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<br /> � . at tha option of Lender. if mortgage insurance wvierage(in the amouat and for the period that Lender requir�} ,��� �'. ~
<br /> ' provided by aa insurer approved bp Leader again be�omes available aad ie obtaiaed Borrower shall pay the preiniuma , `..,,�
<br /> , . :
<br /> ,' ` required to maiatain�nortgage insvraace ia effect,or w provide a lass reserve.nntil the requirement for mortgage _ "�,'
<br /> -�-=:-,::�- isuurance eIIds in accordsnce with any written agreement between$orrower and LenBer or applicable law. =- _ ---
<br /> ;�:.::':z;._::� g.Inspection.Lender or ite agent map make reasonable eatries upon and in.spectioas of the Property.Lender shall � � .
<br /> � give Borrower aotice at the time of or prior w an inspection specif9ing reasoaable cause for the inspection. ` � �,:
<br /> •� 10.Condemaation.The proceeds oY aay award or claim for dassageg.direct or consequential.in conaection with �� •
<br /> ,> - any condemnation or other tal�g of anp part af the Pro yance in lieu of oondemaatioa,are hereby '..:. . -
<br /> gerty.or for conve
<br /> � , asffigned and shall be paid w Lender. ,� � ,.
<br /> � - �,.: Iu the event af a total teking of the Property.the praoeeds sLati be applied to the aums sec�red i�Y this Security . ,,'�
<br /> ���''�,' Instrnmeak whether or not thea due,with aay esces paid to Bonower.tn the event af a partial taking of the Property ia � �; -� �
<br /> �:,,:
<br /> . �.., • wtuch the fair msrket value of the Property immediately before the�g is equal to or greates tbsn the amouat of the <?� .,. ':.
<br />_ � ��,:��<�` sums secured by Ehis Secw�ity Inscrument immediately before the taking,u n tess Barrower a n d I.e u des o t h e r w i s e e g r e e ` •
<br /> : �. �_�, •'.:.
<br /> • � ;:;:;; . in writing,the sums secused by thie Security Iasarument shaU be reduced by the aznount of the proceeds multiplied by . , 4.. :.
<br /> `;::�„ .` . v ..:.
<br /> the following fraction:(a)the totel asnouni of the swms secured immediately before�takiag,divided bq(b)the fait
<br /> . . ,,;:�=,� �r . ._::;:
<br /> •�.� market value of the Praperty immediately before the takiag.Anq balance shaU be p a i�#.tu Borrower.I a t he even t o f a ;q:;;,�-.
<br /> . ' - partial taking of the Property ia which the fair markei value of the Propetty immeda�ly i�efore the talcing is less tban '`:.,:,�;:_'�-_
<br /> . s . F'._
<br /> , � - the amouat af the sums secured iramediately before the taking.unless Borrower aad Leadet othetwise agree in wtiting ":,<<: :�..::;:
<br /> � .:, x;:._`�s-n, or uuIe� applicable law otherwise provide�, the pracetds sha11 be appli� to the sums secured by tbis Securitq ` 'h:.�. -'� ..
<br /> :�,�.�
<br /> . : :�., .;.,��-
<br /> ,- .`-�:�..� Instru��ntwhether or not the susons are thendue. � ..;,;.�r;�":
<br /> .. II t�e Property is abandon�by Bomower,or if,after a9otice bp Lender to Borrower that the conderan�s�ffers ta . _
<br /> . matce an award or seule�claim for daraages. Bonower fails to respoad to Lender witlun 30 daye after the�3ate the -
<br />` aoiice is gtven,Leades is suthorized+A collect and apply the praceEds,at its option,either to rest�ratioa ar sepair of the � ,
<br /> ,' , •`....�,� Pro�ertq or to the snms secured by this Secuiitg Instrument�whether or not then due. ` �r'
<br />� --'-, � . Ualesa Lender and Borrower otherwise agee ia writing aay applicadon o$praceeds to priacipal shall aot extend os _,-_
<br /> , . � postpone tDe due date of the monthl9 PaY���re��� in pasagcaphs 1 aad 2 or chaz�ge the amouat of such :• -
<br /> pay�tenta ". . -
<br /> � ' i l. Borrower Not Released;Forbesxm�ce Bq Lender Not a N�aiver.Estensioa of t�.s�ime for papment or __
<br /> ..-- - � � raoditicatioa of amortizatioa oi the sums eacur�d bq this Secwity Iastrument granted by Len$�to aay succe�or iA .-_:- `::
<br /> � � ?`��` iaterest of Borrower shall uot operate to telease the liabilitq oi the original Borcower ar�v�►wet's succeasora in __a`:'. �
<br /> , intetest.Lender shall aoi i�e reqinred ta commen�prowadiags agaiast any successos in iatetest or refuse w estend ` I�x:�.,`.�.
