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201210890 <br /> All insurance policies reqtured by Lencler and renewals of such policies shall be suUject to Levdat's right to <br /> disappiove such policies, shall include a stand�ir�d tnortgago clause, and sha11 name Lende� as mortgagce <br /> and/or as an additional loss payee. Lender�ehall havc flic right to hold tho policies aud reiieevnl cerCifioafes. If <br /> Lender requires, Bcnrowar�hal1 promptly give fo Lender all r�ceipCe of paid premiums end reuewal notices. <br /> If Borrower obtains any form oP insurnnoe coverage, not otherwise required by l,ender, �ox damnga to, or <br /> destruoHon of, the Property, such policy shall include a etiandard inortgage clause and she11 neme Lender as <br /> morYgagee 1nd/or as an additional loss payee. <br /> In the event of Ioss, IIorrower shall give proinpt uotice to the insurance carrier and Lender. Le�ider may <br /> make proof of Ioes if not made proinptly by Sorrowor. Unlese Lrnidor and Borrower otherwise agree in <br /> wriking, anp ineurance procecds, wl�ether or noC the tmderlyiug insurance was required hy Lendar, ahall ba <br /> applied to restorntion or rep�ir o£the Property, if the restoration or repaii�is economically feasiU10 ai�d <br /> Lender's security is not lesseneci. During such repair and restoration period, Lender shall havc the righl Co <br /> holcl such insurance proceeds until l',ender l�as l�ad an opporlunity t� inspect sitctz Property to ensure the <br /> work has Ueen coanpleted Co Lendcr's s<irisfaotion, provided thnt such inspection ahell be undertaken <br /> promptly. Lendcr may disburse proceeds for the repairs and restoration in a singla payment or in a scries of <br /> progress pa}m�ents as the work is completed. Unless an agreamen,t is made in writ�ing or Applicable Law <br /> requires interest to be paid on such instiu�ance procceds, Lcnder shall noC be required to pay Borrower any <br /> interest or earnings on such procecds. Fees for�ublio adjusters, or other third p�rties, raEaineci Uy Borrower <br /> shall imt be paid ont of Che iiisltrnnoe pxoceeds and sha11 be the sote obligaCion of Borrower. If bhe restotatioaz <br /> or rcpair is no'I:econondcally feasible or Lender's 9ecurity would be lessened, the insurulce proceec{s shn11 be <br /> applied to the smns secuxed by this Secmity Instt�ainent, whetl�c� or not then duo, wiCh the excess, if any, <br /> paid to Borrowex. Such insurauce�roceeds shall Uc applied in the order providad for in Sectio�i 2. <br /> If Borrowcr aUandons the Property, Lender may file, negotiate and settle airy 2vailaUle insuranoe claim and <br /> relatcd mafters. If Borxower <loes not respond within 30 days to a notiee G�on�i Lender th�t the insurance <br /> cnrrier has offerecl Eo seCtle a clann, tlian Lendcr inay negoCiaCe�nd settle the claitr�. The 30-day period wi11 <br /> begin when the notice is given. In cit6er evenC, or if Lender nequires tha Propeirty wider Section 22 or <br /> otherwise, Rorrowcn�he��eby nssigns to I,ender (a) Borrower's rigl�ts to any inaurarico proceeds in an einount <br /> not to exec e,d the atnomils unpud under the Note rn�fliis Sccuritg Instrument, and(b) any oYher of <br /> Borrower's rights (other thnn the right to any rcfcwd of unearned premiutns paicl by Borrowzr)under all <br /> insurance policiea covering ihe Property, insofnr as such rights u�e applicable to thc cov�age of Che <br /> Property. Levcier inay use the insui<uice proceeds either to repair or restore 11ie Property or to pay amouuts <br /> unpaid under lhe Note or this Security Insh�ument, wheEher or nut�fhen dne. <br /> 6. Occupancy. Borrower shall occu�py, establtsh, �nd use the Yrop��ty as Borrower'a principal iesidenca <br /> within 60 days after the execution of'this Secw ity Instrimient and shall conkinue to occupy the Properiy as <br /> Borrowex"s principal iesidence for at loast one year af'ter die dzTe of occu�ancy, uuless I,ender otixcrwisc <br /> agrees in writuig, whiah a�vscnY shall uot be um�e�sonably wiflilield, or tu�less extomiating cironmstences <br /> exist w6iah are Uoyond Borrowex'a eontrol. <br /> 7. Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Inspections. Barrower slinll not destroy, <br /> damago or iinp¢ir the Property, allow flie Property to deCeriorele or oouunit waste ou the Property. Whether <br /> or noC Borxower is residing in the Property, Borrower shall maiutain the Property in order to preve�zt flie <br /> Propexry from deteaiorating or deercasing in value due to its eondiYioii. Unless it is cic�tc rminod pnrsuanf eo <br /> Section 5 that rep�u or restor�tion is not eoonomically Faasible, Borrower sha1l,promptly repair Che Property <br /> if damaged to avoid furCher deteriorntion or dAanage, If iilsLirance or cot�demn�ition proceeds nre paid in <br /> comicction wiEh deunage to, or tha takiug of, tl�e Yrnperry, Bocrower sha116e responeible for repairu2g or <br /> resforing the Property oi�Iy if Lender has rEleased pxoceeds for such purposes. Lencle��may disburs�proceeda <br /> znoaaiae <br /> NEBRASKA-SinHleFamlly-fannleMae/Reddle�Uxc UNIFORM INSTRl1MFNT Form 30209I01 <br /> VM P� VMPB�NE){1106) <br /> W ollere Kluw er Finnnolel 9ervlces Paye�of 17 <br />