_ .,,n3 . c- � € - �x-:.-
<br /> �, .,�-� .
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<br /> �
<br /> ,` , !i : : i f.4. ___ ... �"-_„�. -.- t.. _ ..� ` ._f� `
<br /> � _.�(1[' �t. _ 4' . .� .?.C. _ _ �.l:
<br /> . f� '.�' S G _.
<br /> - �. S
<br /> �- �`---4 • �`�_�(.,����� -
<br /> ... .: ` 'Prooeeds7(m m�neetton with oondemnation ar other taktng oi Ihs ProperEy or paR thereat.or co eyanoa in lieu of oondemnation. _
<br /> �+ lender sha11 be entitled at iis op�on to oomm8nCO3 eppear in artd pr�seaite�n i�own name any action or proceedings,ar�d sAaQ also
<br /> eq
<br /> be e�rtittad to make any comprcmise or seu[ement in oonnecttan wtth such taking or damage.t�Me event any portion ot the Property is
<br /> -,---- - so teks�or�ged.lender shail have the opt[on in its sote arrd absoluts disaetlon.w aPpty af1 su�prooeeds. aS�er daducting -_ _-
<br /> - _ theretrom a11�anQ expenses tncutred by it tn conttecdon wtU eueh P�ooeeds.upcn any ind�Dtedness seatred he ub on sucA� �
<br /> . . arder as Lender may QeUermine.or ta apDry e0 such Pmcaads.aRer sueh daQuctians.to the restoratlon oi the Prop�ty P :.:•E
<br /> ' �, .�" diSons as Lender may detartnine.My epplicaUun of Procseds tn indebtedness shail not extiand or postpone the due date oi a�r pay- :
<br /> ° �� me�ts under tfls Note.or eure any defautt tRereunder or hereunder.My unapD�ed tun�s shall be Oald w Tnis4or. ": ��
<br /> • '�-� ; 6.Performance by Lender.Upon the ccarrence ot en Event af Detault hereunder.or ii any act is takea or tegal prooeeding
<br /> . �..V�4 :
<br /> ' .'� �. oommenced wtdd�matertaUy affects Lendefs intetest in the PropeKY.l.eader ma7 f in its own d�saretIon.but withcut obfigatlon ta do so. ,.
<br /> ::,;���^ and tvittiout notiae W or demand upon Tcustor and wit�out reteasing Ttustor trom eny obfigaUoa,do any ad which Tnrstor has agresd �'�.ti°� :�
<br /> - put faited to d4 and mey aiea do any other ad it deems nscess�rl►Eo Pr�t e d Ue s e a�r�ry hereof.Tnistot shatl,immediatety upon
<br /> _ . .. _ 5..�
<br /> — .-T--- �ya��e�r tiy l;�er,pay to Lendsr all wsts and expenses Incurted end sums expertded by Lender in connectio�vritA ths exer- `. ,_
<br /> • cLse by Lendet ot the fotegoing rigttts.Wgethet with tnterest there�n at the defauft rAte pruvided in ttte tVois.wfiid�si�at!be aQQed to � �
<br /> the(ndebtedness seaired herabf►.�enQer stiait nat incur any 8ab�6ty becaase ot anything It may do or omit to do hereemder. .
<br /> . _. 9.Nazardons EAateNats.Tcustor shall keep�9 PropeRy in wmplianrs with atl appQcabte taws.ordinanoes and regWations -
<br /> _.-. `. reYattng to indushial hygtene or ernlronmenffi1 pmtectlon(ooUectJvety referred to herein as`Envimrtmemal Laws'y.Tnutor st�all keep �.
<br /> - . . ._: �;. ihe Property ftee from al!substat�ces Qeemed W bs I�tdous cr Loxtc urtder any Environmenffit L.av�s(eoffectivety referred ta herein .
<br /> � ` '� as 9taTSrdous Matedals°�.Trusflnr hereby warraMs and reprasents to Lender that these are no Hazardous Materiats on or under tha :..,,
<br /> � •�= Properly.Trustor hereby sgrees to indemn(fy ana hotd harmless Lender,ifs drt�tors,offioers.emA�oYees and agents,and any►succes-
<br /> sors tu Lendefs interesi,from ar�d agatnst arry and aU daims.dama8es.�asses end tiabli�es arising in oonnedian with the presence.
<br /> ° � ''' use,disposai or transpon of atry Ha�rdous Matariais on,under,from or about tha Properhi•'fiiE F�REC�MG WaRRAM1ES{WD
<br /> , }�. T., .. __
<br /> -����% � �coNVEVEwce oF ni�s o�oF tKUSr. ,',�:";`;'_
<br /> r
<br /> . - _ 10.Asst9nment oi Rerns.Ttustor h�aY asstBns W lender,and grants Lender e seauit5!interest in.afl P�m•fuNro artd ;..r,,:�:,;.
<br /> ' ' ` , . ' ' after adsing[ert�,issues and pcofib of the Pa�ly:Provided that Tnistar shaU.until the oapirnertce of an[verd of Qefaidt,hereunder, ;;,._,.,.