<br /> � �i:'�:. �• �� time for paymeat or othesaise modifq amortizatioa of the sums secured by this Seru�ity Insts�ment by rea.�^c�of eay �_;s.., �;;,::;:
<br /> �..,. , ,.. ::�,'�::�:
<br /> ' , -. ;;:;.i demand made by the originat Bartower or Bosrower s successore in interes�Any fuzbearasioe hy�.ender in eaetc�sing _
<br /> -.• ' aay right or remedy aha11 not be a waiver of ur preclude theeaercise of any right or remedy. ����`'`'.:.
<br /> • '_",_<' 1Z.Snccessors aad Assigns Houad;loiat and Severel Liability;Co-signers.The co�aants and agreements "'�,°;;
<br /> � - oi this Sec�niry Instrument sha13 bind aad benefit the sucoessore and asstigas oi Lender and Borrower.sublect to the -�- �
<br /> , provisions o4 garagraph 17.Borrowe�a coveuaats aad agreEments shall be joiat and sevetal.Anq Bonowet who co-sigas � •'��
<br /> � thie Security Insttument but doES aoi eaecvte tt�e Not� (a)is co�si�niag this Sec�uity Inahvment on1y w mortgaga. _
<br /> , , �. :L gtant and convey thst Borrower s iaterest in tha Propertp nnder tha terms o4 this Security Instruinent; (b) is not 4 y�:
<br /> ; ,.. .;:' : personaUy oblipted w pay the sums se�ured by tbia Security Instrument;and (c)agree.s that Lender and any other � � �•��
<br /> • � Bonowet may agree to eatead.modify,forbear or malce aay eccommodations with regard to.the ternsa of this Security
<br /> �, ��--'.
<br />- . . �` . . lnstrument or the Nota without t�at Bonowei's consent. � �--------
<br />- '...4�.. �-:c:.-�.-n,—
<br />_ ... �3,Loau Charges.If the 1¢�ss secured by this Sec�ity Iastr�ment is eubject w a law whicb sets masimvm loan r-_ �
<br />` � .. � charges:aad that law is rnally interptetad sn that the interest or other loan chsrgea colleceed or to ba collected in ��.'J.:'•`
<br />� � ' '';, connechon with the loan esc�eed tha permitt�limits,then:(a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amouat �,_.:..-:_
<br /> � necessary to reduce tLe charge to the perr�elted limit;ead (b) eny sums already collected from Borrovrer which _- -_
<br /> � " excceded germitted limits will be refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund bq reducing the -_-=_
<br />` ��. � . ;; principal owed under the Note v-by making a direct paqment to Borrower.lf a refund teduces princtpal.the reduction � - __
<br /> , ' �t. will be treated as a partial prepa,a�ent without any prepayment charge uader the Note. .
<br />- � .� .�. 14.Notices.Aay aotioa to Horrower provided for in this Seivntq Instrument eha11 tse given by delivering it or by
<br /> ` ��' � : �£. mailing it by first class mail unless applicable law requires nse oi another method.The notica shall be directed to the
<br /> ' �� Property Addreas or any othes address Borrower desigaates hy notice to Lender.Any notice to l,cstder e1�a11 be given by , .-
<br /> - firet clsea mail to Lender's eddr�s stated herein or any other addresa Leader de�sigaates by not�ce w$orrower.Any
<br /> . notire provided for in thie Secarity Instrumem shall be deemed to have been given to Barrowe:or LettBet when given
<br /> . � as provided in thia paragreph. ' .
<br /> . 15.Governing Law;Severability.This Security Instrument shaU be governed by fedesal law aud tha law o4 the
<br /> _ • . jurisdiction in which the Property is located In the event that any provision or clause of this Security lnstrument or tha .
<br /> ,. ' ' W� Note conflicts with applicabie law�such conflict shall not aifect other p�nvisioas of this Se�uritq lnsttument or tha Nota .
<br /> � ahich caa ba given effect without the conflicting provision.To thia end the prove�ona of thia Seeurity Instrument and ;��'�..:.
<br /> - ';i the Note are declared to be severeble. :�;;:;;'`.'.
<br /> Porm 80Y0 9/90 ,.�., ,'
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