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<br /> � <• e ' • , . . !: . � t'. + 'L . . ..� .�_ '�L�...S_ -. W�'..+...�.�__�k� , �
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<br />.. . C� ~ (f • ��� �oI r �� ..
<br /> , ` . . Lb 8onawer's Copy�.Borrawer s6a11 be given one conformed copy of the Note and of thisSecurity Instnsmen� � ,� : �:..
<br /> ;. �4 � 17.Trena4er of the Property► or a Beaeiiclal Interest ia Hono�ser.If all or any part of the Fro�rty or any ` ��
<br /> ' ' � � interest irt it is sold or traasfened tos it a beaeficisl interest ia Borrower is sold or transferred aad Borrower is not a -
<br /> ` �:-.:-�;--� natuta!person)�rithout Lender's prlor tvritten votLSent,Lender may,at its opt�on,recryire immediate paymeat in fu�ll of .
<br /> _ — ,.,:�,,. °'�.# all sums secw�ed by thia Security It�strumen�However, this opdon shall aoi be esercised by Lender if egercise is - . ,
<br /> � ! pmtnbited bp federal taw as of the date oi this Securlty Instrument - ,
<br /> . If Leader eaercises this aption,Lender shalf give Bormwer aotice of acceleration The aatice shat!provicie a period �
<br />- - . ' -,� af not less than 30 daps fran�.the date the aotice is delivered or mailed withia which Bomower must pay all svms securced '� ���.
<br /> � ._.._..,� by t�is Security Instrumen�If Bonower fails to gay these somsprior m the tion of this pesiod.Leader may invoke .
<br /> ._` . -, .-� anYremedi�pennittedhqthisSecuritytnstrumeatwithoutfi�raoticeor�aadoaBorrower. '` .�:'"�� `
<br /> `. `:� 18.�oaowe�s Right to Reinstate.If Horrower meets c�ertain oonditions,Borrower shall have the right ta have
<br /> eaforceanent of this Secwat�Insttvmentdiaontinued at aay wne prior to the earlier ofi(a}5 days(or such other periad �.:
<br /> as applicable law may spec�fy for reiastat�aent)before sa2e of the Pmp� pursuant to aaypower of sale contaiaed in -� ;� .,
<br /> . . .. .� thia Secusity Instramen�or (b)eatrq oF a�ent eaforcing this 5ec�unty Ipstrnment Thase conditioas ar�that
<br /> .'.�' Botrower: (a�)paya Lender all sums w�ich would 68 due under this Secwitp Instrument aud the Note as if tto . -
<br />, < . . = acceleration had accuned:�b)cures any defautt of aay othet covenants or agreemen�(c)P�Ys all ea�ens�incuned ia
<br /> c+c
<br /> � `' eafm�ing tbis Securitp Insuvaient,iacIu�ng,but aot limited to,rea�nable attorneps'fecs;and(d)�es sach action as �
<br /> Lender map reasonab3p r�quire w asvre that the lien of tbis Security Instr�ment,Lender's rights in the Pmpert�►aad ,. �`
<br /> , . - � ";��.I Botrowerrao6li�atioawpay tltesu:nssecuredbyt6isSecuritytns2rumentshallcontinueuachaaged.ETponreias�ent .°.>>`
<br /> by Borrawer,th�sSecunty Insin�ment aad the obligations se�+ed her�eby sball remaia fullp effectiveas if ao aa:elerstion _ ""`
<br /> . � had occerred.FIocvever.this rigbtto reinstatesball aotapgly in the case of acceteratioa under paragraPh 17. �
<br /> --- --���-- �� 19 Ss1e of Note;Chmage o!Laan Servic�s The Nose or a partial interestia ths Note(together with this Security �.F.:
<br /> . •' � � : r�'' ' Instnrmeat)may b�sotd one or more tim�withaut prior not?c�to Borrower.A sale may r�ult m a cP!ange in the entity
<br />. . . ' �:� (kaowa as the°Laan Serv�ices")ttisat coll�monthlY PaYmeats due under the Note aud this Se�n�ity Iflstrumea�There . .
<br /> , . .,�• elso may be ane or more changes of tha Loan Servicer unrelat+ed to a sale of the Note.If there is a chaage oi the Loaa �
<br /> _,� Servicer.Barrowet will be g iven writtea notice of the cbaa ge in accordauce wiffi parap,caph� 14 above and agplicable law.
<br /> � '-.`" � The noticewill state the r�ame aad address of the aew Loaa Servicer aadttie a d d r e s s mw h ic h�pmenLs s ho u t d b�ma d e.
<br /> ' � Tha notice w�l alsa captain anp other intormatioa requi�ed by applicable law.
