����--�5�'�z...'� ' . ' - . � �•`cicr'-:�?'.:. -':z:__ �c� "- --.r.�:.:�.,,.,s:
<br /> -_."'�""� r - � i- -t _ - - _. ._ .. �._-- _ ..7 _ --
<br /> _ R . . • j. ', �}S,JI S w�:t �it C P . S� .
<br /> _ 5 -T�. v 3}. Y,. .�v..�.._ •=� ' -" ` ,t .y'.
<br /> _ . .. __� . _ �j.' ' ' .....� �; . ..
<br />.�.t� r�`�.. � f'� =p -,' .
<br /> � -- �� . covsvas►ts ��,�, /�
<br /> t. Paymerte. �otuEC�tees B mmoewer�: al cEo��owar Dene�w D babappu a fiast m any�am��r ower owea.a o_n the�seeetued dnbt
<br /> Da1RnoMS Lendet tBCAtv@p n•4n1
<br /> ` • � f � exclusive o!inte e8t Gr piht�p8).secOn4t0 i� aL Bnd then to OtindPal.If O�a10reP8Ymert of the aeaued debt ouurs Tor any teason,it wilt
<br />. . ��., - not redu�ot �Y�B,�jh9mulffd 0a1RneM��see.wed debt ts pa10 in hdl.
<br /> - - �y� 8ssessmer�4&,and other charg�s arin'butaDto to tt►e operty whan d�e and w�l detend utie
<br /> Z.Chims�Ag gr ts�l n s�t eRfie Bo[rowet wlffi OaHbit tsx@e.
<br /> . ` �`` ' � dete�rtse�a wNet�aHOnotwe�m Y h8Y0 e9atnat Darti e�iM O euDDfY Itab�maor B Bma�a�i�mp aove or�ie�aintain��D�QeD�N�9�emt d9t►te.deima or ` `;
<br /> ' ' , � �,ptauw�e�. Borrower wtU keeD�D�D�1►Insured under terma accaptabta to Londa�et Harrowea'e expense and tor tender's tisnet[t.f511
<br /> � insvranea Oolieloa ehaU lnetuQo a emndard martgage efaiise in 4evar af Len�r.Londer wiU be nemed as toss Dayea ar as tl�e tnsured on any eucb �
<br /> Insuranea poli�y.Any insurence proe6eQa mey 6eapDfi8d.wltAie LsnQer'e discretion,Lo either ths restatatton or repav of the deaeagad proDenV �:.,;?
<br /> ' �, � , or to tha secured Cs�t.lt lendar�equfras mnneaSO�nsurenee.Barrower egreea w matrtmtn euc4�inaurantie tor as long es Lender cequiras.
<br /> . � -.'—•S � d.Praputy.Bottower will kaep tfie pmpertY in gaod eandttion and make afl repalra reasonaDty nseeaeary. � .
<br /> . -�T��'- 6.6r�enaea.Barmtiner a ees to PaY e11 Lender's e�enses,inetuding raasanabte atmme118'�s,if Bartower breaks any covenarts in this Qeed
<br /> � :<<.
<br /> -- - -- ot trust ar!n enY a6IIS�n seeurad ay tlda daod o!tn�st.�rtower wiii pay these emnunts to Lender as psovtded in Covenant 8 of thts dead ot _ -
<br /> - :.. '' Vust. .
<br /> �• • .� 8.Rrtat Saeur�ty h�Lesea�.Unisss Borrov�e►fltst obtains lendar's wrftten consetn.Bortower wiil not make or permit any ehanges w e+►V P�a� ,
<br /> � 1 .` instu�dln9 Bui��s�venanffi m�ake DaYrt►ents when�QuBe.obGgattons under aml priar mortgage.deed of trust or other seaaitY agreemertt. .
<br /> .u. `..
<br /> • . . �.�- . ,
<br /> ... - . _ _ 7,past�ma�ot Ress�attd ProBtn.Bortuwer assigRa to Lender ths re�and Oro£tts of the ptopertY.Untess Borrowar and Lander have e�eed •
<br /> othernfse in writing. Bortower maY ca1lsct end tetai^the�e�s as long as Borrower is rtot in defauPi.tt Boeower defauits.LenQer.Lender's
<br /> . a8ent,or a court aDPotcrted receivermay take Po��dudin d�urt cos�ar�d�i�om�ays eoi�rn�mmi.�ss ol rts��er�itai ege�aRd an�oU�e�r , ..
<br /> ' ' BDDGed first to tt�a casts of manaBNg th P1OA��1►• � eras on the secured debt as provided in Covana�t.
<br /> neeessery related exp8nses.The remaTnfng amoWit of rer� tften apPh►to PaYm �
<br /> � 8.Leaaetto�Qa'CoaQaminhmu%pta�ed Ilidt OsveloPme�.Bortower a�e es t�o comctv with the ptwis[ons of atry Iease if d�is deed of trust is on :
<br /> • 1 a Isasehotd.E�this dsed of vust is an a unit in a candominium or a plannsa wJt developmeat,Barrower wiU pertomn ell of Bortowa�e duties
<br /> �:
<br /> � . ,''i.` under tlw eavenarts.blhlaws,c�re�utations of the wndominium or pianned�mit deveiopmerrt.
