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<br /> ` pristctpal�mount oY��UtQabtedness seque�by Ws Qeed aFT�I.�I�tjnQ�ing suins advartcad to pro0act the sewrHy of this Qeed ot ;-
<br /> `•�Y�•` . • Tr+�st.exoesdthacrtginatprinci�alamaunls�etedl�areln.crS ��•Uflu uu �+�hh�everts�eater. :.
<br /> ,�.:�"�:,i�_��. 16.6�ltaeel�aouaF�vvta4ana. °.tk
<br /> F
<br /> :_:f��`,:;� ,.: (a)BorroYeee Not�tease�l.E�Bnsfon of the tlms for payment or modiRcattan ot amoRir�tIon ai tha eums saaued Ly thIs
<br /> s
<br />. . � , �`�-4.• � �eed ai Tcust�ante�by LenQer tQ arry s�ssor In t�rtefest of Barmvyar she0 not operate to retea�a.tn arry manrter,the Uebfl�
<br /> , ., ry M the ariglnal Bortawer and Bor�awers eum9ssbrs in t�2eriasG Leadar shaU ao!be requtced ta aommenoe prooeedIn9s
<br /> " agsinst au�ri successor ar refuss to e�dond�me tor payment or othemrfs9 madify amoc�iatlon of the sums seeured by fhIs
<br /> �. • '� lJeeO of Tnist by c�eason mi e�ny demands made by the a�iglna!Borrourer end Bcaowar's su�ssso�a�n Interesf. • �
<br /> ,' <;.� �,� (b)Lendere Pa�reto.Withoid effe�ing the IiabUity at any other psrson Aabta tor Uto payment of arry aDQgatI�on ttereUi mere-
<br /> : �`r �., tlor�d.e��out a�ectlrt9 the ilen ar charge M thts Oeed ot Teust upon anl►Po��of ftts ProReRY nat tlten or tt�retofore
<br /> _ . - �a[eased as seatriry tor ths fun amaunt of afl unpaid obUgaHans.Lender may.from time to time and witlmut natFcs(i�retaase •
<br /> ° �• en1►DeBOn so iia�te.(fi}extend 6�mahut4�l ot alter arry oi 6he tertns of any sut�obtfgaUon9.M)9��r tndutgenoes,(Iv) '.`
<br /> •�'�.. relesse ar cecunvey.ot causs to be reteast�or reoomreyed ffi eny tim9 et Lende�s optlon eny paroel.pnAion ar a0 ot tAe
<br /> E = pragerry,(v)Cd3ca ar�el�m�l alhsr�eddd{ottal sst�y►!or any obR�ation herein rtaenUone�,or(vi�rt[�i�e aomposi�ans or �
<br /> ` ::'�4 Y .:. other arrdngsmerits with debto�s in ralaHon theret�. � `
<br /> r ta
<br /> , (c)Earhearan�hy L�ndor Na8 a Watver.My forf�a�ance by lender in exerdsirtg arry�ighi or remsdy hereunQer.cr ath-
<br /> �• � � et�iss&tf�rded by eppitcabte Isw.shaD aot ba a waiver ot or prectude the exetaise of aml�dght or remedy.Ths procur� ,
<br /> ment at insivanoa or the payment af taxes or ot�as liens or�arges try Lender sDaU nat be a waivet ar lende�s dght to ac�eEec _
<br /> � �~ - ate the maLtrity�t the trMe6tedness seaued by tFtis�e�ed oi 7fust '��=.
<br />'..�.-.:� ..` �V�• (�Suceessors and Asalgns BounB:.lolr►t an0 Severa!LIa�Itty;CapSor�s.The ocvenants and agreeme�fs h�fn ccst- •
<br /> � �ined shm!bin0.and the tights her�mder sha11 inure to.the respective suooessars and�signs oi Lender and Tru5tor.AD _.'�•�
<br /> ,�,�
<br /> � oavenants and agreements of TnisLOr shatf De Ictnt and severaL The caA�ons and hesdings af the paragrapt+s of 1hLs Qeed ot �`..-
<br /> ` '�,,;,.�'' Tnist ere fat oomrentence onty and ace rtat to be used ta tnterpret or deftne the pmvisians hereaf. Y��
<br /> (ej ttaquest Tor NaSees.The�rttes hereby request that a oopy o9 any noftce of detm�h�eundsrand a aapy ot a�ry notic�a �-: -
<br /> ` of sata hsreundet`he maited to eas�patty W lhfs Oeed at Ttust ffi the sddtess set foAh above in Bte mannar P�'Qed b1► �-.. �..
