�,or(Ii a llmiNd II��Iilty compeny)�tntsl of percent oi the Iimlted Ilebiliry oomp�-
<br /> ny Internsta or vodnp dghta du�irep th�pstad thl�DNd ot Trust rYrru�ine o Ibn on Uie proparty.
<br /> 12.R�m�di�s;Aec:�brwtlon Upon Mf�uk.In th�evsnt of sny Ev�nt ot Detault lsnder may,without notice except aa roqukecl
<br /> by law,dec�aro ell indebtednesa aecurod heroby to b�dw�nd p�yabk�nd the same she�� thereupon become due end peyade wkh-
<br /> out eny presentment,demand,protest or not�e of�ny kind.TheM�Rsr l.�nder may:
<br /> (a)Demand that Truatee exerolae the POWER OF 8AI.E prmtsd horoln,end Truatee shall thereefter cause T�uatore inter-
<br /> est In the Proporty to be eold and the procsed�to bo dlstdbuhd,all In the mannorprovided In the Nebreske Yrust Dee�H Act;
<br /> (b) Exercise eny and all rlphts prcvld�d for In my of the Loan Inst�umen�s or by law upon occurronce oi eny Event o/
<br /> Deteuit;and
<br /> (c)Commence en actlon M forecloas tM�Oesd of Trwt a��moApape,appolnt e �eceiver,or apeciflcaily ontorce any oi the
<br /> covonants hereof.
<br /> Mo remedy hereln conferred upon or reearved to Trustes or Lend�r I�Interxfsd to be exclusive of any other remody fiereln,In lho �oan
<br /> Instruments or by law provided or permilted,but each�hall bs cumulative,�hsll be In add�lan to every other remedy given hereunder,
<br /> in the Lnan Instruments or now or hereaRer sxl�tinp at law a In pu{ty or by elalute,end may be exercised wncurrently,IndependenUy
<br /> - or succesfvely.
<br /> - 13.Trustn.The Truatee mey reslpn at an tim�without c�uss,�nd Lender may at any time end without cause appoint r�suc-
<br /> . ... - �-�-•-- �-•-�-
<br /> __._.._���..��.......... ,,...�..,a.,,.�.,u�..,��r�i�a��,�,�nndar.Borrower.Trustnr or env nur-
<br /> � CE35Vf O�sUDEIIIY(O t IOitoo.t�a�atvo��wrn�en w m.v1.•v.�.�p�.q�•• •�•.._.__...._..___.. __ . . .
<br /> - chaser of the Property,for eny lose or dam�ns unls�s duv to rscklN�w wllHul mltr,onduct,and shatl not ba required to take eny eatlon
<br /> - in connectton with tl�e enforcement of thla Deed ot Tnut unlesf Indemnitled,In writing, tor all costs,compensatlon or expenses whid�
<br /> � may be asaoctated therewith.In edditbn,Tru�ts�mr�y becom��purch��er a!any eale of the P�operty Qudicfal or under the power of
<br /> '� aele granied herein);poatpone the�ale of all a eny portlon oi th�Prop�Ry,e�provlded by lew; or sell the Property as e whole. a In
<br /> �'� separate parcels or Iota at Trustoe'a dlscretlan.
<br /> 14.F�as and Exp�n��s,In the even!T�uate��ell�the Prop�rty by�x�rclte of power oi sale,Tnistee shall be entltlad to apply .
<br /> ,� any aale proceeda 11rot to payment of ell coste and expensn of�x�rG�lny pow�r of eale,�ncluding ell Truatee's tees,and LendePs and
<br /> - Truatee's ettnmey�8�@86, ect�eelly Incurred to�xbnt p�rmlllod by s{�plicrble law. In the ovent Borrowor or Trustor exercises eny right
<br />-;e 'provided by law tu cure an Event of Qefeult,Lender shell b�antllied lo�ecuver from Trualor all costs end expensos actually incurred es
<br /> a rosult of TrustoPs default,Includlnp without Ilmltetlon pll Truste�'�nn�i nttorn�y'�lee�, lo the extent permitted by appliceble law.
<br /> ; 16.Futun Adwnca. Upon requeut ol Borrower,I.en�fer may,al IU opUon,rreke additional end futuro advances and read-
<br /> vances to Borrower.�uch edvencets end readvances,with Interatl tiwreun,slwll t►e�scured by thla Dead of Tnist.At no tlmo shall Iho
<br />