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<br /> ' ' _ . _ '�..iJ._S 3�M�A�6f!CNi'd�N_N•�..
<br /> Thc F�nds shpll bc hcld in an insdtutian who,c deposlts ure insurai by a fatcrul agency, instru�ucntulity. ur entity
<br /> (including L.cndcr,if Lc��dcr Is such un insNtutlon)o�in uny Fcdcrul Hamc Laan Bunk. I.cnJer sliall iipply thc Tund.,to pny thc
<br /> P.scrow Itcm�. l.cndcr may iwt chargc H�rrowcr fnr hoWin�; and applying thc Funds.annuully rannlyzing dic c.rcmw uccuunt,or
<br /> vcrifying Ihe��:raw Items, unlcxs L.cixler puyy Bi�rrawer intcrest nn the Funds urxl applicuhle luw permits Ixnder tu muk�c such(Q
<br /> u churge. However, I.ender nuiy require 8orr��wer to puy u one•time churge fur iw i�xlepenJent reul��ta�c tax re�xming hcrvicay
<br /> uticd by I.c��dcr in conncction with this li�:�n. u��lcss uppllcuUlc luw provldes othcrwisc. Unlcss a�� �igrccmcnt iti mudc ur �
<br /> uppNci►hlc luw rcquires int�rest to he paid,l.cnder ShnU not be rcquircd ta�iay Horri�wer any intcrest or cairnings c�n tha Funds�
<br /> surrawcr und l.cndor mny agrcc in writing, huwevcr, thi►t intorest shull be{wid un the Funds. l,�:rxlcr nhull Kive to liurrowcr�
<br /> without rFwrgc, un�annuul ucc�wnting of thc Fu��ds. sh�iwing credits und dcbits ro thc �unds un�f thc purpusc fi�r whi:h cach�
<br /> dchit tu the Fuud.r•wus madc."i'hc�uuds ure pledged ns:ulditlum�l sccurity far all surns sccurcd hy thfs Security Instnnnent.
<br /> If thc Fund�hcld by I.cndcr cxrccd thc umounts pennittal to bc hcld by upplic:�blc luw, l.cMtcr tih��ll uccount to�urruwcr°0
<br /> fur die excrss F�unJs in urcnrdunce with the rcquireuunts nf applicable luw. If the umount of the Funds held hy lAnder iit nn�
<br /> timc is not tiufficicnt w pay thc�,scrc�w ltcros when duc, l.cndcr muy si►nutify Huiruwrr in writing, and.in,u�h cu.�.c Roi�rmvcr –
<br /> shull pay w l.ender the u�nount neresu►ry to muke un the deliciency. Bonower shall muke up the def7ciency in rx�nwre than
<br /> twclvc monthly payments,at Lendcr's�;olc dlscrctian.
<br /> UEwn pnymr,nt in full ��f ull sums sccurccf by this Sr:curity Instrununt, Lcndcr shull promptly r�fund ta anrruwcr uny
<br /> Funds hcld by Lender.(f,under purngraph 21, Lender shull ncquire or scll the Propeny, I.ender.prior to the ucquisition or sale
<br /> uf thc Prnpeny,shaU apply uny Funds hcld by l,cndcr ilt thc timc of ucquisitiun or snlc a�n crcdit aguinst the sums sccurcd by
<br /> this 5ccurity Instrumcnt.
<br /> 3.AppUcxtiun oP Pwymentti.Unless applicabte luw provides otherwise,uU psyment5 receive.l by L.ender under paragraphs
<br /> I und :.shull hc upplicd: firtit, to uny prepayment char�cs duc uudcr thc Notc; sca�nd, to umounts puyublc undcr puragruph 2;
<br /> third,ta interest Jue;fourth,to prfncipul due;und It►st,tu any latc churges Jue under the Nate.
<br /> 4.Ch���wt Licns.Banawcr shuU puy ull taxcs, i1SSCtiSI11C11[S. churges, fines and impositions uttrlbutublc to the Prap�.rty
<br /> which may attain prinrity ��ver this Security Instru►nent, and Ieasehnld puymcnts ur ground rents. if'any. Burrower shull puy
<br /> thc�e obligutions in thc manner provided in puragruph 2,ar if not puid in tl�at munner,Borrower shall pay thent un eimc dlrcctly
<br /> co thc person awed pnyment. Borro�HCr shull pramptly furnish to I.endcr ull notices of amounts to bc paid under tliis pnru5rnph.
