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<br /> ._ .. ~r. . . . ' � .. . . ' ' •.` K' � . : �_ ... ' ..,e . �..�. "_�.. L�.�:_ � � - r .
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<br /> � 16.Bonower's Cop .Borrower sha11 be g�tvea one coniormed wpy of tlie Nate and of this Securitp I�struntent . • i. ; '
<br /> '' ' 1�.Treasfer oY the�p�or a Henettcia!Iaterest in 8onower.If all or aay part of the Property,or aaq ..� ,. .,'
<br /> � ' " interest in it is sold or trensPerr�i or it a beneficial interest in Barnower is sold or transferred and Borrower is aot a _
<br /> � naturai person)without Leader's prior writtea coaseat,Lender may.at its option.req�ire immediate payment in full of .
<br /> . � a11 sums secured by this Secusit3r Is�strumen�However, this optioa shaU not be esercised by Leader if eaercise is ' _�_; .
<br /> ----- - prahibitedbpfederellawasofihedateofthisSecnrityInstrumen� _ _ `�
<br /> - : ,'J�;� If Lender eaercises this option,Lender shall give Bormwer notice of axeleration.The notive shali pravide a petiad . ' :-,��
<br /> 1 of not less thsn 30 daya from the date the notice is delivered or inailed withia which Borrawer musc pay all snms se�ued
<br /> ' . `i by this Security lastrumen�If Borrawer fa�s to paq these soms prior to t6e espiration of this peiiad,Leader maq iavoke -. .
<br />. . aap temedies permitted bq this Security Iasttumentwithout further aotice or demand on Bonower. .°� .�-`��.
<br /> �. 18.Horsower's Right to Reiastate.It Borruwer meets certain coaditions.Eorrower s6a11 have the right to have
<br /> eaforoement of this Security Iastrument discontiaued at any dme prior to the earlier af:(a)5 daqs(or such other�esiod -._ ;`:: : .
<br /> ' as applicable law maY spec�fY for reiastatement)before sal�of the Property pursuant w aaypower of mle contaiaed ia �. .�-:-.. 1,,:;
<br /> this Security I n s i r umen t;or (b) en t t y o f a j u d g m e r�t e n f o r c i n g t h i s��u n t y I n s t r�m e n�'I h o s e c o a d i ti o n s are that -_•-
<br /> '� Borrowe:. ia} pays Leader all sums which then wnuld be due under this Securitq Insuumeat and the Note as if ao . -�-'�Y
<br /> . •` acceleration had occurred;(b�ctu�s aaY default oi sny other covenants or agre�aenta:(e)PaYS all espenses incurred in ...;_
<br /> �..:... p . ,.`,_-',,.:.
<br />� . enforciag this Security Insavment.including,but not limited to,reasonable attorne �fe�and(d)takes euch action as ��-_ _.
<br /> � , . .:�r Leader may reasonablq requue to assure ttat tha lien of this Securit9 Insavment,�.ender s rights ia the PropertY end �":,
<br /> B o r r o w e r's o b l i�a t i o n w p a t h e s u m a secured by this Secari t y InsuvmentebsU contiaue uachaaged.Upon rE.RnstaLement .� �'
<br /> - :.-: , by Borrower,th�s Sectuitg�mentan+d ffie o bligations se�vred herebp shaU remain fu11Y effectiveas i f ao acce lera t ion . .
<br /> � �
<br /> � �. had oa�ned.However,this right to reinstateshall aot apply in the e�se of acceleration under paragrag�1T. ,f
<br /> gr
<br /> � :' 19.Sale of Note;Cliange of Loan Servicer.The Note or a partial interest in the Note f��t�r with this Securit9 - --
<br /> ." . Instrument}may be sold one or more timea without prior notice to Borrower.A sale may result m a chaaga in theentity �� �
<br /> � "`�' � (known as the"Loan Servicer"]that eollec�monthly PaYments due uader the Note sad this Sec�mtp InstNment There ; €�f
<br /> � <. ti:�;: `5 atso may be oAe or more changes oi the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If there is a chaage of the Loaa , :,��„�,�,�
<br /> ' ,,�f:n.',sle_�_
<br /> . .�,.. Servicer,Borrower�n�l be g'tven wi�tten aotice of the cfiange in accordane�with pazagraph� 14 above and appkcable law. �. ,,I;;.-.:�•_
<br /> �`, The notice wiU atate ths aame and address of the new Loaa Servicer and the address to wluch paymente shoutd be made. : ,..:�__ ._
<br /> 'The aotica will also contaiu any other informaEion requited by agplicable law. 'r. ��;=.
