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<br /> � �G. . . L • ` ' . ` .• ` . l�" - . c, , G� ( , .���_ ,t '�.'
<br /> . . ` ( ' t, C � ` , .. _'. . - C .'f .� i ` - � � , . ��` _ .:r� -" , C' .. .
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<br /> • , .�G. . � . • ' . � . �` ' r' ' ,
<br /> . . , �.,�..�..__..,w.�,.._.,.�__.__..._,�W,�. __�..,_�. ,..�_,......._ _......__._�._.____.�..�_.._..�__� ..��._. `.�: . .
<br /> ..�.,.._..:..__�-`• c..
<br /> ' ` . �' (, � , �
<br /> . PaYmeam iaay ao ianger be required.at the optiuon oi Lender.it�nongage insuranrc co�a��m�b�n7unt anafor the p�iad . . •�,� . ' •, . •
<br /> , - thae Leader requires)provided by 8n iruiues approved by Lender egain Qeoomes availabte and Lv obmined.8orrowes shall pay the • � . � .
<br /> , . . prcmiums requi�ed to m�iutatn martg�e�ce in effact�or m psovide a toss rescrve.until the rcquirement Lor mo:t�ge . � .
<br /> .. Y.�•, insuzancc ends in accordance wIth any written e�eement 6etween Borcnwer nnd Lc,nQer ar eppllcable taw. - - --
<br /> = — - , - 9 insg�on. L,eud�ar its agent may malie�eas�able enuiess agon a�Inspecttoas of the Pro�ty.Lender shall give --- -
<br /> - Baaower notice at the ame of or�Inr m an inspaxIon specitYIng reasoaabic c�use for the inspectioa �.` ' .
<br />. � 10.Condemnation. 7he pmceeds of�y award or claim for damag�s.duect ar wnseqncntial.fn connection with any � . _
<br /> ` wade�nnation or othea taking of any part of Ne Properiy,or for oonveyaacc in lieu of candemaation.ase hei+eby aasigned aad �
<br /> � , . shallbe paid toI.euder. �-. ' . ..�
<br /> � • In the event of a wtal taking of the Pmperty.the pmcee�ds shall be applied w the svms sec�ued by this Seauiry Ins�m�nt, • � 't`��, .
<br /> ° �, ` whethar�aot th�due,wiW�y c.�c�paid tn Bua�w�In the event af a partial tat�ng of the Propesty�t►w6ich the fai�market -
<br /> �. � �.� vatne of the Ptop�ity nnm�ial�Iy befare the taYing is equal to ar�than ihe amo�mt of the sums sec�ed bq this Seauity ' ` �`-
<br /> � . , Insttameat imraediately Qefore t6e�g.imless Borrowa and Leadea otheiwise agree in writmg,dte s�ms searred by tbis ��}.:=r;:
<br /> . gr _• : ;�...
<br /> - ,.,. Seaairy Ins�ume�t shall be reduced by the annount of the proceeds muIriplied by the foIIowing fraaion:(a)tAe�otal amormt of ;���. . :: _ -
<br /> the smns�iuunediaLely befo:e the taking,divided iry(b)the fair market waLie of the piopeny immediarely before che ,� `.:�,_�
<br /> " .� " �g.Any balanse sLaD be paid m Bauow�Ia the eveat of a partial taTcing of the Pcoperty ia wbich the fa'v marlcet vaWe of the ' -
<br /> • . _ �P�Y �Y befare the takmg is �ess lban the�o�t of the s�s secaQed immedia�Iy 6efoze We taking,�ue�ess �• `.-;�`°
<br /> �. _ " � lBmmwer and Le�ndea ot�ezwise agree m wriL'oag ar iml�s applicabk 1aw othciarise provides,the pmceeds s6all be appved L�the ` -
<br /> . .. - snms secuced by this Secnrity tasammene whether ar aot the smns ase dien due. ' , -
<br /> . ' If tt�e Fmperiy is aba�Wonai by Bonow�,ur i�after natice by Lender to Boao�tbat We oandemnor off�s m make aa -- ., . -
<br /> ''• awacd�seu2e a ctaim for damages.Saaowei fa�s to mspond w Lender within 30 days after the date tke notire is givea,L�da � `�. i.,—�=
<br /> . . �,: �.
<br /> • �• , �� is aathas'raed to coltect end a�ply the pmceed�,at iLS option,either w re,st�ation or tepair of the Propeity ar to the sams s� ::•:;'..:..��—
<br /> . . ° '��' by t�us Secuaty Ins�t,whethes ar not thea dne. _ �_,.-
<br /> Unle�LEader and Bmmwer uther�vise ag�ee in writinS,aoY aPDlics�ion of pioceeds tn prmapal shall aot ext�d or posqrone °,;r, "`_`�-
<br /> y �'� � P .�
<br /> the dae date of the moadily paymeats refeaed to ia para�aphg 1 aad Z or cGange the amount of sacl►payuiwts. .
<br /> ii.Borrower Not Heiease�;FarDearaace By I.�der Not a Waiver. Ext�sion of the time for paymeai or madifis�oa �`�""`
<br /> . ,..� '.` ; of amosti�ou of the sums secored isy this Seauity Instromeut�ted by l.eader to�y s¢ccessor in interest of Borrower sball = —:
<br /> _. .._ not�parate to�e the liab�iry of thc arigmal Bonowea ur Bormwer's�ors m��Leadca shall not be�ed to , -
<br /> . ��D�Ss ag�t amy saocessor in interest or m.fuse w�d ame for payment or otheaaise modffy am�an af <<;'-���;,-: "°
<br /> � ,.. s � �e sams seaaed by tbis S�Instrumeat by reason of�dcmand made by the ar�ginal Bnrrowea or Barmwa's successazs .;,��. -�. ,:
<br /> �::{`�L4 . � .��..
