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<br /> A � � DEED O�TRU�{N�T�t F7JT�lRE ADO�ANGES
<br /> - r
<br /> _� ntFS n�oF�usr.cs made as of ine 20th aay ot OCLobeP .19 97 .by aM amang� ;`;�`
<br /> : ` �' F "l
<br /> , �.°��'� � theTrustor, StPVen P He th and Gl�nda [+1 Neath husbaed and wife `O� >
<br /> ::. 4b �.,�. �r
<br /> _ , '„.��.- wiiosema�ngeddressis 4219 Summer Circle, Gr'and Island. NE 68803(hecein'Tnistaf,wtietheronaormore). -'�:;'
<br />� _�•'r = meTn,soee Five Points Bantc, a Nebraska Coraorai�on ..
<br /> .�.. �. .� .
<br /> _..... • .. . t�����addressts P A Rn�7, �ranA Is7ancL NF �RE�I��-iSA7 (heteinTntstee7.ars� '
<br />.7 "{ . . ,�
<br /> _ ` � ttt96EA�C�?lSf; F�If(a��l'll S �3Rit�C ��'''�-
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<br /> :,��,� ,�� ` �3!s�e�ra�dress�s 2015 AI,. f��� w �If �de.�_6�a�ttd Isl�r.r� t3E ��3 {he��.e�
<br /> a� - __ " � ..:
<br /> _ `;-r{�fi�l;:�jY`' `_: . � _ . . .- . .
<br /> �`-����`'�•: �� FOR{�G4'tt"✓ABLE CONSIDERATt01V.inc�udtrtg Lendei's extensfon df�+ed'ti identified hereln m S�even �R. Neath
<br /> .r�,. �. �
<br /> , , and �� nda M Nea_�h — -
<br /> ,,•�'� '� •� (herein`Bortower.'whether one ar more)erW the tr�t herain�ceated.the reo�pt
<br /> `;::,�:+,,:;,;` -=.'• °. oi whlCh is h8seby at�mowledgsd.TntsGOf heteby ilt+evoCabhl 9��•���•Comreys snd asSlgns to Tn�stee,lI�TltUST.{N1TM
<br /> � POYVER OF SALf.tor fhe benefit and securtty oT Lertder.under and avbjed tu the tertns and canditions horeUiafter set Porth.the reat
<br /> property desraibed as foRaws " •
<br /> Lot 7hirty-ooe t31y, Westroads �Estates Fourth Subdivfsion, Nafl Couaty. ,Nebraska. � �
<br /> _.. . . . ��_ -
<br /> . � ��==-
<br /> � Yogether with aD bulldinga.lmprovamenb.fi�Pures.streeets,atieys,passageways,easamenta,dgt►ta.pfidteges end apQurtenanoes
<br /> � . •- • � � Iocate0 thereoa ar tn anywtse peAaintng thereto,end the rents.isaues end proflts,tevemtans and reme(nder�tlte�of.and suc�per•
<br /> sanai propeRy Nat Is et�cAed ta Itre improvamants so ea ta eonstftute o fbc�re.inetuQing,EN no!Ifmlt�3d to,haaUng and ooallrtg equi� _
<br /> . . menX and togettrer with Me homestead or madtsl lntereste.(f any.which intarests are hereby released Ane watve6;sU oi whicd►,inclu� =
<br /> ' ing tepla�manb end add(ttons Iherem.ts heteby 6ectare0 tp be e part oi t�e real estat�sacured by the 11en oi thts Oeed o!Trust an0 �__
<br /> eri oi tha foregotng betng referted tc harotn as fhe'Rroperty.
<br /> ' .. TAts Qeed oi Trust shall secure(a)th�paym�nt o!the pdrteipat eum and Interest evidenced tiy a pr�mtsso rtote or c�edit agree� ����.
<br /> � ' meM date+� ArMhar 2nF iQ9T .having a maturtiy Qata oY �s • �_,-
<br /> �5 �� .
<br /> � � ' tn the original pflncipat artwunt of$ p .end any and a11 modfficatlnns.extensiar�s at[d renewaTs �_.�
<br /> � � �• thereot or ther�eto and any and atl fuh�re a noes and read+ranees ta Borrower(or any oi them if more than one)hereunQet purauant _
<br /> • � to one or more prom�sory nates or credlt egreemen�(herain calted'Note�:(b)the payment ot other sums advaneed by Lender to �
<br /> � protect t�e security oT tt►e IVote:(c)the pe�forman�ot eU oovenanb and agreements o1 Trustor sei forth heretn;end(dy a11 present and • �,��-
<br /> ' . . . • future indebtedness and obitgaUons ai Bomawer(or eny M them tt more than orte)to Lsnder whether Qirecl,(ndirecl.absoWte or oontUa ��'
<br /> - � gent aM whether erising by note,guaranty.ovardrafi or othen�Ase.'[he Note.fhts Deed of Tnist and arry and alt o�er daaimonts 1f�t �`;�;
<br /> a . � setxrne the No�e or otberw)se executed in connectfon therewith,inctuding without timitatlon guarentees,securiry agreements and
<br /> - , assignmerns of teases end renb,shali ba referred to hereln as the'Loan Instruments'.
