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<br /> •proceeds•)�n oonnection wNh caondemnation oe oth�r tekUg of tho proparty or paR thereoi,or for conveyance In Iieu of condemnaUon.
<br /> Lender ehall De entilled et Its optlon to oommence,eppear In end p�neecute In its own neme eny ectlon or praceedinga,end ahel!aleo
<br /> be entitled to muko eny compromise or eettlement In connection with such leking or damaye.In th�event any portion of the Properry I�
<br /> so taken or demaped, I.ender ehell heve fhe opqon tn Its wb end ebsolute dl�creGon,to epply all such proceeds, aRer dsductlnp
<br /> therefrom ell costs and expsmss lncun�d by it In connsction with such Proceed�,upon eny IndoGtedne�e secured hereby end In such
<br /> order es Lender may determir�e,or to spply all such Proceeds,eRer euch dsductlona,to ths reatoreUon of the Property upon such cmn-
<br /> dltlon�es Lender may determine.Any eppllcaUan oi Proceeda to Indebtedneee ahell not extend or post�wne the due dete oi any pay-
<br /> �nente undar ths IVots,or curo eny defauit theraunder or herounder.My unepplled tunds shell l+e pald to Tru�tor.
<br /> 8. PeAwmanu by L�ndsr.Upon the acaurcence ot en Event of Default hereunder,or if eny act 19 taken or legal praceeding
<br /> axnmencsd wh{ch matertally affects Lender'a Intereai In lhe Property,landor mny!n It:.oti�rn dlsaroUon,but v�ithout obll�etlon to do ao, P
<br /> end wfthout notk:e to ex demand upon Truetor�nd wlthout roleaalrp Trustor from any obNpstlon,do eny ect whlch Trusta haa epreed
<br /> but Tailed to do and may also do any other ect It d9ems neceaaary to Protect the eecurity hereof.Trustor ahall, immedlately upon
<br /> demand therefor by Lender,pay to Lender all coate end expenaee In�urred end suma expended by Lender In wnnectlon with the exer-
<br /> cise by I.trnder oi the.foregoing riphte,topether wlth fntareat thereoe�et the defeult rete provlded In lhe Note,which ahall be added W
<br /> tha Indebtednega secured hereby.Lender shall not Incur eny Ileblilly becauee of anything it mey do or omit to do hereunder.
<br /> 8. H�ardous IIA�rials, Truator sheli keep the PropeRy in compllance with sll eppllcable lews, ordinannea and re�ulatbns
<br /> rel�tirp to industrial hyglene w environmentel protection(collecUvely referred to heroin es"Environmental Lews'}.Trustor shail kanp
<br /> the Property iree from all subatancea deemad to be hazardoua or toxla under eny Environmentnl Lew�(collectively referred to herein
<br /> as"Hazardous Meterials'y.TN�tor hereby warrents and represents to Lender thet there are no Hazsrdous Matedats on or undor the
<br /> Property.Truslor hereby aproea to indemnify end hold hermbas lender, ita diroctore,offlcers,employeoa end a�ente,and eny sucas-
<br /> �ors W LendePs lntereat,irom end egainst eny end eil ctaima,damagas,bsses and IIAbINGes arfatng In connection with the presence,
<br /> use,dispoeal or trenepat oi any Hazardous Materials on,under,from or ehout the Properly.THE FOREGOIN(3 WARRANTIES AND
<br /> 10.Assi�nm�nt mi R�nts.Tru�tor hereby asslyns to Lender,e�d pranta Lender a secuMty Intereat in,all present, future and
<br /> after arlsing rents,Issues end proflte oi tha Propeny;provided that Truator ahail,unUl the occurronce of en Event ot Defauft,hereunder,
<br /> have the right to collect and retain such rents,Issues and proflts as they became due and�ayabte.Upon the occuRence oi an Event ot
<br /> qefau�t,Lender mey,either in person or by agent,with or without bdnging any acdon or proceedtng,or by a receiver appointed by a
