<br /> t - - —tc�,o.�..w�;fer..,tre¢tifn..r__.._. �...._l.� �"r::aT"__..... .. � ...
<br /> � ,tl�leu�=�._ - __ . _-.. .'__�' t — - ___ .......s,..�.__.y�...:�.....,_s. ____- '
<br /> substantiutly equivulent martg+�gc in,uruixc covcragc ih nat av;dli�blo,Qnrrowcr�hall �uy tu l.�ndcr cach nwnth a tium cyual to
<br /> one•twclf�h��i thc ycurly murtgagc imuranrc prcmium bcing pafd by Aorrowcr when thc insuraucc ruvcruuc lap�nl��r ccu+cd to
<br /> lk in cFf'cct. L.endcr wfll u4rcpt. usc nnal rctain thcsc paymcnts uti i►lii+s rcycrvc in licu uf nu�rtgagc insunncc. l.u�r rescrvc
<br /> payiucntr msy no lougcn c� rcquired,ut Uic«pti�m of l.endcr, if mc�rtgugc insurui►rc covcrugc(in the umnum nnd fur ihc peri�xl�
<br /> �hut I.enJeP requires)pruvi�lcd by nn +nsurer nppruved hy lauder uguin became�nv��iluble und is�ihtuincal.Hi�rrower+lydl p.iy�
<br /> tlic prcmiums rcyuircd to mauntnin murt�!a�;c inruranrc in s�ffcet.ur tu pruvidc:i I�►.�rc+crvc.until thc roquircmcnt ii:r ni:�nEi►�c 1
<br /> intiuramcc cnds in nccorduncc with iu�y writtcn u�;rcc�iicnt hctwccn Borruwcr und lAr.�lcr ur applirublc law.
<br /> 9. Ins�tlon. Lendcr i�r its ug��nt nury make rc;uonablc entric+upun und ins�x�rtiunti��f thc Prup�rty. Lcnder�h:�ll giveb
<br /> &►rn�wcr nnticc ut thc tfmc uf c�r priur tu un inspection sperfl'yiug rru•�muhlr cuusc fur thc inspcctiun.
<br /> 10. Cundcnm�Uun� Tlie pr�►cccds�►f imy �xwurd ��r rlu�m i��r dnmugr,, dirrct ��r runscqucnti:d, i��mnncctiim with anY�1
<br /> rorxlcmnu�ion ur othcr taking of uny p:ut��I'thc Pru�xrty,or tiu cunvcyuncc in licu uf rondcmnutinn.��rc hcr�by u,�igi�cd uif�
<br /> °O
<br /> +hull hc:paid tc�l.cndcr.
<br /> In thc cvent oi u tut�d iu�,ing uf ihc Prup�rty.thc pmrccdti tit�all hc a�plird t���hc�um+�ccurod by d�i,Sccurity In+u-umcnt. _^
<br /> whether c�r not then duc, with uny exces� psdd tc� sc�rrower. In the evcnt uf'u partiul taking uf the Prorcny �n which the t:�ir
<br /> market valuc of thc Pruperty hnmcdiutclq hcf��rc thc h�king is cquul tu ur grrutcr tluin thc um��unt nf thu�wns sccwcJ by this
<br /> Security Instrument immu�liutcly befnra:tlic tukiug,unless Borrc�wcr nnd Ltindcr otherwisc agrcc in wri�in�.ihc +um� +ccureil by
<br /> this Secur3ty lnstrumen► shall be redured by the amou�u of the pruceeds multiplied hy the falluwing fmction: (ul the tutul
<br /> amaunt of ihe tiums+ecured immedintcly hefore thc taking. divided hy lb) thc fuir murket vnluc of the Nropcny immedintely
<br /> before the tuking. Any bulimce shall be puid Io &�rrower. In the event nf u partiul tciking of the Pnipeny �n which the t:tir
<br /> murket valuc nf the Pru{xrty iiamediutcly before thc 6�lcing is less thnn the amaunt ui'the sums r�;curecl i nrncdiately befare the
<br /> tuking,unlcss Borrowcr unJ Isnder�.thenvi,c uyrcc in writing nr unless appliruble luw otherwi,e providcs,the proceeds Fhsdl
<br /> be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument whetlier ur nut dic sums are then due.
<br /> If thc Property is abandoncd by Horrc»ver,or if,nfter noticc by l.ender tn II��ttower thnt the randemnar ufFers to make un
<br /> •iward or settle u cluim far ilamuses. Burruwer fuils to reypund ta Lender within 30 dt►yti ufter the dute ihe: notice is glven.
