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<br /> . ` ' . end eomreYe ta Tnistes.in�rusL�D�►er of sate.the real OioDerN,ot xfitch � .-
<br /> . . COHVEYAHC�For vafue reeeived.Botrower Qravoeabry grar�ta �" , ••
<br /> fixtures, end e�dstfi9��B n a n�e e s�w ttu bet n 9i 9 (�ll�d�tlts
<br /> Bortower t�t a+n+t u h►s e t=e d,d e s a i b e d 6 etow and a0 bundtngs, s a n d a n Y e O P� �� �`•� .
<br /> ``• easeme m s, r e r n e.t s s u e a. P m�. innartre, teneanents, hered3tememe.P�i v(t e B e .
<br /> :�r' •D�pPe*lY! .,t..� _ .�nrw,n T�f aum _ .Nebrasha 6A9n1 ,�1
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<br /> . lsceeo -
<br /> �Et{!CL DESCR�TID1'J:
<br /> �.' 7AT R'ARBS (3}.��a����p�RV�IBW.� SIIBDIVISIOI3, II�T T88 CITY OF - --
<br /> ` . `"�L C3F�.1bID ISL11t�1D. . -
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<br /> ' � c � toc�ted in rr.
<br /> . .'�:, r 8ormwet eovartartts and warranta t':de t�the praPertlf.axce�t for �_�, _
<br /> . � � of the seaae�de6t and the DeRormance of the covenaMS e�d a9raementa
<br /> ��i:.:
<br /> - - `-' SEqtR�OEBT:This deed of aust secures to Lendef repaymarsr
<br /> ' �rta(ned in this daad ot trust and in arry other Qacume�n incorpora�d herem•Sacured Cebt.es used tn this Qeed of tr�tst,inctudes at►Y ames�rts �rr
<br /> �
<br /> 8onower a�ae.s�l�+der under thts deed at trust ar under any�strumeirt sea�ad by thia deed of trust.and sil moditicattaro.�810��
<br /> _ __ ��,awats thereof. ��red by this deed af ttust and the datea thereof.): �'
<br /> . ' TPss se�Qebt is aviQenceA bY tList afi instrumeets asd� , ,�,j_.-
<br /> �.=�
<br /> � . r �k,�Advuieas:The above amoimt is seaued even thaugh atl or part of h msY not yei be aCvence4. �0 edvana�are �-'.
<br /> w:r�mptatod end wiii ba secured to the sams extartt as H made an the date thie dae0 of irust is�cecuted• ��•-
<br /> � ,;",�� ,witb initlal annual trrterest rate of �.. ..�_°,
<br /> [�Rewtvfig line of ceffd agreement date0 .--
<br /> - � " N�I emou�rta Lo�c�M^8 mpf ated and wUl b�a eeare�caythe same extatit as K m�3a on�tNe d�deed of u�as�'as e�xodae0.nder __
<br /> . . � .�w _
<br /> ' �if not pa10 earller.
<br /> � � The above o'bLgaUon ta Que and payabTe on _ __--
<br /> The totel unpaid batance secured by Mis deed of Oust et any one dme efiatl not exceed a m�axi�mum prineipat ama�mt of T�p�ua tntereat, _
<br /> Ooi.ara l8�, —�
<br />_ '" ptus anV amourrts disbursed unQer the terms ot lhis deen af m�st t°Pr°tect the sear�tH of this deed of vust or a��ertorm flny of the V�_.
<br /> �pvenants corttained tn thia daed of trust,with irtereat on such disbursemerrts. �____
<br /> • . .. . [j Va�tO Aate:The IMerest rate on tha obfigatlon seeured by this deos ot tirust maY va�Y a�rding to the terms o t t h a't o b O g a t f o s�. �-
<br /> , • � � ❑ p copy ot the toan�greemom containi�9 tha terms under wh1cA the irrterest rete may varv is attedied to thia dead o!vusi and �'±�a:
<br /> • _ mada e paR hereof. �
<br /> , .. .. . � fi�r"�r1S: �Commerclat pESIflNA1lOH OF BOMEBTEAD �• .
<br /> � +'^'t.:•.:
<br /> �.�'�, .
<br /> � . • ':•;� p�suaz►t to the Farm Homestead P►otectton Aat.designaUon o!homestead ❑ ia ettached to thla Qeed of'dvst enA made e part harec!
<br /> • � ❑ ha9 baen 0lsclaime0;t'he discfaimer ts attacfied to thia deed of trust and mada a paR hereof. _—
<br /> � SiGl1tATIJREB:ey si�in8 6�aw�eorta�vu agres to tAe termr m�d eovenmrts ea In tlda dnad of waL inelu�nB t4�oao on DaBe 2.end te .
<br />_ ... any QascrlbeA ebove algnod Bonow . . .
<br />- .. �. . . � SBIRLSY CARS s .
<br /> ' ? DBAN L CARSTENS .
<br />�� ' � . Gourty ss:
<br /> . � ,� -• ACiWGW1EDOMENT:STATE OF NEBRASItA. �Rn dall o!.fl�'�{l888r-ia9� ,
<br /> � � Tho foregoln8(nstrument was acknouvtedged before me on thla
<br />.; � . • py tnUaW) ,,
<br />- . . pt7no 01 GaDaman a7m0�
<br />- � : �,c� t . on�ehalf ot the corporation ot partnerahl0• .
<br /> . q�tnowteapmone �1
<br /> :` . eomm141AtR0l��S(tER�i9 5 5���� �-�M7[ --aomryRmoet
<br /> � . . . I1�pm.6p.Ote.19 t999 .#�""' �„�"� •
<br /> � . tliis instrumeat was prepared Ey �age t o�s/ NEBRASKA :
<br /> _ _;-., __�_,-_
<br /> - K m�ss���assrsrau►s.n�c..sr.e�oun.mnuse3o����sao.ssslrasnwaMa��ss�snara�e Appy# 80038673 __,.
<br /> .�; . . CCD# 0100471269
<br /> t . . . ,.
<br />