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<br /> . �..,..... Ualess othetvrfse a�ed ia writing,all msurance pmceeds shail be applied to e reswration or repair of the Properiy ,�c
<br /> . , ' �..��`� or to We Secured De1n.wheiher or not then dt�e,at Lender's aption.�►nY aPFlic�tion of pmceeds to princagal shall aot
<br /> . :��' , .� estend oz Pastgone We due date of the scheduled paymert nos change the amount of any payment Any cxcess m'll be • ,',�
<br /> ; t paid w the Gtantor.If the Pmpertl►is aaquired by Lender,Gr.�ntoPs.rFg6t to any insurauoe poTisies and praceeds
<br /> � ' . �... resul�ng fmmf.,,dt�a�magLe to the Property before the acquisition shall pass to Lender to tlie extent of ttee Secured De�t �`.
<br /> ... .,�.`�� �tAtPtyUG1u1GLLLCH�� _ ��•_
<br />_ ° �.� ��F` �°� � �5 �`° Z� F�CROW FOat'£�iXES ANQD HNSUdtAPICE.UnIess othemise pmvided in a sepaiate agreemen�Grantor will not
<br /> ;.Y,:.` be required to pay w Leuder fnnds for taxes and iasuraaoe iA escrow. -�--
<br /> _�� o
<br /> � Z� �y��Z g�p�g����p�p�ppAy,pOCUIV1ERlfS.Grantor wiU provide to Lender upon request.any �'�. __
<br /> ''.' t.� `: T � ` GaPncial statemeat or infomnatIon Lender�ciay deem reasonahly necessary•Grantor agrees to s ign.d e Gvcr.an3 fite �_-�-=
<br /> _� , ��� aay additional dacuments or certifications that Lender may consider nece�ary to perfect.oantinue.and preservQ
<br />_ . ,,. ''.. Gsunror's obligutions ueder thi9 Sccurity Instrument and Lender's tien statas on the Prope C1�iS BOU1ViD.Al1 dutlea
<br /> ' ,: . ;. :� . tL 10ri0it AND iNU1V1DUAL LIABA.'P19f;CO-SIGNERS,SUCCP.S�OB�APID A5S '.r ,
<br /> '���� - under this Sccurity[nstrumerti are joint snd individu�l.It ffrantor si�as this Security instnnnent 6uc daes not sign an
<br /> ���4-ir.
<br /> -•� � evidence of dcQt,araator does so oaly to mortgage(3rantar's interest in the property to secure payment of tlte _ __
<br /> e� ` • � � SECUred Debt end t'irantor does not agree to be pe�nalty liable on the Secured Deb�It this Securiry Instrums�nt ' �-'`�"�•
<br />�.:� re�ent Lender from -�•��--
<br /> � ' sccures a guaranty between L�nder and Grantar,Grantor agtees w waive anY si S�t s t l i a t a e a y p �.,___
<br /> ' � bringing any action ar daim agaias4 Grantor ot ar►Y P�Y indebted un�er the obligatioa.These rights�nay inclade.but �-. .;.
<br /> �-� � ' � are nat limited to�any anti-defiaeacy�or one-action taws.Grantor agrees that Lender and amr party to this Security �!
<br />�'���, .•�` � �:�;,�'�,, Inspnmtent may extend.-modify+or make any change im t t te tenns o i t h i s S e c a c i ty I n s m i m e n t o r a t ry e v i d s n c e o f d e b t �.:>;-
<br /> ��,�;• ` ' � wiWout Grantor's coasent Such a change aill not release Grantor from We terms of W�s Security I�ns7nmien�The �°�'�-
<br /> � , .. .�. duties end benefita of th+s Sea�itq Instnunent s6all bind aad 6enefit the suocessors and assigas of Grantor aad I.ender. �`�`;
<br /> .�y4 :.;..:.``,`;,,;,�;;�T� � y y �-.=:.
<br /> S , r_,� 23► APPLICABLE l.AW;SEVERA�Dd't.'1l.INIERPR�.TA'1'tON.'fdis Securil Instr�nme�►t is governed 6 the laws of
<br /> the jurisdiction in which Lender is lardted,except to the extent otherwise�d by the laws of the jurisdiccian
<br />� . � .. � �;';;: where the Properiy is lacated.This Security Instrwnent is complete and futly integrated.T9ns Se�auity InsUrament may .�'_
<br /> ;.• . . —..
<br /> � ,; ,., ;�- "�:?;:: not be amended or modified by oral agreemenL Aay section in t6is Security Iastmment,attachments,or anp �,:;..