<br /> . � . � . ePPIIcable faw.Exoept fcr alry other rto�ce requited w�der applicabls taw Lo bB given tn anathet t�rdt�ner.anY notIoe ptovided for C�.:.�.
<br /> • . fn fhis O�d of 1'aist shail be given tsy mailing such notiae by csrtified mail addrsssed tri itte other palties.at ftte aQdre.ss set E.. .;"
<br /> �<. �-<. �•.� forth a6ove.ilny no�ce pr�svided for in tltts Oeed at Trust shall be effes�iNe�on mailing in the manner designated her�.tt h�•_
<br /> �.. -
<br /> . . : .. Tnistor is more ihan ccre pe�scn.nott�seM to the adQress set far@�abave shatl6e notl�to aH sudl P��- �::-�-�
<br /> , � '; ''� (�tnspeeHot�Lendar may make or wuse m Ee made reasartabta entries n artd ins�ectlans af tltie Pro raviQed
<br /> � - tl�ai Lender sh�illgive Tw^tur notice pdor to enyf such inspeWon sperdfy3ng�abte cause therefci retated m Len rs tnber- � _,
<br /> ':�_.�,.'-•w� �µ � t-
<br /> � :` �t in tho Property. � �='°
<br /> . '' , r`:�, (g?Ree:omreyance Upon paycrtent of at!sums seaued by th3s Oeed oi TmsB.Lender shafl request T�u.sGee to reoorney the �
<br /> ' � Properry and shatl surrender this Deed of Trust and at1 notes evidencing indebtednes,s secureQ by this Deed ot TNSt to �,;,:'
<br />, . Tn�e.Tnistea shatl reconvay fhe Prope�ty.wRhout wartanry and w�hout dianBe m the persfln or paisons t�altyt erditted �-'-_�
<br /> N w;.�..._._:_^��: . fhereto.Tcustor s�t!�yall aosts of reoorQatlon.iFenY- �--=
<br /> � (h)Personal P�operty;8ecurfty Agr+genrs�lLAs a�dttton�securig+tot ttte paymeM o'f the Hate.Tr�a►herehy grar+ts ��:":
<br /> � .�•�' � ': ,. •-' Lender under the Ne6rastra Unffortn Ccmme[dai Oode a sac�ity inUerest in atl ftxtures.erNfpmenL and othe�Rersorral P�A��lI
<br /> ` : .. wed in oonne�ton�rith the real es�ar i�pravemeMs tocafed thereon.an9 noi athemise dedatgd or deeirted ta 6e a part oT �_---
<br /> ,� , :; . tha r881 estat9 setaued heteDy.Thss f�suumetd s4�all be oonstrued es a Sedutty►ASreemetn undei said Cod�an0 ihe Lc�tder �
<br />;�,�";;-{:� .. ' shaU hava ail the dghis and remedlas oi a seam�party under salQ rCode tn additlon LD tha right4 and reme�ueated urrter -._
<br /> >'� and ea�rded the Lend$r pursuant to thts Oeed af Trus�Drovided that Lender's r�s and cemed�es under tE�paragraph sha0 �
<br /> � ' ba cumutatNe wfth,a�i»no way a Umilalion on.lender's�ights and cemedi�s�nder any affier seauity a�eemer►t siBneC by ��=-
<br />- . .. F'.�� BamowerorTruswr. ---
<br /> . �,:j.,', (�Ltens enQ Ertwmbrartws.Tr�or hereby warranfs and represents that there is no detauit under the pmvisions of any --
<br /> ' '�"''�'`y �qaBe.Qeed of tmst,tease or pu�.ase oorroract desaibfi afl or any pazt of U►a Rroperfy.or other oontrad.inshwrter�i or
<br /> ,� "'s "-,:,;�': g