<br /> If Borrower mnkes these payments directly, Borrower rhull promQtly fumish to I.ender reccipts evidencing the payments.
<br /> Borrower shall pmmptly dischurge any lien which hus prionty ovcr thiti Security Inscrumenc unicss Harrower: (u)ugrc:es i►�
<br /> writing to thc payment of the obligntion securcd by the lien in a munner ucccptablc ta I.ender; (b)contests in gaxl fuith the I�en
<br /> by, ar defends ogainst cnfarcement of the t[en in, Iegnl prcxeedings which in the L.endcr's opinion operute ta prevcnt the
<br /> cnforcemcnt nf the Iten; ar(c'�yfrureti from thc holder of the lien an agreement sutisfactary to Lender suborJinating thc lien to
<br /> this Security Insteument. If Lender determines that uny pan af the Property Is subject to a Iien which may uttain prioriry over
<br /> thir Security Instrument, Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien.Borrc�wer shull Sutisfy the llen or tuke one or
<br /> morc of thc uctions sct farth abovc a�ithin l0 duys of thc giving of naticc.
<br /> 5. Nazard ar Praperty Insurance. Borrowcr shaU keep the impruvcments now existing ar hercafter crected on the
<br /> Property insurcxi nguinst loss by fire, hua.urds includcd within thc tcrm "extendcd coveruge" and any other hnrnrds. inc�uding
<br /> floods ur tlooding, for which L.ender requires insurunce. This insurance shall be maintnined in the umounts:u�d for the periods
<br /> thut Lender requires. The insurunce carrier providing the insurance shull be chasen by Borrower subject to Lender's approval
<br /> which shnll not bc unreusonably withheld. If 8orrawcr fuils to muintain roverage descritxxi abovc, l,endcr may, at Lender's
<br /> option,obtain cuvcrn�c to protcct I.endcr's rights in thc Property in ar.cordancc with paragrnph 7.
<br /> All insurnnee polieies and renewals shull be aceeptable to I.ender and shull �netude a stun�arci monguse ciause. i..endc�
<br /> shnll have thc right to hald the policies and rene�vals.If Lender rcquires,Borrower shull promptly give tn Lender nll reccipts of
<br /> paid premiurr�s and renewal notices. In the event of luss,Borrower shull give prompt natice to the insurance carrier und[.ender.
<br /> L.cndcr may muke proof of ioss if not madc promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Un�ess L.eixier and Borrowcr otherwise agree m wntmg,insurance prc�ceecis shnll be applicd to restorntion or rcpair of the
<br /> Prnperty damaged, if thc restoration or repair is cconomicully fca.+lble and Lender's sccurity is not lesscned.If thc restoration or
<br /> rcpair is not economicnlly fcasible ar Lender's security would be lessened, the insurance procccds shall be applied to the sums
<br /> sccurod by this Sccurity Instrument, whether or not then due, with uny cxccss paid to Borrowcr. If Barrower uNandons the
<br /> Property, or docs nnt answcr within 30 duyti u notice from L.cndcr thut the insurancc canier hus offcned ta settle a claim, then
<br /> I.e��der muy collect the insurance procecds. L.ender inay use the procecds to repair or restore the Property or to p�y sums
<br /> secured by this Sccurity instrument,whether or not then due.The 3U-Jny pertud wiU besin when the notice ls gtven.
<br /> Unless L.ender und B�rmwer othenvise ugree in writing, any applicution of procecds ta principul shull not extend or
<br /> postponc the due date of thc monthly payments refetted tn in paragruphs I und 2 or ehange thc amount of the paynunts. If
<br /> m�der paragraph 21 the Property is acquircd by Lendcr. Bonower's right ta nny insurunce policics and procceds resulting fram
<br /> damagc tu the Pr��perty priar to the ucquisition shu(I pass to L.ender to thc cxtcnt of thc sums sccured by this Sccurity lnstcument
<br /> immediutcly prior ta thc acquisition.
<br /> 6.Occupancy, Preservatlon,Malntenunce and Pirotection of the I'roperty= Borrower's I,oan AppllcAtlon;LeASetrold�.
