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<br /> .— - -- =Fs.�. . -= . � - - -- --�---.—.—. _ -
<br /> . _--�:�� . . . _ . � , . � •
<br />� �� ' ......_ . , - . ., . .' _ . . _. _ . _ ,. -. . . _ _ ... . _ � -_ _ ..
<br /> , � - .. .. . . ` �, . . �. - _ _,. . .. ` " . _ . . — � .. , " '4,., . .. .
<br /> � _. .� . _ � . -. . .. - ` - . � . , '. � . .. � � . . . ` . - _ � .
<br /> . . - �. � . <... . •. ... . . , . , . `c' � -j�� . . . .
<br />� (. V. ` .. ' , . . • ' . ' <. ' � . t� . . � � � - �� . � –. . � .
<br />- . . . . . . . . - . . l':.`•,
<br /> i� . � ` _ ' • ' . . . ` . � ` � � . . .
<br />. ' `. ' � . � ' • . . ` • . I � . . . . • . C .. - . 4�, . ,_ + .
<br /> l ` . ; ' � . . , . . t. . . . . � . - ' �. .
<br /> - �_�_. . _i.___._.�-1..._�___.._.. r....�. ..,.v�v»....._.�..�___��. .._a .. .. . L[ "'a..___.._,_�__ _�_ ... ._.—_..__.. _ < _ ..
<br />. �, .. � � • �� ���/� � . . . .
<br /> 16.Barr+ovae�'s Cupy. Bacmwer shall be glvea one wnfomod copy of thc Note and of this Secunty Ins�umeat ` ,
<br /> � 17.Trensfer o!th�Prop�ty or a Benefid�!Yntere�t in Barrawe�r. If all ar eny part of the Property or any intErest ia it as
<br />- � . so2d�h�ansfemed(or if a 6eaeGcia!int�eat in Bonower is soW or traasf�ted aad Boimwer�s not a nanual p�san)without _.
<br />- Leader's prinr wrinet�oous�a�Lessder may.az its o�tion.recluire immedtate Dayment ia fnll of a11 sums seciued by this Security " , .
<br /> - • . InsaumenL However,this aption sdaU ant be excn�.�ed by Leader if exercise�s prohtbited by feda�al lasv as of the date of t�is �-'-. - . _ - _
<br /> F-..:. . .
<br /> — - Seauity Iasuum�t. .
<br /> , � If L,ender pcc�Ises thisoption,Lender sha11 give Bomawer nouce of�on'Ihe na3ice sball provide a paiod of not Iess
<br /> 'ce
<br /> than 30 days from the date the norice is deliveied ai ma�ed wittit►wiucd Bormwer m�st pay ali.sums seaued by this Secority ' .
<br /> � Inswmeat If Boaower fa7s tn pay tt�e sums prior tn the eapizaalion of this p�iad.Leader may�avoge any iemedies permiffed ; .:.`
<br /> by this Sec�iiy Insucumeu�witha ' on Borrower. ', -.. ' ;
<br /> u
<br /> 18�.Basrow�'s t'o�.`."�•g� cettain aauditions. Borrower shall have the r i g ht to ttave .:�
<br /> - enfac�ement of this S �i ealt,�1���t Y�F�tfl the earlier of:(a)5 days(or such ather paiod as � -:,, .
<br /> . appticsble law may ' m�l�eat�ilefdf�'saI�•.ofjth�Pmpeaty pmsaant to any pow�of sale oontained'm this Soairity �, � : <
<br /> Ins�mea�or(b)a►vY o a'ti�ii�i e.�"'�'n 'oavig tsis�`�yr Lus�m.'ihose conditions aie Wai Bamuwee(a) .@ L�ndet all
<br /> tt �.
<br /> ` • s�ms wbich thea�would be due under tbis Seworiry Insorume�t and the Note as if no aeceieiation dad cares� ;
<br /> � � - defanit nf any othea oov�or ag¢eemeat�(c)Pays a ll eupeases i n a m e d�e n f o r c mg I t a a i s S e c�i ry I n s tr n m e a t,i n c l u d'm g,b u t , �:�:
<br /> -,- �. , not IimiteA tu,reasona6le attameys'fee�and(�takes sach acdion as I�endea maY rr�sonabiy�qaue ta a�sare tLai the lieu of[his _.�._;
<br /> `�i .< . Se�uiiyr lnstrumeut, L�c�dea's rig6ts itr the Prapeity and Boaowes's obliga�an to pay the sams s�aaed by this SeGUity :`.'"-
<br /> ' Ins�umea�t shall oonmiue �mchange�l. Upon reinsratrmeat by Boirower,this S�r Iasuume,nt and the ab l i p ri o n s sec�ed .. LL�T
<br /> CU
<br />_ � h�eby sbaII�faIIy effective as if no aooele�ation had acxursed.However,t6is n h'g t m�s�oe s6all not appYy m the c�.se of '.��.' .