<br /> . : in iaDe�est.Any faibe�ance by Lender�exadsjng�y rigk3 vr remedy shaD not 6e a waiver of ar gseclade the ex�of any �����;'•'• ' t:-=_=
<br /> , , rigntarrcmeay. � ; _ --
<br /> _ _ ..- • - 12.Snec�ois aad A�Boan�;doint and Sev�al Liability;Casfgne:s.'Ihe cavenants and a� of d�is , . =
<br /> ' . , . � Se�tyr Instrumeat shaU bind and benefit the successois�ad assigns of Leuda and Boaowea,subject w the�vistons of _ -
<br /> . . . ' p�,.�apL IT. Baaower's cav�ts and ag�eements sh2�fl be Joutt and severel. Any Borrowed who co-signs t�is Seauity `; -:�
<br /> .. , rr�^�,n,p„►but dnes nai execate the Note: (a)is co-sigac��is Sec�niry Inst�meut onty w mortga8e.8rant and oonvey that . -_ -
<br /> .� �!,. Bomnwr,r's inoea�st in the Propeatq uader t3�e trams of t�is S�mriiy Ins�amc��N)is not personally oUli�tetl to pay the sa�s , �-� ___
<br /> : .. ��.'; secared by tlda S�suiry Iastrume�nx and(c)agrees that I.end��d any othe�Baauwer maY ag�ee to e�ad,modifY,forbear or . � ` �
<br /> ' �' �Ce accommoda8ons wub re to the teims of this Secauity Inswm ���',n
<br /> ; aay od prd ent or the Note without that Barrowe,r's oonseA� •�,,�;�-
<br /> � ' I z U.�.a a n C h a r g e a. I f t h s I o a n s e�r e d b y t h i s S e a u i t y g n s ti t m i a t t i s s u b j e c t m a i a w w h i c b s e f s maxunum�a.+z n c G a rge�, .'�r p°�.,�::;`-
<br /> ;:,r------:..-.
<br /> '' `'-:' . . .. ,: F and c�1aw is fivaIIy fntedpse�ed so tba�the intraest or oihc�4uan charges coll�ted or to be colIe�ed in cannection�tIle Ioan �;:1::;`'��:;.�.-. -
<br /> - _ exceed the pedmi�sllimita.then:(a)any sncL Ioan charge sball be reduced by the amowat necessary w redace tbe cl�arge to tho . _ ..
<br /> . , ' � ' Deimiued��(b)any swns aheady colteae�from Borroaea which excee�ed peasuiued limits wlti be refimded m BoYmwer. . ... --_---
<br /> � Leader may choose W make d�s mfiuid by red�cing the priatcipal oweA under t�e Note or by makiag a dnrect paycne,at W � �``'��
<br /> �..�:,:�.
<br /> . Ba�ear.If a mf�d reduces�clpal,the:edacdon will be t�eated as a Dardal prepayment without any�t c,harge ,..r,.;., �� �:,- --_
<br />- . . . ac�stLeNot� . _:
<br />_ . • !4.Nottcea Any notice to Bmmwer provided for in this Sec�riry Is�ment shall be glven by delivedng it or by ma�ing it ����:��.,�,, ..::. -.`.
<br /> _ . � by fnst ctass mail uWesg appttc�b�e 1aw requires usc of another methad.'!he notice sAali be directed m the Aaperty Address or .:, :
<br /> -, � � . � � any offiea adQress Bmrow�designates by noflce oo Lendca Any nodcc w Leader shari be given by fust c1as4 maii[n Lendea's ,'`���.:'-;. . . - .
<br /> ��s stated haein or any other address 1�ender designates by notice to Bo�mwer.My no�ic�e Drovided for in r�hiis Seauity
<br /> s
<br /> ;�: � I n s�n ment s h a ll b e d e e m e d tn h a ve b e e�given w Borrawer or Lender when gtvea as provided in this paragraph. .. . � '
<br /> l5.Coverain Law;Severa6 ,��.�
<br /> S Nty. 'il�is Security 1ns�ument shaU be gove,aned by fed�al taw and the law of the
<br /> � Jarisdtcdon in which the Prop�ty is Iocated.In the event tuat any provL�lon or clause of this Secauity IiuWmeat or We Note ..
<br />_'_ , conflic�s arith ayylirable law�such conflict shall not affect other provl�ens of this Seauity Insun�meat rn the Note whtcl�car�be � :
<br /> =• give�effect wIthont We wnfilcting provLsion.To tlils ead the Drovislons of th3s SecurIry InsOrument and the Note are dectared to � . •
<br />- � be severable. . . . .
<br /> � � � Form 8028 9l90 � . �.
<br /> �•8R(NEj(92t91.Ot oapo4me tnBtab:. . ' '.
<br /> ,( . . ._ _-:-_ ..-
<br /> � � , . . '. ' • . - . .
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<br /> :1' - - ,. ' ' � . . � _ . .. , � - - .
<br /> �`t.• •_ ' . ' � . .__ ...�� . . . ' ' _--. ... . ' __.4.�.��a.....�� -_- _'___' -�. �.
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