<br /> l.cndcr is authorized to collcct und apply thc procccds,ut its aptian,cithcr to restor.�tion or rcpair of thc Pn�perty or to thc sums
<br /> sccured by this Security Instn►mcnt,whcther or not then due. � �icution of rocceds w rinci al shall not exeend ��r
<br /> Unlcss Lt:ndcr a�d Burcowcr othcrwisc agrcc in writinb, uny app' P P P"
<br /> postpone the due dute of the munthly pnyments r�ferrcd tu in p.�rugrnphs I and�or changc the nmount of such payment�.
<br /> 11. Borrower Nat Relw�scds ForbearAnce By I.ender Not a Waiver. �xtcnsion of thc time for paymcnt ur m�ditication
<br /> of umorti7atian of the sums sccurcd by this Security lnstrument granted by Lender to uny successar in intercst of Borrower shall
<br /> not uperute to rcicasc thc liability uf the uriginul Burmwcr ar Borrower's auccestiors in interest. L.endcr st�all na be requircd to
<br /> commence proceedings aguinst any successor in interest or refuse to extend time far pnymem��r otherwi�e modify umortiwtion
<br /> uf thc sums sccurc.�i by this Sccurity Instrumcnt by rcason of any dcmund madc by thc oiiginal Horrowcr or Rorrowcr's
<br /> successors in interest. Any furbcarance by Lcnder in cxercising any nght or remedy shull not be u waivcr c�f or prcclude thc
<br /> cxcrcisc of uny right or remcdy.
<br /> 12. Succes.sc�rs and As.clRnti Baund; Jolnt and Several �,iabllity; Caslgners. The covenants and agrec�nrnts of this
<br /> Security Inxtrwnent shall bind und benetit the succcssors und ussigns of I.endcr and Honowcr, subJcct lo the provisions of
<br /> para�raph 17. Bonower's covcnants und ugreements shall be joint And several. Any Borrnwer who co•signs this S�ecurity
<br /> Instrument but does not execute the Ncxe: (u) is co-signing this Security [nstrument only to mortgage. gmnt nnd convey that
<br /> Borrowcr's irdcrest in thc Propeny undcr thc tcrms of this Security Instrumcnr. (b)is not pcnonally obl�gated to pay thesu�nc
<br /> secured by this Securit�Instrument;and(c)agrees iha�I.cndc�n�iu aay �thcr P.arru�:er ms;9�°,*M'[^�xt�-nd,nncrlifv.focbGt�Or
<br /> muke any acwmmainuons wfth rcgard to thc terms of this Sccuriry lnstrument or thc Note without that Borrowcr's cansent,
<br /> 13. I.oan Charg�.w.If thc loan secured by this Security lnstrument is subject to a law which sets ma�imum loan chu�cs.
<br /> and that Inw Is finally interpretcd so that the interest ar othor loun charges collected or to be cuUected in conncction with th�
<br /> loan exeeal the permitted limits,then: (n)any such laan charge shall be reduced by the umount necessnry to raluce the churge
<br /> ro thc permittai Itmit;and (b) any swns ulraldy collected from Bonower which cxceeded perm(tted Iimite will be rcfunded ro
<br /> Bottowcr. Lcndcr may dioose to makc this mfund by reducing thc principal owed under the Note ar by making a dircct
<br /> puyment to Aorrower. If u refund raluces principal, the recluction w�ll be trcatcd as u partinl prepayrmnt without uny
<br /> prepayment chargc under thc Nute.
<br /> 14.Notic�.Any noticc to Borrowcr providcd for in this Sccurity Instrument rhnll be given by delivering it or by mailing
<br /> it by Cnt class mull unless upplicuble law requircs u,c of another methat. The notice shaU be directai to the Propeny Address
<br /> or uny other address Bonower designntex by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shnll be given by first clnss mail to
<br /> Lendcr's acidress stuted hcrcin or uny othcr nddress Lcndcr dcsignates by notice to Borrower. Any notice Providcd for in this
<br /> Sccurity Instrumant shall be deemr.�to hnve becn given to Borrower or Lcnder when given as provided in this parugraph.
<br /> 15.Governing I.Aw; Sevcrability. Thls Sccurity instrumcnt shnll bc govcrncd by fedcrnl Inw and the Inw of thc
<br /> judisdiction in which the Propeny is locnted. In the evcnt that any proviston or cl�use of this 5ecurity Instrument or ttie Note
<br /> confltcts with applicable luw,such contlict shall i�ot affect nther provisions of thts Security Instrument or the Nate which cun be
<br /> giver�cffcct without the conflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Securi►y Instrumcnt and ihe•Note are dalural
<br /> to be�evor�ble.
<br /> 16.Bormwer's Copy.Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the yote und of this Security Instrument.
