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<br /> c" �` payments may no longer be requued,at the aption of I.�nder,if martgage in�niance covecage('m the amotmt and for the geriod ,
<br /> ag
<br /> , `•`�',`'>.' veded an insu�er approved by Lender again 6eoomes av�7able and�abtained.Borrovver shall pay ,• .
<br /> :�. : .:.,4 that Lender requires)Pm � bY p requirem¢ut for mo
<br /> .. � �p�miums required w mamtaia tnortgage insurance in sffect,or w rovide a loss ceserve.antil the �� ��=,�
<br /> •��"`�� tu between Bormwer and Irender or applicable iaw. �,._'W.
<br /> -..:��v - :< i�uance ends in aca+rdan�with any written agreeme u nable e�ntdes �P 4� �DP�Y-�� e '�-`:
<br /> ' p�. a�:'�. `L 9.U�g�rtion.Lend�'or its ageni may make�easo upon and ear of the 8�'
<br /> • � �easonabte cause for th$insQec�fln- . � ,^.
<br /> Soa�aer aotice ai the dme of or prior m an inspearaa specifying
<br /> -��::� II����, ���S°g any award or claim for damages, direct or oon6seq��t'sa1, m connec�on with any `
<br /> .r `�'.` S; oond�c��r�taldng af any part af the PmPerts►.ar for conveyunoe in�eu og cond�fln,are hereby assigned�d � . .
<br /> i`� ; ``'�� shal!be pa.id ts�.�r. � �r
<br /> �' ' In the eveuf�of a total taf�g of the Pmyerty,the ProceEds shall be upplied w the sums serured by this Seauity lnstrum�►t. E
<br /> � �`' d to Bomower.In the event of a partial takin8 of tfle Praperty in which the fair -- -"
<br /> whether or aot then due,with anY exc�ss P� ---
<br />_. . � maztcet value of the PropenY imm�i�1Y before the talting is e�ua1 to or greater tfi�an the amonnt of the sums serured by this ��_t,-=
<br /> �::.,-.
<br /> � ia writin the su�s secvred by , Q:. .
<br /> � � Seauity Instrument immeQiatetY before the taldng,unless Bonoarer aad Lender othet�vise agree �• . _-
<br /> ..`:�` �`. i�° -,' tiUS Secusity Instcumeni shall be r�uced by the amonnt of the pmce�ds mulaplied by the fplloadhg fra�3ion: (a?ttte tom} �:, _
<br /> . _ : � .. �-_
<br /> amo�nt of the snms secured immediaze,tY before tfle taking.divi d e d b y E b)t he f a ir m a r k e t v a lue of the�o p e�t y immeNtitely -
<br />- ' ''�'°�: Qefore the taking. Any balaaoe shall be paid to Barmwer. Ia thc event Of a partial takin8 of the PropectY ia�vhich tlie fair --
<br /> � ; . � m a�t c e t v a tue o f t h e P r o p e r t y immediatr.l Y before.the taking is less than the amount of the sums secured iaumediately 6efore tbe _-
<br /> � �' � takIng.untess Borrower and I.ender otherwise agree in writing or untess appiicabte law o4henvise provides.the proc�ds s h a 1 1 _ ;
<br /> � �``�:fL° b e a p�l i�t o t h e s u i m s s e�a u�b y tlus Secuti t y�Insvumerrt whethar or not the s�ms are th�due. �-�-
<br /> , •� • If tine Property is a6andoned by Borrowar.or if,after notFce 6y L�nder w Eorrawer t�at t he co n demnor o f f e r�w t t�k e a n C-:::
<br /> ' � � awacd or seWe a ctaim for damages,Borrawer fails to iespond w Ieader wi�thin 30 days aft��e��e notice is given, , � -
<br /> w
<br /> °��� 'F<, -. .. Leader is suthorized to wllect and apply the pmcezds,at its option,either to re.ttoration or repsir of We propeYty or w the sums c__
<br /> , � . ' secured by this Securiry Instrument,whether or not then due. �'=::
<br /> •� .: . Un2ess Lender aad Borrower otheia�ise agree in wridng, an3+ �Plication of prace�ds w PrinaPa!sb�ill not extend or ��1,:
<br /> [�.V�'��r�' nta referred to in hs!and 2 or�hange the amouat of such paYme�rts• --
<br /> , , . postgone the dne date of the monililY Ps3+� P�� —'—
<br /> _ �` � 21.Barrawer Not Released;Forbearenoe By I�ender Not a�7aiver.E�ension of the time for payment or madiftcation �,_,_
<br /> ' � of amo�on of the sums se�ured b3+this Secnrity Instca�ent graated 65►I.ender to any successor ia inten�t of Borrower shall � Yu.--
<br /> � . , ' noi opera:e to rdeage the 1:�i1ity of the originai Eorrower or Eoriowea's saccessurs in interest.I�ader s1�aot be tequired to ---
<br /> . � ,.. c� commeuce p „,.ra�liugs aSai�-t aay successor in intenst os reflsse t��r:�d tim@ for paymeat or othawise madify amnrti�tian . _
<br /> .�..,� of the sums �s�l 6y this Secoriry•Inswment by reason of att�_�i�and made by the original Boaower or Borro�ez�. . --
<br /> . . successors in�;'.�cest.AnY fozbea�aace by Lender in exercising a�ay r�-�ht oi remedy shall not be a a+aiver of os precIude e�hta .
