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201210954 <br /> [1ny a�pplication of payments, inst�rance proceede,�or Miscell�ueotts Proceede to prinoipal dne midor fhe Note <br /> ehall noY extend or postipona the due date, or ehange the amount, of tho !'eriodic Payments. <br /> 3. Piuidn f'or�scrow Iteme. Borrower ahnll pny to Lender on thc clay Vcrindic Payinents are due under the <br /> Notq w�Hl tho Note i� paid in full, a suui(the "Fmids") to provide for paymcnit c3f amounts dua f'or: (a) taaces <br /> fuid assesements and otLer iteni� which can attain prioritsr over Uiis Seourity InsEruineni� ae a licn or <br /> encmnUrauce on the Property; (b) leasehold pnyinenCs or ground rents on the Property, if any; (c)premiums <br /> for any and a1I insurance required by Lender under Section 5; ¢nd(d)Mortgago hisurance premiWuis, if any, <br /> or any sume payablc by Sorrower to l.ende� in lieu of tihe pa�yment of Mortgage Insur�nco premiums in <br /> aceordnnce with the provisiona oP Sectinn 10. 7'hosc iterny are called "L�scrow Items." At origination or at_ <br /> any tiine during tl�e term of the Loan, Lender may�equire fhat Communitg Association Dues, Fees, �uid <br /> Aescssmentsy if any, Ue escrowed Uy 73orrower, aud such dues, fees aixd asseaamenCs ahall be an Lscrow <br /> Item. IIorrower shall promptly furnish to Lender a11 notices of amomrts to be ptiid under tlus Seclion. <br /> Barrower shall pny Leuder tlie runds Por�scrow ICe�ns unlcss Lcnder waives Rorrower's obligation to pay <br /> the Funds for any or all Eserow TYeans. Lender may wnive Borrower's obligaHon to pay to T.ender�'unds For <br /> any or all �scrow ftems at anp trme. Any stiich waiver inay ouly be in writing. In khe event of such waiver, <br /> Borrower shall pay clirecCly, when and whero pay�blc, tl�o amounts tlue for any L�scrow Items for which <br /> payment of Funds has been waived by Leuder aud, if Lender requires, sha11 furnish to I,eader recaipts <br /> evidencin�;such payment within such tiine period as Lender may z•equire. Borrower's o6ligation tn m�ko <br /> suchpaymeiits and t��pr�vidc rcccipts shall for a11 purposes be deemed to be a covenant and �greement <br /> contained in thie Security H�slrument, as the phraso"covenant and agree�nent" is used in Seetiou 9. If <br /> Borrower is obligaYed to pay Eecrow Items directly, purauanC Co a waivor, and Rorrower fails to pay flie <br /> amowit dua Por�i Sscrow Item, Lender ma�+exercise its rights under SeoHon 9 and pay sucli a�nounC ai7cl <br /> Borrowcr ehall tkieu Ue obligated mider Section 9 to repay to Lender any such attnount. Lender may revoke <br /> Che waiver ns W any or all L+ecrow Itome �t any Limc by a uoNce given in accosdat�ce with Seotion 15 and, <br /> upon such revocaYion, Borrower shall pay to Lender nll I+unda, anc{in suoh��iounts, that are theu required <br /> wider this Section 3. <br /> Lendor may, at any time, collecf�nd hold Funds in an amounti(a) su'Pfioient Yo permit Lendex to npply the <br /> P'imcis at the time s�aeoified under RESPA, anci(b)not to excecd thc i7�aximuin amount a lender can require <br /> under RESPA. Lender ehnll estimake the nmount of runds due on[he basis of ciurent data and re�sonaUle <br /> oetiirnates af oxpcnditures of fuYuro I�scn�>w Itemn or otherwise in accordance with ApplicaUle Law. <br /> The FLmde s1�e11 Ue held in au inetitution whose deposits ara insured by a fadaral �gency, inatxumentality, ox <br /> ontity (iucluding Lendor, if Lendcr is at� ivFCitution wl�ose<4eposits are so insured}or iu uiy Fedecal Homa <br /> Loan Bfu�k. Lender shnll npply the Pnnds to p�ty the L�scrotv ICEws xio IaCer thari the time spec ified under <br /> RESPA. Lender shall uot chu•ge Borrower f'or holding end npplying the Futids, nmivally nn�lyzing tkie <br /> escrow acc:oui�t, or varifying the Eacrow ifoms, unless Le��der pays f3orrower inT�eresti on the Funds aaid <br /> Applicable Law pennita Lender [o malte such a charge. Unless an agreeivont is mado in writing or <br /> Applicable Law raquires intorest to be paid on the Funde, Lender ehall noE be required to pay Bon�owec any <br /> interest or earniixgs oz1 th��unds. Rorrower and],ender can agree in writing, however, Chat interest shall be <br /> paid on Uie Funde, Lender shall give to Bon�ower, withouC chargo, an annua1 acoounting of t1ie Puaids as <br /> required Uy RESPA. <br /> I�f there i� a snrplus of Funda held it�eseirow, aF deflned under RESPA, Lcndoe sha11 accouut to Borrower for <br /> the exoeas funds in accordance with RESPA. IF there is a ahortage of ruuda held in esorow, as dofineci tmdcr <br /> ILESPA, Lender shall notif'y Borrower as required by RCSPA, 1nd Borrower ehnll pay to Lender the amount <br /> ilecessary to ma1ce up tho sl�ortage in accordanco witli R�;SYA, but in no inore than 12 inonthly payinents. If <br /> Chere is a deficiency oP Tunds held in escrow, as defined under RLSPA, Lender sl�all noSify Borrower ac <br /> 2aaoataa <br /> NE6RASKA-Single Family-Pannle FAaelGreatlle Mac ONIF6RM INSTR061ENT Form 302b 1/07 <br /> VMPp VMP6(NE)(11061 <br /> Wollers Kluwer Flnnnclal Services �aAe 5 ot 17 <br />