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<br />�--�y"` ' • � �� '�O fV,�� '�t'n-r•r-t-
<br /> �`-�4°°.:�<' m aIl im5urance praceeds shall be alrplied to the mstorahoa or repair of tiie Propert9 f- � ;G.<`�
<br /> . UnIe�otherwise agceed� w�m�$� tication of oeeds to princiFal shaU aot
<br /> ci
<br /> ' !•.�. ":.` or to ihe Sec�red Debt,whether or aot Wen due,at Lender's option.Any apA �° en�An excess will be �.' ' �``.
<br /> � �:`';s ext�nd or postpone the due date of the scheduled payment nor chaage the amount of an,�y,p�a�potic�es and�pruceed� , `���;�'
<br /> . � ''s,�=.`=,: paid to the Grantor.If the PropertY is a�Qutte�hY Lender.Grantor's right to any' :
<br /> uned
<br /> ' resalting from damage w the ProPertY before the acqaisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of tiie Secured Debt � ,t,�,.�'_,
<br /> : ��.��•, ..
<br /> ° � � ��t immediately before the aoquisition men�Crantor w�l not
<br /> �'`,, ��� - ;:., 20. �SSCROW�OR'�A7�LS ANO II�iSURAPtCE.UWess otherwise provided in a separate agtee
<br /> �'.ii` be required to pay w Lender funds for taxes and insurance m escrow. � � �
<br /> ,' • �, �iA1�iC11�L REPORTS AND ADD�IYOIVAL DOCUhi�1�Yl�.Grantor w�!pravide to Ltuder apon request,any
<br /> s.. _; Grantor es to sign,deiiver,and fiIe
<br /> :: `f. finarzeiai stateme�e or information ixnder may deem reaso consider�necessary to p�contintbe,aad presepve �
<br /> - - azig a@�tional dowments or cert�ations that Lender may ':,,E�.�
<br /> ` L: ;�. Granto�s obligations tmder ttds Seauity Instrument aud Lender's liea status on the Property. ,.�
<br /> , inst�uittent but daes not sigce an -��';°'
<br /> ` • : Im-trument are jomt aad individual.if Grantor sigas this Secarity =; ":
<br /> .�� �``�' `��` under this Secattity °
<br /> 4 ;y.=;�T:°:
<br /> evidence of debt,Grantor does so oniy to mortgage GTantoF's iaterest in the Pr�PertY to seciue payment of the
<br /> . . �,; gepmed Debt and Giaator daes not agree to be petsonatiy tiabte on the Secured De6�If this Security�ninsttum�t . ..`'�_.�4;%.:
<br /> � ": , .. secure,s a guaranty between Lender an�Grantor,Grantor agrees to waive any cighu that may pre t � �
<br /> , . � biinging any ar�on or claim against Grantor ar any party inde6ted under the mbligadon.74tese rights may utcWd�.but ��.
<br /> rin � to tAis Security
<br /> a re n o t l i m i t e d t o,a n y anti-defiae u c y oY'one-action laws.Gra�►tor a that b.cader and any partY ;.,,,„;�
<br /> � .. Instnunent may extend.m�if}►or make any change in t he terms o f t h i s S e c a u i t y t n s t r u m e n t o r a n y e v i d e en�'fhe �"`•�, '
<br /> � .=�' with.aut Grantor's consenL Suc6 a shange will not retease Grantor from the terms of this�Security Instnun _.-r..y.:_
<br /> r ., � •; � duties and t�eaefits o#tbis Seauity Inswimeat shall imid and benefit the suacesso�s and assigns af GranWr and Leader. -_ __
<br /> ., � Il�PfEgtPR�TA�PT.'11�is Secuiity Insuument is govemed by the ttiws of -,-------
<br /> � t3. APPLICI�LE l,AWtS�EAABILYY'Y: to the eateni othetwise rectuired bl+the taws of the juris�tion . ;:.
<br /> :. .::. " the jurisdistioa in w6ic6 Lendcr is tocated,exc�ept ted.'ILis Sec�m�'tY Instt�ent-may .;-:`-„ --
<br /> < � where the Pcoperty is lucated�is Secatrity Insdvment is oomplete aad fully integra ' '�°_o:. -
<br /> � ' � not 6e amended or modified by oral agreemen�Aay sectioa in tflis Sewrity Insmiment,ariachments,or any _
<br /> � / DeM that cmnflicts with applic�bte iaw w�l not be effective.�miess t3�at law eapressty .:-':
<br /> : ° •�•� ..;' ageement related to the Secured ��,If aay sr.aron of th's Se�utitY Instnmaent caaaot he enfarced '
<br /> �:.���
<br /> . ermits the variations by written agree af t6e remainder of ttds �'•:°��
<br /> _:'.'�';:' orimPliedlYP, ,
<br /> . ��-� accordife8 to Rs terms.that sec�on alill be severed and wilt not affect the enforceab�ity .��tions and ���_
<br /> . di t �1 iaclude the plural and t�e phual the s�gula:•
<br /> .:. . . S�ty InsWmen�Whenever used,the siag�ilar �°
<br /> g�ilar
<br /> Inss�ru�ment aze far oonvenieace only and are not to be ussd w iaterp?�t�r �-�, '�.
<br /> _ . �.� .. . " headmg�of the sedions of this See�uity S �me�. �`�`'�'
<br /> . define t�e terms of W�s Sec�itY dns�u�ent'H'�tte is of the esseace in t@�is es�nitp ` :
<br /> �: °".; �• : ?�. 5tJCCL�S$OS TBWUS�Eaa oWe farmality than the d�g�aa�omm�wsitiage The suocess�ar�trustee,w�'ithout -
<br /> . ., saccessor uastee Y arer and duties oonferred upoa T�tutee by ti�s�tuntY °.-r�.:�
<br /> � � �.`�:�' . aonveyance of ttie PropeRy,shall succeed to all tiie titte.po -------.
<br /> � , '' . Insttument aud app�ieab2e law.
<br /> ` nired b taw any notice shaII be gn►en by deliveriag it os try ma�iag rt bg�i c�ass ��;�,�-�
<br /> ' 2S. NOTIC�.Untess otheiwise recl � ' 1 of this Seauity Ln�ument,as to at►y oiher a8dress d��� -----_
<br /> . ma�tn the appmpsiate Party's address on page
<br />