<br /> 19.Transier of thc Property or a i3eneficlal Intere+t in Burrower. If ull or uny part of the�'ropeny or any interest in it
<br /> is sold or transfcrrcd (ar if u beneticiul intercst in Borrowcr is sold or trnnsfenod and Borrower ls nut a na�ural person) withnut
<br /> Lender's prlor written consent, I.ender mny. at its option. require immedinte payment in full of ul l suins securcd by thia
<br /> Stturity instrument.Howevcr,tliis optlon shull not be excrcis�rd by Lendcr if cxcrcisc is prohibitai by fedeml law as of thc date
<br /> of tliis Security instrument.
<br /> [f Lendcr exerctscs this option, Lcnder shall givc Borrower notice of uccelcrution.The nnticc shall prov ide n period of not
<br /> Iess than 30 duys from thc dute thc notice is delivercd or mailcd within which Borrower must pap all surns securcd by this
<br /> Sccurity Instrument. If Burrower falls to pay thesc sums prior to the expiration of this period,L.ender may invoke any remtdies
<br /> pennitted by this Sc�urity [nstrumcnt withuut furthcr notice or demund on Bon•ower.
<br /> 18. Borrower's RiRht to Reinstate. If Borrowcr meets ccrtufn condltlons. &arrower shull havc thc right to have
<br /> enforcement of this Securiry Instrument discontlnued at any time prior ta the eurlicr of: (�) 5 duys(��r�uch other period us
<br /> applicable law muy s}�ecify for rein3tntement) before sale of the Property pursuant to uny power vf snl� contafned in this
<br /> Security Instrument; or(b)cntry of a judgment enforcing tl�is Security Instrumcnt.Those condltfons nre that Aorrower. (n) pays
<br /> [.cnder all sums wh[ch then would be due undcr this Security lnstrument und the Note as if no ncceleration hud arutted: (b)
<br /> cures any default uf any other covenants nr ugre�ments; (c) payti uU expenses incurreci in enforcing t�is Security lnstmment,
<br /> including, but not limitcd to, rwsonable uttorn�ys' fees:und(d) tukcs sucli+ution c�s Lcndcr muy re�iscmably rcqwre to nssure
<br /> that thc lien of this 5ccurity Instrument, Lendcr's rights in tl�c Property und Borrowcr's ublfgation to pay tl-ie sums securod by
<br /> this Security Instrument shull continuc unchanged. Upon rcinstatement by Borrower, tliis Secur�ty Instrument and the
<br /> obligutions secumd henby shull remain fLlly cffective ati if no ucceleration had occurnd. However,this rigi�t to reinstate sh�dl
<br /> .,�r:�nntv in chc cyce of accelcrution undcr para�raph 17. ,.L .�,_ �_�.�,,.
<br /> �19. tiate of Nute: Change of Lonn Servtcer. Thc Note or u P.lTt111 Illte[@5[ lIt iI1C i�ioic iiugcc��c� �:���. ����� w�u��v
<br /> instrument)mi►y be s�ild one or more timcs�vitlwut privr nutice to Borrower. A sule msy rcsult in u cl�angc in the eiuity(known
<br /> :iti thc"Lc�an Scrviccr")thut cnllccts munthly payments duc undcr thc Notc and this Sccuriry Inst�vnxnt.Thc:rc al�o may bc onc
<br /> or mure changes of the l.oi+n Servicer unrelateei to a sule of the Note.If them is u chun b�e of the I.oan Serviccr,Borrower will be �
<br /> _ givcn writtcn n�nirc of thc changc in accorJuncc widi purugruph 14 ubovc and appl[cublc luw.'I'hc noticc will statc the namc and
<br />_ :�ddress uf the new l.oan Serviecr und the address tc� whicF� payments should be made. The notice�vi 11 also contain :�ny athGr
<br /> - in(orntation rcyuirul by applicablc law.
<br /> = 2U. Huzurdi�us Sab.r•tanc�.Borcowcr shcdl not cause ur permit the presencc, usc. dispasul, storagc.or nlca�e of any
<br /> �� E;u•rant�ius 5ubstunccti on nr in thc Property. B��rro�vcr shull nut do, nor ullow anyonc clsc tu da. anything affccting thc
<br />'�-� propeny diut is in viol�iiion of uny Cnvironmentul I.aw. 7'he pnccding two sentences shxll not apply ro the presencc,use,nr
<br />� storagc on thc Pn�p�rty uf smull yuantitics uf Nuzantuu�Substunccs thut nre�;cncrully rccngnizcci to bc appropriutc to nurmul
<br /> residcntiul uscs and t��m�intcnancc of d�c Prc�perty.
<br /> y� �,eo�a,4 Form 3028 9190
<br />__
<br /> 1
<br />