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<br /> _ . _ 4_ � 5...r� .�-, .< `� - •fiz ��f'`�G ` - ' '�Fr.c ` 'Y =_ - -'J -
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<br /> � ^' ,.` Bonower shall promptiy giv�L�ler written notice of aay investigatioa. claim. demand, lawsuit or�ther action by uny
<br /> `:�:,,-..;�::." govemmentai or r+egulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any H�udous Substance or Environmental Law =_�,
<br /> - � �•`:�� of which Borrower has artw�l Qcnowtedge.If 8om»ver leams,or is notifted by any govemmental or rrgutatoty autf�ority.tfiat - t.
<br /> . . arry reinoval or ather Kmediation of any Hararidaus Subsinnce affecting the Pmperty�s aeoessary.Burro�ver shall promptly take ����;
<br /> ,._..4 n
<br /> . :� � : ;.• aIl nece.ssary remsdia!actions in�crondattce arith Environmenta!Law.
<br /> °` " '° As useci ia this paragrapSs 20. 'Ha7ardous Substances" ure those +ubstanres dcfined as toxic or hazardous suhstances by
<br /> ,: ` � •�' '�` Enviroamentai Law and the follo�ving substanres: �oline, keroseRe, other flanunable or taaic petroleum products. totic .. •
<br /> . `,:}<,:� Qesticides and hesbicid�s,voiatile solvertfs,materi�ts eontaining asbestos or fom�atdehyde.and r.�dio�qivc tnnterial9.As us�d in�
<br /> " ,� this{�irograph 20. "�nvimnmental I.zw" means federsil la�vs and laws of the jurisdi�Kion �chere Ehe Pruperty is lucated that �
<br /> 1'�° ` �,':` mlate w health.safety or environmental protection. �
<br /> - ' `' NON-UN[FORM COVENANTS.�iarro�4er and Lender fnrther rovenant and asree a�faliaws: �
<br /> :,-g:� ,�{ ree
<br /> 21.Arceteradon;Remedies.l.ettd�shait gtse naflce to Borro«•er prlor to aoeeteeatioa fofto�riu��omo�ter's breacb 0
<br /> � :�,�': of asy covegaai or ogreemeat In this Security Iasdvment tbut ant pdor to s�eeleiatton uQder ps�sa�apb lT unless °�
<br /> appft�hie Iaw psov�de4 atienvise3.The nouce shati spedfy: (a)th�e defaWt;(b)t�e sutiun r�quired to cure t�e dePa�t[t; � _
<br /> (c)a date,[rn!le�s than 30 dnys[ram the date tt�e notI�!s given to Bon»wer,Dy«Edch the defhuft mast he cm�ed;IItad
<br /> . (�thai fait�re to c�e the d�fautt on or hefore tT�e daYe s�em ip tRe antice may resWt in acceternttoa ot the snmg � -
<br /> . se�vred by tGig SecurFty Instrumeat an�f sale oi ti�e Fm{s�ty.Tt�e aotice stiall tuithes tuform Borro�ti�er of the rlg6t to
<br /> reiartate after accetera8on and the rlg�it to bring e wurt sctIon to assert the non�ex�steace oY a deSauit ar�y ot(t� T�,:.
<br /> ° �'' defs�se of�areawer to aaa�3QaatIon and sa[e.If the defauit i�noi cueied on ar 6dore the date s�fftad in t�e uotte� --
<br /> .y '� 4end�.at dts optioW a�Y reQutre imme�ate�yment in fttll of all sums seqtr�d by tt�5eearity InSWmert�v#thout �;'_,�
<br /> � f�rther deQnand and may iavoke the�eoner of sale und any oih�r remetlIes perai[Yted bY epplicabie Ww.l.eader shatl be
<br /> � e�Ritted to,coltect a1i expenses iatvn'ed in puesufag tiie�+�tedtes provtded in thtg paragrap5 Zl.induding,bn!nat Iimited ��`r
<br /> to,�nabte attomeys•fees and costs af title evtdenoe.
<br /> __ _ • •`�''�" If the po�er of sa{e is eavo&ed. Tnutee s6all reoossl s nottoe af deYsatt in eac6 county tn w6l�anY Part of tlte ��._:
<br /> s�r:k` .y.`'�' -_ Property is iacated aad s6all mail cop�es of eucH aottoe in the�anuer pr�rscribed bY aPPftcabte law to Bormaves and to �;.,
<br /> � ` � , t&e nther peisn�pr�cribed by apgltcable Eaw.Afier the ttme re4uired 6y apPllca6te latv,Teustee sha4l give pnbltc�tat[ce �.:;
<br /> :.� �: �':�.�:. of sale to ttue persons and in the manner prescrihed bY ap8lImbie fa�r.Trastee.�viWout d�nand on Bnrrower.shall sdl ;�"°'
<br /> �`� �` . . the PraQesty at publtc auctfo�to We 6tghest 6idder at the tlme and pface and un d�t h e terms d e s i g a a ted in the aottre oi —
<br /> '` � . �a;.. sate in one or more paroets and in any ard�Trusta determiaes.Tmstee may postpone sate of all or any paroet of tAe
<br /> � r �P�9�Y D�lfc anaowncement �t the ttme amd place of any prevtousty sc6e�uted sa�e.I.eader or its desl�nce tna9 � ;'
<br /> �.... __ . purchase ttce PtoPecigr at any sale. � •- �_
<br /> � • .': ^ Ugom Qaoeipi oY paym�t of the prfce bFd, Truste�shal!dellver to the pua+�as� Trastee's dc�f eonveyiog ihs _ �<'�:
<br /> . , _ Ptopesty. Tt'�e�ec[t�Is iu the Trastee's dced sl�all 6e prima fade evtdeace of the trat6 of We stateaneats made ther�n. '��;`�
<br />.� �� 'gmxstee sball apply ttie pmc�ds of the sate in the fo�towing order:(a)to all c�ustv and expeases of exerdsing the po��of .�`�'.