<br /> Borrower shall occupy, establish,und use tlie Ptoperty us Bottowcr's principal residence within sixty days aRer the execution of
<br /> this S�urity Instn�ment und shnll continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at Ieust one year after
<br /> tt�e dute of occupancy, un(ess Lendcr�thcrwise ugrees in writing, which consent shall nat be unreusonably withheld,.or unless
<br /> extenuating circumst�nces cxist whlch are beyond Borrower's control. Bonawer sl�ull not destr��y, dnmuge or impair thc
<br /> Property, allow the Property �o dctcriorntc, or commit wa�tc on the Prnperty. Borrower shall be in dcfuult if uny forfclture
<br /> acti�n or proceeJin�;,whether civil or criminul,is begun that in[.ender's sood fi►ith judgment could result in forfeiturc of the
<br /> Praperty or othenvise materiully impuir thc lie�i created by this 5ecurity Instrumcnt or Lender's security interest. &�rmwer may
<br /> cure such u defuult:�nd reinstutr.,is provided in paragrnph 1 S,by causing the action or pracecding to be dlsmissed�vlth a ruling
<br /> that, in Lcndcr's gooci faith dctcrminution, Qrecludcs forfelturc of thc 8orrowcr's intcrest in thc Property or other mutcriul
<br /> impairnient of the lian created by tliis Sccurtty Instrument or l.ender's security interest. Horrower shull ulso be in default if
<br /> Borrower,during thc loan applicutiun proccss,�uvc miUcricilly fulxe or inaccurate i��fom�utiun ur statements to Lender(or fo.fled
<br /> to provide I.ender�vith any mutcriul infurmationl in connection with the luan evideixed hy thc Note,including,but nat limited
<br /> w,i�epresentutions concerning Borrawcr'.occupanry of the Property ax a principal resldencc. If this Security Instrument is on t�
<br /> lcasehold, Borrnwer shall comply with all thc provisiunti of thc Icasc. If Burcc�wcr ucquires fce title ro thc Property, the
<br /> Icasehold and the fce tide shull not mcrgc unless Lendcr agrccs to thc rncrgcr in writing.
<br /> 7.Proteetton o6 Lender'ti Rl�hts in the Property.If Borc��wer fails to perform the covenants und�greementti contuineJ in
<br /> this Sccurity Inctrumcnt, or thcrc is a Icgal procecciing that may tiignifirantly af(cct I.tindcr'�rights in thc Pmperty (xuch as a
<br /> procceding in bankrupt�y, probatc, for condcmnation or forfcitu�c or to enforcc luws ur rcgulations), then Lcnder may do t�nd
<br /> �ay firr whatcvcr is ncccssury to protrct thc valuc of'thc Property und I.cndcr's rightti in thP Property. l.cndcr's uctions may
<br /> mcludc paying uny �ums accurcd by a licn which hus prionty ovcr this Securiry Intitrurncnt, appc:►ring in court, paying
<br /> rcasunablc uttorncys'f�*cs and cntcring on thc Propcny to make rcpain. Alth��u;h L.cndcr m�y t.ikc acti��n undcr this pa�rabruph
<br /> %,I.c:ndcr docx not havc to do so.
<br /> Anv umnunh diehurcrd hv Irndi+� under thit n:u•a¢ranh 7 .huu b���„� :�a��c��n�i a�bc of Borrower securcd by this
<br /> Scruriry Instrumcnt. Unlrxs Borrowcr and l.cndrr agrcc to other tcrms of paynxnt,thrsc nmountr s{��all hcar intcrost frum thc
<br /> dutc uF Jisburscment ut thc Notc riUC und tihull bc payablc, with intcrest, up��n nolicc 1'rom Lcndrr to $orrowcr rcquesting
<br /> payment.
<br /> S.Mort�;uKr Insurunee. If l.ender reyuimd mortgage�nsuruncc a,u conditiun uf m�kin�;tlic loan securcd by this Securiry
<br />- lnstrumcnt. H��rruwer +hxll p.�y thc pirmium. rcyuircd tci maintuin thr murtgagc intiurancc in r(fc�t. ff, fur any roatiun, thc
<br /> mortgugc intiuratic�cuvctagc rcyuircd hy Lcndcr lup�cs ur ccayc.r t�i be in cl'fcct. Burrowcr shall pay tlu prrmiums rcyttircd t��
<br />— i�btain ruvcragc+ub.r�unti:�lly eyuivulcnt tu thc nu�rtgugc insurancc prcviausly in ct'I'crt. lll 11 l'OSI substuntially cyui��alcnt tu thc
<br />- ro+t tu 13i�rruwcr uf the mort�a�e imuranrc prcviuu�ly in el7rct. IYum un ulternatc nwrtgagc insumr appri�vcd by I.cnder. If
<br />- v�uo 1���a Form 3028 9180
<br />°�
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