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<br /> "c�s:�c , S. Aazard mr Prog�ty Ins�u'8noe.Bomower shall keep the impmve�me ts now existi.ng or he�reafter erected an tha .
<br />_- ..�.� ; �," .�•� PcoFertY iasured against lass by ftre.hazards in�ud�wtt�ia�e t�°���v�"��Y other ha�ds.including ` �
<br /> = - IIoo�oT ftaodiug,for whic6 i.ender requires iasurance.This�++�,•smoe sl�all t�maintained ia the amonnts ared far the periads ` �
<br /> .�4•,` �� �-..
<br /> that Lensier reqnues.The in�vrance carrier providing t6e i�suiance shall tse chosen by Barrower subject w Lender's approval
<br /> se
<br /> 4� ` . - . whicb shall not be imreasonably wiWhetd.If Borrower fa�s to maiivaiu ooverage descn'bed above, Leader may, at I.eader's �'.
<br />.. '"-��:. • option,obtain caverage ta protea Lender's rights in the Praperty in aoco�dance with paragr�ph 7. �_-_-.=
<br /> �4U insuranoe polic�es and ienewals shall 6e acoeptabte w Lender and shatl iadude a standard mortgage clause. Lender t�
<br /> shall have the right to flold the polici�s aad r+eaewats.if Lender requires,Borrower shall giom�?lY give to Lender all receipts of
<br /> np ��;.�;;g incnrattra CdIlICT�I.eIIQCI. �`'.,'
<br /> . �;:� : paid pieminms and r�newat aotices_��eve�o�loss.Bomawer shall g�ve prompt trs� �i_.
<br /> ` `-=�t����r�= L�ender may cnake praof o€Wss i����mptty by Bomawer. � � �
<br /> �
<br /> r yl��;:���t;� � '
<br /> ,,,�,�/�`>y �x .,� Unless Lendec aad�cirmv��se agree ia writing,msuraure praceeds shall 6e a�ied w�storatinn ar repair of the �` :
<br /> �'�;'x�-� ` �P�Y��if the restoration or r+epair is economically feasible and Lender's security is not Iesseaed.If the testoration or � �
<br /> :`.<,;� .<��`� .;��-'_ repair is nut econoancally feasi'ble or Lender's�curiry aanW be le.ssened.the insuiance pmceed.s shaII 6e agplied to the sums ---`-
<br /> ,,•
<br /> � � secared bY this Searrit9 —
<br /> . .e. :r, in ,,,,M,whether ar aot then due,with any excess paid to Bonower. If Bornower abandons the. �•-�•
<br /> : .:„ �.'. F�operty,or does not answer within 3Q days a not�ce from Leader tt�at the insurance carrier i�as offered to s�tle a claim.shen _ -�
<br /> � ., LeAder a�ay vollea the insurance praceeds. Leaaer may uss the ptoceeds w repair or cestore the Progetty or to pay sum4 --=-
<br /> . .` .`,.�.� secured by this Securiry Insuu�mtent.wtiether or not then due.TAe 30-day�dod will begin whea�ttte aottce is given. �F�=-:
<br /> � . Untess Lender and Borrowes othenvise agree in wridag.unY-apPltcatton of praaae�to principal shall nat eatend or �-°;--
<br /> �j ;. . . : postQone thc due date oF�he monthIy paym�nts referted to in p;�ragraphs t and 2 or ct�ange N►e amount of the payme�ts. It � __v
<br /> : ��. ._ ...�._ � und�r parognct�h xl the Property�s acquimA by Lendcr.Bono�rec's right to nny i�surar►ce Qolicies and pmoeEds resuitiagiroin
<br /> �=
<br /> : , dunm�e to Ihe Prop�rty prior to tfic acquisitiaa shaU pass to Lender te the exteat of the 6ums secured by tdls Sacurity instrum�t �-
<br />` �k�� ' , immediateiy pdor to the tscquisition. . =
<br /> . �`y 6.Occupancy Prese�vetfan.Ndalnteaunce an�Pe�otoct�an of the Peapecty:Bonowee's Loan Appltcattoni E.ease�aids. .�:"::
<br /> � . �•',,`�' Borruwer shaQ oocupy.estaDlish.and us�the Prnperty as Eorro�ver's priacipal residence wethin sixty days after the exer�ttion of �..-:;
<br /> ..._..... :�'`::'' tAia Se�urity irlsuumeat aad aha11 caatlnue to ocsupy tke ProgertY a:�Borrawer's pr�ncipal residenee for at teast one year after �=^•
<br /> the date af occapancy.unless Leader othe�vise egrees in writing,which oonsem sAaU not be unres�saaably witlil►eId.or untess =-_-
<br /> : .. e�tenuating cfrcumstances eaist whIch are beyond Bmiuwer's contml. Sorrow�r shall noi�destroy. damage or tiapair the �_..-
<br /> ' ' • pruperty.alluw the Pmperty to deterlorate. or oamtnit waste on the Propeny..Borrower shall be in defauh if any forfeIture
<br /> . ... .. ���.�; .: ac,�on or preceeding,wh�t6er civil or criminaf,is begw�that in Leader's gund faith judgmem canld t�esalt u►forFeiture of the