<br /> w- ���`� �-�' saie,aad the sate,iadading t�e payment of the T�vstee's fees aMnally iacm�,aot to exoee���of $50:00 or.'�, %
<br /> ,"""' c��the prindpai amoant of the note at the Hme of the dectara8on of defaait.and reasaaable attoiueys'fees as permtued �
<br /> s : �}" fsy law.(b)to atl sums secared 6y tLis SecarIty Insqument;and(c)any e�coess to We peesnn oe persans leg�hlly eat[tled W i.._-
<br />.:..:'., '�*....� �. . u"�...
<br /> f ,...�. �. _�,,;-�,, _
<br /> ,,�,,F .. .. � f'`, ?S. Resronveyauce..Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security lastrumen� Lender shall request Trustae to _.___
<br />`:;.£;f��: ,'.�: .'-::.;:; teconvey the Property and shalt surrender this Security Insmiment and all notes evidencing debt secured by �his Security
<br />:a:���� �ment to'fr�stee.Tn�stee shall reeonvey the Property a+ithou[warrar►ty at�d aithout chatge w the person or pe�sons•legatly
<br /> � ,,. Br►titled to i�Such person or petsons shall pay any reaurdat'son costs.
<br /> n
<br /> .. � ' . 23.��tate Tn�ster. Lender.at its option, may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee to ,�,�
<br />` •� any Trostec appointeai hereunder 6y an insuument reearded in the ownty in which this Security Inswment is recorded_Withaai
<br /> • � � �. conveyauce of the Propecty.lhe succ.essor trustee shal!sutceed to aIl the title.power and 6atees oonferred up�n Tnutee hereia
<br /> . ::;Y,! .: ::�.`_' . aadhYaPPlirablelaw. �_-�
<br />.. Z4.Regucst for Nottces. Borrower requests that�pies of the nodces of default and sale be seM to Borrower's addiess
<br /> . • ,.,. vuhich is the Property Address. � -
<br /> � ' • ZS.R[das to thts_Security Instrament.If one or more riders are eaecuted by Borrower and rerorded together with this =- _
<br /> Security Instnunent.the covenants and agreements of each svch rider shall be incorporated inw aad shall amend and supplement =__ _
<br /> • the covenants and agreemeats of this Securlry Instrumeat as if the rider(s)were a part of this Se�iry lnsuument• � -
<br />_ . • bChecEc appticable box(es)1 _ .._
<br /> , r ;-
<br /> . . ' ,, �. . � Adjustable Rate Rider .. �Candominium Rider Q 1-4 Family Rider =
<br /> � F,�r�,ivated Payment Rider ❑Planned Unit IL��u,�pment Rider �Biweekly Payment Rider � �_-
<br /> �. • '�Eiloon.Rides ❑Rate Improvem�s gtider 0 Second Home Rider • �
<br /> � � V.A.Rider ��+�(s)[specifYl
<br /> �
<br />_ � • �_
<br /> .. � � �:_-.
<br /> . . :.;:,�:i:; ;
<br /> , .:����,,. �
<br /> . . .. .,(r3;',�•; _
<br /> • BY SIQMNti BELOW. Boaower accepts and Zgrees to the terms and wvenants contairted in this Securiry Instrurpent and
<br /> • in any rider(s)eaecuted by Borrower and recorded with it. ��:-
<br /> ' . ." .• Witrtesses:
<br /> . .. ,:,: (seat) 6� _
<br /> �;�>; =�
<br /> ,;s4„� m88 . RS o f -Scaxower �'
<br /> • .. . ':`+';j;: .:.
<br /> . . .. ., _/�Q � ,
<br /> .. �. rlt,o�`�' cs�� �.-
<br /> ... ..,���;,,,,;�.. Sherry L. rhoff � -eorrower . ..
<br /> ;
<br /> . fScat► (Seal)
<br /> ' .. •Bormwer •Borrower .
<br /> � .. ' SI'A7'E OF NEBRASKA. County ss: Hall
<br /> =. - � The foregoing inswment was acknowledged before me this 1$th day of August • 1997 • __
<br /> ' • bY T6umas A. Rshrhoff and Sherry L. Kahxhoff. husband and wife . '
<br /> � �_ Witness my hand and notarial stal at Grand Islaad, NE �n said County,the date aforesaid.
<br />_-� My Commission Expires: D(� 7� lppo �
<br /> • ry Publi
<br /> __ �. __ _ _ ' . � �GENI8a1K01AA►$�!�!!�
<br /> � '� lANET tUEH1NE
<br /> 1�COmm.6p.0�t J,2Q80 va�o a ef e Fotm 3028 91$0
<br />