<br /> � . . .�F 8.AuQ►ority of Lan�ar to Per[orm tor Bmtowar.If BoROwe,�faifs w�pertorm enY of Borrower's Qutles under this deed of trusL Lender may -
<br /> o= perfarm the duttes ar esuse them iu be per[mmed.Lender may si�n Bortowers name er pay arr,l amourrt if neeessarY tar petformance.Lende�s `
<br />- • `r�.;: consWetion on theprapertti►is d'iscoMinusd ar not eartied on in a�easonahts manner.Lender may do whamver is ne�Y m 0��
<br /> pert I :-. r
<br /> . . ` sepuitY t�eat in the DmDenY.This maY induda comyteNng the construcNon.
<br /> . ',t` : Lender's faihue to O�rm wUl not Preduda Lender fmm exercisin9�1►of its other�fB�under the Iaw or tttis deed of trus� ".:' `;
<br /> ---—` --'.;?` - end will be�� �i�est�fro�m�e date�a�f�tl�e paY+�eM u��Re1�f�u0 s�t Me i srrtear�es���ett��on�me`sew a a ti""��nnll be due on demand z_ .�_=
<br /> . r
<br /> � ' b ` tA. Oof�utt erA AeCaloraSan•tf Borrower feils to make arN paymert when due or hrea&s eny covenarns unQe►lhis dee d o t tr u s t or any : ,:
<br /> � obiigadon sewred by this dead of trust or any prior mortgage or deed of wst. Lertder may ateeterate the maWritY of the seciued deDt an0 ,. ;
<br /> � demand immediate paYmem end may tnwke the pawer o!sate and arry other�emedies permitted b1l aDDDcabia law. • �`..��,,
<br /> -- - -- . ::�Y: - 77.Re�cast tor Nette�o!Qefa�t it ta hereby tequested tl�at wpies of the natices of defautt end sale be seirt to each person vuho ia a partY = _
<br /> } .; . .'� .;:.'.• hereto,et the adQress of each suct�pe�san.as 6et tortA herein.
<br /> . '�:`�� � t2.Pow�arf Sala.tf tAe Lender invokes 1f�power ot saSe,t he Trustee s h a l l f u s t r e e o r d i n t h e o f ft c e o t t h e r e S i s t e r of deads of eacA cott�tY "�;_.:
<br /> wherein the�ust property ar some paR or parcel thereof�s situated•a noHce of defai,�'i coMaining the informatlon roZSaed by taw.The TnisLee ,, ..
<br /> � •:;?'., shaU also maD to�ies of the noUce of defauh to the Barrcwer.W each Person�dsa is a perty heroto,end to oitszr Fa�sons asprescdhed by _��;
<br /> � , :.c�--. .::;';>- applica6te law.IVot tess than one mornl�after the Tr�ze recards the crodee otds�.autt�ar two morrths it the��s¢proPertl►is not in arry �.,k .
<br /> incorporated dry ot vi�iage and ts ussd In farming operaaxts c�*ted on by the tmstos.�e 7rusOae shal!9ive Vub���^a�e af eaie to Me persons ,t;T.�
<br /> and in Yhs manner preserlDad bv appplicable taw.Trustes,wRhout Ea�d on Bono�ver,shatl sefl the proOerN at PubTfe auedon to the highest
<br /> ,' Y
<br /> � �.!' bidsar.tt re4�Ued by the Farm Homastead Protect1nn Ad,Tnistee st�at►a4fer the propartY in two separate sa�es as�equired by epplicabte taw. ,,,
<br /> ` Tnrstee may DostPona sate of etl or ar►y parcel of the propeRY by pub5c announcement et the Ume and ptaco of any previously schedute0 sate.
<br /> � . .•: Lender or ite designoe may purehese the proyerty at a�ry sate. ':
<br />_ � ' �( � ' ',,�'•, the recftiais eornatned in
<br /> Upon receipt o!paym ern of the priee bid,Tnistee shail�fiver to the purehaser 7rustee's dead convayfng tAe propsrty �;"
<br /> Tn�tea's d�d sfiall 6e P►1ma feoie evidience of the trtRgt of the statemer�ts eorttataed therein.Ttustea eha0 epplY L�ee Fro�ea���e sele in the ,.
