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• <br />Eie b'1+ A <br />%01211270 <br />A tract of land situated in the North Half of the Southeast Quarter <br />(NIISE4) of Section Twenty (20), Township Eleven (11) North, Range <br />Eleven (11), West of the; 6th P.M., more particularly described as <br />follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Southeast <br />Quarter (SE4) and running thence West Six Hundred Sixty (660') <br />Feet along and upon the North line of said Southeast Quarter (SE4) ; <br />running thence South and parallel to the East line of said Southeast <br />quarter (SE4) a distance of Six Hundred Sixty (660') Feet; running <br />thence East and parallel to the North line of said Southeast Quarba r <br />(SE4) a distance of Six Hundred Sixty (660') feet to the East line <br />of said Southeast Quarter (SE4); and running thence North along and <br />upon the East line of the Southeast Quarter (SE4) a distance of <br />Six Hundred Sixty (660') feet to point of beginning,__ containing 3.0 acres more <br />or less; <br />