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<br /> `• � ��. _ egecutgd EoY the ptlr�sose of creating,,seSuring or gnaraatying the Sec�ued Debt�A gaod fait6 be13ef by Leader t�at
<br /> "' (,. �. � ° Lender at�ny time'is'fi�ec¢�witt�re.sp�t ta anY Fe�soa or ennty o6�gated on the Secured Debt or that the pmcpe� ���. ,
<br /> r ,-.�,'������ of any paymeat or the r�alae of We Property is impaired shall atso constitute aa event of c�efault ' ;
<br /> :�. ; lS. REMEIDIES ON DL�FAIJ�.T.Ia some instances,federal and state!aw m71 require Lender ta provide Grantar with �:`;_
<br /> ���:°�:.�� notice of the right to cure or otfler aotices and may est�blish tirae schedules for forec2os�ue ac�ons.Suhject to these
<br /> �- "`� ' ` timitatians.if any,Lender may avicelerate the Secured Debt and foreclose this Secarity Instiniment in a manaer
<br /> ,.. �,� �, , . Provided by law�Grantor is in defauti ` •..`
<br /> � ' � �-:�' At the option of Leader,all or any part of the agreed fees aad charges,accnied interest and principal shall become �` '
<br /> ,t �-'T- immediaiety due and payable.after giving notice if requised by taw, upon the aocurrence of a default or anytrme
<br /> ..:; �:-r.`; thereafter.In addirion,Lender shall be entitted to all the remeds�s pravided by Iaw,t he tem�s o f t he S e c u r e d Debt
<br /> .� .. ':- this Sec�uity Instnunent and aay related documents,including+�Yv�k�mitation,the power to sell the Property. � ,
<br /> _ .;,�.-°�.;.,<=J�' If there is a defauIt,Tn�.stee s1ia11.in addition to any othei�i�re�ed'�,at the re4uesc of the Lender.advertrse
<br /> ..::,>.;;,��=;f:' and sell t6e Property as a whote or m separate paroeLs at��=.�s�to t�e#ugl�est bidder for cash and convey -
<br /> --.�'.,�..^'==--- - absolute titIe 5�ee and ctear of all right,titte and interest af�.*-��er ai sudi time aad place as Trustee designates. -
<br /> "•� °'� �' Trastee s6a11 give aotice of sale insluding ihe time.terms aad gT�of sate aad a aescripiion of the property to be soid - __
<br /> � as req�red by the appiirable Iaw in effect at Une time of the proposcd sale.
<br /> � `'." Upon sale of the preperty and to the estent not proW'bited by law,Tnutee shall make aad deliver a deed to the Property _: `_,
<br /> ,` so2d which conveys absoiute titte to the purchaser,and after fiist paying all fees,charges and wsts,shall pay to Lender all �,'�. �
<br /> , �ty-�-- . .
<br /> . •:,� moneys advanoed for repaiis.t�ces.insutance.�ier�s.assessruents and pnor enaimbranoes utd interest thereon:and the ,
<br /> •., � � ' principal and interesi on the Secured Deb�paying the surplus,if any,,to Grantor.Leuder may ptuchase the P�operty. ._.
<br />" ` � . �f;� 'Ihe rea�ta�s in any decQ af canvoyaueee shall be prima facie evidence of t&e facts set forth therein. _ ,
<br /> � � A1!remed�cs am distinct.cumutalive und aot eactusive.and the E.ender is entitted to all reme�ies provided at!aw or
<br /> � ' �•� cquity.whethcr or nr�t espressly sct farth.'Ihc acccptance by Lender of any sum in paymsent or partia!paymcnt on the
<br /> , �� �`r�L ' Secured Debt Ufter the batance ls due or is accelerated or after forectosure praecedingi are fi[ed shaA not constimte a �.-_
<br /> (e�, ` waiver ot Lender's right to require cutnpieta cure of any existing dcfault.By not exercising uny remedy on Grantor's
<br /> - default,l„end�r docs not lvaive l.endtr's right to tater cansider the event a default if it continucs or happens again. �'�-r�
<br /> � I .. 16. EXP�NS�S;ADWANCES ON C09�ENAN'�'S;A'Y'I'O�tNEYS'�EES;COY.LECTION COSTS.Except whea ��-.; �
<br /> �� � . � proltibitcd by iaw.Grantor agrces to pay all of Lender's expeases if Grantor breaches any covenant in this Seairity �
<br /> �' . ' � fastnrment Grantor will afso pay on demand any amount iacwred 6y Lender for iusur3ng,insQechng.preserving or � :-�.
