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<br /> "� `�_� the 5ec�red Debi.A gaod faith belief by Lender that � ..- �
<br /> . �,� - r= executed for the ptupose of eeeating.sew�g�S��h�B . ;;-��'���r�:
<br /> '" � � -`r."•° I�nder at any time is�nse�e���P�tO�y peison or ennty obfigated on tlie Seaued Debt or that the praspece
<br /> r (`. °• ,f of any payment or the value of the Property is impanr�l shall aIs°c°nstitute an event of defaWt. ,.
<br /> '^;: Y: ; yr. REMEDIFS OtV DEFAIILT.In some�ces.federai and state law w�i require i.ender to provide Grantor witb '' ,�
<br />- • '� . `,`• notice of the right to cure or other notices aad may establish tuue schedules for foreclosure actions.Subject to these `;.•�._:
<br /> �•�'` �'° =< ��ons��any,Lender may acceterate the Secured Debt and foreclose this Security Instrument in a manner
<br /> .. � f •..> :"': provided by law if Grantor is in defauIt .. .
<br /> � �?`` '��:; At the option of Lender,a!I or any part of the agreed fees az►d charges.accrued interest and principal shall become . �,�
<br /> -�:`,==^�="'.<� immediately due and payable,after giving notice if requ�red by tan.upon the occurrence of a defaWt or anytiuie '• t �
<br /> -_ x, vided 6 law.the terms of the Secured Deb� �. ,_.
<br /> ��" thereafter.In addition,Leades shaII be entitled to aIl t4�e recaedEes Pro y ,
<br /> : �'�;. th'ss Secu�ity Instrument and any reiatect docmaents,incfuding without limitation,the power to se11 the Property ��`.
<br /> � ` If there is a defaul�Trustee sba11.m addition to any ather permiEted remedy,at the request of the Lender,advertise
<br /> . - - and sell the Property as a whoie or in separate pareels at pu6lic auction to the highest bidder for cash and wnvey
<br /> - - � absolute ti@e free and ctear of sII rig6t,atle and interest of Grantor at sucb time and piace as Trustee designates.
<br /> -__--_ Tntstee shall give notice of sale including We time.terms and ptace of sate and a description ot the property to be sold �.�
<br /> : . ' � as required by the applicable law in effect at tite time of tkte proposed sale. �,'�'='
<br /> . �. � ` . � � Upon sate of tlie propeRy and to the extent not prohihited by law.Trustee shall make and d;:liver a derd to the Property ��'j_:'
<br /> • �• • sold whislti conveys absolute utle to the purchaser,and after first paying aU fees.charges and wsts,shall pay to lxrtder alt �-'V`_•_`
<br /> ��.+ � : . moneys a+dwanx d for repaits.taxes.insurance.liens:assessmenu and prior encumbrances and interest thereon,and the -
<br /> � � " � '`;V� prtncipal and interest on the Secured Deb�paying 1he surplus.if any.to Grantor.Lcader may purchase the Property.
<br /> � � 'Ihe rec�tats in any deed of wnveyauce shall 6e prima facie evidence ot the facts set forth Wcrein.
<br /> • �'��` All remedies are distinct.cumulauve and not exciusive.aad the Lender is cntitled to all remedies provided at taw or ,
<br /> t...
<br /> ° • ��� equity.whether or not expressty set forth.'Ihe acceptance by Leadec oi any sum in paymern or pariial payment on the
<br /> � Secured Debt after ihe ba}ance is due or is accelerateai or after foreclosure proceedings are filed shal!not constitute a
<br /> � .°� waiver af I.ender s right to require comptete cure of any emsting defauli.By not esercising any remedY oa Grant°r 5 �:
<br /> �.:;'� . �•.•:•.,.° default,Lender does nat waive Lender s rig6t to later consider the event a deiauit if it continues or 6appens again. ���N.��
<br /> � " � �� �t"' proldbited by Iaw,Grantor agrees to pay all of Leader's expenses if Crantor breaches any covenant in this Security ,:•„
<br />;.. ., :, °. ieservin or �r r A�
<br /> '.......;",,,;._��:•�.i;. �: I�trumen�Grantor w�l also pay on demand any amount incurred hy Lender for insaring,insped�ng.P S
<br /> _ , otAerwise protecaing the PrapertY and Lender's security interest.'1'tiese expenses•w�U beas interest trom the date of ��-,
<br /> � the payment until paid in full at the highest interest rate in effect as provided in the terms of the Secured Deb� �,,_
<br /> .- . Grantor to pay aD wsts and expec�ses incurred by Lender in colleeting,enforeing or pmteciing Lender's��S ����
<br /> and remed�es�imder this Sec��rity Instrr-�,..:..�nt This amount may iaclude,bm is nat limited w.2tucrueys ees,
<br /> ' " .. � ' c�ts.and other lsgal expenses.This Se�vity Instcument shail remain in effed until release�.�a:�tor agrees to pay �'
<br /> ' - � ', for any recordatian costs of such retease. �_�'.
