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<br /> . . �oEw No. �
<br /> � � ° TH�g gECliRR1f INSTRUMEN'f combtnes uniform cavenants tor rtational use and non-un�orm covenants with
<br /> ._ . � -- timited var�aiions by]uristtiction to ca�stlt�te a unitorm securfty insirumeM covertng re�l pcaperty. ` �
<br /> � UNtFORM COVENANT&.Borrowetend l�ender covenant end agree asfottows: < �. :
<br /> ` 1.Aaym�M o4 Pris�cipai an�interes3;Pr�paymeRt end La�ta Chargea. 8orrcwer shall promptty paY whan due � ` �.;
<br /> . ° � 4he pdnctpa!af and trtterest on the debt evidenced by the Nats and anY P�RalimerK and tate charges due u�der ihe ;::�:... t�
<br /> ' . t�ote. ' �
<br /> 2.Funds 4or Tenes en�tnsureae� Sub1eN to aPP�tcabts!aw cr to a w�tten�ralver b�Lender.BorroNrer shail pay
<br />" � ' " to Lender on tha day mordhty payments are due under tite Note,urR31 the Note ts patd tn fu11.a sum('Funds°�tcr.(ae , ,
<br /> t `
<br /> . �''. yeatly taxes and assessmenis whlch may attatn prloriry over this Security Inswmerrt as a Iisn on the ProAerty:(b�Y �Y , .. �
<br /> � -_;�:.,., leasehotd paymetrts or groarnd rents on the Property,ff anY:(c)Y�ady hazaM or praperty tnsurance premtums:( ) __'`;.•.
<br /> =i�=-`'a yeariy Qoad insurence pramtums.H as►Y�?Y�Y ntortgage tnsurancs premfums.tf sny.and(fl any sums payable by „ __
<br /> - Bor�ower to Lender,in accorrlar►ce w[t h e pro v i s tons o f p a r a g r a p h e,t n l i e u o f t h e p a y m e r rt o f m o R g a g e i n s u r a n c e `<< `�
<br /> ". �� �: premiums.These items are c a ti e d'E scrow I tems.°I.e n d e r m a y,a i a n y tim e,callect and hoid Funds in an amount nai to s� � � -
<br /> �.' � ,,
<br /> , e�cceed tha m�dmum amourn a tendetior a federal(y retated mcrtgage toan may�equlre far Borro�ver's escrow acccurtt .
<br /> � �mder the fede�al Re�al Estate Seliteme�Prccedures Ad of 1974 as amended nom time to time,l2 U.S.C. �2601 et .��
<br /> - Lsnder may ai �
<br />-� . – ` � seq.�RESPA°}.uNess another taw that appliea to the Funds sets a lesser amowt If so. . any ttme,coltect ...�,
<br /> ' � and haid Funds in ar�amcurn not to exceed the lesser amourit.Lender may estimate the amourit of Funds due an the ,� .Y .
<br /> . � basts of current data and reasonable estimates of expenditcrces af futttre Escraw Items or cthenivise in axordance with ...
<br /> � a�+Aticahie taw. .
<br /> � The Funds sha11 be heid In an tnstitution whose deposits are Insured by a federal agency,tr►saumerrtai�l.o�errtitY
<br /> ��- � Ma„�n9�snaer,i�Lender is such an instfittion)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank Lender shat!app1Y the Fimds to .
<br /> n the Funds,annuall ana! tF►e
<br /> - pay tha Escmw Items.Lender maY na�Se Borrower for hotding and apPhl� 9 Y Y�9
<br /> . - ' . esarow account,or verifying the Escrow ttems,untess Lender pays�omawer trrterest on the Fureds and appiicabie law
<br /> �� "� %'. �,� perm�s LQnder to make such a charge.However,Lender may requlre Barrawer 4o pay a ane�ime charge for an
<br /> ..,.'f�-� ' tndependerrt reat estats t�c repaR(ng service used by l�end�in connec�ian wittti this toan.uNess appltcable law �
<br /> � . , . provid�otherwisa Unless an agreement is made or appttcable law requires iMerest to 6e patd,Lender shali not b� �
<br /> _ � _--_-�'�� �equired ta pay BoRawer any tnierest or eamings on the Funds Bomower and lertder may agree in wrtttng,however, `_ ���`-.
<br /> that Interest ahaD bs paid ort the Funda Lender shall give to Borrower.w�ho�t c(mrge,an ann�ai accouciting of the '
<br /> Funds,shawing c�edits and debPts to the Funds and the purpose ior�4rt�ich each d�bft to the Funds was made.The '
<br /> � ' � � ' Funds are ptedged as addiUonaf securttyy for atl sums secured by this Securiry Instrumern.
<br /> r
<br /> ' � '"•��: If the Funds heid by Lender exceed the amcwtts Perraftted to be held by appitcable law,Lender sha(1 accourtt to
<br /> .�. ° `i'.:` . Borrower for the exc�ss F+n+ds in ac�ardance wuh the requiremeMs of appliaabte law If the amouM of the Funds hetd _
<br /> �– by Lender at arry time is not sufficlerrt to pay the Escrow items�vhen dua,Lender may so natHy Bom�wer tn wrfting. .