<br /> . • otherwise protediag tbe Property artd Lender's seciuity interest.These expeases w�71 bear interest from the date of �'
<br /> � ��
<br /> � t6e payment unril paid in fnll at ttte iugbest interest rate in effect as pro�nded in the terms of the Secnred Deb� ��;,,,�;�
<br /> , . .• �, Grantor agrees to pay all casts and expenses incUrred hy Lender in coliecting,enfarciag or pmtecting Lender's rights �-___-
<br /> and remedies under this Security InsmimsnL'This amount may inctude,but�s not limited to,attomeys'fees,coutt �=s;;=
<br /> - �� � �. costs,and other le�gal enpenses.This Seauity Iiistniment shall t�main in effect unt�1 released.Csrantor agrees to pa9 ' �
<br /> � � � for any recordation costs of such release. �:-
<br /> ,.. . ' ��
<br /> . . .,, E� 17. IENY[IiOP1N�PT�.LAWS AND�AZAI3DOUS SUBg°PANCES AS�:�in this section,(1)Enviroturtental Law �-M
<br /> :':'.,:;�'. , means.without limitatioa,the Compreheasive Eavironrnental Response,Compensadoa and Iaability Ad(CERCLA. __-
<br /> ' .. 42 U.S.C.960I et seq.),and a11 otfter federal,state and Io��aws,regutations,ordinances,conrt orders,attomeg ---
<br /> � ' general opinions ar inteipretive letters concerning the publi+c health,s a fety,we l fare,enviroamen t or a h a z a r dous ____
<br />.� .. � substance;and(2)Hazardous Substance means a�ey toxic,radioactive or ha2ardous material,waste,pollutaat or _
<br />,: ' .. � contaminant wiuch has characteristics which rende•r�ie s��sstaace dangerous or poteatially dangerous eo the public __;---
<br /> � � health,safety,welfars or environme�nt.The.terra incla�°•.s,��t limitation,anY substances defined as"hazard�:ts: R.__
<br /> ��• ,, �. � material,""toffic substanres,""hazardous waste"or"ha7ardos�s�lsstance"under aay Environmenta!Law. _-_-__
<br /> � � ` ��•� Griantor represents,aarrants and agrees t6ai �__,-..
<br /> `�' . '' A. Exce t as revioasl disclosed and acknowI ed in writing to Le�d�r,ao Hazardous Substaace is or aill be _ ___
<br /> :'c,.., . :`.� :�-.;. P P Y � --
<br /> -. tocated,stored or released on or in the Property.Ttnss restrictian does aot appty to small qnantities af -�
<br /> , � Hazardous Substaaces that are generaUy reco�d to lbe appropriate for the noimal use and maintenance a� E;;_-__
<br /> � . ; .�;��.:�. the property. ��--.
<br /> • " �:':���'=' B. Except as previously disclosed and acknowtedged in writing to Lender,Granwr and every tenant Ir.�se 6een,ars, �- ,_.
<br /> . and shaU remain in fnll campliance wiW any agplicabte Emrironmental Law. --
<br /> ' � C. Graator shall immediatety notify Lender if a release'or t.hreatened release of a Ha7ardous Subs�.-sr.°oocrus on, v', _
<br />_ . uttder or about the Property or Were is a violation of am�Environmental Law conceming the properiy.In st�th e"- .
<br /> � � • an even�Grantor shall take all necessary remedial aairn in accordance with a�r F�o�ental Law.•
<br /> ' ��;:_=.
<br /> � D. Grantor shall immediateiy notify Lender in writing as soon as Cnantor has reasoa to believe t6ere is any �•..�;
<br /> •'°'�;'` . ' ��' pending or tbreateaed investigation,claim.or proceeding retating r�►the release or thr8atened selease of any �:_
<br /> � � Hazardous Substanc�or the violation of a�p Envuonmental Law. .
<br /> �� � 1R CONDEMNA'd'ION.Granwr will give Lender prampt�aotare of any pending or threatened action,by private or
<br /> or aa os�r �,�- :
<br /> � . , pubtic entides to purchase or take any or all of t1�e Froperty r�asough condemnatton.eiwaent domam, y �,;-
<br /> ' � � means.Grantor authorizes Lender to iatervene ia Grantor's name in any of the above descn'bed actions or ctaiass. �-��
<br />_ ,: .� � . � . Grantor assigns to Leader the proceeds of any awrard or claim fos damages connected with a condes�..tion or oiher
<br /> � . talting of all or any part af the Property.Suc6 proceeds shall be wnsidered paymients and will be applied as provided in ��-��
<br /> � this Security Inmument.This assignment of proceeds is subject to the temis of any prior mortgage,deed oi.trust,
<br /> � � . �� �. security agreement or other lien documen�.
<br /> ' � ' 19. iNSURA�ICE.Graator s6a11 keep Property insnred against loss by fire.flood,theft and oiher hazards and risks �
<br /> � reasonably assaciated with the Property dua to its type and location.This insuraace shail be maintained in the amounis .
<br /> and for the periods that Lender requues.The insurauce carrier providing the insurance shaU be chasen by Grantor
<br /> . � • � � , subject to Lender's appmval,wluch shaU aot be unreasonably a+Ithheld.If Grantor fails to maintain 4he coverage
<br />- . �� described above,Lender may,at Lender's option.obtain coverage to protect Leader's rights in the Property according
<br /> - � � � , to the terms oY this Secuntty Instrvmen� �
<br /> _ . �. � All insuranoe policies and renewals shall be acceptabte to I.crtder and shall inclttde a standazd"mortgage ctause"and, �
<br /> ce
<br /> � . .. � where applicable,°loss payee clause"Grantor shall immediately notify I.ender of cancellarion or tennination of the
<br /> �,,:�;;; _ iasurance.Lender shall have the right to hold t�e policies and reaewals.If Lender requires.t3rantor�11 immediately �
<br /> , � � give ta Lender all receipts of paid premiums a�d renewal.na*.ices.Upon loss,Grantor shall give im�ediate notice to
<br /> - , �. � ' the insurance carrier and Lender.Lender may make proof of Ca�ss if aot made immediateSy by Grantor.
<br /> ; . .
<br /> �- - - =- (�./.L+—
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<br />.. � .. •. ' t�7933 Bonka9 SysI0m1.Ne..St Cb�M.MN(�-800397•2301)fom�HE�UT-NE 8ld194 �� -..
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