�=��..��..`,� :2�� - �:t�.`t�i'zy;c:�:�^7;7:: - _ ..y':�?;^�'� -�,"��^`�=`�` .yR�-i ��,� '*
<br /> — T — — — - ,, .- r ... _\i - . . . _� i �°��2 1P � ��
<br /> � f� > �,
<br /> ' -_ -_C � n: � .' �= ��5� _ ?' .�;��'�.r^y�✓t - ..r..�� �-i .
<br /> T..�'�. - :.. ,,. • 4 �:r -._ < ��Jr �`:. )� `,y..�� Z��L�,�� ...5..: � ',f.lt+
<br /> t C G < � f t
<br /> � � i`
<br /> :S -)•• �� •�.( .-fi. -
<br /> Lw 5 Is .r,l .F'.,. — ... ..
<br /> ' ' mvera e is not avaitable.BorroWer shalt pay to Lender each manth a sum equa�to * 4¢ k
<br /> 5.r:` �
<br /> . -.r •--n- -�' si�bstandalty equicalent mortgage insurance B d b BQmaH•����e msurance caverage lapsed ar ceassd ta _ �
<br /> ` � .'.,�°�, one-twetfth of the yearly mortgage insurance Pre�um being pai 3
<br /> nts as a toss reserve in lieu of snortgage insurance. Loss ceserve ��, •�� .•
<br /> _ • b�in effect.Lender�xitt accept.use aud retain these payme . ° :
<br />- . ` .:-.�` ; ymems may no longer be req►iired,at ihe option Y�b detxnder aga n become avaifab egsnd is obtaine�n Borro+er shal pa�y r',,,;.
<br /> � ��h,�t I,ender requires)provided bp an inswcer apPm Y ': .�`, ,�_
<br /> �'� r'" the premiumc requued to maintain mangage insuran�i�n�t�,n Borr�o�er and ll.e�e�*raPPlili�bt laa�'-�nment for mortgage �'"` �
<br />� �' � ` : �.�.h >' p�suranoe ends in aecordance with any icntten agreem [.endcr shall�ive ��� , a:
<br />_ � . ;::t ; 9.Znspectton. Leader nr its agent nxiy maEce ce3sonafl;nen�onable a�fpr thepnspe uo�perty. ( <
<br /> `° Borrower noticc at che time af or prior to an inspectiun spec►Y. L �, direct or con�equential. �� �a���on with ar�y �,,`�`,` ',
<br />- _-... � ' : 10.Coademastlon�. Thc pr°c�ds°of the Propert3+.or�forfamvde�yance in lieu of condemnation.are he�eby a+.+ign��d .
<br /> � ,;, :;�. .
<br /> .n ' . - wndemnatinn or other takin�of any p _ _.: ,`:;`
<br /> , '' `;�� shall be paid to Lender. �e r��s s�l be apQlicd cu the sums�ecured by thi�Security tnstrument.� ';c.;i.
<br /> . °��` [n the event of a total tatcing mf the Q�openY• P in which the fair� .
<br /> `..,. aid to Borra��cr. in the event of a partial tatcing of the PropercY � � .. .
<br /> ;.G. � w h e t her o r n o t t h e n d u e. w i i t s a n Y e?e c e�s P to o r g r e a t e r t h a n t h e a m�u n t o f thc swns secured by this `.� ,. `
<br /> " murket vatae of the Pco�enY immcdiaee�Y befom the tabing is ey u a l
<br /> � . Y ."
<br /> Secvriry is�suument immediatety bcfare the taking.unless Borrower and Lender otfierN'isr ugree in w��ng.�sumi s���[
<br /> • � � . "- this Security Insuvmeat �hall be redu�rd by the aemt°:�in�d v d�by�e�1 he f�ut market�alue cf�the��rty�n�tRe total� �.:`=-_
<br /> � � '' ' amount of the sums securc�immediazely before th g of the Property in which the fair o�o �:��-_#>
<br /> �` before ihe taldng. Any balance shal! be paid to Borrower. la the evem of a paztial caki�8 � � ti.i,
<br /> � �". ���-:. _ masket value af the Propeny immed'sately before the'takiwntin or un�ess appl'icable law atf►erwise Pro ides,the pro bceeds st�all v .,_ `,
<br /> .. ' • • taking.unless Borrower and l.ender otherwise agree � ��_
<br /> ,' �� ':, t�e applied to the sums s�ured by this Security lnstn►ment whether or not the sums are s��en due. ,;;�� -
<br /> l.ender to Borrower that the oandemrwr offers ta make an ,r F i
<br /> � ` ` t f t h e P ro p e r ty is abandoned by Borrower,or if,after notice bY T=
<br /> : �� `' , award or sectle a cla�m for damage-+• Bdreo`"�� F��s tu re�pon d to l.�:n d e r w i t h i n 30 da ys after the ciaee the norice is given• � -r
<br /> • Lender is autha r i z e d tQ�°��e��a P P�y�e PT'OC�s,at its opUUn,either to restoration or repair of the Propeny or w t he s�ss �,�x
<br /> . .. • - b this Security tn�trument.whether or not then due. lication of pro►x�ds to prinsipal shall aot extend or �,`�-�
<br /> ;.;�� • secured y
<br /> Uatess I.ender and Barrower otherwise agree in �vriting. any aP�
<br /> � � po.ctpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in pua�taPhs�and 2 or change the amount of such paymenu- ��;,;
<br /> .. � .��i;,,,� 11.gurmwer Not Reteasec�Fo��re�3`�d�l�ioi e Wa�rer.Extension of the dme for payment or modification �
<br /> � this Security Instiument g�anted by Lender co any snccessar in interes[of Burrower shall � ,
<br /> � of amortiTation of the sums seeared bY ��;.
