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<br />. . . ._ c. - ` z., :G `C < . G . .. ; � :� .. .� ',;.4` ' r _ , ' o ` . `. _` '.. . . . , c:,.`p. .
<br /> .t. '.k. . ._. . .. .4 ' .._ .. _ � . . � ' " ` o. .•t. `, _ . .
<br /> , ' . - ' . F . . .� .r_�` .�,� '�( . '�,'
<br /> _ ;y � • . . . . � . •; ' _ .. . � .4'.• �K .t .,.r,--.- '—�_,_-.. _'�.._..._. �'
<br /> . . . � � . =� - _�__ . �a���7 �. . .
<br /> • �i�wa�coverage (ia the a�mo�ur►t sad for the period tbat Lender requires) `�.�,.,�`���
<br /> - ' "� ,: ' ;, at the option of Leader,ii mortgag . .
<br /> � , ' provided by an iasurer aPProved by Leader again becomes available tiad is obtaiaed.Borrower elt�il paY the presniums ,
<br /> . ..:°P.;;' ' '� requ'tted to maintain mortgage insuraace in efPect�qr to provide a loss reserve. until the i'e9uiremeat for mortgage ,. .
<br /> n
<br /> -.,�_ -:: - insurauee�eds in asacordance with any mitten agreement between Bormwer eud I.e nd�Qns o#�lthe P�lm�esty.Leader aha11 - ---
<br /> �..�. :� . � 9.rnspectioa.Lender or its agent may maka reasfluahle entries�aabli s�cause 4or the inspecuan. : .,����
<br /> � � •- give Borroc�er notice at the tinte of or prior to aa inspection speci Ywg . ....
<br /> .. � � !0.Coade�astioa.The pmceeds o4 any s�rard or claim for faor�coa�veyance in lie�ufio�i�i�nbdemnati n.are herebp � .
<br /> . . �_,� any coademn�tios►or other takiaS oY aay part oi the PropertY. _
<br /> - - .. . - -:: : . a�ig�and sba11 ba paid W I.euder. ���shall be applied to the sums secured bP�S Se�vrit3►
<br /> � Ia the event of a totat takin�04 the Propert9.
<br /> . ;:��: Instr�rmea�whether or aot tt�ea due.with eay esce�g�id w Bonower.Ia the event��a partial�gthe amouat�the -
<br /> �::. � ' wlucb the fair iaarket value of the PropettY iisnmediat�eely before the taking is equal g�
<br /> l
<br />- �'�'"< � ' �_ swns secUred bY this Sec�mty Instruia�at immediatelp beqore the taka4g.us�le�Bonower aad Lender otherwise egree ,
<br />� , �.'� in writing,the aums secured by thia Se�uritY Iasmuaent sl�ll ts�r�uced by the amouAt of the proc�ds multiplied by . . .
<br /> �~��'±'� , � � ttie followiag fractioa:(s)the totel a�nouat of the sums secured im�stediatel�before the talting,divided by(b)tAe fair .
<br /> � ` iaamediately before the takiag.M9 balaace sball be paid to Bonower.ln the eveut oi a
<br /> >: mesket value of the PropertY' imsaedistely before the takiag is less tbaa
<br /> ;�:%�; � partiai takiag of the PrapertY in which the fair market valus of the PropertY� , .
<br />- �';�°� _` ; : ' the amouut of t6e sums secured immediately bdare the tak+ag,untess Borrower aad Leader otherwise a�ee in writiag ' :-,�
<br /> m
<br /> � .:� .' os us�tes4 apglicable law otherwise prnvides. the Pro�e�ds aball be applied to the sums � by this Se�uritY - -
<br /> ':,�-:'��-;->:=�`,'�' Instn�ment�vhet�er or aot thesumsare thendue. -
<br /> �v
<br />",. �� ":;;f If the Prm�sty is abandoned 6y Bosrower.Borrower faile to r�espond to Lendsr w thin 30 daye after the date tDe -
<br /> ,..-�, make an award or se'ttle a claun far damages. . :
<br /> ' "�: ` . `�.�.,� : nofice is given,l�eades'is suthorized to collect and apply the praceeds.at its ogtion.eithat to restoratioa ot repair o4 the '
<br /> n,
<br />:.�..��'' . o r t o t h e s u m e s e c ured b y this Securit9lnstrumea�whether or aot then dne. n c i e h a ll a o t e s t e t i d o r
<br /> ��--_- ..:>.,:_'�.: P m p e r t y in wtrting,suY aPP�catiou o f p r u c e e d s t o p r i P a l
<br /> _i�. v������B°��Ot���.n La 1 aad 2 or change the amount oi such
<br /> ` `..:�� pastpone the due date of tha moathly payments refen+ed to ia paraS�P . �
<br /> :. ;i:t�:- .gapmeata ent,or —
<br /> ; i!.�arrower Not Released:Forbcarsace By�a5��I��ent�by�Leacter to any �suc�or in `-
<br /> ': �y� ���' '
<br /> . . ,!;�;;� . . #; iri+s�cation oi amortizatioa of the sums secured bY 8.orsower or Borrawer's s�tcc�ors ia :I..:.;_.