<br /> � , � s
<br /> .. �oYNo�Change of Loan Servioer. The Note or a paQUal iaLe�est in the Nate (togethea witL this Sec�uity ; t y ..�.
<br /> -? .�- � • ``' I n s�a m e�m a y be so2d one ar mme mBes widiout prior notice to Boaowea A sa�e may�ia a c6ange m the ea�dty(tmowo
<br /> ' � as the°L,oan Ser�nc�Wat coIIerRs monihIy ea►t�due mader the Note and tLis Sec�uiry InsOrumeat Th�e also may be one or = .�� ,--,;-.u---
<br /> - � ;': rnore c6anges of the Loaa Savicer to a sate of the Nate.If thae is a change of the Loan Seavicer,Hoimwer w3ll 6e ..�-=
<br /> . .. � given written nnnc�of the chaage in aacardance witb para�raph 14 a6ove and aFplicable 1aw.'the noticc wU state the�tne and :r�_: - :;�:.�
<br /> � , add�of the nea I.oan Servicer and the address tn whicb payments stioutd be ma�.lYte notice w�71 also conmai any other , � -� -
<br /> ��.� ��u�
<br /> • �formatioII rCqUined by appliCable 13w. r S _w R"
<br /> , : . . , �;� 20.Ha7ardous SaLsmaoa. Bormwer s6aU nnt cause or pe�uit the prese�ce. use.disposal, storage.ar iedcase of anY .. . --_-�
<br /> :; � `:.� H a�d o a s S a bstaaces on ar ia the P r o p e d t y.Borrawer s6all nat do.nar a]Iow anyone else to do,anythin8 affecx�8��Y �'� ,:�,.
<br /> tLat is in vlolation of��r F�viranme�tal Law.TIIe�g taro sents�ces sUaaII not apply�n dt��w�r�tial uses '��"
<br /> :�ly : PYOparty of sma11 quani�des of Aa�dou4 Snbsqna�s dru are geaeaaIIy ieoo�ed be . � - -
<br />_ i . , � audtnm2int�aIICeof c�Pmperiy. .. ;�—
<br /> . B�owed st�ari F�P�Y&�►e Landra wtImen nai'sce of ffi►y invesdgation,ctaim.detnaad lawsuit�s otbar acti�n �Y
<br /> ►
<br /> .'` gove�tal or tegWamry ageacY�P��P�Y involv�g t*�Pmpeaty and any Hazardous Snbsmnce or Iaw ` --
<br /> �' .. � • of whir�Bormwar has acWal know�dge.1f Borrower leasns.or is notified by aay governmea�l or regulatary audtmity,that any 1 —
<br /> _ ' ' ' ..� ce�►oaal or o8�er re�tiation of aay Ha�ardous Sabstance affeaing the Pro�ty►is necessary,Bosmwea shaII promptiy�ke aD r:;`.�,;�;
<br />-� ' ' • ' ne�es4ary iemedsal apions in accosd�ce with Envaanm�tal L�a�. - � ` �•�:';�
<br />-,' �' Aa used In this paiag+rapb 20."Hazazdons Substaaces" ere those snbs�ces defined as w�cic or haaardous substances by : ;:-_i
<br /> : _. �-. ` Envimmnenrel law aad the foltowiag snbs�c�.,. gasul3ae, kaoseae. oWer flaaunable or toxic pe� ju+�ucts.ou� . . . __
<br />:_:'� .�',� pesa�tdes and he�6icIdes.wfat�7e sotvents.mateaiaL4 wnmining asbestos ar fasmatdehyde.and�ndioaaive mate�als.As use�in � �'�;-�.
<br /> in .
<br /> ' �.`.'t this h 20."Bnvimameaml Iaw"means fede�al laws and laws of the,jn:isdiction whaz the Prapeary is located that celate . . .
