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<br /> THlS nEED OF TRU3T,is made ss oI ths 2 2�d day ot 0 c t o b e l^ , 19�,by snd e�
<br /> �T��,_ Randy L. Dethl�fs. an unmarried person ,
<br /> �����b 7713 N US Hwy 281� Grand Island. NE 68��.T��.,,,��r����, Sc
<br /> . �
<br /> cheTtisc« Five Points Sank .
<br /> ���i����s 2015 N Broadwell , Grand Island. NE 68803 �hs�atn�Tr�scss�,.nd
<br /> ����ry, Fi ve Poi nts Bank
<br /> whose maiqnfl addroas la P•0. B o x 15 0 7. G ra n d I s 1 a nd� N E 6 88 0 2 ��roM•���.
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,Includinp Lendere extenebn oi credit IdsntiBed heroin W _.�
<br /> Randv L Dethlefs
<br /> {herefn'Barower�whether one or rtwro)and the W�t hersin a�t�d.tM rocsipt
<br /> M wh�h Is hsroby ecknowledDsd,Tru�tor Iwreby Irrsvocebly p�ante,tranafero, oonveya a�d asslyns to Tru�tes,IN TRU�T,WITH
<br /> �!A!�?A�.C�1_G.(n!tltw hanw}It and beCdl�ity 01�BIKl6r.Ut1d6f e11d WG��0 th0 L8�I116��CO(1OM10�1{flQlyklYMf i!��Offll��N fM�
<br /> propercy deaxiesd ea taiows: The North Ha1 f of the Southwest Quarter af the Northwest Quarter
<br /> (N�S41#NW#� of Section Nine (9). Township Twelve (12) North, Range Nine f9j West of the 6th
<br /> P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, excepting a certain tract deeded to the State of Nebraska as
<br /> �ecorded in Deed Book 77 Page 61 nd x ting a certa9n tract deeded to the State of
<br /> leb s as recorc� d �s �ocume�t ��3-1���.
<br /> �i�wkh alfbui Fnp�� mprovsmen ,fl urea.s alleYa�Peas�ewalro�eseemenb�ri�hts�PrivlbQsa and pppurtenanoes
<br /> bcated ther�son or In anywtss psrtainlnp fhereto,end the rente,Isaues and prol7te,reverslons snd romelnders thsroot.and such psr-
<br /> eonM property that le atteched to the la�provemente so as to oonetitute e flxturo,MGudinD,but not IlmNsd b,hsotlrw�d 000lin0 p�AP
<br /> ' ment;and topNlmr with the homestead w maritet intereate,lf any,whkh Interoats aro heneby robaaed end w�lvsd:�M o�wMch�k�cNid-
<br /> �roaac.�►���,a�aaEC��,ereco,is nereby a�ar�a co a��P�c oia�re�i escece�a,►ea�y�ne wen a a��a a Tr�and
<br /> �II oi tF�torpoUq beinp rof�rred to heroin es the'Properiy'.
<br /> Thb D�sd d Trust�hall eecuro(a)the�a ment ot the p�inclpal wm and Intereet evidenced by�promiswry not�or c�sdit prw-
<br /> m.ntrl�ad October 22. 19�7 ,hevingamaturltydateof_Januarv 2a. 199.8
<br /> In qw cripkwll pNodpel amount ot S 11.045.93 _ _� end any and ell moditksUons. extsn�ior►s�nd rorawaia
<br /> tl�r�eof or therak�ond any and ell fuwre advancea end readvances to Bor►owdr(or eny ot them ff mors theo ons)hsrwx�D�x�wM
<br /> b oM or moro promis�or�►rwtus or credit apreemenls(haroin call�d'Note")�(b)the Payment of olher wms edvanad aY L�idsr to
<br /> protsct th�searity of ths Note;(a)the pertormance oi all covenants and ayroements of Trustor eet forth h�►rin;w�d(d)�II prwsnt�nd
<br /> wUxe�ndsbf�tr,es�pnd obllgAtiona of Dorrowev(or any of them If more than one)to Lendsr whether dir�ect,indtroct,at�akit�or oontin-
<br /> q�nt�nd wiwfher atbinp by note�9uarenty�ovardraR or othorwise.The Note.thls Deed ot Tniat end any end ell othsr doc�xr�enb that
<br /> �sc�xe ths Nots a otherwise executed In connedbn therowlth, Includin�wlttwut Umitatlon Ouerontees, eecurily e�p►ssmenb and
<br /> p�fprxr�nts of Isaus tu�d renta,ehell be referred W herein as the'Loen Instrumenb'.