<br /> �� � ' '' '� and,tn such cass Borrouuar sha11 PaY to Lendar the amount necessaay to make up the deflctenay.Horrowe�r shali make
<br /> •� -- ' � ' up the d�ftciency in no more than twelve�nomhiy paymerns,at Lend��'s sole dtscreUon. " �
<br /> ' s,� ` � Upon payment tn full of ail swns secured by thls Sec�u�ty tnstrwnertt.�ender s�all prcmpby refund to Borrawer any .
<br /> i A
<br /> '� _' � Funds held by Lender.if.under paragra h 21,Lendar shaii acquire cr sell the tamperiy.Lsnder.prior to the a�uls�ion ,,,,,- j,
<br /> � � or sate of the PropeRy.shatl ePA►Y�Y��"�g he1d by Ler�der ai the time of acqulsition or sale as a credit agat�st the ,;:{Y:.,.
<br /> � sums secured by thts Secuciry Instrumern. �. �
<br /> ' 9.Appl��ic�o!Payments. Uniess appiit�le!aw provides a�'r�cwlse.afl payments received by Lender under �..._.��,�
<br /> p�graphs 1 and 2 shalf be appited:first.to any ptepayment char9es due underths Note:second.to amour�ts payabfe �
<br /> '' tut�cr pategreph 2;thtrd,to ttKerest due;fourth,to pdara�al dtte;and last.to any tate charges due under the Note. � ��
<br /> '��' 4.Char�es;L[ena Borrower shatl pay a11 taxes.as�'�sments,charges,ftnes and dmpos�ions atutbuta[a'�to the .`.:�,�
<br /> � Property which may atmtn priority over this Securiiyy Ins�rument,and leasehold payments or ground reMS.ff any. _ �
<br /> BaROwer shaD paY these obligations U the manner pravided tn paragraph 2,or ff not pald ta that manner.Borrower sfrk ``—�-�.
<br /> � � � pay them on thne directty to the person awed Rayment Borrawer sha9 promptly iumish to Lertdc�all nottt�s of �,;?;_�,;:
<br /> . ' amounts to be paid underthls parag►aph.If Bortower makes these paymerrts direcdy.Borrower shall prom�y tumtsh to �_,__,,_:.
<br /> �� lender receipts evidenctn�the payments. . ' � -
<br /> `� Borrower sh�tl prompUy discharge any Uen whtch has prtority aver this Security InstrumeM uniess 8orr��2r.(a) �`
<br /> ` � � agreas in w�to the paymem a!the obitga�on secured by the Ileee t�a manner acceptabte to Lender;(b)c4ntests tn �.:-�
<br /> �,�.._
<br /> � • , gcod tatth the;�s by.or detends against er�torcemen4 of the Ilen tn,��proceedings which in the Lender's opinfon �...,.
<br />- � � operate to pr�t-�.t tbe eMorcemerii of the tten;or(c)secvres from tna older of the lien an agreement satistactory to _ .:
<br /> � Lender subofd'a�ating the Iten to this Security Instrume�.�f Lender determines that arry Rart of the Fro erty la subject to `•___j
<br /> � . � a Nen whTch may attain pri�rtty over this Secur3ty instrumer�,ons set forth a�bove�frhin 10 day of ine�givii ng vf notice. �_-�_�
<br /> � - eortower str�s�tsfy the Ilen or take one or more of the actl -.�.
<br /> ,•� b.Haza�a9 a�r Property insurance. Bortower shall keep the im�rn�vemarits�ow existing ac hereafter erected on tha �:;._�;<::
<br /> : ,•, , a r ,
<br /> Property insura9 a�inst toss by flre,hazards Included wfthin the term°e�dended coverager�anY other hazerds. : ___
<br /> . � � � % induding ftoods or�looding,forwhtch Lender requires insurance.Thts insuranaa�tl be malt�rtained in the amounts and . ., -;�-.-
<br /> �f��'lt�, � f ar t he pe r la ds t h a t L en d e r r e q u t r e s. Th a t n s u r a n r s c a r r t e r r a v i d i n t h e t n s u r�s h a l l b e c h o s en b y BoROwar sub ject ?-= :
<br /> .:;�.. . . �� p S t?�„+: ..
<br /> • � to Len der's appr�val which shall not be unreasonably withhe�d. If Borrower faQs ta malntain cove r a ge described abave� �..4;,. .;
<br /> � �'�� l.snder may.at F ender's option,o b t a in coverage to pr o tec t l.en d e r's r i g M s i n t h e P ro p e r ry i n a c c o r d a n c e wfth
<br /> : � . '� parSgreph 7. .
<br /> . .p.
<br /> • .. f.:_='8R/1SKQ-S(NGLE PAMILY-FNMA/FM1.MC UNIFOFiM INST6IU:{AENT FORM 30289/90
<br /> . � ISC/CMDTfVE//W82/8028(990}L PAOE 2 OF 8
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