<br /> All insurance policies required by Lender nnd renewAls of such polieies�hall Ue subjwt eo l,eoder's right to
<br /> clisapprove such policies, sha11 include a sCandard inortgage clanse, nnd ahall naine Lende�'ae nwrtgagee
<br /> ancl/or a� an additiona] loss payeo. Lender sh�ll l�ave the righC to hold the policies nnd renewal eextificates. If
<br /> Lendex reqnires, Boirower shall prom�tly give fo Leuder all rc ccipts c�f paid preiniums uid renewal noticae.
<br /> If Borrower obYaine any foim oPinsurance coverflge, uot otherwise requved by Lende�, for damago to, or
<br /> deshuctimi of, t7ie Property, such policy shall include a standard mortgage olause aud ahall name Lender as
<br /> uiorhgagee and/or as an additional los�payee;.
<br /> In the eve�iC o£loEs, Borro�wer ehall give piampt voUcc to the inetiu ance carrier and Lender. Lender may
<br /> in�lce proof of loss if not made pmmpCly by Borrower. Unlesr I,onder and Borrower oth�rwi�o agree in
<br /> writing, any insur�nce proceods, whether or not the underlying insur�noe was required by Lender, shall be
<br /> ap�liod to restoration or rc�air of thc Property, if thc restoration or repair is economically feasible aud
<br /> Lender's aeoi�riLy is not lessened. During such repair aiici restoralion period, Lcndor shal1 l�ave tho right to
<br /> hold such inem�ance proceeds until i,ender hea hnd an opporhmity tcr inepect suoh Properfy fo ensure ehe
<br /> work has been coinpleted to Lender's satisfacCion, provIded tl�t sLich inspecYion shall be undertaken
<br /> promptly. Lendor may disburti�procccds for fhc ropn�irs and tostoration in �eingle paymetit or in a series of
<br /> progreas paymenta as the work is oomplated. Unlesa an agreemenC is inade in wrihing or Applicablo Law
<br /> requues ii�terest to Ue�aid on such ivsurauce proceeds, Lender shAll iiot be required to pay IIorrower flny
<br /> interest or ea�ilings on euch proceeds. ltee� for public adjuyters, or other third pactiea, reCained Uy Sorrower
<br /> sl�all noti bc��aid out of fhe insurance proceeds and shnll be Eho solo obligtttion of Borrowor. if the restoration
<br /> or repnir is nol eoouomically feasible or Lendex's eeciuity would be lessened, fhe insnrence proceeds shall be
<br /> appliecl to the sume seeured by this Seeuriry Instrument, whether or not then clue, with Uie exeess, if any,
<br /> paid to Borrower. Such instuance proceeds shall Ue ap�lied in Uie order provided f'or in Section 2.
<br /> If I3orrower abandone the Property, Lendar may file, nego5ate And aettle any available insuranoe claim and
<br /> related matters. If Borrower does not respond within 30 days to a notice f'rom Lender that the insurance
<br /> carrior has offored to scttlo a cluin, then Lender may negoCiafe t�nd setCle til�e claim. The 30-day perioci will
<br /> begin when the norice is given. In either event, ar if Lender ncqairea the Propexty under Seetion 22 ox
<br /> oUierwise, Borrower hereby assigns to I,ender(a)�T3orratver's ribhts to any insurance proceeds in vi amount
<br /> � not to excecd t1�c amounts un��aid under tl�e Nol�or Uiia Security InsLrwnent, �nd(b)�any othcr of
<br /> Borrower's rights (other thnn the right to nny reCund of uneaxned premiuma pnid by Borrower) under n11
<br /> instuAa�ce policies covering the Yropv�'ty, insofar e�s nuch rights arc applicable to the covcragc of�thc
<br /> Praperiy. I,endcr may use Uic instu'zuice proeeeds eilher to repair or restora Che Property or to pay�nounts
<br /> uilpaid under the Note or this Security Histrunient, wkaether or not then due.
<br /> 6. Occuparrcy. Borrower shall ocoupy, est�lish, pnd use the Property as Borrower's principal residence
<br /> within 60 days after tlie executiou of this Sectiuity Insuwnent and sha11 contimie to occupy the Property as
<br /> Borrower's priucipal residence for at 1oau�t one year a$er tl�o dato of occ�ipancy, unless Lcnder othnrwisu
<br /> xgrces in writiug, which consent shall not be um-easonably witlil�eld, ar unless extenuating ciremnstanaes
<br /> exist which are beyond Borrower's contsol.
<br /> 7. Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the PropeMy; Inspections. Iiorrower sha11 ixot desGoy,
<br /> dunege or impair the Propertiy, a11ow the Property To deteriorate or coinmit waste on t7�e Property. Whather
<br /> or noti Borrower is residing in the Property, )3orro�vcr shall maintain tUe Pro��n�tiy in order to prcvenC Che
<br /> Property firoin detoriocaiing or dccreasing in v�thie due to iCs ooncliCioi�i. Unlesa il is detem�ined pnrsunnt to
<br /> Seclion 5 tliat repnir or restorntiou is not economicnlly feasible, Borrower shall prompYly repair the Property
<br /> if damaged to avoid fiuther deYeriorAtion or daAnaga. If insLua�ioe or condemnation proceeds nre paid ln
<br /> comiecdon with damage to, or�tl�e taking of, thc Yroperty, L3on�owcr sl�all 6e rnspoi7eible For repairing or
<br /> restoring 1:he PropcK•Ly oi�ly if Lender has releasad proceeds for such purposes. Lender may disburse proceede
<br /> saoos�aa
<br /> Nf:fiRASKA-Sin�lo Famlly�Fannie MaelFretltlie Mac 11NIfOrzM INSTRIIM17ENT Porm 3�28 1(�1
<br /> VMP� � VMPB(NE�(i'106)
<br /> lNollers ICIuw er financlal 5si vlcea Pa9e 7 of 17
<br />