<br /> . . PraPertY or otheiarise mazerialty impair the liea created by this Security Insuument or Leader's secari[y interest.Bo:rower may __..-
<br /> ��i�.'•�:��3'. � , ' care sucf►a defaiil[and ceinstate.as provided in parag�apb 18.by causing the adion or proceeding to be dismissed witb a rating __
<br /> .. • tLat, in Lender's good faith determination, precludes forfeiture of.the Bo:mwei's interest in the Property or other materia! �__
<br /> a
<br />- � ',: �:, impairment of the�tien created by this Security Instrament or Lender's seauity interes� Borrower shall atso be ia default if —_
<br /> , . � Bormwer.during the toaa�appHcation process,gave materially false or inacauate infarmazion or statements to Lender(or fa�ed __. __
<br /> , ., • to pmvide Leader witte any maierial infom�atior�in co�ection a+it&the loan evidenced by the Note.inclnding,but not limited ___
<br /> to,representations c�+xrning Borrower's occapancy of the Property as a primc��al rr�decxe.If Wis Security Tnstrument is on a
<br /> .:�'<{,s: , :. �. leaseha�rt;Borrower shall oompIy csich all the provisions of the tease. If Borrawer�res fee titte to the Properry, the • .
<br /> ' leaseLa��d the fee titte shafl not a�ge unless Lender agrees to the merger in wfiting• _�-..Y
<br /> ' � � 7.Fro4e�tom��i,ende�s Riglits in the Progsrrty.If Bonower fails to perform the aL�znaats aad agreementa contained in -- _
<br /> ; . • . th[s Secoriry IASCmro��. or there is a Iegal pmoeEding Wat may significamly affect Lercder's rip,�►ts i�n r,Cze Prop�rty(snch as a =
<br /> ' •�.��. pmceeding in ban}a�-ptcy.probate,for condemnation or farfeiwre or to enforce taws or regulai�ons?,�n l�nder may do and _
<br /> �,: '`�"' � . pay for whar�ver is neoessary to prntect the valae of the Property and I.ender's rights ue t;;e Property. Lender's actions may . --
<br /> ':;.���•. ..,�...'.:.' , v..._
<br /> , . '. .<< laclude payiag arry sams secured by a lien v�hicb has prioriry over tRis Security �e,�t,�ppeariag in�urt, paying -
<br /> . ��.��� reasonable attnmeys'fees and entering on the Praperty to make repairs.Although I.endar�ay take action under t1�is parag�ph � _
<br /> � �`'-•" 7,Leuder does not t�e to do sn. ' `-�-_
<br />- . ..` � ,t , . My amonnts di�ursed by Lender under this paragraDh ? shali 6eea�add'cttonal debt of Borrower secured by ttds � �� �;;
<br /> . �:•::,i:t`;�. �,r. . , Security laswment. Untess Borrower aad Lender agree w other terms of payffient.thes��..-nounts s6a11 bear interest from.ttte �3�
<br /> .::.:.:. .....: •
<br /> � .�'�'"«� � date of disbuisement at ihe Note ratz and ehall 6e payabte, with interest,upon aotia;�m Lender w Bonower n9questing �=;;:
<br /> ;�.�.-,:, . :: , .. ,
<br /> � �{myment.
<br /> mym
<br /> .,''- • ' ��. � 8.Mortgage L�u�ance.If L.ender reqnired mortgage Insurance as a o��itinn of muing the loz�e_�ure8 by this Seauity � ;,
<br /> - • ;.':a;,�� `, ' Insmrment, Borrowei shail pay the premiwns nequired to maintain the �;�-�..ge in5ur3rtce�in effect. If. for any r�ason,1he
<br /> .' ,��i�`�'':� � ,..'Y''� mortgage insurance coverage reqa�rod by Lender lapses or ceases to be in e�ea,8orrmcs�'shall pay the premiums requited to �:-'-
<br />- ' ` obtain caverage substandally equiv�tent to the mortgage insu:ance prevlousIy�fl effect,a a cost sabstantialJy equivalent to the . _
<br /> � �t�� cast to Borrotiver of the mortgage iasurance previously in effect, from an 2I°�mate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If �-1-
<br /> � .r .� � ;::;� substantialiy equivaleat mortgage insurance caverage is not availabte,Bormwer shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to � �
<br /> � • one-twetfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium bein�paid tiy Borrowet when the insuraace coverage lapsed or ceased to �_>
<br />- ' . ' '� be in effect.Lerider will aooept,use and retAin tDese paymeats as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve ""F``
<br />- : !: �--,
<br /> . . .. .y: . � w�aozs e�so �
<br />. �. . . � ' � � . vaDoaofe � ' � .
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