<br />,i�,�,,.�:�-.�= ` _;. � � ey ta U the aoc�u�of an Ever�t of `' ` ��•
<br />;.':,y,,;,. ., . ' tr�!'►e right en aoitect and retair►such ret�s.3s�ces and as th becotne dus and Payab Ron ,�,c ,::-•.
<br /> a.,,. 3�� ,<
<br /> � '',•� Qo�i�,l.en�r may.either in petson or by ag�nt.witb ac�dL�bringing atry ac8cn mr proceeding.or by a�rar�aintecl by a
<br /> ,;;,:u��.;.. , .:.�?', . ���.e�����passess.en af the Propetty.or anyt W�C�af.in its awn
<br /> 1 ,f s, mUrt2nd withcsu��d m the a�eR�►
<br /> �aa.:r-
<br /> {iil�
<br /> ' % ,;. �;��`��F�<• neme or in the rrame af the Yrustes,and�4�ary ads wAich it deems c�ary or desUable to presenre fhe vattie marketab�ity or � -
<br /> ste ,
<br /> •,:.,��;i.,:,`,:,:?'v�;•,"p., ceniability of the PropeRy.or any part ther��r inlerest therein.or tn ina�e the fncoms therefrom or proter,t the seairitY hereaf and.
<br /> �t�f• •
<br /> r+ � � with or withaut teking posse�ian af the PcapeRy.sae for or othenNise collect the rents.issues and proftb�eceof.indud'mg ihose pasi
<br /> ,�, �,�. ;;�%
<br /> + .. - •• �.�•. due and urtpatd,by notifydng tenants to make paymants to Lender.Lender may appty rents.tssues and profits,tess oo�and exPens-
<br /> � �'°''`^- �o}opera�On end coilectian induding attamey�s fees.to any indebiedness secured he�eDy.all in sucN onder�Lender may deter-
<br /> :"�°,.�_
<br /> mine.The entedng upon and taking passession of 8re Property.8+e aoltection o!sach renb.issuas and profits,and tha epptTca�on
<br /> • .`�'F..� theneoi as aforesatd shall not cure or waiva any defauit or no�ce oi aet�ult hereunQer or imatidate any act dons i�o�e oottecttonn �•
<br /> � y default or pursuant to such no8ce of defautt and,aotwithstending the oonUnuance in pnssessian ot the prop�rty :�..
<br /> ' � ' ' �� �.����'� raceipt end appltcaUon of rer�s,tssues or profits.Tnistee end Lender shafl be entlUed M exerc�ise every right pcovide0 ior in any ot the ���=;;s
<br /> � ' ' � �'- Wan tnstruments or by taw upon occurrenoa of any Event of Oeiauit,tndudfng wiN►out tlmiteUon the�ight to oxerGse the pawer of sale. _•.:'
<br /> " Farfher,Lendera rights and remedies unQer thfs pa�agraDh sha0 be cumulaUve with.and In no way a limitation on.Lende�a Bghts artd �,..
<br /> • ''�'�"�� remedies under any assignment af teases and�ents record'ed against the Ptoperty.Lender,Trustee artd the recetver sha11 be IIa01e to �' :
<br /> aocount only for those renb actuatly recsfired. � � �
<br /> 11.Evertts of Detaul�The fotlowing se�ali cor�ti4�ie an Event ot Defautt unQer this Oaed oi Trus�
<br /> � (a)Faiture M pay eny instel�ment ot principal or interest or any ot�er sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> :.:. :
<br /> , .
<br /> ..,: �
<br /> _� _,.� (b)A breach oi or defau(t under arry prwision oonffiined in the Note,thts Ceed oi Tn�at,any of the Loan(nstrume ot anY �_
<br /> T . other tien or anwmbrance upaa ttse P�oRrRy: "
<br /> �� ' (c)A writ of execution or attacfiment or any simitar prooess sha11 be enteced against Thistor wh(ch shaD bewme e tien on e�;a��;
<br /> • • the ProDeRY or any porUon theceoi or interest therein; �-• ��•
<br /> . � . (�There sAaO be fited by or.egainst Tnistor or Bortower an actton unQer any present or futuce federal.state or other statute. e•-_�••
<br /> law or regutatlon refettng t�baniwpt�y.insotvenry or othet reilet for�ebtors:or there shall be eppointed any truatee,recetver or . .__:___
<br /> " • liquldator ot Tn�stor or Borrower or of aii or any part of tlie Propercy.or the cer�.issues or profita thereol.or Tn�stor or Borrawer � -_
<br /> �;�:''�;;:_:::;.. � shatl�s-�any general assignment tor the 6enefit ai credi��
<br /> � ment,cameyance or fiaRhet encumbran�01 all or any paR af or eny interest tn the t ``
<br /> `� - (e)The sata.trensfer.leass.a�i9n
<br /> � ' property,either voluniarisy or imro5..�larity.vVtt►ou!the express written wnsent of lender,pmvided that Tnutor st�ai!be pertnit �'` -
<br /> � � - ted to execute a teasa mt the Property that does caat coptain en opUnn to purae�s and the tertn of wtiich does not exoeed ona �_�s v
<br /> � ;. � .>, y�� � � r
<br /> ' � . f r�; '•. (�Abandanment otthe Property:or �
<br /> . ��,., ; . (g)Ii Tmstor is not an tndividua�.the issuance,sats,transter,assignment,conveyanco or enwmbranc0 af more U►an('d a 1
<br /> `.:;�'��.: corporaUan)a total oi!_Pe�nt ot t�issued and outstanding stock,or(tf a pa:��ershtp)a totaf oi per-
<br /> � cent ai paRnershi�interests.or(ii a limited Oability company)a total ot percent of the limited liabitity r,ompa�
<br /> ' ny tnterests or voting dghts during the pedod tl�ts Oeed oi Trust rema(ns a lien on the propeRy.