<br /> TnuWr oovsnants end egrees with Lendar as fdlow4:
<br /> 1. PiymtM of ItxNbt�dMts.All Indebtedness secured hareby shall be paid when due.
<br /> 2. Tit9�.TrusWr Is tho owner ot the Prope►ty,tws the right and euthority to oonvay the Prope�ty,end wu�anta tfuit ths Nsn croN-
<br /> ed hereby is e Qrst and prior Ilen on the Property,except Tor Iions and encumbrancea eet fath by Truator fn writinp and delivs�ed b
<br /> Lender bsfore executlon ot thts Deed of Trust,and the executlon end dellvery of this Deed oi Trust does not vialate any oonaac:t or
<br /> other obllgaUon to which Truator is subJecS.
<br /> 3.Tuc��,Aswssm�nb.To pay before dellnquency all taxes,special assessments end etl other charpes agetnst the PropeRy
<br /> now or hereefter{evied.
<br /> 4.Insunnca,To keep the Property Insured agalnst damage by flre,hezards Includod withln the torm'extended cove�age',and
<br /> such other hazarde a�Ler�dAr may requlro,in amounte end wtth canpenke ec�ceptsbb to Ls�der,�ami�B Lend�r w an�ddltkx►�I
<br /> named Inaurod,with loss payable to ths Lender. In caae ot loss under auch pollcisa,the Lender ia eulho�ized to edJuat,coNect and
<br /> oompromise,ell claims thereunder and ahall have the option of applying e�l ar paR of the Inaurence pr�oceeds(i)to eny Indsbt�Mieas
<br /> aecured hareby and In such order as Lender may determine,(iq to the Tn�ator to be used for the repair or restoreNon oi the Property w
<br /> (Ilq tor eny other purpoae or obJect seUsfactory to Lender without attectiap the Ilen of this Deed ot Trust fu ths tuU smount aecured
<br /> hereby before euch payment aver took plece.Any appiicotions of proceeda to Indebtedness ehall not extec�d or postpa�e the due date
<br /> :t onu nsvmantn�uulor 1!w Nntw or cura an�dsfault thereu�de�Of h8I@U�1d8f.
<br /> - —v r—i.._.._ ,.__._._.._._. _
<br /> b.Escrow. Upon written demand by Lendar,Trustor ahail pay to Lander.In such manner as Lender may deslgnete,auficbnt
<br /> sums to enabte Lendor to pay as they become due ane or more of tho folbwing:(I)all texea,assessments end other charges agafnst
<br />_ lhe Property, (II) the premiums on the property insurance requfred hereundnr,and (III) the premlurr►s on eny mortgeg0 Insursrice
<br /> requfred by Lender.
<br />- 6.MainUnanc�,tiap�lrs and Com{tllanc�wlth Laws.Tnistor shall keep the F�roparty In goad conditlon and repair, shall
<br /> ' promptly repalr,or replace any improvement which mey be demaged or destroyed;shall not commlt or pormit any waste or deteriore-
<br /> ' Uon of the Proporly:shali not remove,demollsh or substentially elter any oi the Improvemenfs on the Propetty;s1iaA not commit,sutfer
<br /> n or pem�it any act tn be done in or upon the Propertyr In vlolaUon of any iaw,ordlnance,w regulation; end shall pay end prompNy dia-
<br /> charge at Trustor's cost and expenso all Ilens,encumbrences and charpas tevied,Imposed or eccessed agalnst the Properry or any
<br /> � part thereoi.
<br /> 7.Hmin�nt Dom�ln.Londer fs hereby nsaigned ail compensallan,awards,damepoa and olher paymenta or rellei(hereinafter
<br />�� NnC�1lt p+enq+�JUr Owel�Mr 6M
<br /> O t9M NWOrW NN d CimwnTnnl Yd Gav�p NfaW+On.l�m�+.INM�W
<br />