<br /> .��r
<br /> . , � iD 11f2�L�.�Ciy 0!CDV�i0I1II1Q1181 DIOiCCf10I1. �•.,;�—
<br />.; ;' � . 1�IOAI-UN�ORM COVBNANT'S.Brnmw�and Lender fiuther covenant a�a�ee as foltaws: � �j�'
<br /> ,� . � � 2�.Aaoeieretton;Remedica l.euder shall give notice to Borrower prins tn acoeteration foIIawing B�vw�s[�reacb of �:��:_
<br /> A ' �{ any wrrnant or agreemwt In tbis Secarlty Instsument (6at not prIor to aceeieratdoa nnd� Qaragrap� Il9 enle� ,.L S '
<br /> � � . , aPPlica�,e tew pnovldes otharwiss).T6e uolIce shaU sp�ify:(a)t�e dcfaWt;(b)the armiaa r to e�ee the d�anit;ic) ` � , •.__
<br /> -�� � ,g a dat�eot�t6an 30 daye fi�om the date t6e noitoe is given to Borrower,by wSIch tUe det�aW m�rst be cared;and(d) :�``►.,i;'...�_
<br /> . . -�-:!.7.� •. :r _ . ..
<br /> , .. . . • that taIIm+e to e�ee 4he d e taWt oa or b e fore t hP d ate sp e c i f i e d i a i t he no t t c e may r�a I t i n a a a e l e r a t�a o t t h e s u m s s e c m�+e d � :_._
<br /> �� 6y tt�Seautty Instra�ent aad sete ot the�erty.7'tie nottce s6aD Purther Wmm Bon�wwer of the night to relnsla4e ' � ?�-
<br />–::�3` ' �� . . '—_
<br /> � ' I.: .� .�
<br /> ' afYrr aaceIPration ead the rtgdt to Dring a o�t�ction to assert the non�eaistence o!a Qefantt ot any other detwse of ,,�� __
<br /> �-' • � Borrower to acceteratton and saI�YP the defar�it ia mot cnr�on or before the date apecii'ded in the nottc�1 euder,a3 its
<br />_ :;;,i'
<br /> ;'. . � ._.. opHaa,m�y reqaire i�medjste paym�t in P�➢o�al!sams semred by tbis Sewu�Ity Ia�sWment�o�finther dema�td .;�;i`�;., ;, ,., �
<br /> _ ' � aud m�q invoke tbe pawcr of sele and any o1�rem¢d1�permttted by$�lIcabte law.E.ender�,^A be e�HtIe�f to ooltECt .� .
<br /> �:,,r . a0 espen�s inc�red in pursaim�t6e remedies pmvided tn tbia paragrapb tl,indnd.ing,bat no�P�Ited to,reasonaDIe . ,
<br />_-- ' � . .� attoracys'tees and oosts ot 8tte evldeno� ,:,_� , ..
<br />-4;.�;� . � Yfl�power ot sale i�invo�eA.7Yostee shaD reoord a notice of defaalt in eacb county in w61cb any part ot the .
<br /> M�: � P�operty tv iocated ead sball ma�copies of sus6 Qottce in the manna pressrtbed by ayplicebte law t�o Bosrower and to the •
<br />_;, � � other persons prescriDed 6Y aDPliceble Iaw.�'ter the time requlreA Dy appficaDle faw.Trustee sba9 give puD1lc Qodoe o! � ' .
<br />° �'� sate to the persons and in the manuer prescn"bed Dy appllcaDIe taw.Trastce,wtt6ont demand on @�rrower,s6aD seU the �
<br /> '"= Prapetty at pabltc sacKon to the hi�hest btdder at the time and place and aader t6e terms designated in the notbw o!s�te
<br /> :v. � , - .
<br /> -. � ` For�sose s�ea � ..
<br /> ' . ��eR(NE��os���.o� pago6otA mman:------ • � . � ..
<br /> : ti . . .
<br /> . .. . .
<br /> `� .--_ —_ __ -----• . .---� . . --- -.--- .. . ----� . . . • . �
<br /> , . � . . ,: � . . . �
<br /> -- �. ' � � . � ' . . ..;. ' ' .
<br /> �::. • . � � , . . , . . . .
<br /> , ' . . . �.� � . . .
<br />,.. ..' , ' —-------�- ��----_--__=____ -
<br /> , , . . .
<br />__
<br /> _...
<br /> -,;.� . . _._ _._
<br />