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<br /> :��� for in this ser�ttsr Insdmmens sban be gieen by asuvering it or - = _ .
<br /> -,-z .._,.. !3.%�e9.AnY notice to Bormwer pro++ided nse of aaother medwd.'IYie nadce shaU be duecced m - -
<br /> � . by ma�ing it bq fi�t c�ass ma�unZes applisab2e law reqaues . .'<; ..;
<br /> `. ' the pimpecty Add�ar a�►other addtess Boaower des38nares by notice w Leadet. Anp no���� . ,
<br />_ � �ivea by Sist cdasg mail to Ir�'s add�sra�d Leiein or any addres�Lender dessgnates bp . .
<br /> - - . - Anp n�tice Zuavided foz ia tbis Security�ent slydll be de�ned m Irave boen�to Boaower or Lender whea .
<br /> in this
<br /> . . �4.Gove�inS 1�w;�ev�abi3it�y.'i�is Seandcy Insunmens s�all be gave�d hq Fedeial law and the law of :Y_' :_--
<br /> ': � ti�j a d s d i c t i o n l n w 1 u c A t h e P r o p e i t y i s l o c a t e d.I n t h e e v e n t d�a t a�ry p m v i s�4n or claase of @�is Secarity Inst�ent ,i.:'`
<br /> or the Note con8iqs with applicab2e law.sar8 con8ict sbaII not affect oti�t paovisio�of this Sec�tY Ins�ent or . ..'�. . r
<br /> -' a$e Note whica►caa be�eBect widiaut the wn8�cxin8 Pmvis�mv- To tLis eml the pmvtaoas of this Secmiry „
<br /> Ins�and Sie Note�e dedated to be seveiable. of tt�e Note aad of d�s S�tp •`.'f�.��
<br /> : � . , f5. Bose+aw�'s Copy. Borrawer sBail be given a� oon� cApY . � ,
<br /> , � � ,
<br /> `� � . 16. �rdaus S�. Boaower sbari nat�os ge�it the p�eace,u�,d�sposal+sD�raSe.or� .
<br /> �t��... z
<br /> -' �� • � � of aay Ha�dmts Sbbs�on or in the Prope,ity.Bossawer sLaII nnt do.nar aRow anyone else to do.�
<br />--- ---= . affe�ng t�e Piopetcy tbat is in viQlat£oa of aay�mnm�l Law 'Ihe pre�ing twu sen�ntes sHall uot apply W _ : .. .-.
<br /> . �� tbe pseseace, nse, or sto�age an S►e Praperty of s�nall q�sities of Ha�ndons Snbstaaces t&at aie g�9
<br /> ' tn noffiai res�dential nses and W main0enaase of the Pmperty ti.• • :
<br /> teoognize�to be agpmPsiate " '� .
<br /> Boaower shall gmmpdY give Leadec'wriuen norioe of any im�igat�nn.claim.drmaad.lawsait o:othea actioa . .
<br /> � ��.' Le t � .
<br /> ,. � -- , -. -r �Y�►8�►���°�yDiy ag�y°r pnvate partp�mro�v�ag die Pmperty aad any Hazardaus SnDs�a^se _
<br /> y
<br /> � ;,�� : gm�mmae�al Jau►of wbirdt aoaa�ver I�actaal tmowlecge. If Bo�uwea teams.or is nudfred h9�Y F��ffi1 . �.
<br /> ' . , ':`.� c�regaiat��horlty,8�at a�g:emaval or other r�ation of any Ha�daas Snbstances aff�in8 the PtoP�Y� .
<br /> n�e�azy,Boauwec sLaU�y tatce aII nece�Y�m�1 acnos�s ia aL�cordance widi Snvinoffisental Law. -.:�-:,;:
<br /> ���;�`�� �. As nsed�a�s�pb 16, 'Ha7ardaus S�Il�.s° are tLnse sabstaaces de5ned as t�atc oz�us "�::��,'`:
<br /> 'f`:-�j.,'.; -- E�v�l Law aad the folIo�g substances: psuline. �e. other 8ammab2e ¢� s�c�
<br />-'.;:`:;:,�; . � sub�tauces by fosma?�g�e. � .
<br /> :�1��;;� . t�c�Sticades a�.hecb�Cides.�-a7�e solver�s.materlats�8 asbestog or �._•.
<br /> petrole��, 16. 'g�Law'means Eede:allaws and Iaws af�e �
<br /> : and�adiaaplve mat�ia9s. As ased ia�bus paiagdph ,`.:,�:
<br /> : . � jnrisdiciioa w-�ete tbe Pcaperty is located tbat relate W L�alth.�f�p c+r envav�e�l pm�n. ___
<br /> - ._ . � `��iii�s:s'
<br /> : NON-UNIFORM COVSr1ANTS.Boaower antl Lendec fa�er covenant aad agzee as foIlows: •-�:•,_,
<br />. ' 17.Asstgameat of Reuts.Boaower unoa�onallY assiSns aud umnsfer�w Lendec atl die�aad zevemies � ..�.��;<
<br /> • .. • of the Property.Barmwer anthorize�s Lender or Lendei's agents to collect the tents and zevee�ees antt herehy di�ts '
<br /> � ' eacL tenant of the PmpertY m IIaY the�ts to Ixndet or l.eader's agentg.However,Prior to I.enSer's notice to _
<br /> � Bormwer og Botmwer's b�each of any caveaani or agceemeut In ttie Sewsitq Iastmm�ent.Bosmwer si�all coltect anfl
<br /> �.;�.�,< receive all:ents an�revennes of the Property as t:astee fot die 6ea�fit of Lender and Bosrower.T�is assi�nt of . -_
<br />-`;��,: ,� .� �aoasdtuoes an absolate asalg�nmene and aat an as.sig�ent f�additional sec�zzcy onty. . . "
<br /> � � � � If Lender glves nodce of breac�to Hosrower.(a)aII rents reoeived by Bormwer sbail�e hetd by Boaawer as
<br /> � � tn�tee for menefit af Leader only.w C�r appl�ed w ttie sams s�69 the SecarIty�nst��(b)L e n der s L a l l be . _
<br /> ene
<br /> . • enSt�eA tu ool2ect aad recelve all of the rents of the Propertp:amd fc)eacd�teaani of tLe Pmperip sball paq all:euts . .
<br />- . . . dne an�nflpaid to Iender or Lender's agent on Ien�s wrltten danaad to the tenant. . �:=:'
<br /> � ` � � Bormwer has nut execated aaS►Prtor a�gnm�c ef die�ents aad has not atW will nnt peer��anY act d�a wao2d �..,'�
<br />.��+ . . . . ' prevent I�:r fr�m exe�ssis�ng its rights a,wtes this patagtapL 17. . .
<br /> e "
<br /> � Lea�s�cus be reqnired w enter upan.tabe wntrol of or maintaia the Pmperty befar ai aRer giving nodse . ::.
<br /> - • • .of breac�to Bomawer.E�.Awever.LenQear or a,ja�sia]lY aADointe3 recelver mag do so at any tlme thece is a bsearb. .• �:�,�;;�:--
<br /> - . . , piry appli�adon of�rs s'�all nnt aue o:waive asg defanit or im+alidate a��flght or iemedy of l�a'Ibis ,:�;.::. .;°
<br /> . . a�sigument of zents of d�Pmperty sball t�inate when the debt secnred by Qie�ity inctnmt�nt is pat0 ien fa�. : °:��,;'�..
<br /> _�: . -
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