<br /> . . - 20 H�zardoos Sobstsaoes. Botrower shall aot cause or t the presenc�use.disposat.store�e.os retease of � � _.--
<br /> ' any Ha�ardous Substances on or in the Property.Borruwer not do,nor aflow anyoae else to do,aaythir�geftectinS �.r �
<br /> - the Progesty that is in violation of any Eavu�onmental Law.The gre,�:ediu8 two sei►tencea ebaU not a 1y to the presence. ~�R�
<br />, .. use, os storage on the Property of small quantitiea of Hezardovs Substaaces that are y recogvzed to ba - -_
<br /> _ � .. . appro�pnate to uoraisl r�idential uses and w�aintenance of the Property. ::•. :..;--_
<br /> - � � BomoWer eha11 promptly give Lender wmt�en notice of eny iavagtigatior�claim,demasid,law-�.t or other actioa iry _
<br /> ' � any govemmentel or r�atorq agency or private parEY iavolviag the Ptoperty and an� 1�.�^c�ius Substance or •",f-�
<br /> . � . ` g,nviroameatal Iaw o4 w ch Bosa�ower has actual knowledge.If Bonower learns,or is aotifted bg sap goveramental or : �.,tFf,,.�=
<br /> :',r.;,-.,� - �.- P� • .;.:�r-;,�
<br /> .�. ,,, - regulawry authorItg, that aay reffioval or other semediation of any Hazardous S��ce affectinS the Pra is . • r.:.�;yr�—.
<br /> ... �'F�`.� ': n�ry,Borrowes sba11 prosnptt�take all necessar9 remedial actioasu►accordan��h Eavironmental Law. ::, '`
<br /> � , ---; -- . As used in ttus g�rap,�aph 7A. Hezardous Substaaces"are those substaace.s defined as tosic or hazerdous substancea � �.�;.'._�- �'�
<br /> bq Environmental��aad the following substance�P,as�line.kerasene,othet flamsnable or tosic petroleum products. -_
<br /> ' toaic pestici des an a her bici dea, v o l a t i l e s o l v e n t s. m a t e r i a l s c o n t a i a i�g a s b e s c o s a r f o r m e l d eh qde� snd radioactive - ;;�,,,,�_
<br /> inatenals.As u�d ia tlus paragraph 20, Environmental Lam"means federal tawe aad laws oi the jurisdicuoa where the - :: �„R,�
<br /> � � Property is located that telate to heatth.saYet9 or envimn�nental protection. �� ` .. . �.
<br /> � ..�. -NON'UNIF(?RM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further wveaant aad agree as foUow� •� —�
<br />"-��� � . 21, Accelera�:u�; ltemedies. Leader ahe11 give aottc�e to Borrower pr�or to acce4eretion following , =�-'��. ,_.
<br /> Bonower's breac��?eny covenant or agreement�a tLis Securlty Iastroment(bnt not g�aior to acceleratioa .�Y��::.
<br /> � .� � oades paragrapb flq cnless aPplicable la�v provides otherwise).The notice shaU specity:(s�the defaulr(b)the �
<br /> � � � actioa reqnired to cun the�abit; (c)a date.not tess than 30 days from the date the notica is givan to = �
<br /> - ��^�' " Honower,by whicD the deFm�L�most be cured;an�(d)4hat feibro to eute t�e deiavlt on or before tha date -:
<br /> � � ' � speciiied ia the nosice map result in acceleration oi tlee sums secured bq tLis Security I�matromoat aud sale o! t�_�=
<br /> _ � � ``������ the Property.The aotice shaU further iaform Hor�owes o�tIIe s8ght to teinstate aiter aceeleratioa aa0 the �::=��,y.-�_-
<br />- � ' ���� `:•� rigi�t to briag a c�nrt action to essert tne noa�xistence oi a de�sult or aay other defense oi Borrowes to � -•�-�-
<br /> ' ' • acceleration and sa1e.lf the detault is not cured on or betoYe the date specified in the notice. Leader.si i4� . _ ���'�'�
<br />`� � � optdon, may require immediate ayment in full o�all soma secured by this Securitq Instrumeat witho�tt , `;��,
<br />' � ' '� �.� forther demand aad may iavoke the powes oi eale and any oiher remedies permitted by applicaL:e law. .
<br /> = Leader s�all ba eatitted to collect a11 e:peases incusred in pursuing the re�nedies provided in this paregtaph ..:.:�:�`.
<br /> ' 21,including,bot uot timited to.reasonable attorneys'fees aad coats o!titte evidence. �• ..
<br />_�`�,. .. • If the power oi sale ia iavoked,Troatee sha11 record a aotice o!deiaalt in eaeL conatq ia which any pa�oi • .����•����
<br /> � ' ' � ' the Property is lacated and shall s�ail copies of sucL notiee�u the manuer$resctibed by applicsbla taw to .��` , , . . .
<br />- �:R . � ` Horrower and to t�te other petsons prescdbed by sppl�cable la�v.Aiter the tizne required by epplicabte law. '.. f.�
<br /> .',�� ' Ttnstee shall give public notic�of sale to the persons aad in the maaner prescribed by gppli�cabte Iaw.Trustea, :;_��f;�f,,�• : :.
<br /> _' �� � �. without demaad oa Horrowes.ahall sell tha Property at public suMion to tl�e bighest bldder st the time and •F�:s����
<br /> r, , ,
<br />_. � place and uader the terms designated in the notice of eale m one or mo:e parcels end in any order Trostee .
<br />�� � determiaea.Trnstea mny postpone sate oi a11 or any parcel oi tl�s Property by pnbiic anaounce:nent at the .
<br />'-�' ' � time end place ot say previonsly sehedvled sale.Leader�r its�esigaee may purchase the Property at any .
<br />_ . sste. .
<br /> � . � � �� soza sieo� ��.� ��,..`..:,� .
<br />=�'' .. �-6ROIIEfroslslol � � Paa•e or e tnitiab• . . ' _
<br /> ,.�.
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