<br /> - • . Trusfmreovenams and agraes with Lender as toltowa: •
<br /> � ' � ' 1. �men!of tndebteQneas.M Indebtedness secured hereby shall be patd when Que.
<br /> • Z. TItIe.Tntstor is the ovmer oT the Proyerty,has the dght and eufhodty to oomrey the PropeRy.and werrants that fhe lisn aeat
<br /> ed hereby is a ftrst and prior lien on the Property.exoept for Ilens and encumbrances set torth by Tn�stor In wrt8ng and deliveted to ��
<br /> � ���� Lender befcre exeartion of tAls Deed ot Tnut,and the oxecWon and detivery at this Deed of Trust does not vtotate any wntract or .
<br />_ " ' other obGgatlon to vMicb Trustot ts subject.
<br /> : ' • 3.Taxes.Assessments.To pay before definquency stt taxes,speciaf essessments and a11 uther charges against Me Property '
<br /> � now or hereafte►fevied. �
<br /> - : 4.fnsut�ac9.To keep the PropeRy insured against d8mage by flre,hasards tnduded wlthtn tlte term'extettde0 cavetsge'.att�d
<br /> ; . sucA other hazaNs as l.enQer may require,in amounts and with companies ac�ptable to lsnder,naming Lender as an eddtSonal
<br /> • named insured.vuith loss payabte w tha Lender.tn case of toss unQer sech poll�es,the I.ender Is authodzed to 8djust�,ootleo4 and
<br /> ' .. . •� wmpromtse.afl claims thoreunder and shatl have the optlon of epplying ali or part of the tnserance proceeds(q W atry indebtedrtess
<br /> •� �.•• secured hereby and in such order as Lender may detetmins,pq ta the Yrustor tn he used tot I�e repait ot testora8on of tfia Properiy or ,
<br /> � (iti)for eny other purpose ar obje�saUalaetory to Lender wifhout eftecUng the lien af this Caed oi Trust for the fu11 smount secured •
<br /> = hereby befoce such payment ever taok ptace.My appflcaUons ot proeeeds to Indebtedness ahatl not extene or postpone fhe due date ' '
<br />-- ` � �. • oi eny payments under the Note.or cure arry Qetauit thereunder or hereunder. •
<br /> .- ; . , ,. S. Eserow.Upon written Qemand by Lsnder.Trustor sha11 pay to Lender.In sucfi manrter as Lender may designate,sufHGent
<br /> � '. sums to errabte Lender to pay as they beoome due one or more of the foltowtng:p)atl taxes,assessments and other ct�arges against
<br /> _ � ,� - tAe Property, pi)tha premluma on the property insuranee requires hereunder,and(iii)the preminms on any mortgege insurance .
<br /> � � requUed by Lender.
<br /> - . � 8. !'dalntenance,Repafw and Complianee with Lmwa.Trustor shall kee�the Property in good condiUon and repalr,shatl
<br /> ' promptly repair.or replace any improvament whicfi may be damaged or destrayed:shal!not oommit or permit arry wasie or deterinra- :
<br /> �'• � � - tion ot the Property;shall not remove.cfeanolisfi or substanUafly attea a^�r of the imqmvements dsa t�e PrapeRy,shali not comai9,suffer .
<br /> '•�'��� ' or pertnit any ad tu be Qane tn or�iR�.e Praperty in viotatior�ot ar:,�taw.ot�:n�ce or re��on;and shall pay and p�r.r�iy dis- •
<br /> _ '. . . charge at Trustor's east an0 expense aU iiens,enru>r.branoes and charges leva�,impose0 or aceessed against the Property or any
<br /> . part thereOt ..
<br /> " '. , � 7. Eminent Domain.Lender is hereby assigne�alt camper,srtion,awards,damages ana ather paymsr.?s or retiel(hereinafter '
<br /> . - --- HscHro�neee►ra.�
<br /> , - �--- ptseeHmu+�em.yemmoaeinmwsmuq�uwm+m.u+wm.moonm .
<br />._ ':. •
<br /> "' `.' . . ,_ ..
<br /> .i. �;.�.__ .^-_.-..,... . - . . _._.� �_..__.._"_'_�_.__'__'__.__�_,.—�-___ �—_—�� .-_ __.__. _'_._ �
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