<br /> couR and wlthout repard to the odeqliacy of its security,enter upon and take possession ot the Property,or any part thereof,in its own
<br /> name or tn the neme oi the Trustee, end do any ecta which It deema neceseary or des��able to preserve the value, markotability or
<br /> renWbility of the Property,or eny part thoreoi or interest therein,or to Increage the Income thorefrom or protect the securky hereof and,
<br /> with or without tektng posaeaebn of the Prope�ty,sue 1'or or otherwlse collect the renta,tsaues and proflts thereot,Indudlnp those past
<br /> due end un{�aid,by nodfyinfl tenants to make peymenta to Lender.Lender may apply rente,Issues and profita,less coate end oxpens-
<br /> es ot oparatbn arW oollection includiny ettomey's faea,to any indebtedness secured hereby,ali tn auct�order as Lender may deter-
<br /> mine.The enteriny upon and takir�g poaaesaion of the Property,thA oo�lectton oi euch rents,issues end proflta,and the appl�at►on
<br /> �.wnt nn atoresatd st�ail not cure or waive eny defauft or notice ot dofauft hereunder or Invaildate any act dons In responae to such
<br /> default or pureuant to such noUce ot detault and,notwithstanding the conUnuence In posssaawn at the properry or the cdiecaon. °
<br /> lo�ann strumente�or by law upon occumence o eny Evsnt o Defa�ult,rincuding wit�hout I mltetian the�Ight fnhexe��d�ef�power ot eab.
<br /> Further,Lender's�Iphts and remadlea under thia paragreph shall be cumulaUvo with,and in no way a Ilmitetion on,l.endei'e righta end
<br /> remedlss wxlsr any essignment of leases and ronta r�e�►ded epeinet the Property.l.ender,7ruatee and lhe recelver shell be Aebb to
<br /> aocount only 1or tho�e renta actuauy rsceived.
<br /> 11.Ev�M�s oi D�f�uR.The tolbwlnD shell coneUWte en Eveo�t of Default under this Deed of Truar
<br /> (a)Failure to pay any Installment ot principal or Intereat or eny other sum secured heroby when due;
<br /> (b)A breach of or default under any provlaion conteined In the Note,this Dead of Truat,any of the loen InsWmenta,or any
<br /> other I(sn or encumbrance upon the Property;
<br /> (c)A writ of executlon or etfechmant or any similar process ahall be enterod egalnst Tn�ator whkh shnll become a Nen on
<br /> ths Pvopsrty or�ny portbn thersoi or Interoat theroin;
<br /> (d�Thsre eheU be Aled by or apainst Truata or Borrower en ecdon�+nder a�y(xeaent or tuturo federal,stats a otiher st�tuls,
<br /> I�w or rspulaUnn ni��np to bankrupiay,Inedvency or oth�r�ellef tor d�bton;or th�ro shsN bs�ppotnt+d any hu�fse�hoelver or
<br /> pquidafor o(Tnutar or Botrower or oi all or dny paR of the Prope►tyr,or the ronts.Iuusa or proffts thereo/,a Truetor or Botrow�
<br /> shaH make eny pen�tal asstgnment for the benafit of credRoro;
<br /> (e)The sele,tranafe�,leaae,aaalpnment,monveyance or fu�ther encumbrance Ai all or any part of or any Intersat In the
<br /> propsrty,Mther valuntadiy nr involuetedly,without ths axpress writtsn oon�ent ni Le�der,provtded that Tnrator shali be pertnit-
<br /> ted to exscute a lease oi ths Property that doea not co�teln en option to pu�chaee and the term of which daes not exceed one
<br /> Y�
<br /> (�Abandonment of the Property:or
<br /> (�)!i Tn�ator la not en�ndividual,the(aauance,eale,trenafer,asaipnment, conveya�oe or encumbrenco of more than(If a
<br /> oorporsWn)e toiN of percent of ka�ssued end outetandlnp stock,or(ii a partnerahip)e to:al of per-
<br /> cent oi partnerahip interests,or(if a Ilmited Ilability oompsny)e totel ot percent of the Itmfted Ilability compa-
<br /> ny Interests or vodnp rt�hb durinp the period thia Deed oi Trust remalns e Ilen on the praperty►.