<br /> _�_ ... ,. .�=" _` not operate to rplease the liability of the original.8naower or Borrawer's successors in interest. L.ende*shaU not 6e req�ired w
<br /> � . . `y.',,' commeace proccedings against anY successor in�aterest or refase to extend dme for payment or otherwise 1°°er or Bor�ower's �'-'�
<br /> • �.��.�. this Securi Ina�trument by rcason of any demartd made by the original �,��.;
<br /> � ' r°? ',� of the sums secured bY ty t or remed9 shall not 6e a waiver of or ptectude the
<br /> � ' ' successors in interest. Any forbea�ance bY under in eaercising any riP,h of this ��T
<br /> ` ,`.. 2<�' eaercise of any right or remedy. ¢ts. The covenants and a�, � , _:.
<br /> � i��� 1Z. Successois an8 Assig,a�Bownd: .lofnt and Several LiabWty: Co�sign
<br /> " .._�£�'�r�� Security instrument shali bi� an d bene f i[ the saccesso�s and assigns of 1.ender and Barmwer w h��c o-s i g n spthis S�� �_--
<br /> "'��• ' � �„C3gt'dph 17. Bonower's vovenants and agreements sball be joint and several. Any e t��nvep� v
<br /> Ynsuument only to mortgaS • &� �
<br /> ' � [nstrument but daes not ezecutr th:.Nate: (a!is co-signing this Security obli �
<br /> .,��,����., �� under the terms of this Security Insnvmenr,(b)is not personally � �for�at
<br /> • � Barrowei s interest ia the PropenY �����and�y other Borrower maY agree co extend.�Y• �_;
<br /> .. � , scxured by this Securit3'I u smime n t;a n d l c)a S r e�s Instnunent ar the Note wi t ho u t�t h a t B o r rower s oonseas- ' _-
<br /> -� ,' ti�t�.'r` matce any aeoommadaaons with regard to the tertns of this Seeurity iaan c3r��s, _
<br /> �.,�,_, Insriument is subject to a law which sets maxi�um
<br /> . �-,;: 1 3.I.o a n C h a i g e s.I f t h e l o a n s e c u i e d b y this Securiry ta red�ce the d�cat� �,,
<br /> • .:,f;.� and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or c� e shall be red u��d b y�the amoun�n tecessary ������ -
<br /> . ' .. �::;.:.;: loan eacad the permitted liauu.then:(a)ar►Y such loan 8 , �•.
<br /> , � .; .�;�:,cts to the permitted limit• and(b)anY sums already col�ecced fcom Bonower which exceeded permitted limits y 11 be refund�� l�,.,-_
<br /> y g nnci 1 owed under tP►e Note or b makir►S �;
<br /> .. . ` L�P' Borrower. 1-ender may choose to make this refund b reducin the P�. P� �� p�yay�= without 2uy .,:�.:- _
<br /> . • ,7::. ci the redacaon will be aeated as a p �.,.
<br /> • � , payment to Borrower. I f a r e f u n d reduces p r i i► Pal• � -_
<br /> '`� prepayment charge under the Note. —
<br /> 14.Not[ces.MY nodce to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument sl�all be given by delivering it or by Amail� �.-
<br /> a
<br /> - . . . . . •. .'�,; ' it by fiist class mail unless applicab ie�a es b U i r e sl e et f Lenderr Any p otice to tLender�haildbe gi en by fi�rst c t�a s s m a i l to �:._
<br /> • or a n y a t h e r a d d r e s s B o r r o w e r d e s g n Y �-_
<br /> = . :. Lender's addcess stated herein or any o�ve been�'ven ro Borro w e r or 1.�ender�hen g v e n as pro ded n th,s��paragraP h���
<br /> � �,,.', • ';�' .. . Securityr Inst�znt shall be deemed to ha S -
<br /> • 15,��p�ng La�v; 5pvesabillty. 'fhis Secur►ty Instrument ro v��i sion o c lau e of chis f Secvrity tnstrument or the Note
<br /> - � � � � . �urisdiction in which ehe Property is located. Tn the event that anY P .
