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201210890 <br /> required by ILESPA, and Borrower shall pay to Lender the�mount neccssasy to rnake up t1�e deficiency in <br /> aocorclance with RESPA, but in no more than 12 anoiithly pnyinents. <br /> Upon paymen[in full of al1 sums seourecl by fhis Secuxity ins�umeiit, Lender shnll promptly refuud to <br /> Borrowex any Fimds held by Lender. <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Rorrow�r sTia11 pay all taxes, assessments, charges, finas, and impoei6ons attributnble to <br /> the Propsrty which can a(Ceiin priority ovrn Uzis Sccurity Instrume�rt, leaseUold payments or ground rents on <br /> fhe Property, if nuy, and Commtmity Association Dues, Fees, and Assesenxents, if any. "Lb the extcnt fhat <br /> these iYems are Escrow Items, Borrower shall pay them in the manner provided in Seofion 3. <br /> I2orrower shall prornptly discharge any lien w�nch has priority over this Secnrity LnstruizzenS unleas <br /> Bosower: (x) n�ees in writing to thc payineirt of the oUligation aecwed Uy flie lian iii a ma�uier accaptable <br /> to Lender, but only so tong as Borrower is perfonning sueh agrecmcnf; (b) contests the lien in good faifli by, <br /> or defends �gainsi:en�Foxeeinent af the lien in, legal proceedings which in Lefldcr's opitflion operate to pxevont <br /> tha enfnrcemenE aF the lien while those ptoceedings are pending, but only unEil such pinceedings nre <br /> concluded; or(e}secures from the holder of the lien nn agreemene satisfacYory to L,ender subardinaring the <br /> lieu Yo this Securiry Tnstruinent. If Lender deterinines that any p�ut of'the Property is subject to a lien which <br /> ean a�ttain priQiity over tl�is Security Instrurne��t, Le�idet may give Borrower a identifying dte lie�i. <br /> Within 10 d�ys of flie date on whioh ChftL notice is given, Borrower sha11 saLieFy ihe lien or talce one or inore <br /> of the actions set forth above in this SecYion 4. <br /> Lender n��y recinire Boxrower to pny a one-time ohnrge for a real estate tTx verification and✓or reporting <br /> ser�-ice used by Lender in connection witla this I,oen. <br /> 5. Property Insurance. Borrower shnll keep the improveinents now existing or here2fter eiected on ttie <br /> Property instued ageinsc loss by fiTe, ki�uds included wikhin Che term"extended coverage," and aziy other <br /> hazards including, butnot limited to, eaeChqualces and floods, for wl�ich Lendec requires insurance. This <br /> insuranoe shall be maurtained itY the ainowris (including deductible levels) and for the periocis flrat Le�ider <br /> requires. Wl�t Lender requires ptirsuant fo tli,�preceding senfencas ea�i chenge di�ring the hercn of Che Lotm. <br /> The insurailce carrrer�rc�viding tiha insivanoe ahn11 be chosen by Borrower subject to Leixder's right to <br /> disapprove Bon�ower's choice, wkuch righE shall uot be exercised tuu'easonably. Lender may require <br /> Sorrower to pay, ui coi�nection with fl�is I onn, eifliz,r: (a) a one-[i�ne oharga for flood zone deteazninaYiou, <br /> ceTrification nnd traol<iiig services; or(b) a one-fiine charge for flood zone determuiation c�nd certiFication <br /> services nnci su6sequent charg€s each time remappings or siinilu changes occur�vhich reasouably nugl�t <br /> aPPecC snoh determination or certifica�tion. Borrower shall also be respousible fnr the payment of any fees <br /> imposed Uy flie Federal Emergency Mviageineilt Agency in cc�nnaotion wltl� d�o revicw nf any Plood ume <br /> cletermivatior.resulting fi�oin au oUjection by F3orrower. � <br /> IP Borrower fails to maintain tiny of tihe coverages described above, Le�idar may obtain instivtuice covcrage, <br /> at Lender's optiion�id Borrower's expense. Lender is uncle��no obligai:ion.Co pmrohase 2ny pnrflciil�r Lype or <br /> amoLmt of coveragc. 'I�hcrefore, such coverage sha11 cover Lender, but might or might nof proEect Borrower, <br /> Borrowes's €c�tuCy in the Propetty, ox the aonYentis of[he ProperCy, againstauy risk, haaard or liability and <br /> might provide greater or leaser coverage thui was provioL�sly in effccL Boi�rower acknowledges tlinl Che coet <br /> of the insurance wverago so obtained nught signifioantly exoeed the cost of instuance tliat Borrower oould. <br /> have oUtained. Avy amounts disbursed by Lender under this Seetioir5 sha11 becorne additional debt of <br /> Borrower secured by thie Secur[ty Insh�ument. These amonnts shall bear inte��cst xt the Notc ratc from thc <br /> ci2[e of disUucsement and shall be payaUle, with sLich interesY, upon notice frovi Lender to Borrower <br /> requesfing payment. <br /> 2A003136 <br /> NEBRASKA-8lnple Femlly-Fnnnle M aelFreddie M ac UNIFORM INBTRUM FNT Porm 3020 1/01 <br /> VIAP r'a Vh1PG(NF.)(1705) <br /> WoRe�s ICluwor Rnanoial Servltea PagoG ot 1Y <br />