<br /> exercise of arry�ight or temedy. ,�.�• � �y The wveaants and agreemeats of this .. _
<br /> , � ' ' _ 12.Sc�'s aad Assigns Bouad;Joint amd 5ev� �-�Y�C�� . • �-:°.
<br />_., r ';,,..'• .. :..' . . --
<br /> Secarity Insuu.�neat shatl bind and benefit the successors and as��,of I,ender aud Barrower. subjed to the pmvisions pf -
<br /> : • ';: •; � paregrapb i7. Borrower's vovenants aIId ag�eemeats shall ha joim and several. Any Bomnwer who co-signs tbis Sestiricy
<br /> �' ' Instrument but does not ezecute the Note:(a)is co-siymin�this Sec6ritY Insbnrmsat only to mortgage.grant mad co1TMe7+�
<br /> '.:, ' '�,..,��,�,. Bomower's interest in tI��ropertY under.the terms of 3his Securiry Ins�ment;ibl is not pecsonalty obligated w pay tLe sums . . -----
<br /> '.. ' .:.�,`, secured 6y t�ws 5ec+uity Ins�nunenx and(c)agees that Lender a�zay other HQrrawer may agcee to extend.modify,forbear or
<br /> � : �.�•-:� malce any�.����o����f�to the temts of this Security t�ument or the Note without tuat Borrower's coasem. --
<br />_ ' :.0 13.L�rs�Ctiacges.If the loan secured by this Secarity Inswmena is snbjed w a law which sets maximwn loan charges.
<br /> -:;';,, : �,': . and that lacv rs finalty'urt�reced so that the interest or other.toan charges ooliecied or to be colleaed'w coauection with�
<br /> ':.,,ti�.�� ,.. .r' toaa eaoeec!f�.pemilue�Pr:�iu,then: (a)astY such Ioan charge shali be redaced by the amount necess.ary to redace the cbargx
<br />_.;,;r:.. , ;..=� ..
<br /> ° . � `, :" to the permztr�3 limit;and(b?a�►Y sums already collected t'com Borrower whtch exceeded permitted limits w�l be refnnde8 t�
<br /> . '•�5,��: al owed under the Note or by maldaS a disar��
<br /> . . r`�`<�, Bunower. f�:der may choose to make this refund by reducing the princiP _
<br /> . t= - nt without � ,
<br />— ' . � �aYn'.erst to �onower. If a refuIId reduces principal, the reduction will be ueated as a partiai prepayaie .
<br />_ .. . . •,� '- �r�paymeat ctiarge ander the Note. �
<br />_ � • itd.Nqttses.My notice to Bonower pnovided for iA tbis Security lnstrumeat shall be given 6y deliveriq it or by mailing
<br /> �.,,:,',�::' � it by fisst ct:�.�s mail nnless applicabte!aw r�quires use of another method.The�cice shall be directed to the�opertY Ad�� �
<br /> - . . oi any od�addtess Baaower designates by notice to L,ender. Any notic�t,�Lender shall be g�ven by first ciass�7 to
<br />_ . . . . . Leudec's a�r!`r-,.ss stated Herein or any other eddress Lendcr desigc:.:�is3+��se w Borrower. Any notice provided for�ea�'iis __
<br /> :';•, �r!` .ss —
<br /> ' � � Sewrity it�stxnment shaii be deemed to have been given to Borro�er cr Ixa�a c��en given as provided in this paragaph. _.
<br /> -- �,r,.C„��g �W; 5�yerabiHty. Th;s 5ecurity InstrUment shatl i� �vemed by federal law and the !aw of the =
<br /> . ,,. ., '��, jurisdiciie3�which ths Property is tocated. In the event tLat any proaisior►a:ctause of this Security tns�rument or the Note _�
<br /> a
<br /> ' -� :� eontl;��T.r]�applicable law,such conflict shall.not affect other provisions of th'ss Security Instnument or the Note wliicb csu►Ge �
<br /> � : � � given effe�t without the oonflicting pmvision.To thls end We provisions of this Security instrument and the Note are d�is�
<br />- � � to be severable. . �
<br /> � 16.Borrower's Copy.Borrower shall be givea one conformed copy of the Note and of Wis Security Instiumeut• �_
<br /> - . � Form 5028 9/90 �_
<br /> . , . . . � . 4: �
<br /> � . Pegu 4 ot 9 . —
<br />-- ' . • �:
<br />'_ , .� . ' ,�,t. -- _—
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