<br /> � � fo8ovuing arder. (a) to a0 expanses of the eate, ineiuding, but not Itmfted to, reasona6le Truatee's tees, r�abts ettomey's tees end
<br /> -=�;�' �me�tees:tb?to aD suma sacured bv this deed of vusL and lc)the�slanee,if anSl,to the Dersons tegatty entitied W recetve it. �;��
<br /> � � . r.,;. � 73.Fo�osiuo.At Lender's opUort,this deed of trust may be toreetosed in the manner provfds by syaGr,abte taw for tarectosure of moRgagea ��
<br /> � on�eal t�aPeRY•
<br /> �
<br /> ' 14.�QcHaa.Len08i may enter tAe propeRy to insp�ci it H LenOer gives Borrowar nasice beforehanA.The irotiaa must state the r8asonabte �r-���
<br /> . esuse t"nr Isnders tnspeaion. � �"
<br /> ' 18,Ca�suia8on.Bortower essigns to LenAer the roceeda of any award or ciaim far�ama9es cannected witb a cordemnation ar athar tafdng °-
<br /> ' � � " of all ar a:�r Dart af the property.Suet�preaeeQ�wiP be epplied as prev3Qed in Covenatrt 1.This assic,ynment is subject to the terms�au�Y prior
<br /> . 'r "' ` seeturtv Q�reemeM. � �-
<br /> ' ' �' � 18.Watvet.BV exercisinp arry romedy avallahle to leader,Lender doea not give�ar►y rigfits to(atas use anv other remedy.By not bxeretsing � ,
<br /> � '�i.� �` any remedy upon Bonower's defaNt,�.ender does rtat+�ive any rigM to Iater wns der the event e defauft if it napFeas agaln. �,, _
<br /> '` !' 17.JWnt and S a v e�U�ID t Y;C o a t�ro r s: S u e c e s s o o s a n d A s s l fl n s Boun4.All Quties under thls Qeed of trust are jotnt and eaverab MV r.,,.
<br />, ,�� �' Borrower who eo-signs thia�ead of Wst but Qoes nat co-sign the undertying dobt insUument(s) doea so anty to grant end Comrey that .,.,
<br /> •`•��• Banower's interest in the proparty to tha Trustea under the t�erms of thia Qeeo oi Vust.tn addid�n,sueA a Bortower a�eea that the LenAer and
<br /> - : • de�i���ltehrout t�lsa BtorMrowere�wnsem end wa Idiout rel�e3s�ng that�onoweet irom�0 tem�is a�ethta C�d of�uus4.�js Qeed o!tcust ar the seatred -,_
<br /> . ';:.
<br /> . • T►►e Qutles snd benefNs at thia deed of miat shail bind u�d benolit the successore arv�rssigns of LenQer and Borrmaar. � ;.
<br /> - 18.No�ee.Unlass otherwise reQuiied by law,any natioe ta BoROwer shall hs given bY Qelivertng ft or by maifing ii by ceNfled mail ad�ressed to . _
<br />-'.�.� ` � 8ortower ei ths pro�erty address or arty�other adQresa that Bonowar Aas B1ven to 1.ender.Borrower�nnTi give any rtotice w lenGsr by certitt;A
<br /> � be s�.�ito�l.�o�nder�'sQad�ess as ste�ted on p 888�o t�s d od of tr�ust�r address whieA Lender has deaignated.Atry otfier notice to LsnQer eAaD Y•.�.
<br /> _ . �� ,.: .
<br /> - . ' ' Arry noUce sha11 be Oeemed w have baen given to Bortower or LenQer when given in the manner stated above. •
<br /> , 19.Tramter of fho?mperty ar s Benefldd tr�west tn B�s Barrower.M all or arry part of the proparty or arry in:eresi in k is sotd or uansferred �
<br />}'; ' �r; , without lenQer'a prlor mitten eonsent, LeynCer may Qemand immediate D�M at the secured debL Lende�sriaY atso demand Immediate •
<br /> demand p�a�Y�mer►t n�the ahove situeUons if R is ptohib eit d by tedereal taw as of the da6te�of t�his Qeed��Vu�nsterseQ.However. Lender mey not
<br /> � 20.Raeom►eyaneo.When the obligaUon secured by tfiis Qeed of Lrust has Dean paM and Lender has no turther obligaUon to make aQvance9
<br /> • � under the inswments or agreements secured by thia deed o1 Vust.tAe Trustee shaif,upon written�equost by th0 Lender.recomrey the truat
<br /> � praCaRy.The Lender shatl deliver to the Borrower,or to Bortower's suceessor in interest,the Vust deed and the note ar other evlQence o!the
<br /> :,. : ' oDti8�lon so soUsfted.6orrower shall pay any rewrdation costs. •
<br /> � ' ' Z1.Succes�aar Tmstea. lender, at LenQar'8 antion, may�emovo Truatee and appoLrt a sueeessor trustee by fUet. maiiing a eopy of tlio •
<br /> ea
<br /> ' substltution Ot trustea es requited by epplicabt9�aw,and then,by fiting the subsUtutlan o!trustea fur record in the offlce of tAa reglster of Qeeds
<br /> ¢ .. . , � succeed to N�tfie p�ower QW�gaudiorlt�y end Utle oi the T uste�e�name in tat�ie deed of ebus�t and of a y suer�.es�sor�Ueu�stee of the property,ehatl
<br /> � .
<br /> _ . .
<br /> '. � . � _.
<br /> - � � , Ipege?of?1 �
<br /> _- BANXER9 SYSiEMS.INC..ST.CLOUD.M��6830t It-80P99�•18411 FOi�A OCV�MTbNE 8/t8/91
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