<br /> .: �`�:��r conflicts with applicable law,such conflvct on�To th�d the prporv sions of this SecuritY Inst�tum Ltand the�ote d lared �;��
<br /> � • �_. :� ° given effect without the conflicGng p
<br /> - • ' '�� f�`�''�f w be severable. of the Note and of this Security Ia4'taurnent. .
<br /> - � ' ' '��f��+�"�` 16.Bormwer's Copy Borrower shall be given one canformed cuPY �of the Properry os�►Y�terest in it _
<br /> : ;°%�r'", or a Idenef�cial interest in Borm�se�.if all or any p
<br /> - ,, ��;:.;;����';';; 17.Transfe�of the F'ropertY , F.�-:
<br /> . is sold or ttansferred(or if a benetic�al ini�e�rest aI BS oprion�sieotu rocr;�i*�p y�none�of���p��by�this ry--_.�
<br /> ,' ixnder's priar �rritten oonsent. Lender y q Q
<br /> . ' . 5ecurity InsttumenG Nowever,this option shall not be exercised by Lender if ezercise is pnohibited by federat law as of the date �-i
<br /> _ . . . oi this SecuritY Instrument. all sums secured by t&is `-`".
<br /> - �� ' - If Lender exercises this�ie��e otice s delgvered or�m:uled twithin wt►ich tBorrower must pa�l pravide a Peri�of not ..-'..J
<br /> - " - • less than 3U days from the �'.�^ •°°,
<br /> E.,�-: .
<br /> - Security Instrument. If�orrower fails to Pouttfurther n t Pce ar aemand n Borrower.�s�riod.L.ender may invoke any n�i� �..`,°•;_
<br /> � . permitted by this Securiry Instrument with �':.'_
<br /> 18. Bosrower's ISIgh1 to l�efastat sconiinued at any�time prior to theuearlier of la)e5 days (orVSCach other P ri°d as
<br /> ` ' enforcement of this Security tnstrument d wer of sale contained �n this ��..
<br /> � � .;��:'�r:�':•:� applicable law may specify for reinstatement)before sale of the�perty pursuant to any po �__..,
<br /> � �''�'�`�� Security lnsttument:or N?entry of�judgment cnforcing this Serurity lnsuument.Those rnnditions are that Borrower:(a)pays _
<br /> ;•�;�,;;�n.,:;;;. Instrument and the Note as if no acceleration had occur'red:(b)
<br /> --� l.ender all sums which then would be due under this Security S��ex enses incurmd in enforcing this Security 1nsUvment.
<br /> . ..;% .: :.
<br /> � pires any default of any other covenants or agreements: (c>pay P �: �;�
<br /> --_ . . including.but nots S t�t�Instrumentc LenderYs rights in hedPr pertyuand Boaower s obl�a ion�to paythe su�ms secured 6Y --
<br /> • • that the lien of th� Y g on reinstatement by Borrower. this Security Instniment and the
<br /> `' �b;g gecucity lnstrumem sha11 wntinuc uncban ed• UP
<br /> - . . � . � � . . obligations secured herehy shall remain fully effeeth;�if no acceteration had occurred.However.ihis rigt►t to reinstast�sflall
<br /> - .: • . nut apply in the case of acceleration under paragraP .
<br /> 14. Sale of Note: Ct�ange of Loan Sen'i�'•The Note or a partial interest in the Note (together with Y
<br /> � ' Inshumentl�y be sold one or more timcs with ments due under he N te and this S urity inswm nat.There also t y�be one ;
<br />- . as the"L.a��n'i c e r"1 t h a t c o l l e c t s m o n t h l y p a Y -
<br /> - ,- or more chattges of thc Loan Servicer unrelatcd to a ssilc uf thc�Ny4 abrnc and appl hcable��Y hThe notice rvw i ll state 3 t he coaase and
<br /> . - - -- - given written notice o f t h e c h a n g e i n a c curdance with p a r uS�P
<br /> • adclress of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments shou l d be ma de.Th e n o t i c e w i l l a l s o contain a n y other
<br /> • . informalion requi m d by app li p blc law.
<br /> . . . . Zp. Na�ardous 5ubstssnces. Bnp we r sh Banowerushall no do no r allow nayone delPe o do. anything affecn'eg the .
<br /> - � gazardous Substanccs un or in the p nY 1 to the presence.use. or
<br /> ' property that is in violation of any Environmental Law• 'ilte preccding tH•o sentemes shall noc app y
<br /> - - - - ,tora;c cus tFie Pr�eny�f small quanlities of Hat�rdous Substances�hat arc generally rccugnized co 6e appropnate to notmal
<br /> • . �:. _ . _ _...
<br /> �. ` ' . � residentiul uae�an3 ta maintenanc?�f the Pmperty. �8p2g g�90
<br /> - . - - ... ceoe�n,. �
<br />