<br /> � �,r'�n� Y7. IENVIROI�IlVIENTAL LAW3 AND I�AZA1tDOUS SilBSTANCES.As usetl in t6is sectian,{1)Environmental Law �y_-_
<br /> • ' . • : means,without lunitation.the Compreh�sive Envu'onmental Response,Compensation and Liability A�x(GBItCLA, �
<br /> '%." , ` 42 U.S.C.9601 et seq.),aad all other gederal,state and local iaars,regulations,ordinaaces,court ordeis,attamey
<br /> - general apinions or interpretive letters concerning the pubtic R:alth,safery,weffare.environment or a hazardovs ��:
<br /> - �-- � substanc�;and (21 Hazardo�s Substance means any toxic,tadioactive or ha�ardous snaterial,wasie..poIlutaat or -
<br /> -' - contaminant wluch bas characteristies which render the substaace dangemus or poten6aHy dangC�uuy io ihe puhtic �p
<br /> � �� � health,safety,welfare or environment The term includes.without limitarion,any snbstances defined as"hazardous �
<br /> . � inaterial.""toxic substances.°"hazardolss waste"or"hazardous substance under any EnviranQSenta1 Law• ��_��_
<br /> � ' ' Grantor represents,warrants and agrees tha� �°�`
<br /> . A. Except as previously�iisclosed and acknowledged in writing to Lender.no Hazardous�ubstaace is or wi116e .
<br /> ; : � " � loca ti�do's�to�rud�orll r�est that a e generally recogniz d t be appropriate for the aormal use andya�enance of
<br />__ . Haza ----
<br /> � . :,� the Yroperty. ---
<br /> � � ;r':•�•;` B. Faccept as previously disctosed and ackrtawledged in writmg to Lender.Grantor and every tenant have been.are. -�__
<br /> � ,�;�•.�,:; ; and shafl remain in full wrapliance wiW any applicable Envuonmental Law.
<br /> �;..:
<br />- :� '�; C. Grantor sha11 immediatety notify Lender if a release or threatened release of a Hazardous Substazcee oocurs on, �=._
<br /> ' -.'.; under or about the Property ar thcre is a�i�ation of an Environmentai II.aw concemin the Pru�..°rty.In such
<br /> t--,>_
<br /> . �.. • .i an event.Granior shall take all neccssary remedial acti n in accordance with any Environgmenta4�.aw. �*;,,T�•
<br />- � � D. Grantor shall immediately notity Lender in writing as soon as Grartor has rease�to believe there is any �t...;
<br /> � � � pendi�g or threatened investigalion.dain�.or proceeding relating to the release or threatened release of any r�»_.
<br /> ' • Hazardous Substance or the viotation of���Envuonrnenta!Law. �`_�- �
<br /> � , � � � :; 18. CONDEMNATION.Grantor will g'�ve Lender prompt notice of any pending or threatened ad:�.by private or, J..
<br /> '. public entitics to purchase or take any or all of the Property through condemnation,eminent domain.or any other _
<br />- ;.,;, means.(3rantor authorizes Lender to intervene in Grantor's name in any of the above d...sribed actions or claims.
<br /> . � ' .' Grantor assigns to Lender thc prateeds of any award ar claim for damages connected with a wndemnation or other
<br /> � ' taking of all or any part of the Property.5uch proceeds shall be considered payments and will be applied as provided in
<br /> �: this Security instrument.This assignment of proceeds is subject to the tertns of any prior mortgage.deed of trust.
<br /> ' . � � security agreement or other iien dacument.
<br /> l9 INSURANCE.Grantor shall keep Property insured against loss by fire.flood.the8 and other hazards and cis�s
<br /> � � � • ' � reasonably assaciated with the Property dae to rts type and location.This�nsurance shall be maintained in the ampunts __
<br /> - � and for the periods that Lender requires.The insurance catrier providing ttie insurance shall be chosen by Grantor
<br /> - ' ' subject to Lender's aQproval,which shall noi be unreasonably withheld.lt Grantor fails to maintain the coverage . ..
<br /> - " described above.}..ender may.at Lender's option.obtain coverage to protect Lender's rights in the Ptoperty acoording —
<br /> - � ' --�^ �'- to the terms of this Security lnstwnent �
<br /> � � All insurance policies and renewals shall be acceptable to Lender and shall include a standard"mortgage clause"a�id, ,
<br /> - � � where applicable."loss payee clanse."Grantor shall immediateiy notify Lender of cancellation or terminadon of ihe
<br /> - � insurance.Lender shall 6ave the righ!to hold the policies and renewals.If Lender requires.Grantor shall immediately
<br /> � ' ```�=,�� � �.' � - give to Lender aU rece'spts of paid preminms and reaewal notices.Upon loss.Grantor shall give immediate notice to
<br /> � �� � ' the inswance carrier and Lender.Leader may make proof of loss if not made immediately by Grantor.
<br />:`rt.::. � _ (p8ge3of4) • �
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