<br /> : '`� 12,Reanedies;Aeaeleration Upon Oetault In the event oi any Evant ot Cefault Lender may,without notice except as required
<br /> � � G � by law.dedare all inQebtednass secured taareby to be due and payabte and the same shall thereupon beoome due and payabte wlth- ___
<br /> � � ' out any presentment,deman0,Dro�t or noUoe ot anyr ktnd.Thereafter Lender may: �
<br /> � � (a)Oemand that Tnistee exerdse the POWER OF SAI.E gra�a heretn,and Tntstee shatl theceaRer eause TrustoPa In1�r- �'�.- -
<br />-� � est in the Property to be sofd and the proceeds to be disUibuted,atl In the manner provlded tn the Nebrasita Trust 088ds A�
<br /> � ' . � (b)Exercise arry and ail dghts proviQed tor In any oi the Loan Instruments or by law upon occurtence of any Event of
<br /> � :� Defaut�and
<br /> . �� '� (c)Commence an action to forectose this Oeed of Tnist es a moRgage,apDolnt a receiver.or sDeciflealty ertforce any o1 the
<br /> ' oovanants hereoi.
<br />" � ° � NO remedy herein conierred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender is Intended to be exdusive ot any other remedy hereln,In the Loan �
<br /> • .. . � , . InsWments or by taw pmvided or pertnitted,but eac�shail be cumulaUve,shail be in addltlon to every other remedy given hereunder,
<br /> � In fhe Loan tnstruments or now or hereafter exlsUng et law or in equity or by statute,and may be exerdsed camcurrenUy.tndepenQentry
<br />- � • � � or suoCesivety.
<br />- � ' 13.Trustee.The Trustee may resign at any time without cause,and Lender may at any tlme and without cause appoint a sua
<br />_ � � cessor or subsUtute Trustee.Trustee shall not be Ilabie to any party,Inctuding without IimltaUon Lender.Bortawer.Tru�rtnr or any pu� ,_
<br /> r;.. . ' chaser ot the Property,tar any loss or dama�e unless due to recktess or w30fu1 misconduct,en0 shail not be required tn fatce arry acdan
<br /> in oonnecNon with the enforcement oi this DeeO o!Trust un{ess indemnifled,in wdUng,for all costs,oompensaUon or expenses vfiich .
<br /> may be assadated therewith.tn addiUon.Trustee may become a purchaser at any sate of the Property Qudidal or unQer the power ot .
<br /> � �. . sale granted herein);pos�one the sale of a0 or any pan]on of the Property.as provided by faw;or sell the Propeny as a whote,m in
<br /> separate paroeis or tots at Tnutee's disa�on. �
<br /> -� � 14.Fees and EYpenses.In the e+s:rt Tn�stee seUs the�roperty by exercise M OoWe�of s�[S,Trustee shalt be entiUed to appty �
<br /> - any safe proceeds ftrst to payment of ail�sis and experbses of exercising power ot sale,inciudirag 2:!Trustee's fees,and Lenders and �
<br /> � Trustee's attomeys fees, actuatly inaurred w exQent p�eniited by appiicabte Isw.ln the event Borrower or Tnes�or exercises any dght
<br /> : ' • .� provlded by taw W are an Everrt of Detauit,Lendsr sh�1 be entiUed tn reoover from Trustor a0�asts and e�er�s�actualty incuned as
<br /> ' � a resutt oi 7nistors defau:2,inciuding without timitadc�n a7 Trustee's and attomeys fees,to the extent pertnitted�j app4cable taw.
<br />�'�'S' ' � �•� � 15.Fature Advanees.Upon req�sst o1 Borrower.Lender may,at its opUon,make additlonai and future aQvances and read- .
<br /> - .-�:•;::�.:;�;�;:�_� ._
<br /> .-_-. _-`,��:�- vances to Barrower.Svch adva�ices af�G raadvaittss.vr�tES inletest�':��n.sl�f!he secuted by this Deed of Twst At no dme shall the
<br /> ,�:, . .
<br />`j,�`
<br /> ,.S' ' . .
<br /> ' ' . ' - ' . -'-----'- �-�-- --- -__ .�.__.. ._.�_--------.._. _ .._-°------
<br />