<br /> � agreement related tfl the Secured Debt that canflicts with appllc�6le taw wIIl not be effective,�mless tUat taw expnessijr � �
<br /> �� �- , � � or imp�iediy pemuts We variations by written a$reemen�If aay sedian of this Security In.strument canaot be enforced �;' :
<br /> � �'��� according to its tezms,td�at section ariU be severed and wHl not affect the enfoneab�7ity of the remainder of this �
<br /> " _ ,.�} . ger.�uity Instruraen�Whenever used,the sIngular shall inrlude tl�e plural aad the pltttal the s"smgal�Ttte eaptians�ad � `
<br /> � " 6eading�of the sections of this Secusity In.sTnmient ue for aoavenlence oat}+and are not to be used to inteipret or. _
<br /> , ` ,V�;
<br /> �.:.-• ` ' � de8ne the terms of this Secmity Ins�ment Time is of the e�eace ia t�s S�►�en�. , ____
<br />�,� , . ?A� SETC4'ESSOR TRUSTEE.Lender,at I.ender's option,may irom tuae to time remove Trustee and a�point a
<br /> .'�� " �� � � successor uustee without any oiher formality than the desiguation in writing.T6e successor lnutee,withaut . ___
<br /> �.,.,�;:.'� ��;�.;;�i��: '-' --
<br /> � � us�:` t.. comeyanc�af the Property,shall succeed to all the titte,puwer sud duties conferted upon Trustee by this Security _-_
<br /> . �;!,:�.;. Inst�mnent and gpplicable law.
<br /> ��`i". � ., ' �,,�`,,;. ''r .��.
<br /> 25. 1lTOTiCE.Unless othera�rise req�red by law,any notice sha11 be given by delive�ng it or by�tailing it by S�st class �=�'
<br /> �,. � . ;.�.`�; :: mail W the appropriate pariy's address on page 1 of t6is Security Instrament,or to any other address designated in —=0
<br /> � �F �,! � 4���;- , writiag Nofice to onE g�antor w�l bs deemed to be notice to aU grantozs.
<br /> f"'�� � . .�,��;%%;F, Z6► FrBAiVE1iS.Except to the exteat prohibited by law,Giantorwaives aU appraise�t and homestead exemption righta _-_
<br /> i,��.� ;�: �; —.
<br /> �. .�.�' ;'=.':t�r':. - ; a�e3ating W the Froperty. � .
<br /> �� .;: . :`: ' :. Z7. �Y'f�EB TERMS.If che�ed,the followinS aze applicabte to tlus Security Instn�."n� -- :
<br /> �" � '��:" �' �� ° ' � I�ne a4��"rhe Secuted Debt fnciusles a revolving line of ccedit provLsion.Alihough the Secured Debt
<br /> r�,... .::.�;,;.. ,.: . � -
<br /> ' ...:;,: F '': may be.reduc,ed¢o a zero balance,this Security Instrnment e�z'Q remain in effec.t until released.
<br /> '• . .• ;�,`... .: Q Constradion i�ta�r.This Secnrity Instrument secures an obligafio�cecrunced for tfte eonstrttetion of an
<br /> �.;. '��`�;;�,. .impravemento�cL�e�'roperty.'
<br /> �� , . .`� ,. ;�.; ., ❑ Fiah�ce�51'in�Gza+:tor graats to I.ender a security interes2 in all gooc�that Grantar owns now or in the
<br /> �` . . :� ` ' �ruture and.that are or will become fixtutes reiated to t�a Qroperty.Tlus Security aaswmen�saffices as a .
<br /> � .• ° � � • °r�� � fmancing statement aad any carbon,photog�apluc or othet reproduction way be�:d of record for pwposes __
<br /> � .._
<br /> . . . . . � of Article 9 of tb�e�niform Cammercial Code. .
<br /> ' '`f'��� ❑ Ridera The cove�a �ts end agreements of each of the riders chectse�fi'6elow are incorporated into and -
<br /> .,.,'°,r::�r<� ':. :, :
<br /> � ��:1.;,�,�� ,. .. supptement aad a�ead the terms of Wis Security Instrumeni[Check a.�applicabte boxesj ^A .^.
<br /> . � . . . . p 1 �ua O o h
<br /> . .
<br /> • • ` ;•• � ' ium R�der Planned Umt Deve pment er t er............»..............»..»..................... .
<br /> � �Condamw o �
<br /> ��: ����:i,;'�,�:�. ❑ AddttlonalTer�s =-___-
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<br /> � . . =
<br /> E.'�'
<br /> ��. ._ .,. � '' . . - L�.';,..
<br /> •� SIG7VA'I7JR�S: signing below.Cirantor a es t thc terms and covenaats contaiaed in tiils Security Insirument and in �"_�
<br /> � � � any attachm . rantor aLso ac le s re ' t oi a copy of this Security Instrument on the date stated on page 1.
<br /> . J.ti.. ,
<br /> • ��S�.••.
<br />.� .. .
<br /> � � ' `• _. _. ..... .........». .......�.�.�.. .........»..........».......................... .................... � � �
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<br /> . , • ACI�1��6►LL�DGMErPI:
<br /> . .: , •. : �
<br /> �', ,� . . . �, .. ' NEBRASKA ....................COUNTY OF».....H,A1.�t................»..»».....«...................j ..
<br /> STATE OF................».».....................
<br /> �' � � «�� ' st�tt�m nt was ackaowled�before me this..�.A�......•.••day of.....QCTOBE$...............L39•?.».........
<br /> `'.,, .. ; . _ ., . . . �b�BnU�bLL��FJ,.1H OHNA9dIHD PB880H......»_........... ........... .. ........._........... ................»...
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