<br /> : . • . i.:,.. „ . ZO Hazardoms Substaaces.Barrower shall aot cause ar t the�Sence��e.disposal.starage.or release of . _ -
<br /> '. Si1y H8Z8Y$OUS SUTf3[8IICQ.4 OA Of 1II ttIB PfO�y.Borrower AOL d0,AOf BIZOW BIIpOIIB 61SC t0 a0.aaythiAg affect�g '�'�'��
<br /> ., the prqgerty that is ia violation of aay Environmentat Law.T�precediAg two s�enteace�shaU aot apgly to the pz�ce. s;`�-%;,:
<br />- , - --. use, or ssorage oa the Property of small quantities of Na�wrdous Substaztces that:�geaeralIy recogni�a�be �' .�"`'��-
<br /> �• agpropriate to normal res�dential�and to maintenanceof t�ProP�Y•, " _ =���Y�;
<br /> .' : �� � Bosrower shaU promptty give Lender written notice oi az►y investigauon,claim.der�afld,lawsuit or other actioa bp .,`-�—�
<br />._' any governmentel orregulaYUrq agency or privata party involving the Propert9 an�.an Ha�rdnus Substance or :.,,.�
<br />- � � ' Enviromaental Law oi wtuch Borcower has actual knowledge.If Borrower learns.ar is�ed by any governmental or .
<br />_ � regulatarq suthority.that any removel or other remediatios�of aay Ha�ardous Sutsr�ace aifectiag the Pro�y'is ._`.'�;:,�;»�.=
<br />. , aecesaar9.Borrower shaU prompttg take aIl aece�arq remedial actions in sccordauce Ritls�nvisonmental Law. - ' •���.
<br /> . , . ` . As used ia tlus P�S�Pb 2()� Hazardous Substaaces"are those substaaces de�aer�as tosic or leazardous eubstancea � ���,°r
<br /> by Eavironmentel I.aw and tha followiag eubsta.nce�gasdline,keroseae,ott�er flsmmable or tosic peuoleum products� ``�"%�:�
<br /> .' � � � Wsic pe.sticides aud herbicid�, volatile solvents, matetiats containing gsbestos or formaldebyde, aad radioactive _ -_ ,�-�
<br /> . � � matenala Aa t�sed ia thiaparagraph 20,"Envimnmenta!Law"sneaas feder�l Caws and taws of the jurisdiction where the �
<br /> Propercy is lacated that relate to heaith.eafety or environmental protection, �"
<br /> . � -NON UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower aad Leader further covenant and agee c�followee �' _
<br /> . _ .. � 21. Acceleratioa; Bemedies. Leader ahaU give notice to Horrower prlor to scceleration toilowing ,��
<br /> . � . Horroiver's breacL oi any coven�nt or agreement ia this Security Instrunneat(but not prios to aeceteretioa , ,,,_,,,
<br /> • � � under paregraph 17 naless applicable law providea otheswise).The notice sboll specify:(a)tlie defaalt;(b)the
<br /> � :� �:;� .• actian se�uired to cure the default;(c)a dete.not tess than 30 days lroaa the date the��ttce is givea to . '�'�' �'._
<br /> - ;r:`��f;j�� Harro�re�.by which the de�aolt must ba cared;ead(d)tLat feilure to cure the deteolt on os betore tha date --_
<br /> � •-:;�,�,' .. I� = sp'ecified in tha uottce maq result ia accelerat�on of the aoms secored bq this Secsssrity Instrnmeat snd sale oi _
<br /> �:. �,: the Property.Th�aotiee sholl further inforcn Bosower of the rigLt to reinstete aiter acccteration aad the ,-
<br />: � right to bsing e court actton to assert the aoa�existeace o!a defoult or aay other.deiense of Botrower to . ..�;,'_
<br />=' ' .. 8CC@ Iet8t�0II 8II d S8 I8.I t t h�e de ian l t is a o t cure d on or be iore t he�u ES spec i f ie d�a t he no t ioe.L e a d e r.a t i t s . •.
<br /> T •� • option, may reguira immediate paqment ia lull oi all soms sec�ase�bq this Securitq Iastrament wittioat . � '�•�
<br />-- . '. �. ' tnrther demand snd may iavoke the power of sale ead any other remedies peraaitted by applicahfia Ilaw. - • �
<br /> �;;�;� � Lender shell ba entitled to callect•all espeasea iacurred in pnrsoing the reatedies prov�ded ia tLia ga�ag�ph . `.� ;:
<br /> -- . `��,�`�j 21,iacluding,bot aot limited to,reasonab2e attorneys''ices astd costs af titte evid$nce. � .
<br />° ' � . � U the power of eale is iavoked.Trustea sball record a aotice o f d e fan lt in each county ia cv b��h anq part of -..
<br />— � the Praperty ia lacated and shaU mai1.cap�es of sncU aotice in the monner�reseribed�e��plicabla law to
<br /> - ' . � . Botrower and to the other persoas pressri t�e d bq app l ita b le lae.A fter t he time reqnite8 myr appltcable law, ,.
<br />-- . • Trostee shail give public aotioa of.saie to the persona and i�the maaaer prescribed by applicable taw.'�'r�atee.
<br />— ' . ' withan�demond aa Borrower.s�a11 sell the Property at public euction to the ttaghest bidder�t the tsr�sa end
<br />__ " '. place aad uadet the tesma desigaated in the aotice of sale in oae or more parcels nad in aay order�ffastee '.
<br />__ determines.Trosgce may postpone sale o!a11 or eay parcel o!the Property by publle anaonncemeat at the ;
<br /> • � time ead place o�eny previonaly scheduled sale. Leades or ita designee may purcLase ihe Property at aaq ,
<br /> sate.
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