<br /> 12,R�m�dl�s;Acc�N►atlon Upon D�fauk.In the event of any Event oi Detault Lender may,wfthout noUce exoept as roqulred
<br /> by lew,dedaro all indebtednesa socured hereby to be due end payable end thx seme shall thereupon become due end payable with-
<br /> out any prosentrnent,demand,protest or notice ot any klnd.Thereafter Lender may:
<br /> (a)Oemand thet Trustae exerdae the POWER OF 3ALE granted herein,end Trustae sheil thereaRer ceusa Trusta's Inter-
<br /> est In the Property to be soid end tNe proceeds to be d{stdbuted.all in the menner provided In the Nebreske Trust t)eeds Ach,
<br /> (b) Exeralse any and all righta provided for In any of the Loan Instrumente or by law upon occumenCe o1 any Event ot
<br /> Deteult;end
<br /> (c)Commence en ectbn to toreclose thfs Deed of TNat as e mortfle�e,eppolnt a recefver,or speciflcaly eniorce eny ot the
<br /> covenente hereof.
<br /> No romody horein conferred upon or�eaerved to Trustee w Lender Is Intended to be exclusive of any other romedy hereln,to the Loan
<br /> Inatrumenb or by law provided or permitted,but each ehall be cumulative,shall be In additton to every other remody given hereunder,
<br /> In the Loan InsWments or now or hereafter exlsGng at tew or tn equlty or by etetuta,and may be exercised concumently,IndependenUy
<br /> or succesively.
<br /> •� r�.�� Tw r...��m.,,e...�r.,��o�o��t►�Wenrua�aus�;end Lender mav at any Umo and without cause aDDOlnt 8 6ticr
<br /> tv. �����. . .v •...............�.��.o.._'_..� ...._ "'_'_"'
<br /> cessor or substitute Truatee.Trustee shall not be Iiable to any perty,Including wlUrout Ilmltetlon Lender,Borrower,Tniator or�ny pur-
<br /> chaeer of the Proparly,for eny losa or damage unieas due to reckless or wilitul mlaconduct,and shall not be required to teke eny eclian
<br /> in connectbn with the enforoement of this Deed oi Tn►st unless indemnitied,In writing,for al�wsto,compensatlon or oxpenses which
<br /> may be assoclated therewith.In edditlon,Tn�stee may bACOme a purohaaer et any sate of the f'roperty Qud�lal or under the power oi
<br /> - sete granted herein);pastpone the sale of all or eny portion of the Property,es provided by taw;or sell the PropeRy as e whole,or fn
<br /> seporate parcels or lots at Trustee's discretion.
<br />_ 14.Fe�s�nd Ex�oans�s.In the event Trustee selis the Property by exercise of power oi csAle,Tniatee shall be entitled to apply
<br /> eny sale proceods tirst to paymont of ell costs and expe�ses oi exerclsing power ot eale,Including all Truatee's fees,and Lendere end
<br />.� Truetee'e attomoy'e fees, actually Incurced to extent permltted by appliceble law.In tha ovent Borrower or Trustor exercises eny�lyht
<br /> = provid�xt by(aw to cure en Ever.t of Qeteuit,Lender shall be enUUed to recover irom Trustor ell costs and expenses ectually Incurred ae
<br />� �result of Trustor's default.Including without Ilmitatlon all Trustee's end attomey's tees,to the extent permitted by epplksble lew.
<br />== 1b.Futun Adv�nea. Upon request of Bomower,Lendor may,et It�optlon, make edditbnal end tuture advances and read•
<br /> — vences to Borrower.Such advances and readvances,with Interest ther+eon,shall bo secured by thls Daed of Tnist.At no t(me shall the
<br /> � • _ _ _
<br />