<br /> � ° � ag�+eement wnstih�ting a tlen or erscumbrance aaainst aU or arry part of the Praperty(wRec�very.`Uens").exLstlnB as cF the
<br /> � . ' date af thYs Deed ot T�st.ert0 that any and ali�g Uens cematn unmoQitIed mccept as disc�os�d to L�fn T�ustafs writ
<br /> �• ten disdosure ot liens an0 encumbrances presr�ed ior herein.Tnlstor shatl timety perForm atl of T�rs obtigaUans, �_
<br />: '�..�r�..'• oavenams.representaUons and wananflc3s under a^.y and att exis8ng and future Liens.sAa1!prompifyy fon�!(�p Lertder oopi�as
<br /> . oi all noflc�es ai default sent tn wnnection with atry and all exis�ng or fudire I.Tens.and shaU not wflhat�t LenCefs pHor�cs�n
<br /> '; �,., " : oonseM tn mry manner modi(y the pravistons ot oraltow arry futurs advances underany existing or fuG�re�ens. � . �--
<br /> , . Q)Appft�ation oi Paymenta.Untess ot�erwtse�equirad by taw,sums pa�d to Lender hereimder.inchr�rtg witAout Qrei��an __
<br /> ", ' ., ` s�.;- Cayments of pdncip2!and inteteSt.fnsurance psvoeeds.oondemnation Prcoeeds and renta a1M Proflts.shat!�b@ appQflO by __
<br /> �{• •�• •` ��� s LenQar to tho ama�due aad awing from Tnistor and Bolrawer in suct�or�de�as Lender in its.soia disc�etian desms Q�sir- _ -
<br /> � � .�,.� abte�. � : �._
<br /> • `�ic)Ssverabittty.If anyr provtsto�ef thls OeaO oi Tnist oonflicts witt�appllca�te taw or Is decFared ImrallA or othen�lse unsra
<br /> for+ceabte,suc�ponftict or tmratt�sitett not aftect the other pravistans af fhis Qaed of Trust or the Note M/hich can ba gtvea - --
<br /> 1'r�';�� efted WithoN the oantGc6ng prov�Ji�e,and to ihis en4 the provisions oi Ws Qe2d oi Trust an0 fha NotB ars dedare0 tn be ssv- ".'
<br /> .{ ..,,�.,Y};<i�;�+ .;:t`"� etabie. . � .. , �,w„
<br /> �•��.:��«.?���`�' ±, (Ij Terma Tho tetms Tntstor and'Bortavr�°'�ll indude boffi stngular�asd'�ural.an0 when the Tnt�eM Bonaxrer are , ++�-
<br /> - :.',.:'t.;ir!,. . .. , -
<br /> �� t rxl.•. :; the same person(s).4hose tertns as used in this t�7ac-�ot Tnist shall be Inierehangeabfe. ,
<br /> '�.,+t t��l�:..,,� �'(m}�vemTng L�w TIP�s Oee9 of Ttust sha11�e govemed b;�the taws ot ths Siate ot Nebnaska. . _
<br /> •t'�`����: ,� � . ..
<br /> � • � :i � • • �,
<br /> . .�. .. ��; : '
<br /> . . �`.+', -
<br /> • .. `! .
<br /> �_ . ,,.,,i.! � . .": .
<br /> � . ii ' � .(._
<br /> _.�. � ' . , .? � ;�.._...
<br />_.-_. 'it�� ..�1 .w�•. - r:��---
<br /> • : . TfruStot has cuted Ws Oeed Ot Tnist as#�o�ftSe�d"�e��i1��?iF�gYe,3�•a:1i ,
<br /> �
<br />, - � � ; r.� T . .. .,� ---
<br /> _.,.._::;,,_;.._ . �� . . ,
<br /> ,.�.. �. ,.�?
<br /> � Kev Houtared, husbaad T�Df Tn�or �
<br /> - � � `�a .,. �.�:....� � .
<br /> � . � Karen Houtared, �fife Tntstor . Tct�Oor
<br /> ' . ' ; . '
<br /> =' .. . . �.. �.u..
<br />