<br /> `� `•"�• . . intetest of Borrower eba11 aot operate to release tae liability o4 the origiaat ---
<br /> . .,i.{ to commence pnoceedingS a�ins��3��Or in iaterest or refuse w estend
<br /> � � inteiest.Leade�sbaU not be required -
<br /> � �<`� time for paysa�nt ar oiherwise:aodifY amorEization of the auma s�red by tbis Se�urity InstrusaenE by reason of any
<br /> - �s demattd,tnade by the original Borrower or Borrawer's successo�s ia iaterest•Any forbeatance by Lender in esercising -
<br /> ,•� . �.
<br /> ,,�;z j=:_ ! � a�grightor reraedY shall n+ntbe e waiver of or preclude the eserciseo4 any rightor remedy.
<br />.;...,::�. � ����..., 12.Saccessora�d Assigns Hound;Joint and Severel Liabilitq;�qiS�Lend aad Borrower.cubj'��the
<br /> � �• ';
<br /> . . . .•. ��''� of this Sec�n�itY Instrument shall biad and beneGt the saccc�oss and as5igas � ,�,-
<br /> � provisions of para�raph 17.Horrawer's covenants and agi�ements shall be joint and s+everal.Auy Borrower who oo'slgns . �._, __
<br /> � ;�t.`: tLis Security Iflstrument only to mortgage. ,__
<br /> . ..'.� t�is SecuritY Tpstrument but does aot esecute the Note: (a)�a co-siSt�ing �..�:_
<br /> � �:� .�:_� g�t tu�d canvey that Borrower's interest in the Propert9 under th6 terms oi this Sec�:ad4y Instru�ent;�b) ie nat _
<br /> .. r: p�ns�ally obligated to pay the suma secured by th�Security Instrumen�a a d(e) agre�.ttiat Lendee.aad any other � �..-
<br /> . �. ' � ..<���r. Borrower may ag�ee to eatend.modify.fort�ear or as�Sce aaY accommodations arith regard ta she ter,me of this Sec�uity �;,_�
<br /> . . • .� , IastrumenEcaa the Note without that Borrower's copsent� —.-:_
<br /> - ;� '�... .t3��Chnrges.If the loan sec�ued by this Security Iasz�xrnent ie subiect to a law which sets masimum taa�.. �--:-
<br /> • coitected or to be oollect�d��;. . �;`�-_
<br /> c,5a�g�a� aad that la.w is finally interpreted so that the interest�sr'�asther 1oan��g� .__ -
<br /> a
<br /> _t.;::::`,�, . ��:'f��. cvu.��tion with the loan c sceed oe����t�t��, a�nd(b)eyuy shums�dyecoIIected fro Borpe��ver which ,-
<br /> ` ��`'�:, � m a;e s s a r y t o =e d u c e t h e h�r g P�
<br /> : � �
<br /> ;; esc�ded P e r m itted Iimits wi11 be refunded to Boriower.L e n der may c h a a�t o m a k e t h i s r e f t m d�Y.�redu�ct'ioA �.,
<br /> - :.:' ,.,�,,,�� p r iacigal owed under tha Note or by maYing a direci payment to Bomower.I t e r e f u u d t e d u c�s p r i n c i P .
<br /> ; �. a e a t w i t h o u t e n y P t e P a Y m e n t c h a r g e u n d e r t h e No�e. � -_
<br /> ,;,��:: will be trea t e d se a pasti s l P�P Y m �. , '
<br /> , :,�� ` 1A.Noticee.AnY notica to Bonower provided�or ia tlua Security Instrument eheU be�Fen�9 deliveriAg it�or bq
<br />-- , mailing iE bq first class mail ualess app lica b le law req u i r e s u s e o f a n o t h e r m e t h o d.The notice sha11 be�3irecced to the '';;
<br />-- � . '. ptoperty Addtess or any other addte�Borrower designates by notica to Leadet.Any notice w Lender s�raJ1 tse given by
<br />— ;� '� �,,,,., tiret clasa mail to l.ender's addres9 stated herein or any othet addre�v Lender designate:s�y notice to Borrower.Any
<br /> '�3��. notice provid.r,d for in this S�ecuritp T,�struasent shsll be deemed w have been given to Ba.�rower or Lender whea�caan .,
<br /> . 'V; "
<br />-_ ,,��.,,,; ; as pravided in thia garegraP
<br />— l5.Governing l.g�r.Severa�ri�ity.T6is Securitq lnstrumentshall be govemed bY federel law end tAe law of tT�e
<br /> — � � � ' rlsdiction in which the T-3�opert9 is located.Iti the event that any provision or clausa of thie Security Instrument or the -,�i.�•.•
<br /> , , .�;�r;. :`: 1U
<br /> � ,.;;,;,•,-,�. 1Vots conf liets with applicable la�v.such contiict shall not affect other proviso�,3 of this Security Inswment or the Note .
<br />- . `�.:;:a which can be pven efiect without tt�contiicting pmvision.To thia end the provisions of this Sec�rrity Instrument and
<br /> . . the Note are declared W be severable.
<br /> - . �f Fmm SOZa 9/90
<br /> . 4 �(r.._ .
<br /> '- " •i w��o+9 tnittetx
<br />__ . �6R�iElcoi,no�
<br /> . . . - . i .
<br /> _� .
<br />--_ ' _ � . . . - ' , - ---•- . . _ _ .: _. - .. . � _. .. . � ...
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<br /> - - .. " . ... � .. . . ' � . i . '. '. � . , .. •.: .. ' .
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