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<br /> � ` (7 All ar part of t6e ProPert�►•or a benettcial inteiest in a uost uwnin� p�
<br /> U, . , � or otherwise uaasfeaed(other tban by d�ise or descent).and ar the `,.
<br /> � �- .: (ii)7he Progerty is not oecapled bY t�e Fut'�O1 S��his aI tier p�nciPal�deus�e. . .r�. ;
<br /> . _; p�Laser or g�antee does so accv�Y the �P�S► � l�is or her �dit Iias not 6een appmved ia ---
<br /> .. . ; aceo�daffie wiBi�e r e q o l�of the Seaetar9• �e PaYment in fiill+but ' ..
<br /> : (c)No WaEv�If cucamstances acau tbat waa�pem�it I�enaer to.zeqadre
<br /> ' l.�r does not�equire sarh pa9meuts►1�nder does not waive its�ights wlth xesPea�sab�qn�evepts.
<br /> , �::� . �� �ula�O�of Ai1e Se�tar9•Ia manY cit���issued bY the Seaetazy w�l hmit
<br /> - ..:7 ia fuU sud forec2osg if nnt :';x
<br /> Lendes's rights.in the c�se of payme,ut defm�lts►to����P� �:,- s
<br /> � � " '� gaid.'Ibis S�it9��daes not�oilze acceletaKaa oi foiec2asmte if nnt pe�mitDed by ie8� '
<br /> ' � '� of the Soc�e�'g. : , .,
<br /> �} (e)MortgaBx AIut Iasta+e8.Boaower agees tbat if this Sec�it9 Inc�eni aust the Note are nnt d�ecmined
<br /> � °. . . w be etigib2e for�nee nnder the National Ha�sInB As:t witLia 60 days fram the date hereof4 LendES ` �
<br /> �- .. _,._�"�;:� immediate Pa9me�;ia foll of a11 smms seca�ed bY Qds Secndt9 I�ne�s. A
<br /> . , ## may,at its oPtton,r�ulce af the Sec�taiy da�d snbs�w 60 days fmm the date heiea� -
<br /> � � ' ,i:r:� wdtten slatement af any a�hosi�ed ageat aLari be deemed wnc2usive praof of sach
<br /> e .
<br /> ,: . . decli�ng to ins�ue tLis S�ty Insd�ent and the Note, � �
<br /> < �: . � i a e 1 i g l 6�t t y. N o t o v I B�s t a n d i n S d t e f o��8. t t u s u P d o n ma Y not be eae�3sed bY I�endet wLea the .;; ':,'
<br /> - - -- - rmavaitaDilit9�f insa��s�9 due to LEnder's fa��e to remit a moxi�ge�P���� ,_,.:, ;..
<br /> � s�' if Lendet i�as teqnired im�iate Pa3►���� �,.'�.J��
<br /> �- .. 10.Reiast�m�3.�aaower Uas a r�t to 6e reinstated endet .;+,'
<br /> aue under tne rrote or mis sec�ity Ins�ent.'�ia�$1�app2'ses �"'%:;,:'
<br /> ` �becausc of Boaower's f�ue w p�y an amuant e `',.
<br /> ��y�e pmc�tings an;iosntntrd.To c�msate the Secaut9 Insuament, Bormwer s1�aj1 tender in a :;�ti'
<br /> ' msCate �.:,,
<br /> r
<br /> � �,`.�.°: ,�. even aftec ��$flmuw�'s accannt current incfi�n8,w the eateat S�y aie o�o�of :-;.::
<br /> ; iump sam all amounts reclui�d muw ' :_�,�",_�.:
<br /> '. L� � '. .- Borrower uader tLis Se�sity Ia�.farec2osaie casts and�easonable and aasKnmar9 attomeys'fces and exgz9ses , ,,F-,.
<br /> � ':� U on���1iY Baaower.tbis Secutity Tns�m�� :',:;'"
<br /> _ � -.:� MoPe�iY a�oc�ated widi�foreclos�ue gmoo�inS• P � ia fnli. _�"'-
<br /> . � - @�e obligatiauc that it ssru�s sbalt temaiin ia effe�t as if Lemder had nat � PaY�� —: -,::
<br /> , . .` � • :�j However. �s is not reqaire�i to �s� � (� � � ascepoed � � � '�..�..
<br /> � ' eamm�eemgns of fa�asate pmceedings yeass�nediatelY Preceding t1�e�of a cua�nt ,,�,-._
<br /> m the �at�ce. o: C�7 -
<br /> � P�, � ��ment w�i Pseclade fo�eclosare on diffecent gc�ounds � -
<br /> " .� seinstatement wIll adve�setY affect the PrlorItp of th�lien created bq tLis Ser�ity Instiument. �
<br /> . .- ' il.Borta�Nat Re�e�se@3 Fos'beac'a�ce BY L�des Nat a Watvar.Bxteadaa u�Ytime�fsaccesso=ia —
<br /> . ::��� modiEcatton of amortt�tian of tbe sams secamA by 0da Secarit9 Inst�ent�hY _ _
<br /> . ' .! �se�est of Borsower sball ant opesaoe m relea�e the tiability of the a�igiaal Boaower or Boaowex's sacoessor ia - -...
<br /> eie �n interest os�fase to extead
<br /> � : � .� �L�nder s1�a11 uflt be req�ed w cammens�e pm�s�d b y ���bY�°�� -�
<br />' .� .i t�e for payment or othac�:se madifq amartlr�dan of the y� I�enQer in�
<br /> � � ��.�'i d�and made by the ori�3 Borrowes or Boaower's saccessoss in inte�est.Anp fe�aaee by
<br /> � ' �`,, ''�f � any rig�t es�edY shaD aot be a waiver of os ptectude tbe exetsise of any�� 'I]�e cov�aa0 agreemenis -
<br />- `� :�:�j; �.s�o��a a��Bo�a�aomc�a s��ia�u�y;cos��• .-
<br /> .. . .� of fl�is Sec�ity 1mtr�e�t sfiaII bind aa�benefit the sacce�ors aa�as�gas of L�des and Bosmwer.snbject to the
<br /> � - ptavistons of parag�e gtb).Bonower's covenanrs aa0 a�e��11�loint ana sev�ral.Anq Boa+nwer afio �
<br /> :�:�''''�'- , : bnt doea not execnte the Note: (a)is oo�s�DB tLis Serutlty Inst�ent onlq w
<br /> , � . co-si�.v ttais Se�rltq L�� �the�s of @iis S�wdt9 Iastnmaeni:(b) ' •4
<br /> mongage,gra:t anA convey tbat Bomoarer's interest in the PtopertY �����8�tbat l.eader and a� . .
<br /> `;j �S not peiso�IIy obli�ced to pay 4ie sums s�ed by this Seauitq
<br /> . . � . other Banrower maq a�w extend.mndifY.fo�ear or make a�r accommada¢u�cvIth regazd to�tem�s of th�s . ,
<br /> . , � S e c a d t q I n s tr n m e s�t o r�N o t e w ithont tbat Borrower's consent.
<br /> � � ��dRt�i[E1 t9801! va�e 4 of e � .
<br />= : . ' ��� ...
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